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Coalitions of Kruger National Park

lionuk Offline

Maputo Male
Photo credit: Graeme Mitchley

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Croatia Tr1x24 Online
Top Contributor

(01-31-2022, 05:10 AM)SMK350 Wrote: Could this be the Kambula breakaway pride?

Hard to tell from that footage.
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Canada Mdz123 Offline
( This post was last modified: 02-01-2022, 05:21 AM by Mdz123 )

A few young males in Satara with lionesses. Any idea who they are? Too young to be 7 Sataras. My guess is the Mayambula subadults

Credits: Aadil Shaik

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Canada Mdz123 Offline
( This post was last modified: 02-01-2022, 05:26 AM by Mdz123 )

One of Young Jocks?
Credits: Alex Diakakis

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South Africa Wyld@Heart Offline
Regular Member
( This post was last modified: 02-01-2022, 12:58 PM by Wyld@Heart Edit Reason: Grammar )

(01-31-2022, 03:12 PM)Brahimlegend Wrote: That is Casper bro. The guy is saying Satara males because people keep calling Caspers pride satara pride and not Semana pride because of that youtube channel who keeps saying it instead of following the singita guides in saying Semana.

What do the guides at Satara now refer to the pride as? I didn't have much of a chat with any of the KNP guides at Satara when I was there last July but on my last visit, admittedly a long time ago, the pride in the immediate Satara area was referred to as the Satara Pride. Also mentioned was that historically the prides territory, and those adjacent was always quite small being in such game rich areas. 

Singita and Satara are a fair distance apart even as the crow flies and I doubt the pride around Satara will get close to being on their concession. I know the YouTube guy, okay met him at a few sightings would be a better description, and he seems to spend vast amounts of time in the park and around Satara in particular. He's probably picked it up from the guides. If nobody can clarify in the meantime I will be there in about 6 weeks and will ask around.
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Leo Aslan Offline

One of the great stories from the Wild: Casper, the white Lion

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Brahim Offline
( This post was last modified: 02-01-2022, 03:22 PM by Brahim )

@Wyld@Heart  It's in their reports. Here's the link

The guy on youtube gets his information from anywhere and just posts without verifying he called the pride casper and bros was with nwanetsi pride (even though nwanetsi pride only had 3 lioness and were seen with sweni male still and he was seeing 4) and then called them nsemani pride (even though they were seen with nsemani males still) and then now satara pride which confused everyone. Also he just takes information from anywhere. I saw him post some essays I wrote in the description of his videos before and just quote wildfact which is fine thats what its here for but I don't think he checks anything. I don't mind the guy using whatever anyway just that some stuff caused confusion before.
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lionuk Offline

(01-30-2022, 12:18 PM)DARK MANE Wrote: Ahhhh... 
Charleston boys sired two sons. 
Who are they?
Did you see photos of Charleston males' sons?
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lionuk Offline

1/2 Transport males in the S65
Credit: J Vd Merwe

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Brahim Offline

(02-01-2022, 05:19 AM)Mdz123 Wrote: A few young males in Satara with lionesses. Any idea who they are? Too young to be 7 Sataras. My guess is the Mayambula subadults

Credits: Aadil Shaik

Nsemani pride youngsters
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Brahim Offline

Shishangeni males today with Hippo pools pride s25
Credit: Carrmin Family

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Brahim Offline

Shishangeni males today.
Credit: Foxy Crocodile bush retreat

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(02-02-2022, 12:18 AM)Brahimlegend Wrote: Shishangeni males today.
Credit: Foxy Crocodile bush retreat

Thee boys are doing great.
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United States kobe8jf1234 Offline
Regular Member

(02-02-2022, 12:05 AM)Brahimlegend Wrote:
(02-01-2022, 05:19 AM)Mdz123 Wrote: A few young males in Satara with lionesses. Any idea who they are? Too young to be 7 Sataras. My guess is the Mayambula subadults

Credits: Aadil Shaik

Nsemani pride youngsters

how many males ?
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Poland Potato Offline

Rockfig male at a kill with some younger male

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