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Tiger Directory

Roflcopters Offline
Modern Tiger Expert
( This post was last modified: 07-02-2019, 09:29 AM by Roflcopters )

Gangaram and Kuhani’s son looks like a mixture of both. healthy genes all over Tadoba.
fingers crossed, I hope he makes it. Alijanja buffer is ruled by Ginaji aka Kali (Namdev and Kankatti’s son) he took out a decade old ruler (Narasimha) to take over Alijanja/Navegaon buffer. Wagdoh male and Wagdoh female’s daughter (Jharni) is Ginaji’s mate and has cubs with him. Ginaji won’t play around if the two ever come face to face. Tfs!

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Kali aka Ginaji seen deep in Matkasur’s territory earlier in March near Tadoba lake. 

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Samrat : Kankajhari and Sharmili’s son.


while most of Alijanja is still controlled by Kali aka Ginaji, this huge young male (fathered by Kankajhari and Sharmili of Kolara buffer) has also settled in and was seen mating with Jharni’s previous litter daughters. there is also presence of two other males in the area, one of them is Kuhani and Gangaram’s son and the othe other male is the Shivanzari sub adult. looks like Alizanza is ready for a war. can Ginaji/Kali hold his own or would he have to share his kingdom with Kankajhari’s boy and the other Kolsa sub adult males that are trying to ruthlessly establish and carve out their own territories?
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Roflcopters Offline
Modern Tiger Expert
( This post was last modified: 07-02-2019, 09:59 AM by Roflcopters )

Samrat is what you call an interesting tiger, a perfect mix of two past rivals.

Samrat’s mother (Sharmili) is Namdev’s daughter, Ginaji is from the same litter and he’s the brother of Sharmili. 

Samrat’s dad (Kankajhari) is the son of Katezari male, both Katezari and Namdev were hefty rivals.

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Katezari on the left, Saturn/Namdev on the right.

Grandfathers of Samrat squaring up, there was a WWF India narrative of them squaring up. imho it was such a powerful picture. bummer i can’t find it anymore. interesting rivalries are always fun to document and their offsets are even more amazing. Samrat has strong genes. that’s for sure.
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Rishi Offline

(07-02-2019, 09:58 AM)Roflcopters Wrote: Samrat’s mother (Sharmili) is Namdev’s daughter, Ginaji is from the same litter and he’s the brother of Sharmili. 

Samrat’s dad (Kankajhari) is the son of Katezari male, both Katezari and Namdev were hefty rivals.

This is so bollywood...
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sanjay Offline
Co-owner of Wildfact

(07-02-2019, 10:24 AM)Rishi Wrote: This is so bollywood...
Laughing Funny

Roflcopters Offline
Modern Tiger Expert
( This post was last modified: 07-02-2019, 11:03 AM by Roflcopters )

Kuch kuch hota hai @Rishi


Kabhi khushi Kabhi Gham seems more fitting.  Grin
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Roflcopters Offline
Modern Tiger Expert

almost ironic, I posted about this just yesterday and it begins. I have identified both the males and the caption being reported in the media is wrong. It’s Samrat and Gangaram’s kid that fought. P3 and Kali/Ginaji’s daughter that separated recently was present at the scene and watched the fight from a distance.
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United States Rage2277 Offline
animal enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 07-02-2019, 10:55 PM by Rage2277 )

look at the size of gangaram and kuhani's boy compared to kankajari and sharmili's also gunda/chota matka is in alizanza too alot of youngsters over there with things heating up @Roflcopters

United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

(07-02-2019, 10:50 PM)Rage2277 Wrote: look at the size of gangaram and kuhani's boy compared to kankajari and sharmili's  also gunda/chota matka is in alizanza too alot of youngsters over there with things heating up @Roflcopters

So Samrat is the smaller one?
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United States Rage2277 Offline
animal enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 07-02-2019, 11:07 PM by Rage2277 )

*This image is copyright of its original author
the bigger one looks like this guy mowgli's bro can't find a pic of him though they called him veer @Roflcopters
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United States Rage2277 Offline
animal enthusiast

actually the bigger boy looks like mowgli himself not his bro,who is also in alizanza if i recall
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Roflcopters Offline
Modern Tiger Expert

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Shivanzari sub adult also present in Alijanja buffer 

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Joga Mogi, son of Narasimha and Jharni’s last litter mostly in Alijanja buffer

this means there are 7-8 males all around Alijanja buffer and this explains all the fighting going on, it’s a giant mess there.
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Sri Lanka Apollo Away
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 07-16-2019, 10:45 AM by Apollo )

Two male tigers (Jogamoga male and Kankajhari male) in Tadoba are fighting and a female tigress was watching.


Roflcopters Offline
Modern Tiger Expert
( This post was last modified: 07-21-2019, 07:29 PM by Roflcopters )

the Caption is wrong, it’s Mowgli vs Samrat. Mowgli is 8-10 months older than Samrat but Samrat definitely put up a fight and didn’t back down.

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Rudra, son of kakadghat/Dewada male and Shivanzari female. after the arrival of Wagdoh’s son (Shiva) in Kolsa range. he displaced all the sub adult males a long with the resident males of the area. late last year, Rudra was seen all the way in Junona buffer and there is a high chance that he met Khali there and was forced to leave the area. now he’s switching back and forth between Alijanja buffer and Mohurli. this picture was taken deep in Bajrang’s territory. he’s almost 4 years old and ready to establish himself. 

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Paras (left) and Mowgli (right)

fathered by Gangaram and Kuhani female, both the brothers were a duo that hunted together and stayed together around Zari Gate until Shiva arrived and sent every male towards the core and now these boys are all over the place. Mowgli actually has taken over parts of Alijanja buffer and the way things are there. if he can manage to handle every competition. he will be the future ruler. Paras is also in Alijanja buffer, along with several other males.

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Chota Matka

when he fought Matkasur last year, people assumed it would be over for Matkasur and knowing father-son relationships in the past. Most male tigers will tolerate their sons to a certain extent and when things get hard, they will let them know who the boss is. Chota Matka has been spotted regularly around Alijanja buffer and if he keeps moving there. there will certainly be serious consequences. he’s just a few months short from his pre-prime age and will be a deadly opponent for any male that he chooses to face. 

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fathered by Kankajhari male and Sharmili tigress of Kolara buffer, he’s the same male that was involved in a fight recently with Mowgli and he’s significantly younger than most of the males that he’s up against, such a warrior though. 

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Joga Moga

fathered by Narasimha and Jharni, he’s about the same age as Samrat and has also been spotted around Alijanja buffer. his dad Narasimha was once the king of Alijanja buffer and ruled for a long time, now the son wants a piece of the pie. 

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the resident male of Navegaon area, Navegaon Buffer/Alijanja buffer. he covers a vast distance and if you’re lucky you can spot him around Pandherpauni when Matkasur isn’t around. he’s in serious trouble from all the young males listed above. if he is a strong ruler, he should have no problem taking them all out.
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Venezuela epaiva Offline

Variation in Tigers skins: Andrew Kitchener studied 40 skins in the collections of the Natural History Museum of London, and the National Museum of Scotland supplemented by data by Nazak 1967, 1996
Book Riding the Tiger Edited by John Seidensticker, Sarah Christie and Peter Jackson

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*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 08-12-2019, 10:04 PM by Pckts )

Sharad Bandhavgarh
T....47 ........ Chhota charger... He is the Brother of the Mahaman Male.

 — in Tala, Madhya Pradesh, India.

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Them together when they were sub adults

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