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The Birmingham Males

Panama Mapokser Offline

@Potato It looks similar to PB Mapogo's injury, but not as recent, and it was claimed a vet estimated PB's injury ( in the footage by Rob ) to be iirc 3-5 days old.

It's probably an injury from the 1/2 PCM attack.
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Panama Mapokser Offline

@criollo2mil interesting, so he's not at death's door as many were claiming.

Honestly if he makes it they should give him a badass nickname like the one the Mapogo had after coming back from the dead many times, "Phoenix", they should call him Nhenha the Imortal or something lol.

Getting attacked twice by the 2 PCM in a period of 2 weeks and recovering at the age of 12 is no joke. Many thought he was done for after the first attack and here he is surviving after a second one.
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Poland Potato Offline

(01-24-2023, 06:41 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote: He had injuries on the back, in the same area, already after first fight, so im not sure that these injuries are from 2nd clash :
After first encounter only major wound he had was on his leg. while I am talking about what looks like blood in high level of his spine, near arms. Also it looks like a fresh blood while first encounter with PC males was like 3 weeks ago...
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United States SMK350 Offline

These types of comments and  anthropomorphism of animals isn’t helpful @Mapokser. We just need to relax and let thing unfold in its own time. 

These animals don’t just die that easily but that doesn’t mean they’re immortal. You can’t create cartoon caracters out of animals who are living an absolute brutal existence in the wild. And after Nhenha recovers the same problems exisit that existed for him on Dec 31st, which is that the two maurding plains camp males are still around. And if he gets attacked again and dies …. is he trash now? If Nkuhuma Male gets attacked tomorrow but is unlucky to have a severed artery and dies, we won’t give him a cute name? It’s not the right way to appreciate these animals…. Just my opinion.
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sik94 Offline
( This post was last modified: 01-25-2023, 05:27 AM by sik94 )

(01-24-2023, 11:52 AM)SMK350 Wrote: @sik94 I think you guys just have rigid expectations of how lions fights should go in the wild. There’s a lot of warrior chatter and fight break downs as if we are discussing an MMA matchup. Clearly the plains camp males didn’t break any bones which is why he was able to walk to another reserve far from where he was originally found. His blessing is that the plains camp males were 5 year old lions who often don’t know how to dispatch another male lion, especially in their “first” fight. I’m not saying I know for a fact Nhenha will be fine because I don’t know that. If he has an infection or experiences another set back things can turn fatal. But from what I saw one week ago I told you guys he was resting and would scavenge food if needed. And here we are…. 

Didn’t Blondie Avoca have bite marks on his back after the Ndhzenga male encounter and walk away from the fight just fine? I’m not sure how that works either, but apparently it happen more than we think.

My reference was the BYM situation and going off that, I didn't think that would heal fast(and we still don't know how much it healed or if he'll even make a full recovery). I wouldn't put myself in that MMA matchup camp though, far from it but hey. 

Come on, he was off the radar for 3 weeks and had been attacked twice, this thread was dead for a while too. You saying 'he was resting and would scavenge food if needed.' wasn't a sure thing AT ALL. I'm not one for warrior talk usually but there are certain instances it's deserved, incidents like BYM, this Nhena debacle, the last Narhu male, Sizannani, limping Monwana, etc. I'll happily give these stories of true survival the admiration they deserve.

I forgot Ncile.
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United States afortich Offline
( This post was last modified: 01-24-2023, 10:57 PM by afortich )

(01-24-2023, 08:34 PM)criollo2mil Wrote:
(01-24-2023, 06:41 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote: @criollo2mil  There is no evidence that 2nd fight happened, at impala kill, it was only said that Nhenha got chased away off the kill by PC males.

Does he have new injuries?

I can assure you, on great authority a second altercation occurred.   I have first person account from a prominent guide I trust who has footage and witnessed the entire event.   I can’t divulge much more on who but the accounts follow pretty much what has been rumored (to a point).   

Nhenha was caught by surprise a the impala kill stolen from the leopard by 1/2 PCMs.    He didn’t immediately flee (which was maybe in error). So during the commotion of trying to keep the kill, the second PCM came and both did attack and left new injuries.   It wasn’t an extended fight and to the guide’s surprise the PCMs simply lost energy to finish him off.    Left him 

The new injuries in the new footage I saw today (recorded yesterday) show a much more scarred upper back wounds.   I need to compare to the video of him limping before.   To see if they’re there.  

I am hoping the video is released somehow today so everyone can study it.    But I see a very strong lions still.   Very badly limping.   But not at death’s door.    My assumption.  Is that he’s had more to eat since altercation than just his sighting.   He looks too well.   

Id also would like to comment about the video posted by Neil which was published yesterday.   That video isn’t new.   It was recorded a few days after that second altercation.   I say so just to place context to what he looked like then, till now.

Great update my friend @criollo2mil
I was also thinking like you that Nhenha has probably been eating and we have no record of it, because the fact that Skorro Jr. allowed him to eat , could also mean that it may have happened more than once. 
Then, considering that we only have a single piece of evidence of a few minutes of his entire day, the probabilities of Nhenha getting more food from others is high although not recorded.
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Netherlands Duco Ndona Offline
( This post was last modified: 01-24-2023, 10:34 PM by Duco Ndona )

The initial video we got of him isn't the best sadly and was already taken days after the incident. I don't think we can rule out wounds from that. The wound could have been closed at that time or obscured.
It can also be a combination of both in which the second attack opened the wound further.
Unless new footage appears from that period, the exact wounds inflicted at which time will probably remain a mystery and ultimately, the end result is the same.

I think that if this wasn't the first meeting we would have known about it. The Ottawa's were pretty well monitored lately now Skorro hangs around them and have been with a large kill without Nhenha showing up.
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Hairy tummy Offline
Senior Member

(01-24-2023, 08:51 PM)Mapokser Wrote: @Hairy tummy I don't see anything wrong with having favorites as long as you don't disrespect other lions.

It's human nature, everybody has favorites.
I didnt say anything about favourites, i said about taking sides
Just my opinion
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United States GhostCatP-22 Offline
Regular Member

Has social media really conditioned us to be negative about everything all the time? Nhenha the immoral is cool and obviously he’s not immortal, just fun to recognize his amazing resilience and appreciate the good and bad of nature. 
Just people people cheer for him doesn’t mean people don’t recognize he’s a wild animal. 
Life is crazy and I’m here at least for positive, nice people having fun discussing nature and lions.
I just don’t want to see this amazing thread and community turn negative like every where else.
Note by negative I mean someone who is always negative and won’t debate honourably.

I’ll delete this post since it’s off topic, I just don’t want to lose this community…hard enough to stay positive, nice and friendly in this world….let’s support each other EVEN views we don’t agree with but let’s be nice and agree to disagree.
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Panama Mapokser Offline

@SMK350 you're making too much of a big deal about a light comment/joke.

Besides, explain to me how what I said is anything but what already applies to Nhenha? His name means "Warrior", the Mapogo I mentioned was called Phoenix for surviving battles against the odds, his brother was literally called Satan. Names given by rangers and lodges.

This is how it is, they name lions for their looks and personalities, a battle scar, their mane, their aggressiveness, etc. There's no need to be so sensitive about names/nicknames.
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United States afortich Offline
( This post was last modified: 01-25-2023, 01:16 AM by afortich )

(01-24-2023, 10:28 PM)Duco Ndona Wrote: The initial video we got of him isn't the best sadly and was already taken days after the incident. I don't think we can rule out wounds from that. The wound could have been closed at that time or obscured.
It can also be a combination of both in which the second attack opened the wound further.
Unless new footage appears from that period, the exact wounds inflicted at which time will probably remain a mystery and ultimately, the end result is the same.

I think that if this wasn't the first meeting we would have known about it. The Ottawa's were pretty well monitored lately now Skorro hangs around them and have been with a large kill without Nhenha showing up.

Quote:I think that if this wasn't the first meeting we would have known about it. The Ottawa's were pretty well monitored lately now Skorro hangs around them and have been with a large kill without Nhenha showing up.

Since we don't have more evidence, your point is supported and reasonable.
However, I like to apply probabilities/statistics from 0 to 1 to whatever we don't see that is most of their daily life, and predict what happens in that big chunk of the day. 
Being said that, it leads me to believe that if Nhenha was allowed to have food from an enemy or adversary, which is a probability closer to zero-0, then, it will turn around increasing the probabilities to be closer to one-1, where he can get food from other different sources including enemy/adversary, but only excluding getting food from PC boys. And none of this will be recorded.

Belgium criollo2mil Offline

Screenshot of Nhenha at the kill I took so you can see (hopefully I tried) to see his condition which I think is quite good all things considered

Attached Files Image(s)
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Panama Mapokser Offline

He lost a lot of mass but is far from skin and bones.
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United States afortich Offline

(01-25-2023, 05:33 PM)criollo2mil Wrote: Screenshot of Nhenha at the kill I took so you can see (hopefully I tried) to see his condition which I think is quite good all things considered

Nhenha looks ok but lost some weight as @Mapokser said, he probably had other meals before this one.
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Musa15 Offline

It would be great if he recovers and then retires off into the sunset as a nomad. Others like Hairy Bella Matimba still had some great years as a solo male Lion and it was enjoyable to watch.
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