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Lions of Sabi Sands

United States BA0701 Online
Super Moderator

(08-10-2022, 09:18 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote: Ok guys, i finally solve part of the mystery about Gijima - Ndhzenga clash.

So, male on the video next to Wide-Nose, who was assumed to be 3rd, missing Gijima, is actually Light Maned male who is still alive and with older Gijima as @criollo2mil suggested, but not only that, he is the same one who initially attacked Gore with older one. 

So these pictures are all the same male, Light Maned Gijima male :

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

Now, for male who is missing, we actually dont have any photo of him since they came in Sabi Sands, only this sighting :

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

Has smallest and lightest mohawk mane of the 3, also has scars on his back spine. 

This male didn't initially engage on Gore as 2 "current" Gijima did, but if i remember correctly, rangers saw him with them (before or after, cant remember).

Also, in the Ndhzenga clash, rangers also pointed out that there where 3 males there.

Then i rewatched the video of 2 Gijima males getting chased by Amahle and OE in Londolozi, that 2nd Gijima male, although hard to say 100%, because of low quality, but based of appearence, mane, no scar on backs, looks to be the same male near Wide-Nose, Light Maned Gijima male. 

This means that on MalaMala videos, Light Maned male is both with Wide-Nose and getting chased with Dark Maned male, eventualy they together got chased to Lion Sands. 

MalaMala rangers dont have the full story, they even said that themselves. 

So what actually happened to 3rd male? 

2 most likely scenarios:

1. He got killed/injured before the "chase", when Ndhzengas came in to rescue Wide-Nose. 

2. He just abandon/left the area when things got crazy. 

With 2nd scenario, a lot of people asking why then he didn’t return south and try to find his brothers, well yea, thats hard to explain, but then again, we know nothing about these 3, so many questions, are they even brothers? Maybe that male just recently joined them and bond was weak, maybe he was  unhealthy (he look quite skinny on that Kruger video), maybe injured, no photo of him -  looks to be skittish, notice that he didn’t engage on Gore in first encounter, maybe doesn’t feel confident enough. 
As we see, a lot of question.

In my opinion, i think its very likely scenario that 3rd male was not their brother, and that coalition was not established yet, and that 3rd male just left them and went back into Kruger.

Great work @Tr1x24 , you deserve a spot on CSI for your detective skills!
7 users Like BA0701's post

United States afortich Offline
( This post was last modified: 08-10-2022, 09:53 PM by afortich )

(08-10-2022, 09:18 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote: Ok guys, i finally solve part of the mystery about Gijima - Ndhzenga clash.

So, male on the video next to Wide-Nose, who was assumed to be 3rd, missing Gijima, is actually Light Maned male who is still alive and with older Gijima as @criollo2mil suggested, but not only that, he is the same one who initially attacked Gore with older one. 

So these pictures are all the same male, Light Maned Gijima male :

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

Now, for male who is missing, we actually dont have any photo of him since they came in Sabi Sands, only this sighting :

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

Has smallest and lightest mohawk mane of the 3, also has scars on his back spine. 

This male didn't initially engage on Gore as 2 "current" Gijima did, but if i remember correctly, rangers saw him with them (before or after, cant remember).

Also, in the Ndhzenga clash, rangers also pointed out that there where 3 males there.

Then i rewatched the video of 2 Gijima males getting chased by Amahle and OE in Londolozi, that 2nd Gijima male, although hard to say 100%, because of low quality, but based of appearence, mane, no scar on backs, looks to be the same male near Wide-Nose, Light Maned Gijima male. 

This means that on MalaMala videos, Light Maned male is both with Wide-Nose and getting chased with Dark Maned male, eventualy they together got chased to Lion Sands. 

MalaMala rangers dont have the full story, they even said that themselves. 

So what actually happened to 3rd male? 

2 most likely scenarios:

1. He got killed/injured before the "chase", when Ndhzengas came in to rescue Wide-Nose. 

2. He just abandon/left the area when things got crazy. 

With 2nd scenario, a lot of people asking why then he didn’t return south and try to find his brothers, well yea, thats hard to explain, but then again, we know nothing about these 3, so many questions, are they even brothers? Maybe that male just recently joined them and bond was weak, maybe he was  unhealthy (he look quite skinny on that Kruger video), maybe injured, no photo of him -  looks to be skittish, notice that he didn’t engage on Gore in first encounter, maybe doesn’t feel confident enough. 
As we see, a lot of question.

In my opinion, i think its very likely scenario that 3rd male was not their brother, and that coalition was not established yet, and that 3rd male just left them and went back into Kruger.

Excellent analysis, I like it!
5 users Like afortich's post

Tonpa Offline

  • The Nkuhuma females and their two cubs are still doing incredibly well under the protection of the two Plains Camp males. The six lions together have created some amazing lion viewing opportunities this past month, having caught a number of different species and thus a lot of activity has been seen around feeding. The two cubs are looking very healthy and so too are the lionesses who have done an excellent job in keeping them safe and in good condition. The amber-eyed female is truly a great aunt to the cubs.
  • With a solid territory already established, the two Plains Camp males have been looking to increase the number of females with which to mate. This has meant that they have spent a little more time moving into the western part of the reserve in pursuit of the Othawa lionesses, who have been seen moving onto the property a few times this month.
  • It was always a gamble to wonder what the outcome of the single Birmingham male and his son the Nkuhuma male was going to be when the two of them got together, however it seems as if they are thriving to our west and have even been seen mating with the Ximungwe lioness further north west.
  • Another interesting turn of events toward the end of the month was the finding of the young Tsalala lioness with one of the older Mhangene lionesses (the older female who had been seen mating with a Plains Camp male earlier in the year). We hope this duo stays together and forms a pride of their own.
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Australia Horizon Offline
Regular Member

Tr1x24, thanks man. So, we certainly know the missing one now. My guess too is he might not have been killed. None of the Ndhzengas except for wide nose had a scratch after that face off. Encountering a 4 lions coalition and then 2 of his mates getting chased, he must have suffered a fright and left the area.
6 users Like Horizon's post

United States criollo2mil Offline

(08-10-2022, 09:18 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote: Ok guys, i finally solve part of the mystery about Gijima - Ndhzenga clash.

So, male on the video next to Wide-Nose, who was assumed to be 3rd, missing Gijima, is actually Light Maned male who is still alive and with older Gijima as @criollo2mil suggested, but not only that, he is the same one who initially attacked Gore with older one. 

So these pictures are all the same male, Light Maned Gijima male :

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

Now, for male who is missing, we actually dont have any photo of him since they came in Sabi Sands, only this sighting :

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

Has smallest and lightest mohawk mane of the 3, also has scars on his back spine. 

This male didn't initially engage on Gore as 2 "current" Gijima did, but if i remember correctly, rangers saw him with them (before or after, cant remember).

Also, in the Ndhzenga clash, rangers also pointed out that there where 3 males there.

Then i rewatched the video of 2 Gijima males getting chased by Amahle and OE in Londolozi, that 2nd Gijima male, although hard to say 100%, because of low quality, but based of appearence, mane, no scar on backs, looks to be the same male near Wide-Nose, Light Maned Gijima male. 

This means that on MalaMala videos, Light Maned male is both with Wide-Nose and getting chased with Dark Maned male, eventualy they together got chased to Lion Sands. 

MalaMala rangers dont have the full story, they even said that themselves. 

So what actually happened to 3rd male? 

2 most likely scenarios:

1. He got killed/injured before the "chase", when Ndhzengas came in to rescue Wide-Nose. 

2. He just abandon/left the area when things got crazy. 

With 2nd scenario, a lot of people asking why then he didn’t return south and try to find his brothers, well yea, thats hard to explain, but then again, we know nothing about these 3, so many questions, are they even brothers? Maybe that male just recently joined them and bond was weak, maybe he was  unhealthy (he look quite skinny on that Kruger video), maybe injured, no photo of him -  looks to be skittish, notice that he didn’t engage on Gore in first encounter, maybe doesn’t feel confident enough. 
As we see, a lot of question.

In my opinion, i think its very likely scenario that 3rd male was not their brother, and that coalition was not established yet, and that 3rd male just left them and went back into Kruger.

It’s awesome that you connected the dots on the IDs. Great great work.   

in discussing this with my friends, they’re also of the opinion that the third male simply left.   Even before the altercation and not that he was killed.   

So there stands a chance he’s out there somewhere.
7 users Like criollo2mil's post

United States BA0701 Online
Super Moderator

(08-10-2022, 09:18 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote: Ok guys, i finally solve part of the mystery about Gijima - Ndhzenga clash.

So, male on the video next to Wide-Nose, who was assumed to be 3rd, missing Gijima, is actually Light Maned male who is still alive and with older Gijima as @criollo2mil suggested, but not only that, he is the same one who initially attacked Gore with older one. 

So these pictures are all the same male, Light Maned Gijima male :

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

Now, for male who is missing, we actually dont have any photo of him since they came in Sabi Sands, only this sighting :

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

Has smallest and lightest mohawk mane of the 3, also has scars on his back spine. 

This male didn't initially engage on Gore as 2 "current" Gijima did, but if i remember correctly, rangers saw him with them (before or after, cant remember).

Also, in the Ndhzenga clash, rangers also pointed out that there where 3 males there.

Then i rewatched the video of 2 Gijima males getting chased by Amahle and OE in Londolozi, that 2nd Gijima male, although hard to say 100%, because of low quality, but based of appearence, mane, no scar on backs, looks to be the same male near Wide-Nose, Light Maned Gijima male. 

This means that on MalaMala videos, Light Maned male is both with Wide-Nose and getting chased with Dark Maned male, eventualy they together got chased to Lion Sands. 

MalaMala rangers dont have the full story, they even said that themselves. 

So what actually happened to 3rd male? 

2 most likely scenarios:

1. He got killed/injured before the "chase", when Ndhzengas came in to rescue Wide-Nose. 

2. He just abandon/left the area when things got crazy. 

With 2nd scenario, a lot of people asking why then he didn’t return south and try to find his brothers, well yea, thats hard to explain, but then again, we know nothing about these 3, so many questions, are they even brothers? Maybe that male just recently joined them and bond was weak, maybe he was  unhealthy (he look quite skinny on that Kruger video), maybe injured, no photo of him -  looks to be skittish, notice that he didn’t engage on Gore in first encounter, maybe doesn’t feel confident enough. 
As we see, a lot of question.

In my opinion, i think its very likely scenario that 3rd male was not their brother, and that coalition was not established yet, and that 3rd male just left them and went back into Kruger.

Looking at that male in those images, he is built like an absolute tank, not overly tall but really thick and powerful.
4 users Like BA0701's post

Croatia Tr1x24 Online

Gijima males with Southern Pride :

Photo credits : marr.222g

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Argentina T I N O Offline

The Impressive Tumbela male in all his glory at Sabi Sands Game Reserve 
Photo credit: Chris van Rooyen

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Argentina T I N O Offline

(08-11-2022, 03:22 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote: Gijima males with Southern Pride :

Photo credits : marr.222g

*This image is copyright of its original author

Let's hope things keep going like this for the SP
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Argentina T I N O Offline
( This post was last modified: 08-11-2022, 04:53 PM by T I N O )

The Gijima males and the Southern pride females
Photo credit: Celine Newman
*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Argentina T I N O Offline

After starting the morning drive and deciding to head to the south of our reserve, we came across a lot of general game, including some elephants.  We carried on and heard on the radio that the Southern Pride female and one of the Gijima males were busy stalking buffalo.  We wondered where the two young Southern Pride females were and received confirmation that they were seen not far away.  We made our way to the adult lions.  They were patiently waiting for the right opportunity. As they followed the buffalo, we kept following which allowed us to have an amazing sighting of them as they moved from one vantage point to the next.

We told our guests about the dynamic of the two lions and how it all fits together and why they are hanging around together. We stayed with them for a while and was hoping to see what they had planned for the buffalo but unfortunately, with it only being the two of them, it would've been a hefty challenge for them to take down a fully grown buffalo, so we decided to turn back and head to Selati Camp for breakfast.
Photo credit: Coenraad Stapelberg and Daniel Greyvenstein

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
15 users Like T I N O's post

Croatia Tr1x24 Online

Light Maned Gijima compared to Ndhzengas :

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

Similarity is huge, i think its very likely he was the next litter of Ndhzengas mothers, as he should be born in 2018, when Ndhzenga mothers came back to estrus.
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Canada Mdz123 Offline

(08-11-2022, 06:17 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote: Light Maned Gijima compared to Ndhzengas :

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

Similarity is huge, i think its very likely he was the next litter of Ndhzengas mothers, as he should be born in 2018, when Ndhzenga mothers came back to estrus.

N’was pride was definitely a big pride, since Renosterkopppies also come form that pride. And right now they should have a bunch of cubs with Biyamiti males.
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Argentina T I N O Offline

The Impressive Imbali/S8 male seen two days ago with one of the Talamati breakaway lionesses 
Photo credit: Matt Ware

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Poland Potato Online

(08-11-2022, 06:17 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote: Light Maned Gijima compared to Ndhzengas :

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

Similarity is huge, i think its very likely he was the next litter of Ndhzengas mothers, as he should be born in 2018, when Ndhzenga mothers came back to estrus.

Sand River male

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

Old Avoca male

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

and those are two totally unrelated males. Similar look is yet not a prove for propinquity. It very easly can be just conicidance. 
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