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--- Peter Broekhuijsen ---

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The Birmingham Males

United States swtlei4u Offline

(04-29-2019, 10:55 PM)Musa15 Wrote: Always tough to see something like this. I hope it's injuries and not something serious like an illnes, I hope he recovers soon because I still haven't really gotten over Mfumo even.

any update on nsuku condition?

Romania AbcXyz Offline

(05-22-2019, 10:13 AM)swtlei4u Wrote: any update on nsuku condition?

I think the correct question is "any update on Nsuku ?". As far as I know MalaMala didn't see him lately, and for some reason keeps silent about him.

Poland Potato Offline

MALAMALA TODAY: May 20th & 21st.
Over the last 48hrs we recorded 11 sightings of lions involving 3 prides and 2 male coalitions, 8 sightings of 10 different leopards, 1 cheetah as well as several elephant and buffalo sightings. Lions: Members of the Kambula pride accounted for 4 of the sightings. 4 lionesses and the 12 cubs were seen together on both days. The other 2 lionesses were viewed separately. Members of the Gowrie male coalition made up 3 of the sightings. The 2 Avoca males were seen on both days near KK Crossing, where they killed a waterbuck. A lioness from the Styx pride was south of Mlowathi Dam. The Marthly lioness was viewed near her den site in the Manyeleti River. Leopards: The skittish male that’s been hanging around West Street Bridge was viewed with the Nkoveni female on both days - a Kambula lioness chased them up a tree this evening. Another mating pair was found at Charleston North Crossing. The Sibuye female was south of Mlowathi Dam. Both cubs of the Emsagweni female were in Fourways Open Area. The Piccadilly female was at Campbell Koppies. The daughter of the Lookout female caught a Knob-billed duck in Mamba Waterhole. The West Street male was seen near KK Crossing. Cheetah: A female was viewed hunting impala near Mlowathi Dam.
Photo by ranger Nic Nel

They did not point somethink like "only 2 Gowrie male were seen" like in other update so I think we can presume he is still alive and with his brothers.
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Romania AbcXyz Offline

(05-23-2019, 09:34 PM)Potato Wrote: They did not point something like "only 2 Gowrie male were seen" like in other update so I think we can presume he is still alive and with his brothers.

This interpretation looks like a wishful thing. In the previous report MalaMala says: "We enjoyed 4 sightings of members of the Gowrie male coalition." Moreover, they never answered to the questions about Nsuku.

Poland Potato Offline

Here he is fine with the pride

The video is actual as you can see that Nsuku already has wound at the right side of his back.
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Romania AbcXyz Offline
( This post was last modified: 05-28-2019, 01:58 PM by AbcXyz )

Recent picture of Nsuku.

PC Calum (@Africalum)

*This image is copyright of its original author

After losing Mfumo last year is it possible for BBoys to remain only two? I hope not! But many lions having hip injuries died slowly.
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Mohawk4 Offline
Regular Member

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Poland Djumafan Offline

NHENHA - Photo by Kyle Smith - Mala Mala Game Reserve

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Poland Djumafan Offline

TINYO with an NTSEVU/KAMBULA cub - Photo by Garnett Nuttall-Smith

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Poland Djumafan Offline

From Londolozi blog

Nhenha, photo by Paul Danckwerts

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Finland Shadow Offline

(07-09-2019, 09:53 PM)Djumafan Wrote: TINYO with an NTSEVU/KAMBULA cub - Photo by Garnett Nuttall-Smith

For some reason this photo is one of the best I´ve seen in some time. Good find and thank´s for sharing it here!
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Musa15 Offline

Curious about Nsuku's current condition.
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sanjay Offline
Co-owner of Wildfact

Great work @Djumafan ... Lion section need good poster like you
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Poland Potato Offline

(07-15-2019, 06:06 AM)sanjay Wrote: Great work @Djumafan ... Lion section need good poster like you

 I agree although the idea of forum is that anyone is giving a little bit from himself, not just waiting till one person  will do anythink and the rest will just watch.
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Finland Shadow Offline
( This post was last modified: 07-15-2019, 09:13 PM by Shadow )

(07-15-2019, 08:58 PM)Potato Wrote:
(07-15-2019, 06:06 AM)sanjay Wrote: Great work @Djumafan ... Lion section need good poster like you

 I agree although the idea of forum is that anyone is giving a little bit from himself, not just waiting till one person  will do anythink and the rest will just watch.

True, that´s why it´s good that you, @Mohawk4, @AbcXyz and some others have been lately active here updating some threads. Lion coalitions are interesting, here are many good posters updating tiger threads. Lion coalition updates have been at some point maybe in a bit passive state, but very good that again posters who make good and interesting postings!
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