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Lions of Sabi Sands

Tonpa Offline
( This post was last modified: 04-11-2021, 02:25 PM by Tonpa )

Othawa male calling on Londolozi airstrip after the bboys were there the previous day
skip to 6:50

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Poland Potato Offline

(04-11-2021, 01:43 PM)Duco Ndona Wrote: If so, they picked a lousy area. 
It is probably just point to start with like for example was northern Singita for Tumbela males. From that point they could move north-east to challange Birminghams for Kambula pride or north-west to challange Othawa male for Mhangeni pride (which is the way I bet the will follow). They also could move south to challange N'was or south-east to challange Southern Avocas, but those two last options seem very unlikely.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor
( This post was last modified: 04-11-2021, 02:58 PM by Tr1x24 )

It looks like war in central Sabi Sands in future is inevitable as we where predicting in 2020..

N. Avocas will try to claim another territory, they are long time already in the north and in prime years..

Im quite suprised that Nwaswitshaka males are not making moves towards central Sabi Sands, they are by far strongest coalition in Sabi Sands rn, but it looks like they are happy with their territory south, for now..

Styx and NK are maturing and getting confidence fast in recent months, i think they are soon ready to challenge dominant males, even when Nhenha chased Styx recently, Styx male hasn't been that worried or scared of Nhenha and them roaring in Umkumbe confirms that they might be ready. 

 Its yet to be seen plans of Plains Camp males, but i think they are too young still, althrough i might be wrong, lack of presence of Avocas north (if they do challenge Bboys) might be enough for them to push for Nkuhumas (if they stay there ofc). 

OM is roaring in Londolozi quite regulary, but i dont think that he wants to be involved in this. 

In the end 2 Bboys are key, i still think if they stick together they wont lose territory to this coalitions, althrough challenge might come from multiple sides and that might be too much for ageing males..
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Brahim Offline

King Othawa Nguvu 
Western Sabi Sands.
Credit: kirst joscelyne

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Tonpa Offline

What a beast
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Poland Potato Offline

The beginning of a takeover? A Northern Avoca male comes across a Gowrie male trying to mate with a Kambula lioness. He chooses fight and the Gowrie male, flight. Elephants interrupt the chase. Youngsters from the Kambula pride are in ear shot of the commotion and they run for the hills.

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Hairy tummy Offline
Senior Member

The othawa male is such a impressive lion, best mane in the business
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sik94 Offline

Mohawk has been so underrated as a dominant male, he's the most interesting character in Sabi Sands right now. Very few males will chase someone like Nhena off with such a lack of fear and disregard for consequences, Tinyo could have been just around the corner.
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Poland Potato Offline

(04-12-2021, 12:33 AM)sik94 Wrote: Very few males will chase someone like Nhena off with such a lack of fear and disregard for consequences, Tinyo could have been just around the corner.

Perhaps he knew that is up against single male and most likely Blondie was not far away as they were seen together moving into Biminghams territory. Avocas were slowly and carefull moving further south from many months. It is not a takeover on one hurra without fear and disregard for consequences, but rather a standard one. Keep in mind as well that not long ago Nhenha alone chased both Avocas which is also showing that there is no disregard for consequnces and insteed there is precaution.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

(04-12-2021, 12:33 AM)sik94 Wrote: Mohawk has been so underrated as a dominant male, he's the most interesting character in Sabi Sands right now. Very few males will chase someone like Nhena off with such a lack of fear and disregard for consequences, Tinyo could have been just around the corner.

Agree, I also think he is the most interesting character in Sabi Sands atm.

He was always underrated and in the shadow of his brothers because of his size and appearance, but in the past year or so he showed that he is actually soul and front guy of N. Avocas..

Dont know what it is with those mohawk'ed males but they seems to be all crazy as this was very stupid and reckless from Mohawk to do, as you said, Tinyo could be just around the corner..

Im waiting the response from Tinyo, that guy is also crazy and more agressive and fierce then Nhenha..
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sik94 Offline

(04-12-2021, 01:05 AM)Potato Wrote:
(04-12-2021, 12:33 AM)sik94 Wrote: Very few males will chase someone like Nhena off with such a lack of fear and disregard for consequences, Tinyo could have been just around the corner.

Perhaps he knew that is up against single male and most likely Blondie was not far away as they were seen together moving into Biminghams territory. Avocas were slowly and carefull moving further south from many months. It is not a takeover on one hurra without fear and disregard for consequences, but rather a standard one. Keep in mind as well that not long ago Nhenha alone chased both Avocas which is also showing that there is no disregard for consequnces and insteed there is precaution.

Both of them probably didn't know what they were up against, if Blondie was close he would have been in the action after hearing the commotion, but he never showed up. Nhena wasn't waiting around to see what he was exactly up against, Mohawk probably sensed this and gave chase. Lions don't roar in the middle of the day so I don't think Mohawk could have known where Tinyo was, could have been half a km away so I still do think it's a brave move.

T I N O Offline

Mohawk seems to the dominant Northern Avoca male right now, He's also the Avoca male in the best condition. It was really amazing see how this boy chased to Nhenha on his own through MalaMala. I've tired of read negative comments toward both coalitions on Facebook, We are witness of these "lion dynamics" as lion enthusiast, that is what make this community better than any other
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T I N O Offline

The Ottawa Male in all his glory. He was seen roaring full back yesterday morning, Lions tend to roar on the open areas, As the roars sound travels a bit further, they get a bit more bang for their buck it means that more lions are going to hear the roar, as the roar it's not going to get swallowed by trickets, If they were in a drainage or in a riverbed the roar It's not quite as effective as it's on the open areas like airstrips etc etc
Photo by: Kirst Joscelyne

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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T I N O Offline

Such a beautiful capture of the dark-maned Avoca male sharing a tender moment with one of the sub-adult males of the Talamati pride of lions It's amazing how big are these boys!
Photo by: Jors Dannhauser

*This image is copyright of its original author
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BigLion39 Offline
Senior Member

Tino i agree about the negativity on FB. The fan boys are out of control. Reminds me of the Mapogo fanboys . Its frustrating.  Nobodys knows what will happen next, nature and the wild are unpredictable.
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