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The Birmingham Males

Netherlands Duco Ndona Offline

Its probably a bit of both. Depending on how wel Nhenha looks that day and how wel the PCmales are feeling.
Or circumstance for that matter. If they can get a killing blow in. They arent going to hold back. 

I doubt the PCmales are going to be real sports about it and allow him to recover completely before attacking him again anyway.

As for Skorro. I doubt he is up to date on what happened. He may still see Nhenha as an obstacle to his desire to take over the  Ximhungwe. And this would be the perfect opportunity to start a take over himself. 

Until everyone adjustes to tthe new normal. Who knows what happens in the chaos.

sik94 Offline

(01-10-2023, 02:17 AM)Duco Ndona Wrote: I think he just got lucky the PCmales were tired from chasing Skorro, who was also in the region apparently. 
Skorro would be a mayor threat for Nhenha in this condition as well

When did they chase Skorro? we don't even know if NK was there or how Nhena even got away or spared, how could we possibly know the PCs were tired from chasing Skorro 30 minutes before and that's why they didn't finish Nhena off? 

Skorro has no reason to attack or interact with Nhena/NK, they were not even dominant in that area if we're being honest. Skorro is not interested in a 2v1 territorial fight with the PCs and has even less of an incentive to involve himself in conflict with essentially nomads.
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Panama Mapokser Offline

@sik94 idk when they chased Tumbela exactly but there was indeed a report of them chasing him and they are in the same area so I doubt it was long before bumping into Nhenha.

Did that have anything to do with them not attacking him? Idk, but I doubt.
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Netherlands Duco Ndona Offline

Chasing and fighting takes a lot out of a lion. If they were already low on food. Its not that surprising they would choose the kill over another one.

Its not exactly like we had reports of them being gorged on a kill this week. 

As for Skorro. He has been competing with the Birminghams over the same pride for months now. 
He is not suddenly going to take pity in Nhenha when he finds him limping alone without Nym. Its not like after the attack they all got a message what happened. Or that there is a law that nomadic males absolutely cant attack each other.

Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor
( This post was last modified: 01-10-2023, 11:26 AM by Tr1x24 )

(01-10-2023, 10:51 AM)Duco Ndona Wrote: He is not suddenly going to take pity in Nhenha when he finds him limping alone without Nym. Its not like after the attack they all got a message what happened. Or that there is a law that nomadic males absolutely cant attack each other.

He didn’t attack NK male did he? They where lying next to each other, there is absolutely no reason he would behave different and harm Nhenha. 

There is absolutely no reason they fight in between each others, risking injuries when currently there are other territorial males their main enemy in the area.

Skorro, thru roars, scents and behavior knows that Birminghams are not territorial and threat anymore, yet PC males.
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Netherlands Duco Ndona Offline

The attack was barely a week ago. Scentmarking and roaring isnt exactly instant messaging. 

The past few times the Birminghams were chased off they returned a while later and austed Skorro. This would be a golden opportunity for him to end that cycle. This isnt a chance encounter between two nomads. But three groups competing over the same pride.

Nym is still in very good shape. Its understandable if Skorro is less eager to fight with him than Nhenha.

Panama Mapokser Offline

It would be strongly in Skorro's interest to finish Nhenha off, but idk if he knows that and I think it's more likely he'll just ignore him like he did with Nkuhuma if they met while Nhenha is injured.

sik94 Offline

(01-10-2023, 10:44 PM)Mapokser Wrote: It would be strongly in Skorro's interest to finish Nhenha off

He can't get through the PCs regardless, fighting Nhena literally serves no purpose.
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Netherlands Duco Ndona Offline
( This post was last modified: 01-11-2023, 12:42 AM by Duco Ndona )

That didnt stop him from taking over Ximhungwe pride during the times neither the PCmales or Birminghams were around. But could return any moment. 

Lions, being opportunistic in nature dont care much for the long term viability of their reign. If they get to be a pridemale. They will take it. There isnt a coalition out there that isnt aware that tommorow new rivals can show up for a fight.

I am not saying that Skorro is currently actively tracking down Nhenha. Just that Nhenha would be wise to avoid him.
So not to give him any opportunities.

sik94 Offline

(01-11-2023, 12:36 AM)Duco Ndona Wrote: That didnt stop him from taking over Ximhungwe pride during the times neither the PCmales or Birminghams were around. But could return any moment. 

He can't takeover anything if he can't secure the territory first. Sneaking around as a nomad is what non-territorial males do, it's not significant in anyway if he hangs out with the Ximhungwes once in a while .
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
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( This post was last modified: 01-11-2023, 12:47 AM by Tr1x24 )

(01-11-2023, 12:04 AM)sik94 Wrote: He can't get through the PCs regardless, fighting Nhena literally serves no purpose.

That what im trying to say, theres no reason for Skorro Jr to attack Nhenha, he is only risking injury, which as lone nomad, can be fatal. Even with Nhenha injured, to kill a male 1vs1, he would definitely take a lot of damage in return and prob not even succed. 

I also dont think Tumbela male is actively competing for this territory, at this point he knows that there are 2 coalitions here which are stronger, i think he is just taking advantage of this mess to hang and mate with Ximhungwe/Gingerella.

Once those 2 settle down with PC males and reject him, he will most likely just leave western sector, there will be nothing left for him here.
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Panama Mapokser Offline
( This post was last modified: 01-11-2023, 08:51 AM by Mapokser )

@sik94 it doesn't matter if he can't defeat PCM, killing Nhenha is in his best interest even if he may not realize it.

Nhenha and NK have attacked him before and chased him multiple times. If he kills Nhenha he gets rid of a major threat and might even have a chance to join Nkuhuma.

Less competition for food, less chances of getting attacked and injured by rivals and more space to chill while PCM return to Singita, plus potentially more chances of getting free food from the 2 females when PCM aren't around.

Hell, even though he has no idea about it, he'd be slightly increasing his chances of passing on his genes through his 2 subadult daughters that'd be happier without another major threat around.

He can only benefit from finishing off this injured rival male, and honestly not much to lose, he was able to defeat a younger and healthy Nhenha, giving some more injuries to the current Nhenha wouldn't be that hard.

Netherlands Duco Ndona Offline

In time, he will be ousted Offcource. Which may be tomorrow. It may be next year. But that is still days with sex and food.
Such a fight may not even be over the Ximhungwe pride. But Nhenha not willing to surrender food to Skorro. 

You all are making decisions for him as if he is some kind of computer running on cold programming. If X is X do Y. Otherwise Z. 
But these are complex living thinking and feeling animals.

If he sees a rival limping in front of him and feels he can take him. Why wouldn't he attack? 
Its something that absolutely cant just be ruled out based on some very generalized notions on how lions should behave. 

Ultimately it boils down to the simple question. Would one advice Nhenha to go greet Skorro should he run into him?
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Panama Mapokser Offline

(01-11-2023, 12:46 AM)Tr1x24 Wrote:
(01-11-2023, 12:04 AM)sik94 Wrote: He can't get through the PCs regardless, fighting Nhena literally serves no purpose.

That what im trying to say, theres no reason for Skorro Jr to attack Nhenha, he is only risking injury, which as lone nomad, can be fatal. Even with Nhenha injured, to kill a male 1vs1, he would definitely take a lot of damage in return and prob not even succed. 

I also dont think Tumbela male is actively competing for this territory, at this point he knows that there are 2 coalitions here which are stronger, i think he is just taking advantage of this mess to hang and mate with Ximhungwe/Gingerella.

If he knows there's 2 stronger coalitions it's even more of a reason for him to kill Nhenha, it'll be only one left then.

Besides are you serious about his chances against Nhenha? He fought a healthy and stronger Nhenha before, beat him and left without any serious injuries. He got attacked 2v1 by Nhenha and NK and left with a light limp, some days later he was 100%.

If he were to seriously attack Nhenha in this condition he would quite easily finish him off and leave without injuries. He doesn't need to fight to the death, grapple him down and bite his back, neck or whatever, he just needs to kick his ass and leave.

Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor
( This post was last modified: 01-11-2023, 02:41 AM by Tr1x24 )

(01-11-2023, 01:27 AM)Mapokser Wrote: If he knows there's 2 stronger coalitions it's even more of a reason for him to kill Nhenha, it'll be only one left then.

Did he fight NK male recently, it was 1vs1 opportunity? No he didn’t, they slept together lol. 

Why would he then kill Nhenha? Because he has  injured leg? lol. Injured leg doesnt guarantee that he would kill him. 

(01-11-2023, 01:27 AM)Mapokser Wrote: Besides are you serious about his chances against Nhenha? He fought a healthy and stronger Nhenha before, beat him and left without any serious injuries. He got attacked 2v1 by Nhenha and NK and left with a light limp, some days later he was 100%.

If he were to seriously attack Nhenha in this condition he would quite easily finish him off and leave without injuries. He doesn't need to fight to the death, grapple him down and bite his back, neck or whatever, he just needs to kick his ass and leave.

Injured animal is most dangerous animal, if Nhenha is still in decent condition, and still has strenght to fight, theres very low chance that any male would kill him in a 1vs1 (even if he try and succeeds, would sustain hard injuries back, Nhenha still has teeth and both claws, and its not 2vs1 so 1 male can lock him so he cant do anything, Nhenha can bite and scratch just as him) because he has injured 1 back leg.

But if Nhenha is in bad condition, barely walking and on death door, ofc he is easy pray, but at that point, rival make would not even bother to kill him, just like Nhenha/NK did with Limper.
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