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Lions of Sabi Sands

Croatia Tr1x24 Offline

(01-24-2022, 07:54 PM)Tonpa Wrote: Kambula subs grooming

How many Kambula subs and young males are in Lion Sands? it would be shame if 6 young males split..
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Russian Federation Bellateda Offline

I'm afraid that if N'Was mate with Mhangenis and they leave to patrol, PC males may invade. They are closer and have no prides except for 2 females.

Tonpa Offline

Not sure on current status of the Kambulas. Hoping we get some more open shots soon. 

Nkuhuma sub male mock mating with one of the Lionesses 

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Canada Mdz123 Offline
( This post was last modified: 01-24-2022, 11:21 PM by Mdz123 )

(01-24-2022, 09:09 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote:
(01-24-2022, 07:57 PM)Duco Ndona Wrote: Male lions are always open for new females to mate. Its not their problem if the cubs dont make it. So thats not saying much. 

You guys are severely overestimating the Nwaswitshakas.
Being a coalition of four is meaningless if your members are scattered all over the reserve. They just cant be with all four members at all those prides at the same time.
And thats going to be an issue with the Avocas, Nym and PC males around.

Why would the Mhangeni prefer abandoning a large part of their territory for a coalition that has so far shown little interest in them and may be gone to hang out with other prides most of the time. Over the males on their own territories that they wont have to share. 

And you are underestimating Nwaswitshakas, they behave just like any other big coalitions, they are not "scattered", idk from where is even this false narrative, because Eorenji was 1 time seen alone or what. 

How do you think Majingilanes, or Bboys, or Mapogos etc etc controled multiple prides and large territory? 

Isuses woth Avocas, NK or PC males?? Theres no way that neigbouring coalition of 1 or 2 will invade coalition of 4..

And Mhangenis are still in Sabi Sabi today, in their core territory.

If the members of a coalition have a strong bond they will be succesful. For example, if a duo always stick together, they will be succesful, like HB and Ginger. Same case goes for the N’was males. If they don’t stick together, rival males can catch one of them off guard and kill him. So basically what we’ve seen with Eorenji is not good news, because he is lone and doesnt know the dangers of enemy territory. And he can end up like OM. He needs the backup of his brothers.

If any coalition is scattered all over the place, the N’was males could end up like the Vurhamis, or die one by one like Bboys
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Tonpa Offline
( This post was last modified: 01-25-2022, 12:16 AM by Tonpa )

Ximhungwe Lioness vocalising by Diff Marimane
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Tonpa Offline

Same three Nkuhumas on the Djuma Dam cam about 10 minutes ago. 
Purple Eye, Chela/Hairy Chin and one of the sub-adult males.

Purple eye. 

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline

(01-24-2022, 11:09 PM)Mdz123 Wrote: So basically what we’ve seen with Eorenji is not good news, because he is lone and doesnt know the dangers of enemy territory. And he can end up like OM. He needs the backup of his brothers.

Eorenji was in his core territory (south Rattray's, just east of Sabi Sabi) , he was nowhere near enemy territory :

*This image is copyright of its original author

Nwaswitshakas territory spans north to around MalaMala Main Camp, and look where Eorenji was in that MalaMala video :

*This image is copyright of its original author

Male lions in a coalitions are not 24/7 together, even Majingilanes, who where famous for their bond, where divided in between 3 prides most of their reign, to maintain that, they couldn't be together all the time, thats normal, but when they needed to be, they where, just like Nwaswitshaka where when they invaded north.
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Tonpa Offline
( This post was last modified: 01-25-2022, 12:14 AM by Tonpa )

Styx Pride in MalaMala by Daniel Charles Bailey 

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Netherlands Duco Ndona Offline

(01-24-2022, 09:09 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote:
(01-24-2022, 07:57 PM)Duco Ndona Wrote: Male lions are always open for new females to mate. Its not their problem if the cubs dont make it. So thats not saying much. 

You guys are severely overestimating the Nwaswitshakas.
Being a coalition of four is meaningless if your members are scattered all over the reserve. They just cant be with all four members at all those prides at the same time.
And thats going to be an issue with the Avocas, Nym and PC males around.

Why would the Mhangeni prefer abandoning a large part of their territory for a coalition that has so far shown little interest in them and may be gone to hang out with other prides most of the time. Over the males on their own territories that they wont have to share. 

And you are underestimating Nwaswitshakas, they behave just like any other big coalitions, they are not "scattered", idk from where is even this false narrative, because Eorenji was 1 time seen alone or what. 

How do you think Majingilanes, or Bboys, or Mapogos etc etc controled multiple prides and large territory? 

Isuses woth Avocas, NK or PC males?? Theres no way that neigbouring coalition of 1 or 2 will invade coalition of 4..

And Mhangenis are still in Sabi Sabi today, in their core territory.
The Birmingham Boys abandoned prides when defending them became to bothersome and the Mapogos did split eventually.
And while the Nwas are spending weeks with the other prides. Why wouldn't the PCmales try something? Its not like the Nwas will find out until its too late.
Its not like it deterred Nhenha from circling back to the Kambulas. 
They N'was may not even care. They afterall have spare prides.

(01-24-2022, 11:09 PM)Mdz123 Wrote: If the members of a coalition have a strong bond they will be succesful. For example, if a duo always stick together, they will be succesful, like HB and Ginger. Same case goes for the N’was males. If they don’t stick together, rival males can catch one of them off guard and kill him. So basically what we’ve seen with Eorenji is not good news, because he is lone and doesnt know the dangers of enemy territory. And he can end up like OM. He needs the backup of his brothers.

If any coalition is scattered all over the place, the N’was males could end up like the Vurhamis, or die one by one like Bboys

Thats what I am somewhat worried about. The more prides they have. The more terrain they have to cover to keep them under their control so the less time they can spend defending each individual pride if they stay together. But if they split off, the numeral advantage they have is gone.

Tonpa Offline

(01-24-2022, 11:29 PM)Tonpa Wrote: Ximhungwe Lioness vocalising by Diff Marimane

Diff mentioned on FB that she was mating with a Tumbela male yesterday
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Canada Mdz123 Offline

(01-25-2022, 01:05 AM)Duco Ndona Wrote: Thats what I am somewhat worried about. The more prides they have. The more terrain they have to cover to keep them under their control so the less time they can spend defending each individual pride if they stay together. But if they split off, the numeral advantage they have is gone.

They can abandon one of their prides if they think they have too much territory. The Majingilanes did this after they took over Selati territory

sik94 Offline

What's with the overreaction, who's really going to come and fight OE knowing there's probably 2 more males within roaring distance? The Avocas would not go back after the run in they had with the Nw's, NK stands no chance, the PC males are the only somewhat of a threat and even they wouldn't dare. Lions have territories for a reason, the PC males wouldn't challenge a coalition like the Nw's because they cannot compete. If OE was hanging out out of his territory, then the PCs might engage him but even then they probably wouldn't unless they believe him to be in their territory even though they are still pretty much nomadic. So what's the fuss about?
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
( This post was last modified: 01-25-2022, 01:59 PM by Tr1x24 )

Great news, Mhangeni cub showed up, looks like she was hiding somewhere from Nwaswitshaka male:

*This image is copyright of its original author

It was taken at Umkumbe, so for the cubs sake, hope they are returning back north.
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Netherlands Duco Ndona Offline

Glad to see that the cubs alive.

(01-25-2022, 08:29 AM)sik94 Wrote: What's with the overreaction, who's really going to come and fight OE knowing there's probably 2 more males within roaring distance? The Avocas would not go back after the run in they had with the Nw's, NK stands no chance, the PC males are the only somewhat of a threat and even they wouldn't dare. Lions have territories for a reason, the PC males wouldn't challenge a coalition like the Nw's because they cannot compete. If OE was hanging out out of his territory, then the PCs might engage him but even then they probably wouldn't unless they believe him to be in their territory even though they are still pretty much nomadic. So what's the fuss about?
The thing is, its a paper reality. We look at a territorial map and assume that the minute another lion steps foot in it that the reigning coalition will drop everything and attack them. 

But in reality if a coalition prefers to stay at lets say the south of a territory and/or are preoccupied with mating. The north is left virtually undefended. We saw this during the Avoca incursions in BB territory and specially nomadic lions use these areas to safely use territories. So for prides it can be a matter of life and death.
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Russian Federation Bellateda Offline

Quote:Great news, Mhangeni cub showed up, looks like she was hiding somewhere from Nwaswitshaka male:
It is only a short reprieve, sadly. Sad
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