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Tiger Directory

Sri Lanka Apollo Away
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 01-21-2020, 02:10 PM by Apollo )

Name : T-25 = Dollar male = Zalim

Location : Ranthambore National Park

Year of Birth : 2008

Ancestry : Son of Jhumroo(T-20) and Lahpur-Nagditigress (T-22), Brother of T-24 and Indala

Status : RIP

Sex : Male

Species : panthera tigris tigris

Dollar, as the name given to this male tiger owing to the $ (Dollar) shape on his right flank stripe pattern has really amazed the tiger lovers. The story of Dollar is very interesting and is the most peculiar character in Ranthambore. First of all, his majestic appearance in front of the visitors; and once the reputation goes, he particularly does not enjoy the human presence and chases the vehicles out of rage if he is not in the mood to interact with them.

Preferably, T-25 has marked his territory far in the forest and due to the ferocity with which he tries to usurp the territory of other tigers; is also being called Zalim (in Hindi that means grievous). People have found him chasing the vehicles, growling and ready to attack.

Being typical of the nature of a male tiger, Dollar's behavior and territorial aggression remained consistent but his recent behavior has really amazed everyone. From last year, Dollar has been found with two female cubs who were orphaned last February (2011) when their mother T-5 succumbed to intestinal illness and died in the hilly Kachida region at the northwest corner of the reserve. T-25 surprisingly is not only protecting these cubs but also playing the role of mother to these two. That's quite amazing to the male tiger's nature who otherwise commonly seen as a threat to the cubs. Over the last year, he has turned quite softer too and is hardly 'Zalim' any longer, the name that he acquired a couple of years ago by the observers.

*This image is copyright of its original author

T25 aka Zalim aka Dollar male is reported dead yesterday by the Ranthambore forest officials.

He was the brother of T24 aka Ustaad aka Sultanpur.

T25 was famously known for raising his cubs by himself after the death of their mother.

Cause of death is unclear.

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United States Rage2277 Offline
animal enthusiast

*This image is copyright of its original author
Raj Krishnani‎-The Hulk OF Khursapar - Jan 2020

Pench Tiger Reserve (Maharashtra)
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Ashutosh Offline

@Apollo, T25 aka Zalim died because of territorial disputes and an autopsy revealed that his skull bone was crushed and there were canine marks on his body.
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Roflcopters Offline
Modern Tiger Expert

Thanks @Ashutosh 

T25 Aka Dollar was a special tiger, RIP. it’s only gonna get worse for Ranthambore tigers in the next 5 years or so. no room for tigers to move around anymore. the park is at full capacity, which means more violent fights. normally tigers tend to avoid serious conflict and will try to find a different home but when the space is limited. extreme measures are taken. we saw this in Bandipur,  Kanha (Mukki) and Corbett. Tadoba is also headed that direction, except tigers their have found the lost corridors that links them to Nagzira, Umred and Brahmapuri forest division. Infact, the dominant males of Nagzira and Umred Karhandla are all originally from Tadoba.
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Sri Lanka Apollo Away
Bigcat Enthusiast

(01-22-2020, 11:26 PM)Ashutosh Wrote: @Apollo, T25 aka Zalim died because of territorial disputes and an autopsy revealed that his skull bone was crushed and there were canine marks on his body.


Sri Lanka Apollo Away
Bigcat Enthusiast

In an evening of March,18  in tourist season, a subadult individual was seen playing with a Bisleri Plastic Bottle near a watch tower of Kaziranga national park in central range. He was unaware of our presence and walked fearlessly very near to the watch tower, and i had to retract the zoom in my lens.


United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Tanwi Chowdhury
Rudra - The new male on the block !

Sired by Kakarghat Male and nurtured by Shivanzari Female, this four year old tiger is on a mission to establish his territory. But is he ready to ostracize legendary Matkasur from his kingdom and claim as his own? Only time will tell !


*This image is copyright of its original author
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Venezuela epaiva Offline
( This post was last modified: 01-30-2020, 07:37 PM by epaiva )

Big male giving us a final look before moving in to the thickets in the Sunderbans
January 2020
Credit to @swamptigerchaser

*This image is copyright of its original author
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United States Rage2277 Offline
animal enthusiast

We are searching For Naina and her cubs which was our prime target for our Kanha tour . But after several attempt to Missed Naina. Suddenly Nadim Our driver and Guide Ram propose sir " Naina Ko chhor dijiye .. Hum Log Dusra Tiger ke Liye Try Korte Hain .. and we all said - "Jorur" ...around 5.15 Pm we reach at Mukki and Kanha Junction . Suddenly another GYpsy indicating us Slow Slow .. We reach the post .. And Rest his history .. A 20 Minutes Wrap up with This Family ..
Family - Mahaveer
Identity - T58 Zilla Line Female with her cubs
(Zilla LIne Named Because she was first seen in the vicnity of the line that demacates the district of Balaghat & Mandla .
Born in Mid 2011
Father & Mother -Thin stripe Male and 2nd Litter of Mahaveer female (T33) .
Character - Extremely shy and Elusive ..
Siblings - Umarjhola Fenale - T32
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Sri Lanka Apollo Away
Bigcat Enthusiast

Paarvalli tigress and her 3 subadult cubs at Corbett NP.

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Venezuela epaiva Offline

Powerful Sunderban Tiger
Credit to @swamptigerchaser

*This image is copyright of its original author
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United States Rage2277 Offline
animal enthusiast

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
 new youngster in mukki photo by Rajiv Krishnamurthy
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United States Rage2277 Offline
animal enthusiast

mataram's boys in pench video from Sameer Rahate 
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TheNormalGuy Offline
Wolf Enthusiast

Tiger Directory (individual tigers pictured yet in this thread) (In order of apparition in the thread)

  • P10=Bamera Male = Tala Male =Sasjo=New Male (Born in 2004) (Bhandavgarh NP)
  • T-25 = Dollar Male = Zalim (Born in 2008) (Rhanthambore NP)
  • T-34 = Charger Location (Died in 2000) (Born in 1983) (Bhandavgarh NP)
  • KZT-023 (Killed by another tiger in a territorial fight) (Some say KZT-024 killed him)
  • Hairyfoot (Panna NP) (Died by accidentally falling into a well)
  • B2=Sundar (Born in 1997) (Bhandavgarh NP) (Died in 2011 ?)
  • Jai = Jay =Jack (Um-red-Karhandla Wildlife Sanctuary) (Born in 2011)
  • Girl of Jai (Post 11)
  • Backwater Boss (Is that a nickname for Katezari or another tiger.... not sure... i don't know tigers as well as you guys and gals do)
  • T-28 = Star Male = Sitara (Ranthambore NP) (Born 2006)
  • Bokha =Long Male = Shaki (Bandavgarh NP) (1998-June 1st 2012)
  • Machali = Machli =T-16= The Queen of Ranthambore = Lady of the Lakes
  • Agasthya (Bandipur NP) (1996-unknown but dead)
  • Khali (Corbett NP) (Born in October 2000) 
  • M3 = Yeda anna= Broken Tail = Tedi Pooch = Wakada Shepti = Junior Sultan = Crooked Tail (Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve) (Birth year 2004)
  • T-29 : Ranthambore NP (born in 2006)
  • Dendu Male (????)
  • T-20 = Jhumroo = Jhumaroo (Ranthambore NP) (Born in 2002)
  • Bamboo Ram (One of the First mates of Machli)
  • KZT-053 (Kaziranga NP)
  • S1 = Rayysakasa Male = Sula = Raiya Kasa Male (Pench NP)
  • T1 = Kallu = Kallua (Bhandavgarh NP) (Born in 2007)
  • See-off (Corbett NP)
  • T-39 = Noor = Mala (Ranthambore National Park) (Born in 2008)
  • Tyson (Corbett NP)
  • Bhola = Blade (Corbett NP)
  • C9 = Mukunda (Bhandavgarh NP) (Born in 2009)
  • Singham (Bhandavgarh NP ?) (Born in November 2009)
  • Gowri (Bandipur NP) (Dead)
  • D4 = Vijaya = Kankati (Bhandavrgh NP) (Born in 2007)
  • Sharmele (Corbett NP)
  • SH1 = Shivajii = The Boss = King of Kolsa (Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve) (Born in 2004)
  • M6= Chichghat valley male = Katezari Male =Amitabh (Tadoba Andhari TR) (Born in August 2008)
  • MW1 = BMW (Pench NP) (born in 2005)
  • MU1 = Langda = Langru = Munna = Meadow Male (Kanha NP) (Born in 2003)
  • T-24 = Sultanpur (Ranthambore NP) (Born in 2008)
  • Challenger (Bhandavgarh NP)
  • Raja (Bandipur NP)
  • A Mark Tigress (Nagzira Wildlife Sanctuary) (born in 2000) (Mother of Jai and Veeru)
  • Mara = T-04 (Nagarahole NP)
  • R17 = Wakeeta= Banbehi Female (Bhandavgarh NP) (born in 2007)
  • B1 = Raj (Bhandavgarh NP) (Born in 1997)
  • Sita (Bhandavgarh NP) (Born in 1981)
  • B3 = Barra Larka (Bhandavgarh NP) (Born in 1997) (Electrocuted and died because of poachers in November 2003)
  • Badi-Maa (Pench NP) (born in 1996)
  • M8 = Waghdoh = Scarface (Tadoba Andhari TR) (Born in 2002)
  • T-57= New Male (Rhantambore NP) (born in 2011)
  • T-12=Guda Male (Ranthambore NP moved to Sariska Tiger Reserve) (Born in 2004)
  • T-34 = Kumbha = Chidi Kho Male (Ranthambore NP) 
  • T23 = Indala Male (Ranthambore NP) (Born in 2008)
  • BM6 = Baghin Nalla (Pench NP) (Born in October 2005)
  • T-18=Athara= Bachhi Lakrda = Baghani Tigress = ST2 (Born in OCT 2006 in Ranthambore and relocated to Sariska Tiger Reserve)
This the recap of the tiger profiles who have been done in the first 10 pages of the Thread

I will do the rest in the next weeks. 

Hope it can help !
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Quote:Backwater Boss (Is that a nickname for Katezari or another tiger.... 
Backwater boss would be from Kabini in S. India while Katezari would be from Tadoba in C. India
The Backwater male was also known as Mastigudi 
He has passed now

*This image is copyright of its original author

Katezari was a Ruling male in Tadoba a few years ago but hasn't been seen since

*This image is copyright of its original author
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