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The Matimba coalition

United Kingdom Scar Mbiri Offline

*This image is copyright of its original author
Hip Scar majingilane

Poland Potato Offline

(09-25-2021, 09:30 PM)Scar Mbiri Wrote: Majins probably beat bboys because they were much more experianced. And no ive asked rob and he told me he never saw matimbas and i dont know if he saw bboys
Well.. if he did not even seen them then his words are not viable at all in this regard. Idk how you imagine Birminghams loosing just because of lower amount of experiance. If you would take 3 random 20 years old guys, place tham against 2 smaller 40 years old and order them to fight each other, who would you place your bet on? Would it be on 2 older ones because they because of their older age has more experiance? I do not think so.

United Kingdom Scar Mbiri Offline

(09-25-2021, 09:32 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote:
(09-25-2021, 09:11 PM)Potato Wrote: Probably 2016/2017 as Birminghams took over just in later parts of 2015. Also I doesn't matter if they were in their prime or almost in their pride. Same for example if a men is 1,6m high when he is 16/17 years old, He will not suddenly grow to 1,9m tall by the age of 19/20.

You cant compare lions in their prime (7-9 yrs old) and teenage lions (4-5 yrs), idk what you say about that, thats a fact, show me 1 lion who looks more impressive at the age of 5 then he looks at the age of 8, i will wait.. 

(09-25-2021, 09:11 PM)Potato Wrote: So there is your opinion vs opinion of multiple Djuma guides which worked with those lions for years and probably were watching them for hundreds of hours in life while you are just basing on your imagination. 

Also other intresting video from the same channel with another guide opinion:

I never claimed that Bboys are bigger or same in size of S Matimbas,they where not, im just saying that biggest of Bboys (Nhenha) is prob close to size of S. Matimbas, i mean even Junior Matimba was close to size to Ginger at only 3.5 yrs old, Junior Othawa was almost tall as Hairy Belly (yes he was old, but height is height) when he was not even 3 yrs old..

But these discussions are ridiculous, we have them every month, no point of it.

Ok dont try to be like that. Dont try to make it look like junior Ndhuna matimba was some normal sized lion HE WAS NOT. He was son of Ndhuna who was said to be the original baddest and largest of the Matimbas. Also when fully grown his size was REALLY REALLY IMPRESSIVE. Here he is withh a GROWN LIONESS
*This image is copyright of its original author

United Kingdom Scar Mbiri Offline

(09-25-2021, 09:40 PM)Potato Wrote:
(09-25-2021, 09:30 PM)Scar Mbiri Wrote: Majins probably beat bboys because they were much more experianced. And no ive asked rob and he told me he never saw matimbas and i dont know if he saw bboys
Well.. if he did not even seen them then his words are not viable at all in this regard. Idk how you imagine Birminghams loosing just because of lower amount of experiance. If you would take 3 random 20 years old guys, place tham against 2 smaller 40 years old and order them to fight each other, who would you place your bet on? Would it be on 2 older ones because they because of their older age has more experiance? I do not think so.

Lol ok,but people at 40 cant even throw a punch and cant move. Lions at even 10-12 move just lile lions and naturally know how to fight. Lol this is why i alway tell people not to compare lions with humans.

sik94 Offline
( This post was last modified: 09-25-2021, 09:46 PM by sik94 )

That's a scientific paper on lions in Southern Africa, 187.5kg was the average weight from 158 male lions from the KNP with empty stomachs. https://zslpublications.onlinelibrary.wi....tb01433.x
So let's stop with mindless speculation.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Online
Top Contributor

(09-25-2021, 09:40 PM)Scar Mbiri Wrote: Ok dont try to be like that. Dont try to make it look like junior Ndhuna matimba was some normal sized lion HE WAS NOT. He was son of Ndhuna who was said to be the original baddest and largest of the Matimbas. Also when fully grown his size was REALLY REALLY IMPRESSIVE. Here he is withh a GROWN LIONESS
*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

What? I said at "only 3,5 yrs of age", that means he was almost big as Ginger when he subadult pretty much, thats a compliment to him. 

Im saying that if those 2 subadults where close to size to S. Matimbas, then somebody like Nhenha has to be aswell..

Poland Potato Offline

(09-25-2021, 09:32 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote: You cant compare lions in their prime (7-9 yrs old) and teenage lions (4-5 yrs), idk what you say about that, thats a fact, show me 1 lion who looks more impressive at the age of 5 then he looks at the age of 8, i will wait.. 
And how would you judge which lion is more impressive size wise? From the photo from the internet? lol Also it is unlikely Birminghams were 4 years old even at the very first day they lay claim on Djuma. At 2016-2017 they were probably 5 to 7 years old with Nsuku being around 1 year older than the rest. Beggining of 2011 is most likely and most commonly believe to be birth time (exept older Nsuku) of the Birmingham males. 5 to 7 years are already physical prime for male lions. It is some absurd to claim Djuma guides are judging teenage versions of Birminghams. I even posted there James Herny opinion from 2018 and you still value your imagitation over guides opinions... 

Btw you kind of answered to this part of your comment by later part of your comment (
(09-25-2021, 09:32 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote: even Junior Matimba was close to size to Ginger at only 3.5 yrs old, Junior Othawa was almost tall as Hairy Belly (yes he was old, but height is height) when he was not even 3 yrs old.

(09-25-2021, 09:32 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote: ot, im just saying that biggest of Bboys (Nhenha) is prob close to size of S. Matimbas,
And the Djuma guides say Matimbas were a lot larger.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Online
Top Contributor

(09-25-2021, 09:50 PM)Scar Mbiri Wrote: Bro are you dumb or what?Mapogos weight aint speculation its facts,stop with this whole speculation shit

"Bro", this is not youtube, i dont think these kind of behavior and dictionary is appropriate to this forum.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Online
Top Contributor
( This post was last modified: 09-25-2021, 10:09 PM by Tr1x24 )

@Potato, you completely didn't understand what i meant to say, i also said that S. Matimbas where larger, so idk why are you arguing.. also our opinions are completly different, so no point of discussion, i wont change your opinion, and you wont change my, so lets move on and dont spam the topic.

Poland Potato Offline

(09-25-2021, 09:42 PM)Scar Mbiri Wrote: but people at 40 cant even throw a punch and cant move. Lions at even 10-12 move just lile lions and naturally know how to fight
40 years old very much can throw a punch, many of 40 years old still mach most younger guys with their athleticism. For my comparing 40 years old men to 11 years old lion sounds more or less arucarate. Btw the oldes profesional boxer to take championship was 51 years old by that time...

(09-25-2021, 09:50 PM)Scar Mbiri Wrote: Bro are you dumb or what?Mapogos weight aint speculation its facts,stop with this whole speculation shit
No Mapogo was ever weight so their weights are indeed just speculations.
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United Kingdom Scar Mbiri Offline

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*This image is copyright of its original author
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Hairy tummy Offline
Senior Member

These size debates never get anywhere. From my humble opinion and research its generally only the southern matimbas that ever get referred to as much larger than other lions that were around them. I bet there isn't much in it with the others. As i have said previously,i think manes distort peoples interpretation of the lion size. Take the mbiri for example, imagine shaka with zig zags mane
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United Kingdom Scar Mbiri Offline

(09-25-2021, 10:33 PM)Hairy tummy Wrote: These size debates never get anywhere. From my humble opinion and research its generally only the southern matimbas that ever get referred to as much larger than other lions that were around them. I bet there isn't much in it with the others. As i have said previously,i think manes distort peoples interpretation of the lion size. Take the mbiri for example, imagine shaka with zig zags mane

Lots of ther lions in sabi sands are considered really big,hairy belly is one of the most impressive in sabi sands ever recorded when he was in his prime

BigLion39 Offline
Senior Member

@Scar Mbiri, you need to watch your mouth. Just because your over the internet doesn't mean you get to say rude and obnoxious things to people with no consequences.  Your arguing about subjective opinions. Makes no sense. I see these stupid arguments all over youtube and social media. Its not for this forum. I feel bad for you if you run into a 40 year old and you think he can't throw a punch! Lol! Your logic is very flawed.
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T I N O Offline

Hey @Scar Mbiri chill out my friend. WildFact it's a site where the rude and disrespectful behavior isn't tolerated by moderators and admins. Of which it's the appropiate way of keep the website without toxic people. Each members has his different point of view regarding lion sizes. Unfortunately, Sabi Sands hasn't do a lion census to know which lion was the biggest that ever walked in Sabi Sands, Although, the old Nkuhuma males were said to be extremely big males. This is a website to keep each-other updated about lions always with a kind behavior.
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