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--- Peter Broekhuijsen ---

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Tigers of Central India

United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

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Bhushan Jadhav

Date 22/01/2018

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Vishu Adkar‎ 

T31 “Choti Mada”
Kanha Mukki Zone
December 2017

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Neeraj Singh

Bamera Son One of The Most Famous Male Tiger Bandhavgarh.

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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Jitender Govindani

Aging Beauty! 

Karai Ghati Male ( T2 ), Kanha Tiger Reserve, October 2017. 

Nikon D850 with Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8.

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Ram Kumar Yadav Kanha

03 November 2017

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Jitender Govindani
Supkhar Male. 

Kanha Tiger Reserve, Oct 2017. 

Nikon D850 with Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8

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Tigers in courtship.

Bheema & Dhawajhandi Female, Kanha Tiger Reserve.

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RC Meshram

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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Hemant Masurkar
Pench Tiger Reserve, Khursapar

Jan - 2018

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Karan Mehta
The happening couple of Bandhavgarh 
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Solo and Mr. X

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Italy Ngala Offline
Wildanimal Enthusiast

Photo and information credits: Sanjeev Siva
Children of a lesser God.

Buffer zones are contiguous areas to the core or critical tiger habitat that support the surplus and overfloating tigers.

Buffers are generally extensions or connectors to critical reserve area, or migration corridors interspersed with human habitations and roughly correspond to IUCN Category V (conservation reserves - the lands are owned by govt. but used for subsistence by local communities) and VI (community reserves - privately owned lands) protected areas. 

Tourists don't frequent buffers for they hold various misconceptions.

Most believe that buffers don't have tigers. The fact is good buffering zones surrounding many tiger reserves have a good population of tigers. The only problem is that each tigress gives birth to a litter of three on average, per year, and these new born are raised till sub-adult stage with utmost care by the mother, whence the young ones venture out in search of new territories. That's when they vanish, normally poached.

Another misconception is that owing to human activity, buffers are considered less conducive to tiger sightings. While this may be true to an extent, human activity inside a core is nevertheless any lesser. Foot patrolling, grass cutting or clearing of forest for fire lines, controlled fire by department and intrusive tourism etc. account for ruined sightings inside protected areas.

Because buffers are not much visited, a missing tiger here wouldn’t be accounted for as strictly and as vigilantly as its counterpart from core area. This will change only if tourism makes inroads to buffer areas as diligently as it does in core areas. Responsibility and accountability of a tiger in buffer area would mean that the buffer areas will stop being the production houses for poachers. Over 70% of the tigers poached in the last decade happen to be from buffers and fringes.

Every tiger has an equal right to survive in the wild, and every tiger needs us to champion their cause, irrespective of whether the tiger belongs to core or buffer or whether they enjoy hero status, impartially.

Especially, these tigers aren’t “The Children of a lesser God”.

Calling her Mahima (Hindi for glorious or magical beauty), based on the M-marks on both her eyes and going by the tradition of naming Madhuri’s cubs after Bollywood heroines.

Mahima | Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve, Agarzhari buffer zone.

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parvez Offline
Tiger enthusiast

Look at the shoulders, OMG

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Italy Ngala Offline
Wildanimal Enthusiast

From Kanha Tiger Reserve, 

Photo and information credits: Swethakumar Rangarao Bobbili
"My first tiger sighting of 2018. The Uniquely Tailed Umarjola female or KTR-32 on a late evening walk tracked exceptionally by Naren Malik . Praying I’ll see this magnificent animal many more times this year."

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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

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The old man

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Navneet MD Maheshwari
T - 1, Jr Kankatta, Kanha Tiger Reserve. March 2017

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Vicky Patel‎+
Roar For A Bright Future

Kanha National Park 
January 2018

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Kaleem Kureshi Kanha
The Chase..



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parvez Offline
Tiger enthusiast

Kanha tiger,

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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Ram Kumar Yadav Kanha
Van raj sarhi Zone.
June 2015

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Don't not smoking Park area

29 January 2018

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Today morning......
26 January 

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29 January 2018
Evening Safari

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Ishwar Pench
A big tiger his name is Rayakasa meal pench m. p 26/1/18 evening time

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Sharad Bandhavgarh
Evening safari magadhi zone 

T..........39 mahaman male 


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Dev Chitkara‎ 

Maha man.. BandhavGarh Mar 2016..

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Pintu Uike
Tadoba andhari tiger reserve;

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Pintu Uike
Big male matkasur.

Tadoba tiger reserve;

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Pintu Uike

Tadoba tiger reserve; 2017,

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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Ravish Jain
After hearing the news of dhawajhandi cub I couldn't resist myself to come to kanha. Desperately wanted to see her and found her this evening with one cub, no news of other two yet. This cub looks female and other three were male as per guides! — 

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[b]Rakesh Sherki[/b]
Kankazari male tiger
Madnapur zone
TATR Maharashtra
30 /01 /2018

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Ajay Nikode
Upar bhi nahi niche bhi 

Big mother madhuri in buffer 28th jan 2018.......TATR

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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Navneet MD Maheshwari
T76, Link 8 Female, 5th Feb 2018, Evening Safari, Kanha National Park 

We were fortunate enough to spot her with all 4 cubs

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Shilen Nimbalkar

Rayakasa Male



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Abhas Yadav
Confident & fearless envader ....T24 aka jamuntola male

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Advita Pande‎ 

A very Strong Mother.

Struggle for females are never ending.
T27 from Kanha.

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Mritunjay Kumar Tiwary
Disappointed in love!! That feeling of emptiness when your damsel ignores and walks past you and your head hangs in dejection. Male and female adults in #bandhavgarh 

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Mritunjay Kumar Tiwary
He is not chasing a monkey; it's just a wannabe dominant tiger marking trees as high as he could reach with childlike enthusiasm. This sub-adult male #tiger put up a dazzling display of machismo, albeit alone, deep inside another tiger's territory. A king in the making? Only time will tell. Do view full screen to appreciate the jump.

 — at Bandhavgarh National Park Tiger Reserve.

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United States Rage2277 Offline
animal enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 02-06-2018, 01:34 PM by Rage2277 )

the jamuntola male is pretty small..among the smallest males i've seen..could easily mistake him for a tigress
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

He definitely seems small to me as well, I’d like to see some videos of him at some point.
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Sameer Patel
Pannalal T71

Bandhavgarh, Jan 2018.

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Ram Kumar Yadav Kanha


January 2018

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CM Oct 2017

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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

ID Gaurav Kolhe Patil III
Some emotions are beyond words

Mom n child love

Best relation in d world 

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Shailendra Sadani
The catwalk............................................

A proud mother with her two handsome son............

Choti tara & family..................


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