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The Matimba coalition

Tonpa Offline

I think he's gone, February claimed him and sparta cub.

Croatia Tr1x24 Online
Top Contributor

"Lions of Africa" Facebook page post about Hairy Belly :

Farewell Hairy Belly 

The passing of the last Matimba male - now officially mentioned by the Savanna Private Game Reserve after almost two months without any sighting - marks the end of a special era of male lions that shaped and influenced the Sabi Sands Game Reserve for almost two decades. 

Never before had a rivalry between lions attracted so much attention to the Greater Kruger section and inflamed such a deep fascination within lion lovers all over the world like it had been the case with the big three that consisted of the Mapogos, the Majingilane and the Matimbas. Later joined by the Birmingham coalition. 

The legendary tug of war between the two Matimba males and the Majingilane males in 2016 remain as unforgettable as their miraculously return from the dead in 2018 when both males ended up taking over the Othawa pride to become the protectors of the last offspring of their long-term rivals from the Majingilane coalition they had competed with for so many years. Who would have thought that two old male lions, both scarred by the ravages of time, could celebrate such a comeback? At this point it was hard not to develop a soft spot these veterans. 

After the death of his coalition partner, the Ginger Matimba male, in August 2019 due to a severe case of mange, nobody really expected the Hairy Belly Matimba male to keep going much longer, but again he proved everybody wrong and despite suffering from a permanent hip injury he hung on for yet more than another year till the arrival of the Tumbela males finally marked the turning point. 

At the age of approximately 15 years Hairy Belly has now passed away at last. And that incredible journey of his has come to an end. 

Both Matimba males leave a huge legacy behind, and there’s nothing that has not yet been said about their offspring. So what is there left to tell about a male lion whose size was unrivaled in the Sabi Sands and whose impressive mane was so big that it reached  down to his belly? Maybe just this much. Maybe just the thought to remember them for what they were. Great fathers, merciless warriors, smart survivors, and most of all: loyal brothers. 

Thank you for all the memories. 

Sabi Sands Game Reserve
Photo credits: Trevor McCall Peat

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Hairy tummy Offline
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( This post was last modified: 03-17-2021, 09:47 PM by Hairy tummy )

Not looking good, legend of a lion

Croatia Tr1x24 Online
Top Contributor

(03-17-2021, 09:44 PM)Hairy tummy Wrote: Not looking good, legend of a lion

Its ok, no one can live forever and he lived to around 15 yrs of age, which is 5 more then average male lion lifespan in the wild..he had and great lion life. 

Great memories and stories in 10 years in which he walked Sabi Sands will be with us..

He is the last of that legendary era of Mapogos, Selatis, Majingilanes and Matimbas in Sabi Sands..

End of an era.
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Hairy tummy Offline
Senior Member

Well said tr1x24, thanks

United States Matimbalani Offline
Regular Member

Sad news. The sun has finally set on the Matimbas. May their memories live long and their offspring prosper!
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Cunaguaro Offline
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(03-17-2021, 06:22 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote: So, Savanna Lodge pointed out that they believe that Hairy Belly passed away as he hasn't been seen for over a month.. Will we accept that or wait a bit more??

It's hard but it's most likely gone. We will always remember him as a physically imposing lion and that he was part of one of the most influential coalitions of recent years in the Sabi Sands. 
RIP. King!

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Images credits to authors.
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Cunaguaro Offline
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( This post was last modified: 03-19-2021, 07:58 AM by Cunaguaro )

18-03-2021. Dulini Private Game Reserve Facebook Page. 

"It has come to our attention that the Matimba male lion known as 'Hairy Belly' has now been presumed to have died.  We estimate that he was approximately 15 years old.
His coalition partner 'Ginger' had passed away back in August of 2019.
It's sad to think that this once powerful coalition is no more, but the legacy they leave behind in the Sabi Sand will be felt for a very long time".

*This image is copyright of its original author

=AZVriUvcxL5YNPOtPlsWH_2NI9LZU6DFWAbKbPbjLm31QmcsW3_spOrLp02LfobLOQ5lbm1A9CFiixQ0QKML3LhIwKbhicV7WWbc2nUtrT-m1NAiuy4rUu-BiW8th2fbuqsSbXmsjyBtL0BDWqz5Yz6Q&__tn__=-UC%2CP-R]Dulini Private Game Reserve
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Musa15 Offline

Imagine if he still shows up later haha. No but I think we saw it coming as all the signs were there. The big meal he scored not long ago was his last hoorah. 15 years old for a wild male lion is remarkable especially in such a dangerous area, I wonder what the record is.

R.I.P. Hairy Belly. I wish that era would never end.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Online
Top Contributor

(03-21-2021, 06:17 PM)Musa15 Wrote: Imagine if he still shows up later haha. No but I think we saw it coming as all the signs were there. The big meal he scored not long ago was his last hoorah. 15 years old for a wild male lion is remarkable especially in such a dangerous area, I wonder what the record is.

R.I.P. Hairy Belly. I wish that era would never end.

Old Skybed (Hairy Belly's father/uncle) was believed to be 15-16 when he died, Makhulu also 15..its a rare for males to reach that age, but it happens from time to time.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Online
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Leo Aslan Offline

Lions of Africa - Matimba (6 males) 2006-2021
Sabi Sands Game Reserve & Orpen area (Kruger) - South Africa
Ranger report: Big, bigger, the biggest
...The Matimba male lions made a name for themselves in the Sabi Sands area as well as around the Orpen area in the Kruger National Park. It is estimated that the Matimba male lions were born in 2006/2007, there were six male lions forming the coalitions, 5 of the male lions are related but the 6th male known as Ndhuna, was an older male aged around six years old that they accepted into their group.
The Matimba male lions first came from Ngala Game Reserve, and since that area was ruled by the 3 older Skybed male lions it is predicted that the Skybeds fathered the Matimbas.
The six lions moved into Manyeleti and that’s where their reign started.  From 2010 they took over the area and ousted the resident males. They were the pride males of all the prides in Manyeleti and they started expanding their territory. Their territory stretched into the Kruger National Park, Ngala Game Reserve as well as the northern side of Sabi Sands.
In 2012, Ndhuna, the older Matimba male lion went missing and it was never confirmed if he died from old age or if got in a fight with a rival lion. Towards the end of 2013, like the Mapogo lions, this coalition also decided to split up, and they later were known as the 3 Northern Matimba lions and the 2 Southern Matimba lions.
The Northern Matimba lions were identified as Shaka, Slitnose and Whiteface and they spent most of their time in Manyeleti, Ngala and the north side of Sabi Sands, while the Southern Matimbas were known as Hairy Belly and Ginger and their area was in the east-south side of Sabi Sands.
Hairy Belly and Ginger didn’t keep a low profile as their other three brothers, these males have been in many fights and a lot of the fights have been with other popular lions such as the Mapogos, the Majingilanes or the Birmingham boys. 
The Southern Matimbas were chased away from their territory by the 5 Birmingham male lions, and that is when they first moved into Londolozi and became the pride males of the Tsalala pride, they had no issues in this area. Other male lions such as the Styx and Fourways male tried to take over the pride and the area from the Matimba to no avail because the two Matimba lions were much more powerful at the time. Until the 4 Majingilanes ousted the two Matimba from Londolozi, forcing the two males to become nomadic.
The reign of the Northern Matimbas started diminishing once one of the males was killed in 2015 while the other one was killed in 2017, both of them were killed by rival males. The last Northern Matimba was seen spending his time with the Skorro pride around the Tamboti area. The last remaining Northern Matimba eventually passed away, probably from old age because he was seen looking frail and weak.
In 2018 the Southern Matimbas, which makes them ± 11 years old at this point, were spotted back in the Western side of Sabi Sands, the territory left behind by the Majingilanes after they passed away. The Matimba’s were soon seen mating with the Othawa lionesses. The lioness gave birth to three cubs. The Matimbas have sired many cubs, some known prides which they have sired are the Talamati, Mbiri, Nkuhuma, Torchwood, Skorro, Red Road.
In August 2019 Ginger Matimba developed a bad case of mange, and he was seen supporting it for a while, but he eventually passed away, leaving Hairy Belly as the last remaining Matimba.
In March 2021 the old and weakness Matimba King Hairy Belly was no longer with his pride. He passed away and became a legend with his almost 16 years in wildeerness.
The Matimba coalition were a formidable lion group and they shared us exciting moments from a Lion´s life. Rest in peace Sava...

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Leo Aslan Offline

The Battles of Africa
Ranger report: Matimba vs Majingilane
..."Our drive was all about the Majingilane's vs Matimba lions.
It all started out with 4 x Matimba'a (male lions) calling from the south of baboon pan. Then all of a sudden we got four of them moving across gowrie main in a northerly direction. We parked on gowrie main wishing that they would come south again. Then suddenly we got lions calling just south of baboon pan, i waited and then got visual of three male lions coming north. It was the Majingilane's busy calling claiming there territory. The four Matimba's did not back down and started calling from the north and came south again face on with the Majingilanes. The Matimba males ran across gowrie main again and headed towards baboon pan where the Majingilane's were, but the Majingilane's tucked there tail under them a started to run south with the Matimba males right on there heels. The vocalisation was immense as they were all calling trying to claim the territory. We just waited on gowrie main, and it was not long before we got the Matimba males running north again with the Majingilanes hot on there tail's. This happened several times, it was like a ping pong battle. The Matimba males moved further north but still calling like crazy and the Majingilanes settled just south of baboon pan. Tired from the mornings affairs. With all that commotion this morning I'm sure the other Majingilane will be joining his brothers and the other two Matimba males will be joining there brothers. Maybe tonight will be interesting. Watch this space. Regards" by Cedric, Ranger at Nkorho - 1st August 2011

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Poland Potato Offline

(04-10-2021, 05:20 PM)Leo Aslan Wrote: Hairy Belly and Ginger didn’t keep a low profile as their other three brothers
Northern MAtimbas did not keep low profile at all. The were in mostly responsible for takeover Koppies pride and ousting Sizanani male. Later on after the split they also conquered Ngala and tookover Skorro pride.

(04-10-2021, 05:20 PM)Leo Aslan Wrote: a lot of the fights have been with other popular lions such as the Mapogos
That did not happen.

(04-10-2021, 05:20 PM)Leo Aslan Wrote: Until the 4 Majingilanes ousted the two Matimba from Londolozi, forcing the two males to become nomadic.
Matshapiris did, not Majingilanes.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Online
Top Contributor
( This post was last modified: 05-05-2021, 08:26 PM by Tr1x24 )

Great photos of early Matimbas, prob around 2010-12 period:

Photo Credits : Drizzle Jordaan (check his Facebook for more photos) 

(Hairy Belly) 

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(SlitNose and Silver Eyes Talamati female, its quite remarkable that she is still with us, what a legendary lioness)

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(Ginger and SlitNose) 

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(Matimbas together) 

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