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Tiger Directory

United Kingdom tigerluver Offline
Feline Expert
( This post was last modified: 06-05-2014, 05:54 AM by tigerluver )

Could someone please refresh me on the other Tadoba male said to be as large as Wagdoh, is it the Katezari male?

Sri Lanka Apollo Away
Bigcat Enthusiast

(06-05-2014, 05:52 AM)'tigerluver' Wrote: Could someone please refresh me on the other Tadoba male said to be as large as Wagdoh, is it the Katezari male?


When it comes to Tadoba, Wagdoh is the largest followed by Shivaji, Katezari and Ookhan


United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

(06-05-2014, 05:52 AM)'tigerluver' Wrote: Could someone please refresh me on the other Tadoba male said to be as large as Wagdoh, is it the Katezari male?


The video title tried to say Gabbar was the largest male tiger in Tadoba. Gabbar aka leopard face has been putting on some mass lately, but even when he was fighting with Saturn I believe, his body dimensions are nothing special. Waghdoh is continually mentioned by numerous tour guides as being the largest male they have ever seen, by far. 


Sri Lanka Apollo Away
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 06-06-2014, 05:36 AM by Apollo )

Name               : Mara = T-04
Location           : Nagarahole National Park
Year of Birth    : Unknown
Ancestry          : Unknown
Status              : RIP
Sex                   : Male
Species            : panthera tigris tigris  

The Infamous Mara aka T04 of Nagarahole. This guy was captured by Ullas Karanth when he was 3-4 years old and he weighed in at 218Kg. Good size for a subadult. No much info is known about him.


*This image is copyright of its original author

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GuateGojira Offline
Expert & Researcher

T-04 (alias “Mara” (god of love) – 3-4 years old):
Lost his radiocollar after 2 months of its first capture in a battle with another male tiger. The bite penetrated the steel collar and severe it. But T-04 seemed to have won the battle and was seen for a few more years. Also recorded as having committed infanticide (he killed 3 cubs of the defeated male). He was captured when he was transient, it was photographed until 1995.
Body size: Head-body 189 cm, tail 100 cm (total length of 289 cm), weight 215 kg (adjusted for stomach content).
Tracking period: January 1990 – January 1991.
Location: Nagarahole National Park.
Hope this helps. [img]images/smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

(06-06-2014, 08:37 PM)'GuateGojira' Wrote: T-04 (alias “Mara” (god of love) – 3-4 years old):
Lost his radiocollar after 2 months of its first capture in a battle with another male tiger. The bite penetrated the steel collar and severe it. But T-04 seemed to have won the battle and was seen for a few more years. Also recorded as having committed infanticide (he killed 3 cubs of the defeated male). He was captured when he was transient, it was photographed until 1995.
Body size: Head-body 189 cm, tail 100 cm (total length of 289 cm), weight 215 kg (adjusted for stomach content).
Tracking period: January 1990 – January 1991.
Location: Nagarahole National Park.
Hope this helps. [img]images/smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]


Nice info, hes a big boy, but it makes you wonder how large some of the other tigers are. He certainly looks to still have room to grow in girth, like lots of the other big males that are out there.

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Sri Lanka Apollo Away
Bigcat Enthusiast

(06-06-2014, 08:37 PM)'GuateGojira' Wrote: T-04 (alias “Mara” (god of love) – 3-4 years old):
Lost his radiocollar after 2 months of its first capture in a battle with another male tiger. The bite penetrated the steel collar and severe it. But T-04 seemed to have won the battle and was seen for a few more years. Also recorded as having committed infanticide (he killed 3 cubs of the defeated male). He was captured when he was transient, it was photographed until 1995.
Body size: Head-body 189 cm, tail 100 cm (total length of 289 cm), weight 215 kg (adjusted for stomach content).
Tracking period: January 1990 – January 1991.
Location: Nagarahole National Park.
Hope this helps. [img]images/smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]


Thanks Guate. [img]images/smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Sri Lanka Apollo Away
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 06-08-2014, 11:27 PM by Apollo )

Name              : R17=Wakeeta=Banbehi female
Location         : Bhandavgarh National Park
Year of Birth  : 2007
Ancestry        : Daughter of B2 male and Reshma tigress
Status            : Live
Sex                 : Female
Species           : panthera tigris tigris

Wakeeta, or “beautiful flower" in Hindi was born in Banbehi along with her sister and two brothers. One of these male cubs died at a very young age due to illness.

Reshma raised the three cubs until they were about 17 – months -old when she tragically died in mysterious circumstances in early May 2009.
Wakeeta survived her mother’s death, and blossomed into a beautiful and petite female and establishing her territory in Banbehi and Amma Nallah as well as outside the reserve. Her siblings however vanished and no info on them till now.

In 2011, Wakeeta was found in a distressed state by forestry workers. A Poisoned goat left outside the park was suspected as the cause of her illness and the Forest Department tranquillised her and administered antidote. Wakeeta recovered, dashed off back into the jungle, and lived to tell the tale.

*This image is copyright of its original author


Roflcopters Offline
Modern Tiger Expert

Apollo, use this link for identifying Bandhavgarh tigers with their date of births and side profiles.

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Sri Lanka Apollo Away
Bigcat Enthusiast

(06-08-2014, 10:37 PM)'Roflcopters' Wrote: Apollo, use this link for identifying Bandhavgarh tigers with their date of births and side profiles.



Thanks alot Rofl.

Sri Lanka Apollo Away
Bigcat Enthusiast

Name              : B1=Raj
Location         : Bhandavgarh National Park
Year of Birth  : 1997
Ancestry        : Son of Mohini and grandson of Charger (Charger is the Father and also the Grand father of B1)
Status            : RIP
Sex                 : Male
Species          : panthera tigris tigris

“Raj” means King. Originally known as B1, he was born to mother Bachchi (Mohini) and father Charger in April, 1997. The litter had 3 male cubs namely B1, B2 and B3. Mohini did not allow them out from under her watchful gaze until they were well over six-months-old.

The three male cubs regularly delighted tourists with their bold and trusting natures. This litter of boys was playful, inquisitive, and seemingly perfectly at ease around humans. Male cubs often seem less cautious and more willing to interact with people than their female counterparts. B1 was the second largest male in the litter.

On growing up into mature tigers there was little resistance in the park from males, allowing all three boys to take territory. B2 took a liking to the Chakradhara area while Raj (B1) and Bara Larka (B3) moved together towards Rajbehra and across the hills.

B1 was in contrast with B2, he was a lazy tiger loves to rest and stretches under the cover of the Jamun tree and some times on the bank of his territory. He didnt like to do the hard work for making a kill. He makes a soft target for the kill as he pounced over the park boundary and enters the village of Tala, he kill the grazing cattle and drag it into the park boundary.B1 took control over the Rajbehra territory. B1 sired one litter with Kokila tigress in August 2000. B1 was last seen in June 2002.

*This image is copyright of its original author

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United States TheLioness Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 06-09-2014, 06:45 PM by TheLioness )

You can surely see B2 in his father B1, the stripe pattern and huge/short body was exactly like B2.


Sri Lanka Apollo Away
Bigcat Enthusiast

(06-09-2014, 06:44 PM)'TheLioness' Wrote: You can surely see B2 in his father B1, the stripe pattern and huge/short body was exactly like B2.



B1 and B2 are brothers.

United States TheLioness Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

[img]images/smilies/confused.gif[/img] whoops i read that wrong sorry! [img]images/smilies/tongue.gif[/img]


Sri Lanka Apollo Away
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 06-27-2014, 07:18 AM by Apollo )

Name             : Sita
Location        : Bhandavgarh National Park
Year of Birth : 1981
Ancestry       : Mate of Banka and Charger, Mother of Bara Bachha, Langru and many more.
Status            : RIP
Sex                 : Female
Species           : panthera tigris tigris
Sita tigress was one of the most photographed tigress in the world. She was the matriarch of Bandhavgarh. She had a life span of 17 years which is considered as longer than average age of tigers. In her lifespan she manage to raise 6 litters. She had two litters from Banka, the dominant male before Charger.Her third litter was from her mating with Charger in which she delivered two male cubs. In between them, one was larger in size and known by the name of Bara Bachha and second one had a slight limp in his hind leg and known by the name of Langru. Bara Bachha made his territory around Ghora Demon and Langru chose to stay with Charger & Sita. Here noticeable thing is that, Charger accepted his 4 year old lame son, denying the logic that dominant males drive away their own grownup male cubs.
In March month of 1994, Sita delivered her ill-fated fourth litter in which one cub was blind since birth and died after some time. Sita was so much distressed and disturbed by his death that for few days she wandered everywhere in search of her cub by calling her. During that period park authorities closed her area for tourists. Her another female cub later known by the name of Mohini as she was very good looking. Charger had habit of snatching the kills made by Sita but she never mind and always pleased to see Charger. In September 1996, Sita produced her fifth litter comprising one male and two females. In order to feed them properly, Sita often started trespassing in to other’s territory. She made kills in other’s domain and drag them into her territory.
In the year 1998, Sita was 17 years old which is considered as old-age of tigers, but she seems absolutely fit. Upto this age, she has produced 6 litters and seems fit to deliver 7th litter also. Parks was closed down in month of July for next 3 months. When month of October arrived in year 1998 and parks was ready for next safari season, tiger tracking geared up. During tracking nobody could trace Sita and a peculiar silence or depression was spread in atmosphere. No trace of beloved tigress Sita ignited huge controversies in media and pressure was mounted on Forest department to investigate the missing of Sita. Strange rumors began to spread about her dis-appearance like she was shot three times in Barua Nala and died behind the rest house in terrible agony. Some blamed it a handiwork of poachers spread in local villages. Local people and Forest Department was shocked with the disappearance of Sita.
After few months, police caught some poachers and recovered a tiger skin and bones from them. The enthusiastic officer and other policemen claimed that it was skin of Sita and called up many experts from Tala to verify the fact. They hung the skin in the verandah of Manpur Police Station for viewing and thousands of people from surrounding villages turned up to see it. Believing it to be Sita’s skin, they abused poachers and poured praises on policemen. But still suspicion remains prevailing as by having a look on a shrank and decayed skin and a pile of broken bones, it was impossible to trace the identity of died tiger. General perception of Sita’s death was that she has been poached. It is often said by guides and experts that it is very hard to trace the body of any cat family member died due to natural death.

*This image is copyright of its original author


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