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Tigers of Central India

Jeffrey Offline
Regular Member
( This post was last modified: 05-25-2018, 09:16 PM by Jeffrey )

Raiyakassa male this morning after his recent fight with bhagoda male who is currently pushing him on the borders of his territory.
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

(05-23-2018, 09:51 PM)Pckts Wrote: My friend just saw the Rayakassa male and he is definitely wounded and limping.

In regards to size, he said the Rayakassa male is a little smaller than Mangu of Bandhavgarh.
He'll have a few photos posted soon.

Here's one of his shots of Rayakassa

Gaurav Kalbhor
End to a couple of days of safari in Pench.. The Rains played a spoilt sport and the sightings were a bit low than expected. Saw a couple of tigers and a couple of leopards overall. The highlight was this beautiful male Rayyakassa who crossed the road twice in front of us. It was amazing to see this beautiful one for over 45 minutes. 

We have just reached Kanha and have 4 amazing days of safaris lined up.. finally back to my favourite forest to wind up this safari season..

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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Arjun Kumar‎ 
I'm different. I have a different constitution, I have a different brain, I have a different heart. I got tiger blood, man. Dying's for fools, dying's for amateurs.
Buffer Agarzari
May 2k18

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Ajeet Gurditta
T67 (Dhamangaon Male)


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United States Rage2277 Offline
animal enthusiast

(01-04-2018, 01:12 PM)parvez Wrote: Satpura tiger,
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Source: naturetrek Twitter account
this guy's from kanha the jamun tola male a pretty small male
among the smallest i've seen
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parvez Offline
Tiger enthusiast

@Rage2277 Thanks for the correction. But I didn't feel he is big though. The picture was from an article writing about satpura reserve. That's why I was mislead.
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Gaurav Kalbhor
What an incredible morning safari.. Chota Munna sitting on the road.. first chased a sambar deer. Then a herd of Bison... followed by Dhawajhandi female with cub.

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He said CM is very skinny right now and was really hungry, he failed at a Sambar then charged Gaur but was unsuccessful on both, summer months are tough on these cats.

Gaurav Kalbhor
Its turning out to be a dream safari tour at Kanha. After seeing Chota Munna (attempting to kill), Dhawajhandi Female + 2 cubs and Sandukkhol Female yesterday, today morning it was time for Naina with 4 cubs.. 5 safaris 10 tigers. 2 more to go... !! 

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Mihir Kothari
Move over black panther, here comes the melanistic tiger from tadoba 
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Sanjay Deshpande
Undisputed King!

First ride at kanha after a gap of two years & its mid May, you are all geared up & though guide says Sarahi zone doesnt have much sighting yet when you get to see a tiger in sarahi you see it in best way; & gypsy start rolling on hilly roads, you cross one up & a huge male tiger is walking leisurely ahead, marking his territory! For a split second it moves away from road & the gypsy goes past him giving you head shots, you cant believe your luck, its dhamangaon male aka yuvraj, a very less photographed tiger, guide tells you, but you are engrossed in his massive yet graceful strides even the way he sits!! The knaha trip has started with bang, more to follow!...Kanha May 18.

Sanjay Deshpande
*plz view full screen

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Sanjay Deshpande
Kanha has never sent me back without tiger sighting & indeed kanha sals' has a lot more to offer than just tigers yet to see a tiger in kanha is always a specia experience! May be just like the water of Himalayas tastes sweeter, so is sighting of tiger in kanha & this time the Dhamangaon male aka Yuvaraj obliged me with probably every angle you can click a tiger, really Sarahi zone rocks when it plays the tune! Here is one more pose or say mood of him...May 18

sanjay deshpande

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He looks like he's putting on a lot of size, his head is much larger than I remember.

Imran Khan


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He is the father to the sub adults of the Durga female, his usually in the Turia area but not seen often.

Shadab Khan‎ 

One of the Most Dynamic Male !

T1- Mystery Male

Pench Tiger Reserve , Chorbahuli !!
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Ram Kumar Yadav Kanha
Fantastic five today morning

Full family.....

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Harshil Mehta‎ 


T2, Kanha 

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Ravi Pathak Bandhavgarh

#Bandhavgarh 2018

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Arjun Kumar
I am what iam 
May 2k18

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Brendon Gonsalves

Kanha national park

MB-2 male 

Canon 700d with canon 100-400mm

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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Gopinath Kollur
Bam from 2015

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India nitinule Offline
New Member

(11-23-2016, 02:51 AM)Roflcopters Wrote: without a doubt, It's Khali. any idea which side of the buffer it was taken?

Yes.. He is Khali.. He was very Shy but now in April and May 2018 he was very active in Agarzari and Devada zone. 
He was actually in Padmapur zone which is non tourism zone so no one was aware about his whereabouts. 

Thanks for identifying 

Nitin Ule
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Pantherinae Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 06-03-2018, 10:29 PM by Pantherinae )

Munna back in his prime! Stunning CAT
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Roflcopters Offline
Modern Tiger Expert

Welcome to the forum @nitinule and indeed, Khali is providing excellent sightings this year compared to any other year. which i think is amazing. now my only wish is to see Kolsa tigers.
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Radhe Nagpure
T 29 / Chhota Munna 
Mukki Zone
May 2018
Kanha Tiger Reserve (M.P)

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Kaleem Kureshi Kanha
Enjoying summer vacation with mom dad 
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Dj Cm and Cubs


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Kapil Mishra
"Daddy's girl"
Tiger Chota Munna with daughter (bacchi)
27th may 2018
Kanha national Park

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Vijay Raghavan
Many a famous tigers have walked the bunds of the famed babathenga but none as famous as this guy. he has the genes of the legend " munna" and is fondly called as "Chota Munna" and is an apt name for this guy. Had seen him as a 2 year old in the Kanha meadows and since then he has moved on to the warfields of Mukki and has survived and is ruling over a large part which is testimonial to the genes he has.
Long live the king.
Kanha National park.
May 2018
Nikon D500 with nikon 300 mm F4 lens
a late evening shot this.
with team SNS

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Majid Siddiqui

MB 2

Kanha National Park 【MP】
May 2018

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Omveer Choudhary
Finally I had wonderful sightings of Handsome Male Tiger with his son both together same place.. from khursapar gate pench.

3rd June 2018

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Male Cub:

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Roflcopters Offline
Modern Tiger Expert

CM and Handsome male are both legends, tfs!
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Omveer Choudhary
Unexpected Safari at Turia, Pench

It was a wonderful morning safari where we got to sight a new male #tigerthat to head-on and for two hours near water body. He looks like BMW ( but he is not) he should be approx 6-7 years old huge and bold. 
This is not the end moving further towards the collarwali territory.. We got a bonus to sight Collarwali on kill...
In short today's morning safari was full of unexpected moments and sights.
5th June Pench

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Sharad Bandhavgarh

4 ......june........2018

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Morning safari khatauli zone 

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Padmanava Santra

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The newly sighted male could be the culprit of Rayakassa's wounds but no way of knowing for sure.
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United States Rage2277 Offline
animal enthusiast

that babyface of yuvraj is fading..he's looking more masculine now

Pantherinae Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

An amazing video of Munna in his prime! Shot apparently in 2012 hope this hasn't been posted before, perhaps the greatest video I've ever seen of him! He's huge! 

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