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Tiger Directory

United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Would love to know more.
There was another wild tiger who would hop a enclosure fence to mate with female on the other side. They let him do it because he was helping the gene pool.

Sri Lanka Apollo Away
Bigcat Enthusiast

Name                : Gowri
Location           : Bandipur National Park
Year of Birth    : Unknown
Ancestry          : Unknown
Status              : RIP
Sex                   : Female
Species             : panthera tigris tigris

She was a darling of photographers. She never disappointed anybody from being ‘freezed’ her from all the angles in the cameras. This is the story of a tigress ‘Gowri’, a name given by the wildlife photographers to her. She was popularly known as the ‘queen of Bandipur’ for her majestic looks and walking style. As long as she was alive, ‘Gowri’ used to give ‘darshan’ to tourists and wildlife photographers who would visit the Bandipur National Park.

Unfortunately, she died recently under mysterious circumstances. P Sanjay, a wildlife photographer, remembers the tigress who apparently never used to ‘disappoint’ any photographer. On many occasions, it remained still for over one hour allowing photographers to cover her from all the angles.

Forest officials say that Gowri may have given birth to over a dozen cubs. “Gowri’s death is a big loss not only to the Bandipur but also to wildlife photographers.

*This image is copyright of its original author


Sri Lanka Apollo Away
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 11-01-2014, 10:37 AM by Apollo )

Name               : D4=Vijaya = Kankati
Location           : Bandhavgarh National Park
Year of Birth    : 2007
Ancestry           : Daughter of Bokha male and Durga tigress
Status               : RIP
Sex                   : Female 
Species             : panthera tigris tigris  

Vijaya was born to a mother and father that were to have a huge influence within the golden meadows and dark jungles of Bandhavgarh over the last decade. She is one of three cubs born in the monsoon of 2007, together with Jaya her sister and Sahat her brother.

As she grew up in the area of the Rajbehra dam and Climber Point, she was often seen in the company of her mother. In the winter of 2009, she was increasingly seen hunting with her sister, Jaya, and as the monsoons came and went, the three siblings were often seen coming together over a fresh kill. But it was noticeable that her brother and Jaya had some command over her.

Increasingly, however, her shyness evaporated and she became settled with the visitors who drove around her home in Ghiraiya and the hills of the Badhaini.

By the winter of 2010 it was time for Vijaya to lay claim to her own territory and she did this by pushing an ageing tigress, Pyari to the edge of her territory, before finally vanquishing her altogether to the nearby Khitauli range. With her hands on some of the park’s finest hunting grounds, including the Barua Nallah, Chakradhara and Sidh Baba areas, she had also acquired a taste for sambhar deer (especially very large ones), proving her great hunting skill, and a knack for ambush, in the bamboo groves these deer tend to favour.

Vijaya is a young mother to watch. Now caring for three young cubs, her name suggests it came at a steep price. Vijaya means ‘victory’ in Hindi; a name she has earned through fierce territorial fights, the end of one being the gruesome death of a beautiful tigress named Lakshmi, whose food-rich jungles she wanted for herself, in the battle Vijaya lost one of her eyes (left eye). She still bears the scars on her face. Tigress Vijaya has battled two females for control of the territory she now claims.

*This image is copyright of its original author


Sri Lanka Apollo Away
Bigcat Enthusiast

Name               : Sharmele
Location           : Corbett National Park
Year of Birth    : Unknown
Ancestry           : Mother of "shy" tigress
Status               : Live
Sex                   : Female
Species             : panthera tigris tigris 

Sharmele the "Queen of Bijrani", she is a famous tigress and the dominant female in the Bijrani range. She have mothered several cubs.

*This image is copyright of its original author

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Sri Lanka Apollo Away
Bigcat Enthusiast

Name               : SH1=Shivaji=The Boss=King of Kolsa
Location          : Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve
Year of Birth   : 2004
Ancestry         : Unknown
Status             : Live
Sex                  : Male
Species           : panthera tigris tigris
Shivaji is the dominant alpha male from Kolsa range from Tadoba. He was called the BOSS for his huge size and very aggressive nature.

Not a great deal is known about Shivaji, except he has made his presence felt in the southern Kolsa range of the park, where he is the dominant male.

Shivaji's ancestry is unknown, as his main territory within the southern part of the Tadoba reserve is not open to tourism. He has many female tigresses under his protection

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Sri Lanka Apollo Away
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 05-20-2014, 11:04 AM by Apollo )

Name               : M6=Chichghat valley male=Katezari male= Amitabh
Location           : Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve
Year of Birth    : August 2008
Ancestry          : Unknown
Status              : Live
Sex                  : Male
Species            : panthera tigris tigris

Amitabh came out of the blue in January 2010. Nobody knows where he came from but it is possible with more photographic evidence that he was part of Duana family (F5).

Having established his territory around the Tadoba lake and Katizari valley, he soon had four ladies under his protection including Vasanti (J2), Sonia (V4) and her sister Bhala (J3) and the Basant Bandera female (F6).

Very comfortable with fame, he however, generally prefers to keep himself to himself and not get too involved with his harem. He’s keen on the easy life, given to laziness, yet he always hunts on his own to get the choicest of meals. His only real enemy are the infernal sloth bears which hassle him constantly, with a large population in his area.

*This image is copyright of its original author

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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

(05-20-2014, 11:01 AM)'Apollo' Wrote: Name               : M6=Chichghat valley male=Katezari male= Amitabh
Location           : Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve
Year of Birth    : August 2008
Ancestry          : Unknown
Status              : Live
Sex                  : Male
Species            : panthera tigris tigris

Amitabh came out of the blue in January 2010. Nobody knows where he came from but it is possible with more photographic evidence that he was part of Duana family (F5).

Having established his territory around the Tadoba lake and Katizari valley, he soon had four ladies under his protection including Vasanti (J2), Sonia (V4) and her sister Bhala (J3) and the Basant Bandera female (F6).

Very comfortable with fame, he however, generally prefers to keep himself to himself and not get too involved with his harem. He’s keen on the easy life, given to laziness, yet he always hunts on his own to get the choicest of meals. His only real enemy are the infernal sloth bears which hassle him constantly, with a large population in his area.

*This image is copyright of its original author



Katezari Male is a huge guy, I feel sorry for any sloth bear that stumbles across his path.


Sri Lanka Apollo Away
Bigcat Enthusiast

Quote:Katezari Male is a huge guy, I feel sorry for any sloth bear that stumbles across his path.


Yeah too bad for the sloth bear.


Sri Lanka Apollo Away
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 05-24-2014, 11:45 AM by Apollo )

Name                : MW1=BMW
Location            : Pench Tiger Reserve
Year of Birth      : 2005
Ancestry            : Unknown
Status               : Live
Sex                   : Male
Species             : panthera tigris tigris
BMW got this name as a result of an argument over what his marking says, he had either a horizontal B, an M or an upside down W on his left thigh and hence called them all three letters.

BMW’s ancestry is unknown as he was born before the park was frequented very much and few records were kept. It is probably that he came in from the south, maybe from the Maharashtra part of Pench Tiger reserve in 2009 or outside the tourism zone, because he was initially shy of the daylight activities in his new territory.

He soon had a range that covered the southern boundaries of the reserve within Madhya Pradesh itself and bordering the Pench dam, whose waters ebbed and flowed depending on the season. This rich landscape with its profusion of grazing deer is perfect for a stable full of tigresses but constant pressure from Sula his closest rival, and a workmanlike mentality means he is constantly on the move making sure his neighbourhood was secure.

BMW as been courting with two tigresses Badi Maa and Baghin Nalla.

*This image is copyright of its original author
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sanjay Offline
Co-owner of Wildfact

Great Description of BMW.
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United States Rage2277 Offline
animal enthusiast

(05-14-2014, 09:27 PM)'Pckts' Wrote:
(05-14-2014, 02:49 AM)'Apollo' Wrote:
(05-06-2014, 03:23 AM)'Pckts' Wrote: here's Machali's first Husband from Ranthambore that is no more, a huge male known as Bamboo Ram. 

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author


Hi pckts
Do check the 2nd and 3rd pics of Bamboo Ram, the stripe pattern doesnt match.
Either it should be different tigers or the image should be rotated vertically (turing the left side to right side or vice versa).
Do check it and let me know.



I'm sure I can be mistaken, I only use photos in which they specifically state the tigers name.
That being said, the facial patterns on the first two are identical and the third is the only one where the tiger is standing at a side profile and you cannot compare its side stripes to the 2nd one since one is laying down which will bring stripes closer together or wrinkle them, etc.
I could definitely be wrong as well.

yup the third pic is def a different male


United States Rage2277 Offline
animal enthusiast

(05-22-2014, 11:52 PM)'Apollo' Wrote: Name                : MW1=BMW
Location            : Pench Tiger Reserve
Year of Birth      : 2005
Ancestry            : Unknown
Status               : Live
Sex                   : Male
Species             : panthera tigris tigris
BMW got this name as a result of an argument over what his marking says, he had either a horizontal B, an M or an upside down W on his left thigh and hence called them all three letters.

BMW’s ancestry is unknown as he was born before the park was frequented very much and few records were kept. It is probably that he came in from the south, maybe from the Maharashtra part of Pench Tiger reserve in 2009 or outside the tourism zone, because he was initially shy of the daylight activities in his new territory.

He soon had a range that covered the southern boundaries of the reserve within Madhya Pradesh itself and bordering the Pench dam, whose waters ebbed and flowed depending on the season. This rich landscape with its profusion of grazing deer is perfect for a stable full of tigresses but constant pressure from Sula his closest rival, and a workmanlike mentality means he is constantly on the move making sure his neighbourhood was secure.

BMW as been courting with two tigresses Badi Maa and Baghin Nalla.

*This image is copyright of its original author

the pic in the middle is the ryakassa male 

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Sri Lanka Apollo Away
Bigcat Enthusiast

(05-24-2014, 10:35 AM)'Rage2277' Wrote:
(05-14-2014, 09:27 PM)'Pckts' Wrote:
(05-14-2014, 02:49 AM)'Apollo' Wrote:
(05-06-2014, 03:23 AM)'Pckts' Wrote: here's Machali's first Husband from Ranthambore that is no more, a huge male known as Bamboo Ram. 

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author


Hi pckts
Do check the 2nd and 3rd pics of Bamboo Ram, the stripe pattern doesnt match.
Either it should be different tigers or the image should be rotated vertically (turing the left side to right side or vice versa).
Do check it and let me know.



I'm sure I can be mistaken, I only use photos in which they specifically state the tigers name.
That being said, the facial patterns on the first two are identical and the third is the only one where the tiger is standing at a side profile and you cannot compare its side stripes to the 2nd one since one is laying down which will bring stripes closer together or wrinkle them, etc.
I could definitely be wrong as well.

yup the third pic is def a different male



Thanks alot Rage.
Your input is very helpful.


Sri Lanka Apollo Away
Bigcat Enthusiast

(05-24-2014, 10:39 AM)'Rage2277' Wrote:
(05-22-2014, 11:52 PM)'Apollo' Wrote: Name                : MW1=BMW
Location            : Pench Tiger Reserve
Year of Birth      : 2005
Ancestry            : Unknown
Status               : Live
Sex                   : Male
Species             : panthera tigris tigris
BMW got this name as a result of an argument over what his marking says, he had either a horizontal B, an M or an upside down W on his left thigh and hence called them all three letters.

BMW’s ancestry is unknown as he was born before the park was frequented very much and few records were kept. It is probably that he came in from the south, maybe from the Maharashtra part of Pench Tiger reserve in 2009 or outside the tourism zone, because he was initially shy of the daylight activities in his new territory.

He soon had a range that covered the southern boundaries of the reserve within Madhya Pradesh itself and bordering the Pench dam, whose waters ebbed and flowed depending on the season. This rich landscape with its profusion of grazing deer is perfect for a stable full of tigresses but constant pressure from Sula his closest rival, and a workmanlike mentality means he is constantly on the move making sure his neighbourhood was secure.

BMW as been courting with two tigresses Badi Maa and Baghin Nalla.

*This image is copyright of its original author

the pic in the middle is the ryakassa male 



Hey thanks for the correction.
That pic was labelled BMW at Indian nature watch.
Ill change the profile pic at my top posts also.
Here is the edited latest profile for BMW

*This image is copyright of its original author

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Sri Lanka Apollo Away
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 07-17-2014, 07:15 AM by Apollo )

Name : MU1=Langda=Langru=Munna=Meadow male
Location : Kanha National Park
Year of Birth : 2003
Ancestry : Son of Old Mukki male and Minkur female, Brother of Pattewala male
Status : Live
Sex : Male
Species : panthera tigris tigris
Due to his preferred terrain and striking facial markings which says “CAT” in his forehead, Munna is perhaps the most photographed and most easily recognisable tiger in the Kanha Park today. He had battled his way to dominance, which at times has led to injury.

He spends most of his time in meadows, but his territory ranges from Chattapathara to Bamni Dadar to Neelamullah to Link 9 to Kanhaghat to Naktighati. His rise to dominance was tough and included many fights particularly during 2005 and 2006 when he was consolidating his area. In one of the fights he sustained a leg injury giving him a limp, hence Langda or the limping one. This has healed almost completely now and he is now in complete control of his territory.

*This image is copyright of its original author

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