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The Birmingham Males

Panama Mapokser Offline
( This post was last modified: 12-08-2022, 05:31 AM by Mapokser )

I wonder why Nhenha's instincts keep telling him to return to the West after getting chased out countless times, and he's even roaring which will only tell the PCM that it's time to chase them off again.

Is his behavior normal? Normally wouldn't a lion never return to the same territory after getting ousted?

There are prides with solo males and even the Talamati pride with no male at all, instead of risking his life in PCM territory he could be exploring. It's a shame for the Nkuhuma male as he wastes his youth in this meaningless back and forth.
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sik94 Offline

(12-08-2022, 05:29 AM)Mapokser Wrote: I wonder why Nhenha's instincts keep telling him to return to the West after getting chased out countless times, and he's even roaring which will only tell the PCM that it's time to chase them off again.

Is his behavior normal? Normally wouldn't a lion never return to the same territory after getting ousted?

There are prides with solo males and even the Talamati pride with no male at all, instead of risking his life in PCM territory he could be exploring. It's a shame for the Nkuhuma male as he wastes his youth in this meaningless back and forth.

I don't think it's just Nhena, they are both doing this together. If Nk decides to march east, Nhena will follow him. I think there's just enough room for two coalitions to squeeze in that area which is probably why the Birminghams keep going back but they need to draw the line with the PCs. If they keep running instead of showing a spine, the PCs will keep barging in and PCs are so confident because everyone gives way to them. I bet they haven't had another male's paws put on them in a while and the Birminghams need to get in a brawl with them to send a message. Or atleast chase them back after being chased.
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Netherlands Duco Ndona Offline

Its probably more Nym that is calling the shots now than the aging Nhenha. Nym spend already a lot of time in Western Sector before Nhenha joined him, So he will try to stick around there.
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( This post was last modified: 12-08-2022, 09:10 PM by DARK MANE )

Late tinyo passing of the guard to his son.
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Panama Mapokser Offline


PCM have likely killed Nhenha's cubs and have now claimed the Ximhungwe female already. There's hardly anything for them there and I think if they could fight the PCM they'd have done that before when they had 2 females and the whole West to lose. Nhenha is a smart and very experienced lion, NK is in his prime, if they didn't fought is because they understand they can't win. There's no mystery it's a 2v2 between two healthy coalitions, as we've debated already, the Birminghams' bond is likely not as strong as that of brothers, they can't risk charging without having the confidence their partner won't abandon them to their death, and despite being in great shape, Nhenha is still an old man without the energy to get in these long chases and skirmishes, and surely isn't as strong as he was in his prime.

I "blame" Nhenha because it seems he's still the most dominant of the 2 and is an old lion already with an accomplished life, I don't think a young lion such as the NK make would be willing to keep returning to the same territory when the natural behavior of young nomads is exploring in hopes of finding a good territory with females to mate.

They have amazing and easy opportunities very close to them, all they need to is to forget the West and explore a bit.

United States afortich Offline

Territorial wars sometimes take 1 battle and sometimes take many battles during many months. 
The fact that they keep coming back could be an indication that this is not over yet. Nhenha's condition appears to be sufficient to fight any lion and probably win.
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Hairy tummy Offline
Senior Member

If only the Birminghams had a map of who is where and all the information we have then they could make a calculated decision...but haven't.. They are just lions doing what lions do
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Netherlands Duco Ndona Offline

We saw the same conflict adverse behaviour during the Avoca conflict so I dont think its part of a mayor master plan to take over and such.
Taking over isn't the issue. Its standing their ground is where they keep failing.  

As for Nhenhas health. I think he is just getting into the I am to old for this nonsense stage of life.
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Musa15 Offline

(12-09-2022, 12:18 AM)Hairy tummy Wrote: If only the Birminghams had a map of who is where and all the information we have then they could make a calculated decision...but haven't.. They are just lions doing what lions do

lol thank you, sometimes a little common sense is needed. There isn't some master plan. Lions like any other animal are living in the moment.
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United States afortich Offline
( This post was last modified: 12-09-2022, 07:14 AM by afortich )

(12-09-2022, 01:06 AM)Duco Ndona Wrote: We saw the same conflict adverse behaviour during the Avoca conflict so I dont think its part of a mayor master plan to take over and such.
Taking over isn't the issue. Its standing their ground is where they keep failing.  

As for Nhenhas health. I think he is just getting into the I am to old for this nonsense stage of life.

I don't think there is a master plan either, they're animals. However, they have to remember that they've been chased in that sector as they would remember there is an opportunity for mating as well.
Therefore, they somehow got to be aware that there could be a fight with familiar lions.
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United States GhostCatP-22 Offline
Regular Member

(12-08-2022, 05:29 AM)Mapokser Wrote: I wonder why Nhenha's instincts keep telling him to return to the West after getting chased out countless times, and he's even roaring which will only tell the PCM that it's time to chase them off again.

Is his behavior normal? Normally wouldn't a lion never return to the same territory after getting ousted?

There are prides with solo males and even the Talamati pride with no male at all, instead of risking his life in PCM territory he could be exploring. It's a shame for the Nkuhuma male as he wastes his youth in this meaningless back and forth.

They go back west to be with Ximungwe and Gingerella. He and Nym view them as their pride and go west to visit and check on them. 
He seems like he’s trying to be a good pride male and check on his girls especially with all the lion competition in the area. Nhenha has shown to be “caring” of his females.

Note I may be wrong so please let me know. Only 10% of pictures and media show up in the threads so I’m sure I missed something. Very frustrating to see a caption “wow” or “sad” and not see the picture.
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Panama Mapokser Offline

@sik94 Sure these wars may take many battles before they finish, but in such circumstances the clashes have inconclusive results, when a male is ousted of his territory it's generally it, this is the first time I've ever see a coalition get ousted so many times and always return to the same territory.

As for fighting conditions, sure, he's in perfect shape, especially for his age, but I'd be very surprised if NK and him were able to defeat the more impressive, confident, aggressive, and united PCM.

As I said before they have much better opportunities just north of them.
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Panama Mapokser Offline

@Hairy tummy yes they don't have a map, but let'a not pretend lions aren't adapted to figure this stuff out, roars can be heard from 8kms away ( by humans, maybe lions can hear from far than that ), they can sniff the scent mark of other lions and their instincts tell them to look around and go through multiple areas when they are nomadic, they have the tools to find new territories and assert how many males the local coalition have.

It's definitely a bit odd that they return so many times to the same place as we never see this happening with other lions so it's worth mentioning and questioning why it is happening.
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United States afortich Offline
( This post was last modified: 12-09-2022, 09:42 AM by afortich )

(12-09-2022, 07:49 AM)Mapokser Wrote: @sik94 Sure these wars may take many battles before they finish, but in such circumstances the clashes have inconclusive results, when a male is ousted of his territory it's generally it, this is the first time I've ever see a coalition get ousted so many times and always return to the same territory.

As for fighting conditions, sure, he's in perfect shape, especially for his age, but I'd be very surprised if NK and him were able to defeat the more impressive, confident, aggressive, and united PCM.

As I said before they have much better opportunities just north of them.

The selatis were chased off by Mapogos at least twice or maybe more times before finally succeeded in ousting the Mapogos, but you're right, it appears to be odd and a rare behavior.
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Netherlands Duco Ndona Offline

These arent epic battles over territories in which both sides try their best to hold on. But rather the Birminghams fleeing at the very first hint there even might be a conflict with the PCmales. Which arent even that interested in the west. 

None of this behavoir can really be blamed on the other male lions. They should be able to deter them easily.
They only have themselves to blame for their current failures and if they dont get their act together, it may be better if they disapeared. As its disastrous to the local prides.
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