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Tiger Directory

Sri Lanka Apollo Away
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 01-04-2017, 03:51 PM by Apollo )

(01-04-2017, 01:57 PM)zain.azam Wrote:
(01-03-2017, 04:26 PM)Apollo Wrote:
(12-28-2016, 02:07 PM)zain.azam Wrote:
(02-09-2016, 08:19 PM)Apollo Wrote: Sharmele from Corbett

*This image is copyright of its original author

Credits to sanjay
Sharmele and her male cub

*This image is copyright of its original author

Credits to rage
The male cub of Sharmele

*This image is copyright of its original author

Sharmele with male and female cub (huge cub getting up is the male and sharmele is the one resting in the ground)

*This image is copyright of its original author

This is the young male cub of Sharmele.
This cub is a giant. Everyone seen says its the biggest tiger cub they've ever seen.
This young boy is bigger than some adult males in Corbett.
It was said that this cub is bigger than Waghdoh (by a person who've seen prime Waghdoh 3 times).
For more confirmation it would be nice if @Pckts can check from his sources more about this cub.
Sharmele was said to be a large tigress as big as an average central indian male.
This cub dwarfs Sharmele when she is next to him.
Sharmele had 4 cubs initially in 2015 (2 males and 2 females), but in April she had a territorial battle with another tigress (this tigress also had cubs) in Birjani zone.
Sharmele won the battle and took control of this area.

Hi Apollo, very late reply, but might be useful.
The cub seems HUGE for sure, but reports of Sharmili being as big as an average Indian Male are wide of the mark. I saw her in 2014 (on a hunt!) and she's actually quite a small framed tigress but really beautiful with very muscular front limbs. Maya and Madhuri from Tadoba are easily bigger than her I have more than 200 images of her and I can send you photos from all angles if you want to add her to this directory (if you haven't already). I also have a lot of images of the Male near Ghairal Guest House who attacked a guard in 2014. He was a huuge boy even though he was just a sub-adult at the time. The guides and regulars there were saying "ye Khali ka baap banega!" - Rough Translation - "Khali's gonna seem small when this guy grows up"

Attached a photo of her showing her small frame and huge muscles!

Thanks for the info.
Do you have any pics of Ghairal male tiger which you took and whats his current status ? I knew ghairal subadult male was a large specimen, but I dont no his current status.
Whats your opinion on male tiger sizes from different parks ? Which is the biggest tiger you've seen ?

From what I've personally seen, I feel the tigers from Central India are heftier, but the tigers from the North and South are overall much better built in terms of muscle mass. Wagdoh was a massive one! (although he was on a very empty stomach at the time). He was a LOT taller than I expected. The tallest I've seen easily. He seemed short and ridiculously fat in most photos, I guess the fat works against him in photos and makes him seem short. He was almost skinny when I saw him!
The one tiger that literally made my jaw drop was Prince from Bandipur. HUGE and built like a tank! Overall the most impressive tiger I've seen for sure. 
Having said that, I saw Wagdoh in a very sad state, I'm sure he'd seem a lot bigger after a good meal!
Planning to go to Corbett, Kanha, Kabini and Tadoba this year and hopefully I'll have a lot more comparisons to make after some trips!

I've attached some photos of the Ghairal Male. Apparently he hasn't been sighted for a while although apparently still alive and in Durgadevi Zone of Corbett (no idea where that is)

Thanks for sharing your views.
Thanks for sharing the status info on Ghairal male. As you know getting updated info on Corbett male tigers is kinda hard. I followed Ghairal as a subadult, so was very curious to know his current status.
Do you have any info on Seeoff male and Bhola male tigers in Corbett, if so kindly share them here.
It would be nice if you share some of the photos you took from different parks with a nice writeup on the experience you had on each encounter.
For me such a combo posts are very valuable articles to read.

Thanks once again.
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Sri Lanka Apollo Away
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 01-04-2017, 04:14 PM by Apollo )

Ive said previously that T28 was injured and treated by forest officials from Ranthambore. The injuries were due to the fight with Pacman.
Below I share the videos of T28 limping and Pacman following him, along with the personal experience of the one who shared it.

We are cruising along Zone 4 of the Ranthambore National Park in our canter. We come across an intersection of trails. The guide notices some fresh pugmarks. It looks more like a human footprint.

What’s more, there are other smaller pugmarks criss-crossing with this one. Several members of the group are now unsure of what they see. They definitely do not look like a cat’s pugmark (small or big). That is when our guide tells us that the human like footprints belong to a sloth bear whereas the smaller ones belong to a porcupine. Something we are seeing for the first time. While the porcupine may have crossed this trail of Ranthambore Tiger Reserve (RTR) in the night, the sloth bear pugmarks are fresh. We are all excited at the prospect of sighting a sloth bear. Just as we are following the pugmarks we see another set of footprints – this time it is a jackal. Ranthambore safari can be full of surprises. However, the jackal too has crossed trail sometime in the night. So we continue to pursue the trail of the sloth bear.
We move deeper into the Ranthambore forest. As we do so, we cross the Malik Lake, the third lake of Ranthambore Tiger Reserve (RTR). Malik Lake can be spotted from Zone 3 as well as Zone 4. We finally reach a place within Zone 4 of the Ranthambore National Park that looks like a forest office. Although we have no luck with spotting the sloth bear, however, we do observe a few birds here – a White-throated kingfisher, a Rose-ringed parakeet and several Rofous treepie aka Indian treepie.

We are ready to head back and continue the Ranthambore safari. All of a sudden we hear a call. Everybody freezes and becomes silent. The driver stops the canter and switches off the engines. We wait. Maybe the sloth bear is still hanging around. We may get lucky. Then we hear another call. The guide and the driver both agree the call belongs to a Spotted deer or Chital. It may have spotted something and is alerting the other animals. The guide and driver are now trying to place where the call is coming from. Just then, one more call. This time they know where it came from. The guide calls out “Sit down everyone, and hold tight” as the driver starts the canter and heads in the direction of the call hurriedly. Each member is now trying to locate any movement in the forest. The atmosphere is filled with suspense. The only other thing as thrilling as spotting a tiger is the hunt for the tiger using whatever clues you have. 

The driver stops the canter along the trail. They have spotted something. It is another pugmark. And this time it is not a sloth bear, it is a tiger, a large male tiger. We drive on and within a few minutes we see it. A huge tiger is walking amid the trees. It is Star male aka T28. This territory belongs to him. Everyone is now scrambling from excitement to get a good look and maybe a few good shots. This is the second tiger sighting for the group in Ranthambore. The driver and guide know where he is headed to. And we drive on. 

T28 is headed for a small stream of water to cool off. He sits down now. We park our canter at a point in the trail that is closest to him and watch. There is pandemonium in the canter right now and the group cannot wait to get a closer look at the tiger. While we are looking at Star male (T28) we realise that he is looking right back at us. Everyone is frozen in that moment.

Star male is also called Sitara. In 2009, Machli, the lady of the lake had killed a sambhar. T28 was around and stole the kill from her. While he was in his prime back then, she was not and Machli surrendered. T28 has mated with Machli’s daughter T19 and is the father of T83 (Lightning), T84 (Arrowhead) & T85 (Pacman). 
We spent a good 30 minutes observing Sitara (T28). We were only canter around so we could watch him in silence. Eventually, he got up and started walking towards the other side of the trail. At one point he was so close we could have stretched our hands just touched him. We also observed that he was limping slightly and had a gash in one of his front legs.
We are extremely lucky to be able to see him at such a close range and that too for such a long time. This is one sighting each of us will be remembering forever. 

It is around 9 am on this lovely Sunday morning. Our morning canter safari in Zone 4 of Ranthambore National Park is coming to an end and we are headed back to the entry point. We had spent almost an hour observing Starmale, T28 aka Sitara just sometime back. It was a once in a lifetime experience to be able to witness a huge male tiger at such close proximity. Words cannot describe what we are feeling right now.

As we are driving towards the exit we see multiple safari gypsies stationed ahead of us on the trail. A tourist from one of the vehicles gestures to us to halt where we are. We are about 100 meters away. Our canter has now halted and we are curious to find out what’s going on. We are on a slight incline and the vehicles ahead of us are on top of this incline. So we are able to see through the gap between the ground and bottom of the vehicle. As we look we notice four legs belonging to a large animal through this gap walking in our direction. Looking closely we realise what it is. We are looking at a tiger walking towards us. We are unable to see the whole body since it is blocked by the vehicle ahead of us. The guide gestures to all of us to remain calm and make no noise.

Eventually from behind the vehicle a handsome young male tiger emerges. It is Pacman (T85) again. We had spotted him just the previous day. It was as if today he came looking for us. We are delighted as he walks slowly right past our canter. This cannot be happening we thought. We were able to spot two male Ranthambore tigers in the same safari within a span of a few minutes. We waste no time in making the most of this rare encounter and take several photos as we take a good look at him.

We also observe that Pacman (T85) is headed through this part of Ranthambore forest towards Star male (T28). Pacman is his son. Interestingly, once tigers reach maturity they are known to stake claim to the territory belonging to their father or mother. Starmale (T28) needs to watch out. We also recollect that Starmale had a gash on his front leg. Perhaps, Star male may even have injured his leg in a territorial fight. At this moment however, we are not sure.

I think T28 (Star male) is bigger than Pacman (T85). Because the narrator states star male as a huge male and Pacman as a young male.
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Roflcopters Offline
Modern Tiger Expert
( This post was last modified: 01-04-2017, 07:31 PM by Roflcopters )

Obviously T28 is bigger, T85 is still a youngster and he has a lot to grow. we can't compare a tiger who ruled Ranthambore for a well over a decade to a youngster that hasn't grown full size yet. 

born to Jhumaroo T20 and T27 aka Gilai Sagar in early 2006. 

here's Star male as a sub-adult male in 2009, tall and massive. ruler of one of the finest habitats for a decade. It's just that we don't follow the Ranthambore side of the gossip that closely but he's easily one of the biggest and dominant male of his time. If there's Raja from the South, Wagdoh from Central India, then we have T28. easily the first male i would pick from the Northern Side. 2009-2017 and still going. he was also fathered by Jhumroo, the same notorious male that fathered Ustaad. who was also undefeated and the undisputed king of Ranthambore before the whole ordeal.

*This image is copyright of its original author

this was the first ever picture posted in the original b2 and the great tiger picture topic back in 2009 on the original ava.
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Sri Lanka Apollo Away
Bigcat Enthusiast

*This image is copyright of its original author

Two tigers clashed at the Ranthambore reserve on Friday after the female big cat, a mother of a six-month-old cub, resisted mating attempts by the male, officials said.

The female big cat, T-41, is seven-year-old, and the male, T-74, was born in 2011, reserve officials said.

“It was not a territorial battle since such clashes happen between animals of the same gender. It appears that T-74 approached T-41 with a desire to mate, which the latter thwarted by engaging in a fight with the male,” said Sudharshan Sharma, deputy field director of the Ranthambore Tiger Reserve.

In the fight that lasted for a few minutes and was captured on a camera, the roaring tigers clawed at each other and tried to outmanoeuvre the other. The clash ended in a tie with neither animal getting an advantage.

“When a female tiger is the mother of a young cub, she is generally reluctant to engage in mating. Her 6-month-old cub could have been the reason why T-41 reacted violently when T-74 approached her,” said Sharma.

The clash happened near the Bakola area, frequented by big cats because of water availability and greenery. Officials said T-74 established himself as the dominant male in the area recently after driving away other males including T-25, the former partner of T-41 and the father of her 6-month-old cub.

“T-74 is the grandson of Machhli (known as the queen of Ranthambore, who died on August 18 last year). Before it approached T-41 for mating on Friday, T-74 was also seen with T-19, the daughter of Machhli and his aunt. It is possible that the two are mating,” said Rajiv Garg, a veterinary doctor at the reserve.

Machhli, one of the most-photographed animals, was the world’s oldest living tiger till her death at the age of 19.
“According to the 2015 tiger census, the reserve has more male tigers are more than females, and that is why there are often clashes between the animals in the mating season,” said Sharma.

T-41 was seen lying in the water for a long time after the fight. Officials said both the animals were not spotted on Saturday morning.

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Sri Lanka Apollo Away
Bigcat Enthusiast

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India zain.azam Offline

Maya's Male Cub Vs Matkasur Male

It was a fight that was always going to happen. Matkasur was probably responsible for the disappearance of Maya's other 2 cubs. Just a year ago, Maya's Cub (Bhola) ran for his life because of this big Male. But now, In a surprisingly result, Bhola WON the fight! Matkasur backed off and was seen with a broken nose. Surely it isn't the last fight Bhola is going to have because of the high density of Males around the territory, but this win against the big boy Matkasur would give him tons of confidence!

PC - Anjan Lal

Attached Files Image(s)
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 02-07-2017, 07:25 PM by Pckts )

(02-07-2017, 11:32 AM)zain.azam Wrote: Maya's Male Cub Vs Matkasur Male

It was a fight that was always going to happen. Matkasur was probably responsible for the disappearance of Maya's other 2 cubs. Just a year ago, Maya's Cub (Bhola) ran for his life because of this big Male. But now, In a surprisingly result, Bhola WON the fight! Matkasur backed off and was seen with a broken nose. Surely it isn't the last fight Bhola is going to have because of the high density of Males around the territory, but this win against the big boy Matkasur would give him tons of confidence!

PC - Anjan Lal

I just watched a part of the video, matkasur is definitely the dominant Tiger, Bhola may have gotten him from his back but the entire time was spent trying to submit to Matkasur. For good measure, he's still a youngster and much smaller.
I'll post it in a bit.
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India zain.azam Offline

(02-07-2017, 06:42 PM)Pckts Wrote:
(02-07-2017, 11:32 AM)zain.azam Wrote: Maya's Male Cub Vs Matkasur Male

It was a fight that was always going to happen. Matkasur was probably responsible for the disappearance of Maya's other 2 cubs. Just a year ago, Maya's Cub (Bhola) ran for his life because of this big Male. But now, In a surprisingly result, Bhola WON the fight! Matkasur backed off and was seen with a broken nose. Surely it isn't the last fight Bhola is going to have because of the high density of Males around the territory, but this win against the big boy Matkasur would give him tons of confidence!

PC - Anjan Lal

I just watched a part of the video, matkasur is definitely the dominant Tiger, Bhola may have gotten him from his back but the entire time was spent trying to submit to Matkasur. For good measure, he's still a youngster and much smaller.
I'll post it in a bit.

Yes that's what I noticed when I saw the video too. Eye-witness accounts were clearly inaccurate! Still a good fight, but Matkasur definitely the dominant one even though he came off worse. I'm afraid for Bhola! If he doesn't leave quietly, he's gonna get killed by these big boys!
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Rishi Offline

(02-08-2017, 03:20 PM)zain.azam Wrote:
(02-07-2017, 06:42 PM)Pckts Wrote:
(02-07-2017, 11:32 AM)zain.azam Wrote: Maya's Male Cub Vs Matkasur Male

It was a fight that was always going to happen. Matkasur was probably responsible for the disappearance of Maya's other 2 cubs. Just a year ago, Maya's Cub (Bhola) ran for his life because of this big Male. But now, In a surprisingly result, Bhola WON the fight! Matkasur backed off and was seen with a broken nose. Surely it isn't the last fight Bhola is going to have because of the high density of Males around the territory, but this win against the big boy Matkasur would give him tons of confidence!

PC - Anjan Lal

I just watched a part of the video, matkasur is definitely the dominant Tiger, Bhola may have gotten him from his back but the entire time was spent trying to submit to Matkasur. For good measure, he's still a youngster and much smaller.
I'll post it in a bit.

Yes that's what I noticed when I saw the video too. Eye-witness accounts were clearly inaccurate! Still a good fight, but Matkasur definitely the dominant one even though he came off worse. I'm afraid for Bhola! If he doesn't leave quietly, he's gonna get killed by these big boys!

Plz share the video..
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

(02-08-2017, 03:29 PM)Rishi Wrote:
(02-08-2017, 03:20 PM)zain.azam Wrote:
(02-07-2017, 06:42 PM)Pckts Wrote:
(02-07-2017, 11:32 AM)zain.azam Wrote: Maya's Male Cub Vs Matkasur Male

It was a fight that was always going to happen. Matkasur was probably responsible for the disappearance of Maya's other 2 cubs. Just a year ago, Maya's Cub (Bhola) ran for his life because of this big Male. But now, In a surprisingly result, Bhola WON the fight! Matkasur backed off and was seen with a broken nose. Surely it isn't the last fight Bhola is going to have because of the high density of Males around the territory, but this win against the big boy Matkasur would give him tons of confidence!

PC - Anjan Lal

I just watched a part of the video, matkasur is definitely the dominant Tiger, Bhola may have gotten him from his back but the entire time was spent trying to submit to Matkasur. For good measure, he's still a youngster and much smaller.
I'll post it in a bit.

Yes that's what I noticed when I saw the video too. Eye-witness accounts were clearly inaccurate! Still a good fight, but Matkasur definitely the dominant one even though he came off worse. I'm afraid for Bhola! If he doesn't leave quietly, he's gonna get killed by these big boys!

Plz share the video..
I posted it in the big cat feud gallery thread
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Rishi Offline

A ques. was asked on Quora "What does the Tiger's life cycle consists of?" 
Here's the answer!!!

-3 & 1/2 months - 0 months: Gestation period

0 months-6 months: Birth...Hiding in a hole or cavern while mum hunts…Probable death during infancy due to pneumonia, parasites or predators...Sibling rivalry (Youngest member of a 4 cub litter might often die of malnutrition)…Licks & cuddles with family…Weaning.

6 months - 1 year: Watching mum hunt from a far…Making noise, scaring away her prey…first hunt (usually rats or rabbits)…Probable grave injury from messing with porcupines..Probable death from snake bite…Meeting dad for first time…Bothering mum…Bothering dad…Chasing everything in presence of parents…Eat..Play..Sleep..Repeat…(Having no idea that mum almost died, protecting them from that intruder male)

l year - 2 years: Bullying everything under the sun…Understanding some neighbours are better left alone, the hard way…Probable almost dying in hands (not literally) of a leopard…More fights with siblings, over everything, shade to sharing…Spooning with same sibling half-hour later…Dissappointing mum…Attempting hunts with 5% success rate…Mum pregnant again (WHAT?! HOW!? WHEN!?!?!)…Pestering mum for food…Mum getting crancky…Pestering mum for more food…Mum struggling to feed almost grown-up cubs…Not liking company anymore…Rare group hunts with family for big prey like gaur, elephant calf etc…Rarer get-togethers with family…Short explorations outside childhood home territory…Probable disembowlment by a bear or boar…Probable getting spanked by older-stronger brother/sister…Mum gives birth to new litter…Mum not approachable anymore…Dad (a bit) less hostile…Hearing an unknown roar occationally…Sometimes getting horny…Probable near death experience while drinking from crocodile infested waters.

2 years - 5 years: Everyday exploring a bit further…Curiosity overcoming nostalgia for first time (Yes, they are probably capable of that..How else do you explain them returning to birthplaces)…Picking up a female’s tracks for the first time, on a tree…Seeing the female after a week of stalking…Getting attacked by her visciously as her cubs run for cover…Finding little-sister seducing a stranger male on the border of mum's territory…Approaching her...Running from him…Probable getting run-over by a truck, while crossing a highway…Entering a nice valley…Feeding from a lying kill…Loving the place…Picking up a new males scent…Determining to challenge him…Not going against better judgement on his sight (his stature actually)…Figuring out he’s found out & is now tracking back…Retreating…Attacking a few gaurs…Being counter-attacked by a lot more gaurs…Probable mauling to death by a dominant male…Moving towards forest fringes…Reducing prey density making life tougher…Sometimes going hungry…Probable getting run-over by a train, while crossing a railway line…Observing a village from a far…Scaring away people…Probable death by forest fire…Probable death from lynching by getting stranded in a settlement…Probable catching rabies from a dog…Making it to new part of the jungle alive…No resident tiger population…Moving on.
5 years - 10 years: Hearing mating calls of a female in heat…Following the sounds…Following her continuously for days, in a very creepy manner…Courtship with her…Caught in the act by the resident male…Not being intimidated by an old male…Recieving severe ass-kicking from the old male…Narrowly escaping death…Hiding till the shame & inferiority complex withers away…Probable getting poached…Returning to find the old male…Failing to find the old male…Concluding he's dead…Succeeding to find the female, WITH his cubs…Concluding the cubs need to die…Failing to bypass the female…Deciding “I'll be back”…Killing the cubs while she's away hunting…Eventual mating with female…Charging at a safari vehicles…Charging at rangers…Charging at Forest-Department elephants…Eating from mate's kills…Killing elephant calves to impress females…Intruding into neighbouring males territory…Neighbouring male intruding back…Killing each others' cubs…Probable permanent disfigurement…Being caught with one female by another…Being attacked by both females…Leading a “Thug-life” altogether.

10 years - 15 years: Patrolling home-range getting harder…Accumulating number of scars…Battles becoming inconclusive…Repeated failures to drive away challenger males…Probable becoming KIA (killed in action)…Probable crippling…Probable loss of eyes, ears…Imminent loss of control over territory…Avoiding younger males…Difficulty to hunt…Cattle killing near forest borders…Probable death from retaliatory poisoning…Probable turning man-eater…Harassment by “lesser” predators like dholes…Eventual Death.

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Pakistan fursan syed Offline
Big Cats Enthusiast

Tiger sighting at buxa reserve
January 20,2016

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Rishi Offline

(02-24-2017, 02:24 PM)fursan syed Wrote: Tiger sighting at buxa reserve
January 20,2016

*This image is copyright of its original author

Could you please provide a link to the source?!..

I've been keeping track of tiger sighting reports in northern part of my state for quite a while now & there are only two pictures of Buxa tigers in last 10 yrs. Rest are all claims & scat analysis.
If there was a sighting, there would have been a big rukus in media!!!..  Weird
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Pakistan fursan syed Offline
Big Cats Enthusiast

@Rishi  i got this from buxa reserve group on facebook.  Its a closed group. Thats why i cant give u any link or url.
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Roflcopters Offline
Modern Tiger Expert

(02-07-2017, 11:32 AM)zain.azam Wrote: Maya's Male Cub Vs Matkasur Male

It was a fight that was always going to happen. Matkasur was probably responsible for the disappearance of Maya's other 2 cubs. Just a year ago, Maya's Cub (Bhola) ran for his life because of this big Male. But now, In a surprisingly result, Bhola WON the fight! Matkasur backed off and was seen with a broken nose. Surely it isn't the last fight Bhola is going to have because of the high density of Males around the territory, but this win against the big boy Matkasur would give him tons of confidence!

PC - Anjan Lal

whoa! looks like i missed out on a ton of information from last few months. also they named him Bhola? how odd. that name belonged to Wagdoh's male cub from Madhuri's last litter. so now there's 2 sharmilis, 2 bholas and 2 Pandu's. Tadoba guides are really keeping this trend up..
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