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The Birmingham Males

Duco Ndona Offline

I have no idea anymore. Unless we get a another source or a definitive date. I am not making any judgements either way.

Duco Ndona Offline

Its now confirmed by Ibosch these photos are not recent.
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Belgium criollo2mil Offline

(01-05-2023, 06:14 AM)criollo2mil Wrote: Here are the direct questions and responses for context. 

But again, please note these are being translated by IG into Portuguese and English respectively

For context.   Here are responses from today.   Total shift s]from yesterday.   I remain just as confised by this entire situation.   We’re back to Square one….which is a missing Nhenha.

Leo Bosch,  the guide that led her visit has said they’re not from this week.

Ranger Stu did respond to me today, said Tumbela was away from Nkuhuma.   So the visit was brief it seems.

Attached Files Image(s)
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Panama Mapokser Offline

Lots of plot twists.

But if the photos are not recent, how come NK have those bite marks? Especially in his belly and hindlimbs? They look like marks a lion gets fighting at least 2 lions, not 2v1 necessarily, but a situation where a second lion can ( even if briefly ) bite the rival's back while he faces a second one.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

(01-05-2023, 08:43 PM)Mapokser Wrote: But if the photos are not recent, how come NK have those bite marks? Especially in his belly and hindlimbs? They look like marks a lion gets fighting at least 2 lions, not 2v1 necessarily, but a situation where a second lion can ( even if briefly ) bite the rival's back while he faces a second one.

In fights for mating rights between 2 males, female often get involved and she also attacks 1 of the males.

Reason for that is not known, lions just sometimes fight for no reason when fight happens, or maybe she is favoring certain male at that time and wants to get rid of another.
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United States GhostCatP-22 Offline
Regular Member

Where are these pictures of Nym having possible bite marks?? 
  Could Nym have gotten cornered or split from nhenha by PCM and Nhenha runs to him up to help NYM but Nym runs away so nhenha is stuck 1v2?

Just theorizing….
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United States LionLover84 Offline
New Member

(01-05-2023, 11:51 PM)GhostCatP-22 Wrote: Where are these pictures of Nym having possible bite marks?? 
  Could Nym have gotten cornered or split from nhenha by PCM and Nhenha runs to him up to help NYM but Nym runs away so nhenha is stuck 1v2?

Just theorizing….
 I guess the pictures of him with bite marks are from previous week before any fight that took place.

Duco Ndona Offline

The pics are a bit further back. But turned out to predate fight.

As of now. Nobody knows what happened.
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Panama Mapokser Offline

@GhostCatP-22 photos are in the previous pages. As of right now it seems only "injuries" NK has is that he's missing some of his mane around his ear.

If he saw any combat it was probably very brief.

Panama Mapokser Offline

@afortich Btw I didn't say I desagree Nhenha is more willing to stand his ground. He still seems to be dominant over NK and performed better in their first encounter with the PCM as dominant males.

What I disagreed with is the notion this was the reason he fought, like "he fought and NK didn't because he is more willing to do so". IMO the most likely scenario is that PCM attacked them, and as it happened countless times by now, both Birminghams ran but this time Nhenha was unlucky.

However, it's all just speculation.
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United States afortich Offline

I'm a little bit confused now. If pictures are before 2023:
a) it means they were prefight, right?? 
b) then, the picture of NYM with another lion (skorro or Nhenha) is prefight, right??

Duco Ndona Offline
( This post was last modified: 01-06-2023, 01:24 AM by Duco Ndona )

The fight occured somewhere sometime January first or the early hours of the second. Anything shot in 2022 predates the fight.

As of today. We only have limited footage of the PC males and some photos of Nym. We really could use some good sharp footage of them in motion to properly determine wounds and such.

The photos of Nym and Skorro together were reused older footage. But claimed to be used to illustrate an actual reported sighting dated after the fight. A photo went around yesterday of the Birminghams hanging out with the Ximhungwes. But those were determined to be shot before the fight. But labeled as recent due to a communication error.

As for Nhenha. No photos or even sightings are reported since the fight.
Its rapidly approaching a point where he either shows up or is declared death after a yet to be determined period without sightings.
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United States afortich Offline

(01-06-2023, 01:21 AM)Duco Ndona Wrote: The fight occured somewhere sometime January first or the early hours of the second. Anything shot in 2022 predates the fight.

As of today. We only have limited footage of the PC males and some photos of Nym. We really could use some good sharp footage of them in motion to properly determine wounds and such.

The photos of Nym and Skorro together were reused older footage. But claimed to be used to illustrate an actual reported sighting dated after the fight. A photo went around yesterday of the Birminghams hanging out with the Ximhungwes. But those were determined to be shot before the fight. But labeled as recent due to a communication error.

As for Nhenha. No photos or even sightings are reported since the fight.
Its rapidly approaching a point where he either shows up or is declared death after a yet to be determined period without sightings.

Ok, got it, the NYM picture was an illustration/emulation. Thank you for the explanation my friend.

Musa15 Offline

A permanent disappearance will pretty much confirm this outcome in most people's eyes. Unfortunately it wouldn't be the first time a Birmingham male vanishes without closure. Of course I still hope the last of the original Birmingham's is still alive but who knows.
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United States afortich Offline

(01-06-2023, 02:36 AM)Musa15 Wrote: A permanent disappearance will pretty much confirm this outcome in most people's eyes. Unfortunately it wouldn't be the first time a Birmingham male vanishes without closure. Of course I still hope the last of the original Birmingham's is still alive but who knows.

You're right my friend. 
However, I will wait longer before accepting Nhenha's dead due to vanishment/disappearance. If I'm not mistaken, we recently had the disappearance case for a few months of a lioness from the Mangheni pride.
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