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Othawa Pride

Panama Mapokser Offline
( This post was last modified: 05-29-2023, 10:44 AM by Mapokser )

After seeing what happened yesterday and the fact the subs escaped with only minor injuries, more than ever I'll feel a strong sense of unfairness if they can't make it to adulthood and rebuild the pride.

Sure there's no such thing as unfairness in the wild, but it won't stop me from feeling this is the case. I mean come on, all 3 adult females gave their lives for them, they lost 4 of their siblings but kept going and surviving, now against all odds their father suddenly reunites with them ( very rare thing to happen ), still many ( myself included ) were unsure if this was a good thing or not, they were doing well for 2 months with him, but got chased by Ximhungwes when he briefly left, then he was seen with Ximhungwes again before getting chased off by PCM. And finally now, when they needed him the most, in an impossible situation after getting attacked by the Ximhungwes and NK male, he shows up there and saves them.

For all of that, Auntie, Jr's mother, Sassy, the own subs that are doing amazingly, and Skorro Jr, for all of what they did I'll feel it'll be unfair if their efforts are in vain and these 2 don't survive.
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Korea, Republic of veritas Offline

Maybe I wanted Skorro and NK to be a duo, but looking at the news, it looks hard.
They'd be better off joining forces against the pcm, but I don't think I know the lion's mind either..

I pray to protect Skorro and his daughters...
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Mwk85 Offline
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*This image is copyright of its original author

Othawa females
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criollo2mil Offline

The Othowas in Leopard Hills 

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United States T_Ferguson Offline
Senior Member

Hey all, I am endeavoring to become smarter and not ask the dumb questions.  I've been pouring through, and trying to learn what I can.  The Othawa girls.  Are they the last and only offspring with ties to the Mapogos?  I didn't think any offspring of the Mapogos existed thanks to Satan, but am I correct here?

Panama Mapokser Offline

@criollo2mil Watching this video I think there was a wrong info given here. The whiskers pattern from this female belong to "Normal Ear" I'd argue. Meaning the one who died was the smaller one.

So whatever was Floppy Ear's mother, it doesn't matter as the two alive now are definitely littermates and will be turning 2yo this month.

criollo2mil Offline
( This post was last modified: 03-10-2023, 09:30 AM by criollo2mil )

(03-10-2023, 04:41 AM)T_Ferguson Wrote: Hey all, I am endeavoring to become smarter and not ask the dumb questions.  I've been pouring through, and trying to learn what I can.  The Othawa girls.  Are they the last and only offspring with ties to the Mapogos?  I didn't think any offspring of the Mapogos existed thanks to Satan, but am I correct here?

The Mhangeni has two lionesses that are direct daughters of the Mapogos.   The eldest two.  The three Junior Mhangheni are Mapogo granddaughters, same as the original 6 Kambulas 

these Othowas are great granddaughters (if you believe them to be from sassy) same as the now 5 Junior Kambulas.

There is some debate about one of the Othowas actually being from the Junior Mom litter….if she is, then it makes her a grand daughter instead.
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criollo2mil Offline

(03-10-2023, 04:42 AM)Mapokser Wrote: @criollo2mil Watching this video I think there was a wrong info given here. The whiskers pattern from this female belong to "Normal Ear" I'd argue. Meaning the one who died was the smaller one.

So whatever was Floppy Ear's mother, it doesn't matter as the two alive now are definitely littermates and will be turning 2yo this month.

I read some still debating that very same topic.   I can’t recall where and from whom, but the topic seems to still be in some discussions.
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Panama Mapokser Offline
( This post was last modified: 05-29-2023, 10:47 AM by Mapokser )

@T_Ferguson it's just like it was explained above, I'd just add that there's a third Othawa lioness, an adult one named Gingerella who's half-sister to the 2 subadults, but she's a breakaway who's now in the Ximhungwe pride and unfortunately helped to kill her own Othawa mother.

And of course a detail is that these Othawas comes from a line that was sired when all 6 Mapogos were together so technically any of the 6 could be the great-grandfather. While the Manghenis were sired by Mr.T and KT. From the Manghenis the Kambula pride formed so they are also descendents of these 2.

Edit: Actually it turns out the Manghenis were also sired by all 6 Mapogos.
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criollo2mil Offline

(03-10-2023, 09:31 PM)Mapokser Wrote: @T_Ferguson it's just like it was explained above, I'd just add that there's a third Othawa lioness, an adult one named Gingerella who's half-sister to the 2 subadults, but she's a breakaway who's now in the Ximhungwe pride and unfortunately helped to kill her own Othawa mother.

And of course a detail is that these Othawas comes from a line that was sired when all 6 Mapogos were together so technically any of the 6 could be the great-grandfather. While the Manghenis were sired by Mr.T and KT. From the Manghenis the Kambula pride formed so they are also descendents of these 2.

Thanks @Mapokser i totally forgot about Gingerella.   Insert <SMH> emoji lol
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United States T_Ferguson Offline
Senior Member

(03-10-2023, 09:31 PM)Mapokser Wrote: @T_Ferguson it's just like it was explained above, I'd just add that there's a third Othawa lioness, an adult one named Gingerella who's half-sister to the 2 subadults, but she's a breakaway who's now in the Ximhungwe pride and unfortunately helped to kill her own Othawa mother.

And of course a detail is that these Othawas comes from a line that was sired when all 6 Mapogos were together so technically any of the 6 could be the great-grandfather. While the Manghenis were sired by Mr.T and KT. From the Manghenis the Kambula pride formed so they are also descendents of these 2.

Thank you.  So I was wrong.  I always hated Mr. T because I felt he killed all the cubs and ruined the line.  Now, I can just be mad at him for breaking up the band and getting Kinky Tail killed sooner.  LOL
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Panama Mapokser Offline

@T_Ferguson if they hadn't split it's uncertain if the 4 original Manghenis would exist and reach adulthood, from these 4 their line got really big through the Kambula pride.

Also it's not exactly correct to say he broke the coalition. If you're going by the documentary, it's good to know it's very flawed and has a narrative to be more interesting to watch. In fact KT wasn't Mr.T's right hand man who loyally followed him after he left, they would beat the hell out of each other for mating rights and depending on the ranger or lodge you ask, some will say KT was more dominant, others it was Mr.T and others will say they were equal. In fact both left together as an unit because they weren't strong enough to compete with the other 4 and big coalitions split all the time.

Still, despite spliting they'd still meet from time to time, there's a report from Leopard Hills that either Mr.T or KT was visiting the other 4 in their territory just days before KT died. His death that can only be blamed on himself, If you read the report from the ranger who witnessed it ( Peter Rundle ), he says KT showed up to confront the 4 Majingilanes alone despite being injured, charged and chased them for several kilometers before the rivals turned to face him and then the obvious happened and he died.

It's not like he was "caught", he was the aggressor and had every opportunity to run or even give the territory to the enemy without a fight. And he wouldn't even need to go nomadic as he could still be dominant in the west with his other brothers like Mr.T eventually did.

Anyway what happened is in the past, now we can only hope these 3 remaining Othawas can rebuild their numbers, especially the 2 subs since they are the ones carrying the pride's name.
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Korea, Republic of veritas Offline

I don't want to intrude on my poor English, but...
At that time, mapogos was divided into two unions, and when mr.t went back to his four brothers, the existence of the cups was not his cub.
It's what all lions do.
Lions can be killed if they think they are not their children.
It was a long time ago, but there is an FB that makes up the fact again.

It has already been discovered what contradictions each accommodation has made in each time zone.
Documentary has too many errors.
Even the documentary mapogos name is all wrong.

In fact, the lineage of mapogos might have been different if humans hadn't shot and killed the children of the Sand River.

Anyway, this is an othawa thread, so I'll stop!
I am a supporter of othawa Pride. Hehe ?

@T_Perguson ( I see Nhenha's fanatic more often than Mapogos fanatic these days on FB, haha, they are still fighting amongst themselves, saying Nhenha is alive...)
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United States T_Ferguson Offline
Senior Member

(03-10-2023, 11:43 PM)Mapokser Wrote: @T_Ferguson if they hadn't split it's uncertain if the 4 original Manghenis would exist and reach adulthood, from these 4 their line got really big through the Kambula pride.

Also it's not exactly correct to say he broke the coalition. If you're going by the documentary, it's good to know it's very flawed and has a narrative to be more interesting to watch. In fact KT wasn't Mr.T's right hand man who loyally followed him after he left, they would beat the hell out of each other for mating rights and depending on the ranger or lodge you ask, some will say KT was more dominant, others it was Mr.T and others will say they were equal. In fact both left together as an unit because they weren't strong enough to compete with the other 4 and big coalitions split all the time.

Still, despite spliting they'd still meet from time to time, there's a report from Leopard Hills that either Mr.T or KT was visiting the other 4 in their territory just days before KT died. His death that can only be blamed on himself, If you read the report from the ranger who witnessed it ( Peter Rundle ), he says KT showed up to confront the 4 Majingilanes alone despite being injured, charged and chased them for several kilometers before the rivals turned to face him and then the obvious happened and he died.

It's not like he was "caught", he was the aggressor and had every opportunity to run or even give the territory to the enemy without a fight. And he wouldn't even need to go nomadic as he could still be dominant in the west with his other brothers like Mr.T eventually did.

Anyway what happened is in the past, now we can only hope these 3 remaining Othawas can rebuild their numbers, especially the 2 subs since they are the ones carrying the pride's name.

Yeah... Thank you for that.  Sorry for hijacking the Othawa's to talk about the Mapogo's.  I do think the documentary is a bit dramatic, same with the Notch one.  I'd love to see those Ranger reports, and I do think KT's problem was just that.. He never lost anything.  Why would he lose against 4... I mean.. it was only 4 not 12 right?  LOL  I'll keep my questions about the M's to the M's thread.  Thank you all for indulging me.
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United States BA0701 Offline
Super Moderator

All, we have a Mapogo thread, I invite all of you to continue your conversation there. Thanks!
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