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Skulls, Skeletons, Canines & Claws

epaiva Offline
( This post was last modified: 07-15-2021, 09:20 AM by epaiva )

American Lion (Panthera atrox)
Measurements: length of skull 46,7 cm, wide of skull 30,4 cm, length of upper canines 74,8 mm and 74,3 mm, length of lower canines 53,9 mm and 55,1 mm

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Brazil Dark Jaguar Offline
Jaguar Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 06-19-2021, 04:42 PM by Dark Jaguar )

Massive Porto Primavera Jaguar Skull.

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Carlos Platero (former Jaguar/Puma poacher) As I've once posted about Platero he poached many jaguars/pumas in Anaurilândia but decided to help biologists capture jaguars for conservation.

In one part of his interview for a brazilian TV in the 2000's he mentions about the jaguar skin attached on the wall in the background it belonged to a 93 kg Porto Primavera female jaguar.

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The Puma skin belonged to a 75 kg Adult Porto Primavera male Puma.

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I am so amazed by the size of that Porto Primavera Jaguar Skull, it looks really powerful.

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I wonder if this skull belonged to ''Preto Pintado de Preto'' the massive dark melanistic Porto Primavera male of 125 kg Platero poached that crushed a dog just by the fall off tree. That must've been an impressive looking specimen for sure.

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Canada Balam Offline
Jaguar Enthusiast

@Dark Jaguar excellent find regarding the 93 kg Porto Primavera female, this shows that despite uninformed claims by some, female Jaguars are perfectly capable of reaching very large sizes outside of the Pantanal in areas with similar prey. Imagine what those huge females from Hato la Aurora in the Colombian Llanos like Mariposa or Flor de Mayo likely weight.

Moving on, here are the skulls of Sandro and a 140 kg estimated male jaguar. More info about this horrific act is posted on the weights and measurements thread. Sandro's skull to the left, unidentified 140 kg male to the right (sensitive images):

Let's see if we can get a hold of their measurements. Sandro has very broad zygomatic arches, definitely 200+ mm in width, the skull is easily 300+ mm in length. The skull of the larger Male seems partially broken which is a shame.
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Brazil Dark Jaguar Offline
Jaguar Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 06-20-2021, 06:09 AM by Dark Jaguar )



Too bad the Reporter didn't ask anything about that massive skull on Platero's hand.

Of course female jaguars attain large sizes outside of the Pantanal/Llanos, Porto Primavera used to compete in size directly with the Pantanal despite being a mini version of it, it used to produce the largest melanistic jags on the planet, too bad it doesn't exist anymore, those hydroelectric plants completely destroyed that unique biome, Cerrado jags based on the males averaging in the 90's kg range, males easily reach the 100's kg range so we can also assume Cerrado produces big females as well because, why not?, the main reason is that the other popuations are far harder to get infos given the circumstances (IOP for example) and also we have a huge sample of the Pantanal population which makes them look to be the only place to produce big specimens here, but they're not.

And obviously as you know here we also got the small sized populations like Caatinga jags which I really like not only for their small sizes but also for their unique features required specifically for that biome.

Here's a footage of Ariane Cerrado female a few days after eating a Pitbull, she's looking rather big now and she is from Cerrado, it only takes Leandro and IOP to be kind enough to share her size datas but they won't do it.

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Those poisoned animals around Passo do Lontra was a horrific act and hopefully the person will get really punished. Anyways to wrap it up About the 140 kg male I was 90% sure it was estimated due to the advanced decomposed body state it was found, there's no way they would lift up that corpse body on scale, not to mention the aweful stench of the dead body it must've been, but he looks like he was a big specimen for sure specially for being larger than Sandro.
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epaiva Offline

Smilodon fatalis
Measurements: 36 cm long, 21 cm wide 

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Brazil Dark Jaguar Offline
Jaguar Enthusiast


Figure 1 -  ''A jaguar skull with fracture of the right upper canine and the presence of bullets embedded in the palate. The bony healing process developed around the bullets indicates that the animal was hit but not killed.''

credits: CENAP Archive

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Luipaard Offline
Leopard enthusiast

Leopard claws from Zimbabwe, the second on the left looks really robust and large

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Taiwan Betty Offline
Senior Member

Carnivorous skull specimens for reference. From top left: lion (Panthera leo), Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae), sun bear (Helarctos malayanus), Javan leopard (Panthera pardus melas), domestic dog (Canis familiaris), and ajag (Cuon alpinus javanicus).

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Taiwan Betty Offline
Senior Member

Skulls of lions and Amur tigers (Amur tiger on the right).

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Taiwan Betty Offline
Senior Member

Amur tiger skull, length 358mm, canine 75mm, zygomatic width 237mm.

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Brazil Dark Jaguar Offline
Jaguar Enthusiast

Skull of a 130 kg Pantanal male Jaguar (Sossego male from Rio Negro)

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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Sumatran Tiger Skull
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Male Cougar and Male African Leopard Skulls together 
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epaiva Offline

(06-26-2021, 06:03 PM)Betty Wrote: Amur tiger skull, length 358mm, canine 75mm, zygomatic width 237mm.

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Incredible skull incredible upper fangs, thanks for sharing
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United States TheLioness Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

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