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Tiger Directory

sanjay Offline
Co-owner of Wildfact

What a great lady. wonderful Description. Very Sad to hear this type of death for this legendary tigeress. RIP

United States TheLioness Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 06-13-2014, 01:06 AM by TheLioness )

RIP Sita

*This image is copyright of its original author

Sadly sh could have lived even longer if people would not tak their lives.

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Sri Lanka Apollo Away
Bigcat Enthusiast

Name               : B3=Barra Larka
Location          : Bhandavgarh National Park
Year of Birth   : 1997
Ancestry         : Son of Mohini and grandson of Charger (Charger is the Father and also the Grand father of B1)
Status             : RIP
Sex                  : Male
Species            : panthera tigris tigris

“Barra Larka” means Big Boy. Originally known as B3, he was born to mother Bachchi (Mohini) and father Charger in April, 1997. The litter had 3 male cubs namely B1, B2 and B3. Mohini did not allow them out from under her watchful gaze until they were well over six-months-old.

The three male cubs regularly delighted tourists with their bold and trusting natures. This litter of boys was playful, inquisitive, and seemingly perfectly at ease around humans. Male cubs often seem less cautious and more willing to interact with people than their female counterparts.

On growing up into mature tigers there was little resistance in the park from males, allowing all three boys to take territory.
It seemed the three boys had worked it out between them. B3 took the hills beyond Chakradhara and the eastern section of the park down to Milchaini.

Among the three brothers B3 is the biggest followed by B1 and then B2. Here is a rare picture of B3 pseudo mating with B2 to show his dominance, B3 is in the top and B2 is in the bottom. We also can see B3 is bigger too. B3 finally got electrocuted by poachers and died on November 2003

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Awesome info on B3. Crazy that he was the largest out of them all and the most dominate apparently. 

Sri Lanka Apollo Away
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 06-27-2014, 07:23 AM by Apollo )

Name              : Badi-Maa
Location         : Pench National Park
Year of Birth  : 1996
Ancestry        : Mother of Charger, Collared tigress, Kankatti tigress, Baghin Nalla tigress and many more.
Status             : RIP
Sex                  : Female
Species           : panthera tigris tigris
Badi Maa, meaning Big Mother, is the perfect name for Pench’s first lady. Made famous by the BBC’s ‘Spy in the Jungle’ series, raising four cubs, this was infact only the middle of a total of 19 cubs over 12 years of motherhood. She remained highly capable as a mother, relaxed with countless admirers, physically powerful and large as a female, her life has not though been with tragedy till May 2012.

Little is known of Badi Maa ancestry but she was probably born in 1996, a time when Pench was little known and had very few visitors or research to confirm records. She was though lucky enough to be born in a prime area of the park with some of the densest numbers of prey species in India.

Her first set of cubs was believed to have been born in 1999, a litter of four, and two of these cubs feature in the coming years, one called Kankati, and the other, a grumpy and stroppy son, called Kalapater. This aggressive son, with a temperament like his father, and aptly named Charger, would later become her protector and father of her third set of cubs.

Badi Maa very playful second set of cubs where unwittingly brought up under intense scrutiny, with the very latest in nature filmmaking technology. Though they didn’t know it, the family were being filmed daily by so called ‘trunk cams’ held by elephants in their trunks, and ‘rock cams’ placed carefully by well-frequented waterholes or by their den, capturing all their fun, games and dramas as they grew up.
This litter grew to adulthood, and the two cubs Collared and Baghin Nalla would go onto play a powerful role in the restoration of tiger numbers. Her two sons of this litter, sadly were not seen again, and their whereabouts are unknown.

Badi Maa had another litter of four cubs born in May 2008 sired by Charger, but the heat and the start of the heavy monsoon, is not a good time to be born, and she lost two of her litter in the monsoon. A threat arrived to Badi Maa in the form of new challenger for her affection, and control of her territory, and was disputing Charger’s domain. At eleven months old, in April 2009, her remaining son, was badly injured by this new male, called BMW (MW1), and the Forest department found the cub, and tried to save him, but he died in transit to the vet. Only her daughter, Langari (BM10) now survived to adulthood.

In September 2010, Badi Maa had her fourth set of cubs, an initial litter of three cubs, with the new male of her territory, BMW. The runt of the litter died early but the remaining son and daughter, were brought up together by their caring mother and enjoyed the limelight of their prime habitat, as Pench’s fame had by now spread and visitor numbers had grown hugely. They grew up to adulthood and were often seen in Piyorthadi rocks area, often together as siblings.

At the prime old age of 16, Badi Maa astounded her admirers by having a fifth litter of four cubs, again with BMW as the father in March 2012. Theses births take her known tally to 19 sons and daughters in the space of 12 years, a prodigious rate, 12 of whom are known to have lived to adulthood. Badi Maa was last seen in May 2012, Park officials said that she died of a snake bite.

*This image is copyright of its original author

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Sri Lanka Apollo Away
Bigcat Enthusiast

Name              : M8=Waghdoh=Scarface
Location         : Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve
Year of Birth  : 2002
Ancestry        : Unknown
Status            : Live
Sex                 : Male
Species          : panthera tigris tigris
Scarface looks the part. His origins are unknown but he had been in the southern range of Kolsa for a number of years in his youth but was somehow never quite made it there, finding it hard to exist in this region.
It is quite possibly that his main prey, spotted deer and sambar were in too low numbers for him, even though it should be good habitat for herbivores. However it has been known for sometime that there is heavy bush meat poaching coming in from the south-east. It was in the buffer forest area bordering Kolsa that two tigers were found caught in deadly jaw traps in 2012.
By late 2010 Scarface, now of immense bulk and with huge paws, was beginning to challenge the resident males further north in the richer feeding grounds of Mohurli and even Tadoba, and this meant Crooked Tail (M3) and the now aging Hilltop male (M2) beginning to be squeezed north.
However, what Scarface did learn in Kolsa in his youth was to hunt the gaur, or wild Indian Bison, and it was while trying to bring down a large male gaur in the early summer of 2011, that he got his eye blinded by his victim’s horn, before finally overcoming his battling prey. Scarface continued to feast on his hard won carcass for days while his injury healed, but by now his good looks had gone and his vision had been badly impaired.

For all his grumpiness as a dominant tiger, he is though immensely caring to the females under his protection, and will often be seen being affectionate around them, at meal times or sharing a waterhole. As with most dominant males he is prone to laziness and often indulges in his tigress’s most recent meals, but this maybe a feint and the price paid by his females for his protection.
With the largest territory in Tadoba he will be covering immense distances mostly at night keep other rivals off his newly established territory and his harem of tigresses, and their boisterous families.
He moves between Waghdoh, Telia lake to Tank no 2 in the Mohurli range and then all the way to up to Vasant Bandara in Tadoba.

*This image is copyright of its original author

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Pantherinae Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Great to read about B1 and B3! And many other tigers that you mostly just recognise on name and pictures. Aswell as having info and pictures of the most impressive males, which I can show to people not so intersted in animals, and make them facinated by large, massive muscular male tigers! And learn them about their fasinting life. Great work! 
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Norway Jubatus Offline
Regular Member
( This post was last modified: 06-30-2014, 07:18 AM by Jubatus )

Name: T-57 a.k.a New Male

Location: Rhantambore National 

Year of Birth: 2011

Ancestry: Mother, Sharmili (T-26), Father, Jhumroo (T-20)

Status: Live

Sex: Male

Species: Panthera Tigris Tigris

T-57 a.k.a New Male is now inhabiting Ranthambores Tourisme zone 2. This is an area currently inhabited by T-23, and in order to become the king of this area T-57 have to dethrone T-23, which is no easy task! He was born mid-2011, his father is the famous Jhumroo, and its great to see Jhumroos offspring is doing so great! He is still a young male tiger, and he shows great potential, trying to take over a territory at age 3 is impressive! only time will tell if he is sucsessful in his mission!

He is very shy, and getting close to him is no easy task, given that he is pretty aggressive towards safari jeeps!

*This image is copyright of its original author

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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

T-23 is nothing to mess with. He's the one who defeated T-32 correct?
Isn't he the most dominate male at Ranthambhore?
T-57 looks to have a good sized skull. Should be a interesting monsoon season.
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Pantherinae Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

T-57 what a great looking tiger! He is gonna be interesting to follow over the years! 
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Sri Lanka Apollo Away
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 07-03-2014, 01:55 AM by Apollo )

Name               : T-12=Guda Male
Location           : Ranthambore National Park Moved to Sariska Tiger Reserve
Year of Birth    : 2004
Ancestry           : Son of T15 tigress and X male, Brother of T21
Status               : Unknown
Sex                   : Male
Species             : panthera tigris tigris

T12 male is the last surviving member of the Guda clan. He was the dominant resident male of the Sultanpur area but later on July 2010 T12 was translocated to Sariska. After the translocation his whereabouts are unknown. During his stay in Ranthambore he mated with T13 and sired T38 and T39. His second litter went missing after his relocation. I think he weighed in at 221Kg, I hope @GuateGojira can help us on the weight part.

*This image is copyright of its original author

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sanjay Offline
Co-owner of Wildfact

Look like robust male tiger

Norway Jubatus Offline
Regular Member

(06-30-2014, 07:38 AM)'Pckts' Wrote: T-23 is nothing to mess with. He's the one who defeated T-32 correct?
Isn't he the most dominate male at Ranthambhore?
T-57 looks to have a good sized skull. Should be a interesting monsoon season.

T-23 is a big male tiger, and an experienced one aswell, for T-57 to get his territory at such a young age will be difficult... I don`t know who was the previous ruler of the territory before T-23 unfourtunatly... No I don`t think T-23 should have had anything to say against Fateh (T-42), Ustaad (T-24) or Jhumroo (T-20), but he is still a big tiger! Yeah T-57 looks to have a massive head, he`s going to be a big boy some day! I too is looking forward to the Monsoon season ahead! Going to be great to follow T-57`s progress :)

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Sri Lanka Apollo Away
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 07-01-2014, 02:52 AM by Apollo )

Name             : T-34=Kumbha=Chidi Kho Male
Location        : Ranthambore National Park
Year of Birth : Unknown
Ancestry       : Son of Jhumroo (T20) male tiger and Indala tigress
Status           : Live
Sex                : Male
Species          : panthera tigris tigris

Kumbha (who was called Chidi Kho) was brought up under the protection of the well-known Jhumaroo Tiger, and with Indala as his mother. He grew up with his two brothers Sakhwada (T32) and Chiroli (T33) in the rich Lahpur area of the park.

Reaching adulthood he was lucky to survive the torrent of poaching that was taking place in 2005 and 2006, a spree that was to include his brother Sakhwada as one of its victims. The Moghiya hunting community were blamed.

Soon after he sort to establish his territory, and while his remaining brother went north, he migrated south, crossing a dangerous West East road that dissects the reserve and settling into the north western part of the Sawai Mansingh sanctuary.

Till recently, this sanctuary, without the protection status of a National Park, was neglected and subject to heavy exploitation by woodchoppers and grazers, and little wildlife existed here. With the relocation of a number of villages, so this wilderness is again blossoming, a credit to the efforts of the Forest Department.

Though Kumbha lives is in an area very seldom visited by tourism, it was infact photographs taken in 2011 by some adventurous visitors that alerted the forest department to the the presence of 3 new cubs in the area, with their mother Chidi Kho female (T8) . Kumbha (T34) is an enterprising male tiger living in the Falaudi north western chunk of the Sawai Mansingh Sanctuary, part of the greater Ranthambhore Tiger Reserve. Here, against the odds, he is managing to raise a family of three cubs with a tigress (T8), a triumph not seen in the area for over twenty five years.

*This image is copyright of its original author


Sri Lanka Apollo Away
Bigcat Enthusiast

(06-30-2014, 06:33 PM)'Jubatus' Wrote:
(06-30-2014, 07:38 AM)'Pckts' Wrote: T-23 is nothing to mess with. He's the one who defeated T-32 correct?
Isn't he the most dominate male at Ranthambhore?
T-57 looks to have a good sized skull. Should be a interesting monsoon season.

T-23 is a big male tiger, and an experienced one aswell, for T-57 to get his territory at such a young age will be difficult... I don`t know who was the previous ruler of the territory before T-23 unfourtunatly... No I don`t think T-23 should have had anything to say against Fateh (T-42), Ustaad (T-24) or Jhumroo (T-20), but he is still a big tiger! Yeah T-57 looks to have a massive head, he`s going to be a big boy some day! I too is looking forward to the Monsoon season ahead! Going to be great to follow T-57`s progress :)



Actually T23 is the son of Jhumroo (T20). He rules the Indala village area, which is outside the tourism zone, thats the reason we dont see him much like his brothers T24 and T25.
T23 is the dominant of the three brothers, he dominated T24 and T25.
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