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Lions of Sabi Sands

Cath2020 Offline
Regular Member
( This post was last modified: 04-27-2024, 04:23 AM by Cath2020 )

This pride is single-handedly being grown and kept alive by the legendary Southern Pride Female.  From lone lioness to now the proud mother of four daughters from two different coalitions, only losing one son out of her introduced litters.  This pride deserves credit where credit is due.  Which other lone lioness has been as successful in just a few years?  The others in S. Sands have not been anywhere near as good as the Southern Pride Lioness yet.  Maybe the Tsalala Lioness can grow her pride one day, but until then, that remains to be seen.  

Now she is a grandmother to three cubs by one of her daughters, and perhaps the other one has recently introduced her litter from what I gather.  What a major turn of events and fortune for the pride!  From lone lioness to at least 8+ members between 2020-2024!

Here's to a remarkable future and legacy for the Southern Pride of Sabi Sands!
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Panama Mapokser Offline

@BA0701 Maybe an uncle or great-uncle.
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Panama Mapokser Offline

PCM will also likely mate with the 2 Othawas, maybe even this year.

More cubs to come.
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Go131810 Offline
Regular Member

(04-27-2024, 04:01 AM)Cath2020 Wrote: The Gijima Males are giving the other 2 dominant coalitions in Sabi Sands a run for their money in rivaling the number of cubs sired by them....but of course, only time will tell how many survive to adulthood.  The Nzenghas have 16 (though some older litters are probably Gore's and Ubuso's no doubt) The PCs have 14 with more yet from the Tsalala Lioness...., and the Gijimas have more cubs by both their prides recently!  At least 12 and now the other Southern Pride Lioness introduced at least two they could have more than the PC Males as of today, minus the number the Tsalala female will produce.

PCs have 2 from NK Breakaway, 2 from Othawa Pride and 10 from Mangheni, plus more by the Tsalala on the way.  Will be between from 15 to 18! 

The Gijimas have 7 from 3 Talamati Lionesses, but one has yet to give at least 7 from the Southern Pride, too.....but more if the last lioness had 3 or 4. (so, 14 to 16 potentially)

These three duos are ruling well, so it will be interesting which ones of their offspring make it past the nomadic stage, and how well all of them will get along as they inevitably meet sometime in the future, clashing for land, females, prey......

Sadly, not all will survive for sure, but hopefully the majority.  The Thandi Impi Coalition also had about 18 from two prides, but only about half actually made it.  5 Males in the end, and maybe even more females in the Mbiri and Nharu Prides.
Nobody knows what will happen. There is no reason to think they do not all have a good chance. The male lions you have all mentioned are good male lions that visit their cubs and and are strong. The Nzenghas male lions have a lot of cubs and sub adults in the Styxt pride and the Southern pride and the Kambulas prides. The Southern pride and the Styxt pride may have had cubs from their brothers the Ndzenghas, but I think they may have also had cubs with he Styxt pride or the Southern pride. The were a coalition when they were with the Styxt pride and the Southern pride if you count all of their sub adults they have 24 total with cubs and sub adults and the oldest lionesses daughters already have cubs i am not sure how many total, but that means those cubs; the Ndzengha male lions are grandfathers.
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Singapore Vengeous Offline

*This image is copyright of its original author

Wonder why the PCMs are there... following K4's roars perhaps? Also heard Khanya was in Londolozi with part of the Nkuhuma pride, maybe they followed them north?
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Panama Mapokser Offline
( This post was last modified: 04-28-2024, 04:39 AM by Mapokser )

Probably heard K4 roaring in Elephant Plains.

Currently there's no established dominant coalition with more than 2 members, so the strong duos like PCM, Gijima and Ndhzenga do whatever they want, without caring for trespassing.
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United Kingdom KM600 Offline

K4 roaring with PCMs said to be ‘not too far away.’ We’ll most likely get an update of them chasing him or atleast trailing him in the coming days. Not a chance they didn’t respond to this if they were close enough to hear it.

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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor
( This post was last modified: 04-28-2024, 01:29 AM by Tr1x24 )

With no mating females available in their territory anymore, PCMs will more often be seen pushing east in search for new mating opportunities.

Obiviously, northeast is free open unlike east and southeast, so thats the area they are and will exploit more.

Not sure if K4 is aware that these 2 guys are there, prob no if they didnt roar, so that might be a problem. Currently, PCMs are in between him and his brothers.

Theres also a posibility that PCMs make a move further and try to take north (Nkuhumas) for themselves, which would result in further conflicts with Kambulas by the looks of it.
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United States BA0701 Offline
Super Moderator

(04-28-2024, 01:20 AM)Tr1x24 Wrote: With no mating females available in their territory anymore, PCMs will more often be seen pushing east in search for new mating opportunities.

Obiviously, northeast is free open unlike east and southeast, so thats the area they are and will exploit more.

Not sure if K4 is aware that these 2 guys are there, prob no if they didnt roar, so that might be a problem. Currently, PCMs are in between him and his brothers.

Theres also a posibility that PCMs make a move further and try to take north (Nkuhumas) for themselves, which would result in further conflicts with Kambulas by the looks of it.

The PCM, to this point, have done a really good job looking after their cubs in WS, but if they head north, and go for the Nkuhuma, that is leaving WS unprotected, and could potentially wipe out everything they have worked hard for, at this point. That is way too large of an area for them to cover.

United States T_Ferguson Offline
Senior Member

Ugh.. this was my fear.  K4 is in danger.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor
( This post was last modified: 04-28-2024, 01:49 AM by Tr1x24 )

(04-28-2024, 01:31 AM)BA0701 Wrote: The PCM, to this point, have done a really good job looking after their cubs in WS, but if they head north, and go for the Nkuhuma, that is leaving WS unprotected, and could potentially wipe out everything they have worked hard for, at this point. That is way too large of an area for them to cover.

Lions usually start explore and shift territory around 2 yrs mark (if they can), PCMs are territorial in Singita for more then 2 years and they conquer all WS in late 2022, so about 1.5 yrs ago (they killed Nhenha in January 2023, but that was on Nhenha/NK return, they ousted Nhenha/NK few month before that initially).

They have no mating females available anymore on their territory, so its normal they are starting to explore outside their border.

With open territory and free pride to the northeast, thats the area they are pushing more and more deeper recently.

If they get opportunity, I wouldnt be suprised if they commit there in the next half a year to a year, unless some coalition there stop thrm (like Kambulas in theory).

Coalitions rarely stay more then 2-3 years and sire 2nd generation of offspring in their former prides if they can aquire new territory and prides in meanwhile, this especially applies to strong and confident coalitions, which PCMs look to be.

So I dont think PCMs will just sit in WS for much longer and wait for their females to return back in estrus, but who knows, if they meet resistence, they could.
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T I N O Offline

Interesting times ahead in the Sabi Sand. The Kambula male #4 is looking really beautiful on each passing day. If he keeps mating with the females, his growth will be truly amazing. Same thing happened with the Plains camp males when they started to mate with females
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Ngonya Offline

(04-28-2024, 01:44 AM)Tr1x24 Wrote: They have no mating females available anymore on their territory, so its normal they are starting to explore outside their border.
I think the only adult female without cubs in the Western Sector is Ximhungwe, right?

Really unfortunate that she didn't come back into estrus since losing her male cub.
Only time will tell when she is ready to mate again, but from the looks of it, raising the cubs of her partner is likely that only when they are around 2 years old 
(thats the age of the cubs when the mothers start mating again, or is it older / younger?)
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United States BA0701 Offline
Super Moderator

(04-28-2024, 02:07 AM)Ngonya Wrote:
(04-28-2024, 01:44 AM)Tr1x24 Wrote: They have no mating females available anymore on their territory, so its normal they are starting to explore outside their border.
I think the only adult female without cubs in the Western Sector is Ximhungwe, right?

Really unfortunate that she didn't come back into estrus since losing her male cub.
Only time will tell when she is ready to mate again, but from the looks of it, raising the cubs of her partner is likely that only when they are around 2 years old 
(thats the age of the cubs when the mothers start mating again, or is it older / younger?)

I do hope that Ximungwe female is able to have some more cubs, as well. She is the last of her natal pride, and since her sister was killed, things have really been a constant struggle for her. I was really happy when she and Gingerella got together. But, I do wonder what would happen, if something were to happen to her before she has anymore cubs, would Gingerella remain a Ximungwe lioness, or something different?
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Ttimemarti Offline
Senior Member

The prides name will continue but the legacy of the pride will end I guess
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