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Other male lion coalitions from Masai Mara

T I N O Offline

(11-05-2021, 11:06 PM)lionuk Wrote: The collared Black Rock male Lorkulop
Photo credit: nomadkenya

*This image is copyright of its original author

What a meaning look!
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Canada Mdz123 Offline

Morani and son
Posted by lionsightings

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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lionuk Offline

Cool pictures of Half-Tail with Marsh Pride
Photo credit: Bouckenooghe   

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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lionuk Offline

1/2 Sankai males Olope. One of the best looking males in the Maasai Mara. 

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Canada Mdz123 Offline
( This post was last modified: 11-08-2021, 06:31 PM by T I N O Edit Reason: Link fixed )

“Breathtaking shots of King Rocky, who became famous by this name because he loves to sit on the top of the rocks”
Credits: Will Burrard-Lucas
" target="_blank" class="post_link">
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lionuk Offline

The horrible news that Nkarabali is dead. He’s one of the three Enesikiria male that dispersed from their maternal ground and settled at Olarro North.
The carcass was still fresh like less than a day old probably died the previous late evening or after dusk. Prior to his death discovery, Olarro North rangers sighted his two brothers “Lerai & Oloitore” with one lioness from Normasi pride and he was missing.
Despite the scavengers to had consume his carcass partially we tried our level best to find the cause of his death.
There were NO wounds or injuries for any possibility to had fought with other males, by the look of the nature of the carcass the rangers ruled out position and spearing.

Postmortem was not possible due to the fact scavengers had already consumed and after open the internal organs a lot of have already invaded hence decomposition process had started and this may not give any good result to determine the cause of death.

In the process of distracting his trophies, they discovered a blood clot spot on the lower jaws but no wounds visible. From this they concluded his succumb his death from snake bite.

This decision was made after a lengthy discussion and consultation with other lion lovers and experts. It’s so sad and heartbreaking to lose such a promising handsome male of such prime age. We console ourselves and allow nature to take his course.


*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Canada Mdz123 Offline

That’s some tragic news. Rest in Peace king
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T I N O Offline

(11-07-2021, 08:24 PM)Mdz123 Wrote: “Breathtaking shots of King Rocky, who became famous by this name because he loves to sit on the top of the rocks”
Credits: Will Burrard-Lucas
" target="_blank" class="post_link">

What a sighting! I've fixed your link my friend.
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Canada Mdz123 Offline
( This post was last modified: 11-11-2021, 04:27 AM by Mdz123 )

Black Rock male Droopy
Credits: Lalinda De Silva

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Leo Aslan Offline

Oloololo brothers chasing away a young male hiding in the bushes

To become a great King, this young Prince must go this way. To be or not be.

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lionuk Offline

2/3 Paradise pride young males feeding on the hippo they hunted down. These three young males are Musketeers sons.
Photo credit: Lukas Walter

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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BigLion39 Offline
Senior Member

I believe this video is of Bob and Ziggy Marley before Bob got his infamous "Slit Nose" moniker. Ololooloo Boys!
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Leo Aslan Offline

(11-13-2021, 12:58 PM)BigLion39 Wrote: I believe this video is of Bob and Ziggy Marley before Bob got his infamous "Slit Nose" moniker. Ololooloo Boys!
No bro, this video was recorded in 2009. More than twelve years ago. Unfortunately, I could not find out exactly which lions they were. Thanks for your comment.
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Canada Mdz123 Offline

Not sure who this guy is. He was seen with his partner and 2 females.
Credits: Photo_Safari (Karina Robin)

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BigLion39 Offline
Senior Member

(11-13-2021, 03:43 PM)Leo Aslan Wrote:
(11-13-2021, 12:58 PM)BigLion39 Wrote: I believe this video is of Bob and Ziggy Marley before Bob got his infamous "Slit Nose" moniker. Ololooloo Boys!
No bro, this video was recorded in 2009. More than twelve years ago. Unfortunately, I could not find out exactly which lions they were. Thanks for your comment.

Yes thats right. I went and saw that this was recorded in 2009.
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