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The Tumbela Coalition

Tonpa Offline

Guess he got split and he's spent all this time laying low in Robson? Interested to see what happens next, the two Talamati boys obviously have no problems moving back and forth through Blondie & Mohawk territory, might not end so well if he follows them east.
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1ofCourage Offline
Regular Member

(06-13-2022, 02:55 AM)Gavskrr Wrote: That's a good way to fight to survive, if the talamati boys allowed him to feed seems like a better way out than fighting for space with skorro jr and othawas at the dinner table maybe he would have met the same fate as Scar, happy to be alive . Incredibly escaped death with Nhenha and Nkuhuma and now surprising again what a story.
I hope Scorro jr didn’t run him off.
Limper is definitely resourceful!
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Duco Ndona Offline

Thats a unexpected Twist. I guess he got chased east.

For Skorro and the Othawas its not changing much though.
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sik94 Offline

I feel like everyone is looking too deep into this sighting, Limper probably kept a low profile trying to recover and left territory because someone chased him(PCs or Nhena/NYM). Ran into the two Talamati boys and both parties had no reason to show aggression towards each other, Talamatis are too young and Limper is a territorial male out of his territory. Limper will be back to his usual area soon, they haven't joined up and Limper definitely isn't inviting the Talamatis to join the Tumbelas.
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BigLion39 Offline
Senior Member

He looks a lot healthier in these pics. I really do hope he pulls through and is able to fully contribute to the duo of him and Scorro jr.
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Duco Ndona Offline

There is no evidence that the Othawa pride ever mistreated Limper like that. And even if they did, the pride is under absolutely no obligation to feed a male lion, especially one to weak to stand up for himself.
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Russian Federation Bellateda Offline
( This post was last modified: 06-13-2022, 05:14 PM by Bellateda )

Looks better now, he obviiously needs more food to pull through. I think other lions don't allow him to feed. He should leave Ottawas, thney don't give him anything anyway.
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Belgium criollo2mil Offline

(06-13-2022, 09:00 AM)sik94 Wrote: I feel like everyone is looking too deep into this sighting, Limper probably kept a low profile trying to recover and left territory because someone chased him(PCs or Nhena/NYM). Ran into the two Talamati boys and both parties had no reason to show aggression towards each other, Talamatis are too young and Limper is a territorial male out of his territory. Limper will be back to his usual area soon, they haven't joined up and Limper definitely isn't inviting the Talamatis to join the Tumbelas.

We’re just reporting what we are seeing.   Which is that he’s been seen with Talamati boys.   We of course can’t read his mind to know intentions.   We also know very little regarding why or how he’s there.   And we less know what’s next.   That’s yet to be seen.  Stay tuned.  :)
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Russian Federation Bellateda Offline

Maybe Limper can join them?
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Belgium criollo2mil Offline

Waiting to get footage evidence, but both Tumbelas are reportedly back together
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Belgium criollo2mil Offline

Skorro Jr Tumbela.  

Still no known footage or confirmation that limper is back. But having no footage of him isn’t unique, he’s not seen often anyways. But I’m waiting to hear more from the local guides.

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1ofCourage Offline
Regular Member

(06-18-2022, 06:20 PM)criollo2mil Wrote: Skorro Jr Tumbela.  

Still no known footage or confirmation that limper is back. But having no footage of him isn’t unique, he’s not seen often anyways.   But I’m waiting to hear more from the local guides.

He's pretty much alone, just like Red Road male.  He's got a big job to do.  If he doesn't know that Limper is still alive, he'll be very happy about it.  He has very few faces out there that make his day. He knows Limper is no help, but he helps play with the cubs and he's part of the family. 
The amount of courage these loners have is amazing.  Yet, day by day they go out and look for trouble in their territory.  What else can they do?
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Tonpa Offline
( This post was last modified: 06-19-2022, 10:42 AM by Tonpa )

"Tumbela male looking fragile. I don’t think he will bounce back from this and yet knowing the tenacity of these lions, anything is possible. He is hanging on." - Sean de la Harpe-Parker

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Duco Ndona Offline

Probably an old photo seeing he looked quite well earlier.

People have been declaring Limper death for over a year now.
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BigLion39 Offline
Senior Member
( This post was last modified: 06-19-2022, 02:16 PM by BigLion39 )

Is that an old pic of Limper? He looked wayy healthier in the pics posted rescently, unless those pics are old. Very confusing. Very different than the pics in post #613 & #614.
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