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The Tumbela Coalition

Ngonya Offline

(05-15-2024, 10:46 PM)GhostCatP-22 Wrote: Nym is now the dominant One of the pair. 
He told you that?

Also i still dont understand why keep using 'young male' as a part of his 'nickname'. Thats not correct at all. 
Im not sure but is it bc it can help differentiate Nkuhuma from other Nkuhuma males that are already gone? 
Anyways, that no longer fits, having the same amount of mane as an adult sub and being nomadic doesn't make him any younger, he's in his prime, nothing young about that. 

(05-16-2024, 05:57 PM)T I N O Wrote: Just saying that Tumbela male isn’t bulky as is mentioned
He definitly isn't a bulky lion
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Croatia Tr1x24 Online
Top Contributor

(05-16-2024, 10:21 PM)Ngonya Wrote:
Quote:Just saying that Tumbela male isn’t bulky as is mentioned
He definitly isn't a bulky lion

We where discussing about him in his prime, he obiviously isnt bulky now, because of his condition.

Ngonya Offline

(05-16-2024, 10:32 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote: We where discussing about him in his prime, he obiviously isnt bulky now, because of his condition.
Never been a bulky male lion.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Online
Top Contributor
( This post was last modified: 05-16-2024, 10:49 PM by Tr1x24 )

(05-16-2024, 10:33 PM)Ngonya Wrote: Never been a bulky male lion.

To me he was, obiviously not everyone has same definition of lean and bulky types of lion.

Panama Mapokser Offline
( This post was last modified: 05-16-2024, 11:39 PM by Mapokser )


If you think Othawa Male, Shaka Mbiri, S8, some Majingis and Mantimahle weren't muscular/bulky, but Mohawk, Ndhzengas, Tintswalos and Kambulas are, I'm not surprised our understanding of these lions physical appearances is such a mismatch.

This shouldn't be a mystery, a muscular lion is a "shredded" male ( see Makhunga in good form ), a male with well defined muscles, a bulky lion is one with a thick body, with a big chest girth ( again see Makhunga ).

Shaka Mbiri is a bit less muscular than his brother and less thicker of body/with a bit of a smaller chest, but he is definitely bulky and muscular, a lot, way above average.

OM was also very bulky and muscular, probably even more than his fathers and grandfathers. S8, Majingis and Mantimahles were all way above average in musculature and chest girth. I can't believe you don't see this.

Bboys were muscular, Mfumo and Nhenha bulky. You could say Mohawk and Ndhzengas are muscular/shredded, but they are definitely not bulky, Eorenji seems to have a smaller chest girth than the K6 lioness who's a female and not much bigger than him in height and length, so even for his size he is not exceptional in thickness and chest girth, Amahle and Mohawk probably at best slightly above average in this department if you're scaling bulkiness to their smaller dimensions. Certainly they have smaller chest girths than all other males you've mentioned as being lean.

To see a bulky but not tall/long, see Earless:

He is very shredded and has muscles everywhere, his limbs are thick, his chest big, but he's not particularly tall and certainly not long of body, he's a rare specimen. In the opposite direction you could see the BDM, he was stupidly massive in height and especially length, but for his size his thickness and chest girth were probably below average, though still if you were to compare his chest girth to average-sized lions, BDM's girth would be way bigger, for obvious reasons.

This is definitely not the case of males you've mentioned where they have thickness proportional to their body, maybe not lean exactly, but definitely not bigger in comparison to their dimensions.

The point is, proportions of height and length often scale to bulkiness, a taller and longer male will more likely than not have a bigger chest girth than a smaller male in dimensions.

Tumbela is tall, but not bulky either in general or for his size.
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T I N O Offline
( This post was last modified: 05-17-2024, 12:27 AM by T I N O )

Very interesting stuff from both of you guys. However, to avoid more posts regarding the same topic and fill the thread with that. With @BA0701   and members of our mod team, we believed it could be better if you two debate about that via PM. We lost many members in the past, and most recently due to these intense debates, we want to avoid that again as well. Thank you for your understanding 
Thanks in advance
Mod team
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Panama Mapokser Offline

Fair enough, but while I might be wrong, I think this only happened to members outside the lion section.

I don't think we lose members from the lion sections due to debates. I think this section is more mature and we know when to agree to disagree and don't get personal. I've disagreed with Tr1x multiple times but I don't feel like there's any bad feelings going on and I respect his opinion and knowledge a lot.

Anyway, going back to the topic, let's hope Tumbela and NK stick together and bond well enough, if they end up in an easier area they can be successful, they still have time as NK will still turn 8 in a few months and Tumbela is not much older.
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T I N O Offline

That is why WildFact is considered by many one of the best sites when it comes to lion information and other topics as well. However, it’s true. We lost a very good member, knowledgeable and active of the lion section due the thing I mentioned. Being said, thank you for your understanding and your great posts to all!
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United States BA0701 Offline
Super Moderator
( This post was last modified: 05-17-2024, 03:34 AM by BA0701 )

(05-17-2024, 01:24 AM)Mapokser Wrote: Fair enough, but while I might be wrong, I think this only happened to members outside the lion section.

I don't think we lose members from the lion sections due to debates. I think this section is more mature and we know when to agree to disagree and don't get personal. I've disagreed with Tr1x multiple times but I don't feel like there's any bad feelings going on and I respect his opinion and knowledge a lot.

Anyway, going back to the topic, let's hope Tumbela and NK stick together and bond well enough, if they end up in an easier area they can be successful, they still have time as NK will still turn 8 in a few months and Tumbela is not much older.

We did in fact have an active member of the Lion section stop posting, and claimed that the extended debates about the same topics was the reason. We appreciate all of our members, I have said it publicly countless times that I believe WildFact has one of the most welcoming and knowledgeable communities to be found in all of the Internet, and we encourage debates, as that is healthy and educational for everyone. We just need to try and keep the conversation moving, and try and shorten up the subjective debates. That is all we are asking. Thanks!
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United States T_Ferguson Online
Senior Member

Umm.. why are they in Singita?  I hope the PCM's are just too tired  from their 10 mile windsprints back and forth from the Xhimungs to the Nkhuma's....

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United States BA0701 Offline
Super Moderator

(05-19-2024, 07:31 PM)T_Ferguson Wrote: Umm.. why are they in Singita?  I hope the PCM's are just too tired  from their 10 mile windsprints back and forth from the Xhimungs to the Nkhuma's....

All I can say is that the call of the Ximungwe must be a powerful one. Even before Gingerella joined her, that single girl had more fellas coming around on a regular basis, than you can shake a stick at.
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Panama Mapokser Offline

That was my fear, male lions in PCM territory. Bigger PCM might still be in the West, but smaller one was seen in Elephant Plains today up in the north.

Manghenis may be able to defend their cubs ( big if ) but Ximhungwe would have no chance if NK/Tumbela finds them.
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Belgium criollo2mil Offline
( This post was last modified: 05-20-2024, 02:26 AM by criollo2mil )

Tumbela and Nkuhuma in Singita

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United States BA0701 Offline
Super Moderator

(05-19-2024, 10:49 PM)criollo2mil Wrote: This will expire but later I will replace w a video link once I get to a computer

NYM looks great!
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South Africa Rabubi Offline
Regular Member

(05-19-2024, 10:49 PM)criollo2mil Wrote: Tumbela and Nkuhuma in Singita

I'm looking at these updates shaking my damn head lol. These males just refuse to leave the SS. For the sake of the pride stability in Singita, the PCMs need to come back in full force ASAP!
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