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Lion Predation

United Kingdom ragelion Offline

So you are saying I have no idea about animals 

So I will be toxic right back at you

Go to the  0 : 37 "the lionesses drive the 2 ton animal to the ground"
It was 5 year old elephant

United Kingdom ragelion Offline

Lions killed a big crocodile

*This image is copyright of its original author

This large crocodile had been killed and eaten by the resident lions in the area. Measuring 13ft 6″ is the length of a medium size fishing boat
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Finland Shadow Offline

If someone haven´t seen this, just look at this zebra and how it fights back!!! I mean this is Zebra with capital Z!! No easy meal that day for this lion.

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United Kingdom ragelion Offline

Single young male lion killed an adult bull giraffe

*This image is copyright of its original author

"We have seen lions bring down different prey species from A to Z – from aardvark, antelopes, elands ostrich, wildebeest to zebras.  But two days ago it was a different story.  A lone male lion jumped on the back of a mature male giraffe, devoured the tendons and was dragged on for over 500 meters before finally succeeding in bringing it down. This was an act that surprised us all and we were left speechless at how a lone lion could perform this amazing feat!"

The average weight is 1,192 kg (2,628 lb) for an adult male and 828 kg (1,825 lb) for an adult female

So he killed an animal weighing over a ton with a very powerful kick
And dragged it for half a kilometer

Great feat

Finland Shadow Offline

(02-27-2020, 12:08 AM)ragelion Wrote: Single young male lion killed an adult bull giraffe

*This image is copyright of its original author

"We have seen lions bring down different prey species from A to Z – from aardvark, antelopes, elands ostrich, wildebeest to zebras.  But two days ago it was a different story.  A lone male lion jumped on the back of a mature male giraffe, devoured the tendons and was dragged on for over 500 meters before finally succeeding in bringing it down. This was an act that surprised us all and we were left speechless at how a lone lion could perform this amazing feat!"

The average weight is 1,192 kg (2,628 lb) for an adult male and 828 kg (1,825 lb) for an adult female

So he killed an animal weighing over a ton with a very powerful kick
And dragged it for half a kilometer

Great feat

It was a giraffe dragging a lion in this. Not lion dragging giraffe, that heavy giraffe is practically impossible to drag anywhere, lion will eat it there where it dies.

United Kingdom ragelion Offline

Still a lone young male lion killed an animal over 1 ton

You gotta admit its impressive

United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

(02-26-2020, 11:52 PM)ragelion Wrote: So you are saying I have no idea about animals 

So I will be toxic right back at you

Go to the  0 : 37 "the lionesses drive the 2 ton animal to the ground"
It was 5 year old elephant

I was talking about Dereck Joubert when you wrote this below:
Quote:He said 6 year old so it confirmed

And once again, the narrator has no idea what age or weight the elephant weighs.
These are again, estimates and according to the study I posted, an Elephant at the age of 6 will be 600kgs or 1300lbs
And this will be a young elephant, it has not gained it's sure-footedness and full musculature that comes with being an adult who's gone through adolescence. 

And judging from the size of the Elephant in comparison to the Lion, I'd say that Elephant is much younger than 6.

United Kingdom ragelion Offline

Okay I dont want to talk about this anymore

Btw @Pckts do u think a single male lion can kill an adult male nile croc on land

Finland Shadow Offline
( This post was last modified: 02-27-2020, 12:36 AM by Shadow )

(02-27-2020, 12:16 AM)ragelion Wrote: Still a lone young male lion killed an animal over 1 ton

You gotta admit its impressive

It´s impressive, no matter if it was 700 or 1100 kg, giraffes are difficult prey and manage to flee many times so this kind of successes are always impressive. 

I don´t think, that anyone here won´t admit, that lions are able to do impressive things. But when you write, that lions would tackle elephants or buffalos by overpowering them, there you are and will be questioned. I don´t take it seriously at all, that lions or any big cats could overpower animals like cape buffalos or elephants with strength. They need with these big animals all the "weaponry" they have. Teeth, claws, agility, speed, surprise element and also one important thing which sometimes compensate failed surprise, fear what they cause with their presence by being what they are. 

If a lion can´t attack a buffalo or bigger animal with surprise or panic element, it for sure won´t tackle that animal to ground just like that. It´s simply impossible. That is, as far as I understand what @Pckts means and I agree to that 100%. Still I of course understand, that you like lions and you admire them, nothing wrong in it. I do it too, but I admire many other animals too.
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

(02-27-2020, 12:25 AM)ragelion Wrote: Okay I dont want to talk about this anymore

Btw @Pckts do u think a single male lion can kill an adult male nile croc on land

If you have to handicap an animal to give a Lion a shot, what's the point?
A big Nile Croc is in a different league.
I've only seen one Nile Croc in the wild, it was large but not nearly full grown.
I've seen a gigantic Saltie though which are about the same size as Nile Crocs and a Lion or *Tiger* wouldn't have the nerve to actually go for a kill on them, they'd be so overpowered and outgunned that the risk would be too much.

Pantherinae Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Stunning photos of the African lion striking strength at the Lewa Wildlife Conservancy. The photos were taken during a photography training session by a team from Nikon, @zoozuerich, Switzerland and @LewaWildlifeConservancy. © Edi Day. 

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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United States Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover

@Pantherinae :

About #819: it's the first time i see such a photo like these ones, incredible ! A lone male lion defeating an adult giraffe... Till now I only read such facts, never seen one.
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Finland Shadow Offline

(02-27-2020, 04:15 PM)Pantherinae Wrote: Stunning photos of the African lion striking strength at the Lewa Wildlife Conservancy. The photos were taken during a photography training session by a team from Nikon, @zoozuerich, Switzerland and @LewaWildlifeConservancy. © Edi Day. 

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

Great photos!! As those people say, stunning! Sometimes people with cameras are in the right place and in the right time. Pity to see a giraffe going down, but I´ll take my hat off for respect for this lion.
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Finland Shadow Offline

Here one of the most impressive attacks I´ve seen from predators. I haven´t seen this in any other place, but from 26:36 to 26:50, absolutely stunning, imo. Even though clip stops in the middle of the fight, that attack, Wow! If anyone knows a clips showing more, it would be very interesting to see. But nevertheless that lioness did it with style, no matter what!


United States Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover

@Shadow :

About #822:

I believe that what you seek is this one:


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