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--- Peter Broekhuijsen ---

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Lions of Sabi Sands

Bangladesh sundarbans Offline
Regular Member

I see only two Mhangeni cubs are still surviving. What are their genders?
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Tonpa Offline

I think two girls. They just out out a video but I can't see properly cos I'm on my phone 

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Tonpa Offline

New Kambula cubs 

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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline

(08-28-2021, 04:15 PM)Tonpa Wrote: I think two girls. They just out out a video but I can't see properly cos I'm on my phone 

If im not mistaken, older cub is male.
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lionuk Offline

(08-29-2021, 03:49 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote:
(08-28-2021, 04:15 PM)Tonpa Wrote: I think two girls. They just out out a video but I can't see properly cos I'm on my phone 

If im not mistaken, older cub is male.

Actually I asked a Ranger a few weeks' ago about the gender of the oldest cub and he said it was a girl.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline

Male in Singita,apperantly 2nd male was there also, looks like BD male and prob NK, which would be great :
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Tonpa Offline

Yeah it's tricky to tell when they're young, I got a cat about a year ago that was sexed by everyone as a female, and then one day suddenly, two orbs emerged
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lionuk Offline

Click 7:42 to see N. Avoca males

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Netherlands Duco Ndona Online

Cats apparently have a large amount of intersex among them. Though normally the difference is clear enough to be accurately determined.

Salman B.A.M Offline

(08-17-2021, 03:51 PM)lionuk Wrote: Skorro jr mating with the Tsalala female 

I am not able to see this link by default in the posts. Do i have to change settings on this website or something? new here.
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lionuk Offline

(08-29-2021, 07:38 PM)Salman B.A.M Wrote: I am not able to see this link by default in the posts. Do i have to change settings on this website or something? new here.
I use Chrome browser, which works well for me.
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Salman B.A.M Offline

(08-28-2021, 12:32 PM)Tonpa Wrote: The lighter maned PC male gets a bit too close to his brother mating with the Ximhungwe female and gets a reprimand 
Video by thebrookewalter

I am hoping they will be the future of SS. Mantimahle gene in SS is an honor to watch
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Tonpa Offline

Ximungwe lioness and her daughter. She's vocalising so I guess she's staking her claim to that part of land 

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Netherlands Duco Ndona Online

Well. Its roughly her birthplace. I cant blame her.
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Hairy tummy Offline
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