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Othawa Pride

Panama Mapokser Offline

Tumbela looks a bit thin, I hope they aren't having problems with food but regardless I'm very happy they are alive, I was worried because Othawas weren't seen for a while and Skorro Jr was seen alone a few days ago.
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Belgium criollo2mil Offline

The Othowa sisters sighted in Ulusaba

Credit:  Savanna.ray

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United States afortich Offline

(02-13-2023, 06:21 PM)criollo2mil Wrote: The Othowa sisters sighted in Ulusaba

Credit:  Savanna.ray

Theses young ladies look very good. Great to see that!!
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Panama Mapokser Offline

It was said that Ximgungwes chased the 2 Othawas, but they managed to escape. Bad timing for them to be away from their father. Now that Skorro Jr is back in shape I hope they link up again.

I think the last month and half proved the subs are better off with him, being alone is way too dangerous and regardless if they are together or not it is not like they can survive if they meet the PCM so better to be together and protected against other threats like Ximhungwes, other lions and hyenas.

I'm confident that as things stand right now, Tumbela would break any fights between Othawas and Ximhungwes.
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Belgium criollo2mil Offline

(02-17-2023, 02:33 AM)Mapokser Wrote: It was said that Ximgungwes chased the 2 Othawas, but they managed to escape. Bad timing for them to be away from their father. Now that Skorro Jr is back in shape I hope they link up again.

I think the last month and half proved the subs are better off with him, being alone is way too dangerous and regardless if they are together or not it is not like they can survive if they meet the PCM so better to be together and protected against other threats like Ximhungwes, other lions and hyenas.

I'm confident that as things stand right now, Tumbela would break any fights between Othawas and Ximhungwes.

I tend to agree.   I recall conversations w @lionuk about what the prospects were if Skorro were to be with or without the Othowas and I was on the fence.   On one side I thought it was good for him to help stave off certain predators.   But also apprehensive about him maybe being a bully and steal kills for himself.  Something I had misgivings about based on past behavior w his brothers.  But most concerning was, how I feared he could attract the attention of the PCMs or NNK.  

What I however have seen,,,,,is he’s been an asset of sorts.   On one side….lions at the core are ‘social cats”.  They prosper in the company of their family.   Skorro if anything is the closest thing those two young girls have to family.   It has by circumstances transcended the typical ‘males go off to protect territory , lionesses put food on the table’ construct.    I think Skorro has been at a minimum an ‘emotional’ uplifting to these girls.  We can’t forget exactly how young they really are.

To contrast , they’re a month younger that the Orpen duo offspring of Mbiri Pride, same age as the Birmingham daughters of the Kambula Breakaway, very close in age to the eldest Styx Sub adults, 5 months younger than the two Southern Pride young females, and here they are ALONE.   Orphaned basically.   

Skorro has absolutely been a blessing to them.  

A few more months and I can then feel more at ease….that maybe,,,,,just maybe…..these girls will actually defeat all the odds and……prosper.
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Netherlands Duco Ndona Online

I think the Othawas were doing fine regardless of Skorro being there. They arent the frightened famished cubs people make them out to be. But at this point nearly fully grown lionesses that have shown for half a year to be capable of handling themselves. There are plenty of weaker cats surviving out there.

That Skorro has decided to hang out with them again after months is testament to that. Male lions are very pragmatic and wont just stick around if there wasnt anything in it for them. Its unlikely that after months of ignoring them he suddenly decided to be a dad. 

Whether he is a contribution or a burden time will tell. He may chase off potential agressors like hyenas. But the real test is going to be if the subs are capable of hunting enough food to sustain them and Skorro.
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1ofCourage Offline
Regular Member

If those Xinghungwe lionesses chased them once they'll do it again and they are not likely to forget that they are out there.  As they did with Sassy, the Xinghungwes may keep trying to get at them.  I hope that they clear out of the immediate area and stay on high alert no matter where they are.  This is not good at all.
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Panama Mapokser Offline

@criollo2mil yeah I was also very much on the fence but in the past month and half the 2 girls were always in good shape and if someone had trouble with food it was Tumbela.

He isn't a dominant male anymore he lacks some of that aggressiveness to steal food he once had I think, he even allowed Nhenha to feed. I don't doubt he is eating his fill but food wise we didn't see the subs struggling since they joined up ( though right before it they started doing well in hunts, true ) and he even found/killed 2 buffalos since they met, and a few days ago the subs were at a zebra kill, did they kill it? I doubt.

Tumbela offers a lot of emotional support, 2 subs not even 2yo alone for months will feel much more safe around an adult lion, not their mother or other female relative true but an adult lion they know regardless.

He is also a win card against hyenas, AWD, leopards, lionesses and nomadic lions. He could attract PCM sure, but he had many opportunities to meet Ximhungwes ( like NK did ) but didn't, which makes me think he gave up completely and accepted his position as a nomad.

The subs are in a very tough spot, PCM are patrolling every week, Ximhungwes are very aggressive now that they are pregnant, there's also 2 Talamati boys roaming around and the Nkuhuma Breakaways.

God knows how much time they still need until they can get into estrus or at least big enough for maybe PCM see them as adult females and don't attack them, 4/6 of their siblings and all adult females were killed already, their chances aren't that good but I think they'll be higher if Tumbela stays with them.
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Panama Mapokser Offline

@Duco Ndona you underestimate Tumbela's contribution and overestimate the subs ability to survive. Their sister was killed by Nkuhuma male, would that have happened had Tumbela been with them already? Maybe not. When they were still 3 they lost their kill to hyenas and one was injured in the fight, would that have happened if Tumbela was there? Obviously not.

Now they escaped Ximhungwes but may not be as lucky next time, their mother was killed by these 2, but if Skorro Jr is there their chances to survive a encounter with Ximhungwes increases drastically. 

Your comparison with other cats makes no sense at all, lion subs aren't adult leopards, they have none of their climbing skills, experience, lifestyle and anatomy, they can't and don't know how to live like leopards, keeping themselves safe at the top of trees, they are lions. They also can't be cheetahs and outrun any danger.

We're 1,5 months in and know of 3 carcasses they fed on, two buffalos and one zebra. Skorro Jt found a buffalo carcass, and very likely killed the other buffalo and the zebra. So how is exactly that they are sustaining him? Plus we've seen they being away for a little and Tumbela thin but never the subs, they can make small kills away from him if need be which very likely happened already.
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Netherlands Duco Ndona Online

These subs have been on their own for 5 months, which where the first most critical months of their nomadhood.
Skorro wasnt there when they needed to learn to avoid threats or figure out how to hunt reliably. 

I am not saying Skorro isnt helping now. But lets not suddenly act like he is the one that saved the pride from extinction. That would be a huge insult to the subs.
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Panama Mapokser Offline

@Duco Ndona well to begin with the pride is far from saved, until we see them mating, talks about the pride being saved are nothing but dreams. But if they manage to get there, yes, it'll be mostly thanks to themselves, then the 3 adult females who gave their lives for them, and Skorro Jr who protected the pride for as long as he could and is helping now too.
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1ofCourage Offline
Regular Member

I hope that with all the young coalitions walking around in the area the Xinghungwe pride will have their own lives to consider and protect rather than pursuing the Othawas.

Even Nhenha, who was very experienced, was caught off guard and attacked.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Online
Top Contributor
( This post was last modified: 02-20-2023, 02:40 AM by Tr1x24 )

(02-17-2023, 03:58 AM)Duco Ndona Wrote: I think the Othawas were doing fine regardless of Skorro being there. They arent the frightened famished cubs people make them out to be. But at this point nearly fully grown lionesses that have shown for half a year to be capable of handling themselves. There are plenty of weaker cats surviving out there.

They are nowhere near fully grown lionesses :

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

If im not mistaken, older girl is 2 yrs old around this time, while younger has 2-3 months to that.

They showed great resiliance tho, looks like hunting was not a problem for them so far, but danger of other lions is still there.

They still have loong time to go, 1,5 ~ 2 yrs until they mature and be ready for mating, which is very long time in the wild.

This year is key, until they made to 3 yrs old, and become almost fully grown, so danger of being killed by other lions will be not as high.

Right now, still, if they get caught by Ximhungwes, Mhangenis, Talamatis, PC males etc, they will be killed easily, as they dont have size and power to defend themselves yet.

Hanging with Tumbela male, definitely helps in this regard, not saying he would defend them against all of them, but just hanging with them might be enough for some other lions to not mess with them.
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Netherlands Duco Ndona Online

Ever since he returned, the narrative has shifted from. Its amazing that those young lionesses have managed to survived and adapted to their new lives all on their own. Towards they are just fragile little helpless animals on the brink of death. But dont worry, now Skorro is back he will be fine. 

We have seen plenty of reason to believe that those girls manage to survive and thrive on their own.  But have we ever actually seen Skorro lift a paw to defend them in the past year? Offcource he wont stand a chance against the PCmales. I cant fault him for not fighting battles he cant win. But will he actually fight Nym or the Ximhungwes? 

Credit should be where it is due and if the Othawa pride comes through this crisis. That credit right now lies solely by the girls.
If Skorro actually starts fighting for them. That would be great and he should get credit for that. But right now. He still has a long way to go before being considered an serious factor in the prides survival.

Panama Mapokser Offline

@1ofCourage I'd hardly call what happened to Nhenha "being caught off-guard" though, Nkuhuma and him were loudly roaring on PCM's territory, which was why they got attacked. PCM were close by, they heard their roars like 2 days before or something, they unleashed the challenged and got the worse of it.

Thing with adult males is that they are fast, but subadults cannot outrun males, they may outrun females because lionesses aren't as determined to get rivals and kill them, plus Ximhungwes are pregnant so that may have made them slower, but with males it's a certain death, unless they have an adult female to buy time for them, they will be caught and killed.
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