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History's most brutal killers, the Majingilane Male Lions

Canada Pbonz Offline

(11-24-2018, 10:26 PM)HouseOfLions Wrote:
(11-24-2018, 08:01 PM)Tshokwane Wrote:
(11-24-2018, 07:53 PM)HouseOfLions Wrote: Sorry, but what should this settle up??? That there wasn't a fight? Even when they themselves say there was a chase and would have been a fight?

That Mr.T, quite naturally, avoided a confrotation and, when chased by two of the boys, he went west and joined up his brothers.

The injuries they mention for June 29 must be the ones they and the 5th gave him back in June 5-6(yes, it takes that long to heal up), not from a new fight, that's why they said that day it was the very first time they saw the Majingilane in Londolozi, so there had not been a new fight.

Sorry but there were barely any injuries on Mr T after that fight. Kinky was more injured with his paw. T was in nearly tip top condition.

And this article doesn't mention there wasn't a fight after t was chased. He could have easily turned around and fought and then went back to his brothers.
Which fight are you referring to? KT and Mr T with the 5th majingilane.

Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

(11-25-2018, 01:45 AM)Pbonz Wrote: Which fight are you referring to? KT and Mr T with the 5th majingilane.

In a first instance, yes.

Then he's also talking of a supposed fight 1 vs 4 of Mr.T with the Majingilane some weeks later, of which he came out alive(somehow). 

Of this there isn't a report, aside of what I already posted, being that the 4 went to Londolozi looking for him and chased him off.

What is most likely that happened, judging how lions behave in a general sense, is that two must have gotten a hold on him, roughed him up and he managed to escape, and the boys chased him off.

Poland Potato Online
( This post was last modified: 11-25-2018, 02:05 AM by Potato )

Yeah sorry I misscalculated by one year. My mistake. They died in early 2018 so if you say that DM was 13-14 by the time of his dead that makes him 5-6 years old in early-mid 2010. SN and GM makes 4-5 years old. Well... now that sounds realistic. However in case of DM that 6 yearrs sounds stretched don't you think? By that time generaly every lion is already full maned and he was not.

Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

(11-25-2018, 02:00 AM)Potato Wrote: Yeah sorry I misscalculated by one year. My mistake. They died in early 2018 so if you say that DM was 13-14 by the time of his dead that makes him 5-6 years old in early-mid 2010. SN and GM makes 4-5 years old. Well... now that sounds realistic.

Now we can agree.

South Africa HouseOfLions Offline
( This post was last modified: 11-25-2018, 09:15 PM by Rishi )

(11-25-2018, 01:54 AM)Tshokwane Wrote:
(11-25-2018, 01:45 AM)Pbonz Wrote: Which fight are you referring to? KT and Mr T with the 5th majingilane.

In a first instance, yes.

Then he's also talking of a supposed fight 1 vs 4 of Mr.T with the Majingilane some weeks later, of which he came out alive(somehow). 

Of this there isn't a report, aside of what I already posted, being that the 4 went to Londolozi looking for him and chased him off.

What is most likely that happened, judging how lions behave in a general sense, is that two must have gotten a hold on him, roughed him up and he managed to escape, and the boys chased him off.

Wait, you are saying that 2 manginjis may have roughed him up but you have been telling me there was no interaction at all....

You told me not to assume but you are kinda doing the same thing now.

Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

(11-25-2018, 09:00 PM)HouseOfLions Wrote: Wait, you are saying that 2 manginjis may have roughed him up but you have been telling me there was no interaction at all....

You told me not to assume but you are kinda doing the same thing now.

Not really, no.

The info doesn't say they fought at all, merely that two chased him off.

Now, you're very insistent that he fought them because reasons and because he was who he was, and I tend to agree that he could potentially have tried at first to hold on to whatever little territory he had left.

I can see him standing up and winning it against one, but as it happened the night of June 8th, as soon as a second male attacked him Mr.T would have escaped.

I say it again so there's no mistake. I don't think there was a fight, especially not vs the 4 because he would have been killed.

However, if there was a small scrap that the rangers didn't get to see, that's how I see it happening, it's what makes more sense.

Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

Credits to Phil Judd Photography.

The Majingilane Brothers.

As much as I love the atmosphere and feelings a really good still image can generate. 

This video of the four Majingilane Brothers my wife did, captures something no still image ever can. Turn the volume up loud and stand back. If this doesn't make the hairs on your neck stand up, nothing will. Enjoy!

Click on it to play.

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Australia Herekitty Offline
Regular Member

Fresh footage of a couple of Majingis, time and date unknown posted under the King's Camp (Timbavati) heading. Image and video by Mirza Fejzic, October 18, 2018

*This image is copyright of its original author

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Mohawk4 Offline
Regular Member

Elephant Plains - 2010

Hip Scar ,Golden Mane ,Dark Mane

Photo by:Louis Liversage

*This image is copyright of its original author

p.s Don't feed the Troll
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Australia Herekitty Offline
Regular Member

@sanjay, @Tshokwane, @vinodkumarn - just out of curiosity what exactly does it take to get banned here?
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Argentina Tshokwane Away
Big Cats Enthusiast

(12-05-2018, 04:11 AM)Herekitty Wrote: just out of curiosity what exactly does it take to get banned here?

Disregard for the norms and rules of the forum, trolling, disrespecting the mods, trying to create trouble with the other posters just for lols.

On that note, @Raj8143 , if I see you keep doing this crap of taunting the posters, and trying to start trouble where there is none, you will be out of here in no time.

I may not have the time to spend every hour of my day to babysit some lion threads just because someone is trying to create a flamewar, but you can bet the minute I see it, I'm going to take action.

I will not repeat myself.
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Australia Herekitty Offline
Regular Member

A tribute to the legends. Images by Jacques Viljoen, December 10, 2018

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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India Raj8143 Offline
( This post was last modified: 12-15-2018, 11:09 PM by Rishi )

(04-24-2015, 04:34 PM)Tshokwane Wrote: The Selati were outnumbered in just the last fight. They were initially five and the Majingilane killed one of them. Then in 2012 the four Selati conquered the Mapogo territory and they never beat the Majingilane in a fight. Of course, the Majingis had little interest in attacking them because they already had an immense territory. Then one of the Selati died some time after being injured by a buffalo and they were down to three. So the Majingilane took their chance, killed one of the three and defeated them.
Also, back to 2010, after the killing of Kinky tail, Mr.T run away to his brothers and he brought them to face the Majingis. So, the five powerful and experienced Mapogo against the four youngsters. ¿What was the result? Rasta dead, and Pretty boy injured in his spine, giving him the nick name of Bent spine.



Tshokwane why ur commenting anything..ur majing fan i can see that...and ur laying all over n over.
But was there actually Do u have any proof that Rasta was kiled by majingis???

Mod Edit: It seems like a bunch of people here haven't learnt to disagree or doubt each other's statements without taunting, demeaning, instigating hostility or responding aggressively.
As they apparently have no idea what they are doing wrong, for some time any such content will be replaced by a more desirable version until they understand.


sanjay Offline
Co-owner of Wildfact

(12-05-2018, 04:11 AM)Herekitty Wrote: just out of curiosity what exactly does it take to get banned here?
We try to ignore banning as much as possible. Because banning hurt. Its like loosing our member. But sometime it is important to take this decision, because ignoring it means the member is misusing it and hurting others. We want to keep this place neat and clean, people should show maturity. Agreeing and Disagreeing is part of a community, but how do you handle it as individual is important.
Also, love animals, don't be obsessed like a fanatic for a particular animal.
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United States Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover

@Herekitty @Tshokwane and the others thank you for the beautiful photos of lions you supply and happy new year 2019 !!!!!

In advance, I welcome the following !
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