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Othawa Pride

Duco Ndona Online

The longer they survive. The more skill they will build and the better their survival.

There also isnt much reason to kill them without a pride of adult lionesses to take. At one point they will be seen as a pride of young lionesses in their own right. Not good for mating perhaps. But still an easy source of food.

Keep in mind that leopards also survive just fine.
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Panama Mapokser Offline

Leopards are adapted to climb trees and hide from lions and hyenas, they evolved to do just that. If subadult lions were anywhere near as good as adult leopards they'd rarely get killed by other lions which is clearly not the case, their lifestyle and skills are completely different.

Birminghams killed the third subadult not too long ago and PCM won't be any nicer if they met, as long as they can't mate I doubt PCM or any dominant male will accept them. Plus Ximhungwe and Gingerella ( the latter chased them once ), and now the Nkuhuma pride. Too many lions and only 2 othawa subadults.

I hope I'm wrong but things don't look good.

lionuk Offline

Skorro jr and Othawa subadults seen near Savanna
Credit: Savannah

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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United States BA0701 Offline
Super Moderator

(01-12-2023, 03:32 PM)lionuk Wrote: Skorro jr and Othawa subadults seen near Savanna
Credit: Savannah

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

Western sector continues to astonish, simultaneously showing us the the best and worst of lion dynamics.
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Duco Ndona Online

They seem to be keeping a uncomfortable distance. I think this is more a chance enounter than a actual union. But who knows what it may lead too.

With the Ximhungwes open for a takeover again. I think he rather will go back there though.
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1ofCourage Offline
Regular Member

Skorro Jr has not been there for anyone.
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Panama Mapokser Offline
( This post was last modified: 01-13-2023, 05:31 AM by Mapokser )

@Duco Ndona Wdym open for a takeover? Are the PCM back to Singita?

Panama Mapokser Offline

@1ofCourage did anyone thought it could be any different? When did a male lion ever raised any cubs? They aren't born with these instincts. He held the ground even while outnumbered 2v1 for a bit, he did his job as he could, he is just not "programmed" to act and live like a lioness, raising cubs and whatnot.

To have confirmation he still remembers they are his daughters and isn't a threat to them is just about what we could optimistically expect.

Which also makes me doubt the claims he chased them with Ximhungwe and Gingerella, or at least I think if it happened, he was trying to stop any confrontations, not attack his offspring.
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Ttimemarti Offline
Senior Member

I know he will probably leave them but it was great to see them with their father. They had a tab bit of protection with him being with them, but Skorro jr is probably the only lion that hasn’t tried to hurt them other than silver eyes sister who let them feed on her kill until the younger talamatis returned
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More sightings of othawa and tumbela.

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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1ofCourage Offline
Regular Member

RRM had 4 to 1 at one point. Four Mbiris against he and his lionesses and 9 cubs.  He’d already lost one lioness and 8 of his original cubs, but he stayed, navigated them to safety and saved his treasures.

Mohawk is holding his own now too, or at least attempting to do it.

DM stayed when his brothers left, defended his pride for years from other males came and only left when his age and injury were too much.

If Skorro Jr was trying to stop Gingerella and the Xinhungwe lioness he did a lousy job, because even more attacks happened. He certainly didn’t try to dissuade Nhenha or the NK male one but.  Skorro Jr uses his strength to run away, not defend.

Sassy took on herself what could have killed the cubs. She knew what was going on. No need to drag them down with her.
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United States LionLover84 Offline
New Member

(01-13-2023, 08:59 PM)1ofCourage Wrote: RRM had 4 to 1 at one point. Four Mbiris against he and his lionesses and 9 cubs.  He’d already lost one lioness and 8 of his original cubs, but he stayed, navigated them to safety and saved his treasures.

Mohawk is holding his own now too, or at least attempting to do it.

DM stayed when his brothers left, defended his pride for years from other males came and only left when his age and injury were too much.

If Skorro Jr was trying to stop Gingerella and the Xinhungwe lioness he did a lousy job, because even more attacks happened. He certainly didn’t try to dissuade Nhenha or the NK male one but.  Skorro Jr uses his strength to run away, not defend.

Sassy took on herself what could have killed the cubs. She knew what was going on. No need to drag them down with her.
Every lions situation is not the same. DM only had S8 male pressuring him, not two other coalitions. Skorro did the best he could after his brothers died. As far as stopping all attacks from the ximungwe’s… that would be impossible since he was not always with them. Sometimes pc males and sometimes the Birmingham males were with them. Him fighting a coalition of two would not benefit him or the othawas. He  certainly would be of no help badly injured or dead. 
As for Sassy, they aren’t even sure if she was in the right state of mind so her not looking for the cubs, I do not believe is because she “knew” she had something. 
If the BD males get serious, or any other coalition for that matter, I do not think Mohawk will fight willingly if he knows it means certain death. I don’t think anyone would blame him if he fled, so I do not blame skorro either.
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United States BorntobeWild Online
Regular Member

(01-13-2023, 06:17 PM)DARK MANE Wrote: More sightings of othawa and tumbela.

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

This was reported that:

" Skorro Jr & his  girls finished off the buffalo this morning
Credit: Luka Moeller
January 13, 2023"
Great to know !!
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Panama Mapokser Offline
( This post was last modified: 01-13-2023, 11:06 PM by Mapokser )

@Ttimemarti it made me happy seeing them together but I'm not sure it's actually good if they were to live together, maybe visit sometimes but it's already a miracle they are feeding themselves at this age, if he were to eat their food they'd be in huge trouble.

He isn't a lioness so I doubt he would hunt to feed them and while he can defend them from hyenas, all subadults were killed by male lions and he can't defend them from PCM, maybe if they meet NK he then would be useful to have around. He also roars from time to time which can bring the PCM's attention to them. He probably would defend them from Ximhungwe and Gingerella but in this case would be better if he was with these 2 instead of his daughters because if PCM arrives he can ran and the females won't be in trouble, if the PCM attacks him while he is with his daughters, it'll be the end of it.
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Panama Mapokser Offline

@BorntobeWild wait a buffalo? Did Skorro Jr killed it? What must have happened then was that they met him after he killed a buffalo? Or did he killed it after being with them? Because I was just talking about how he wouldn't be useful for hunting.

@1ofCourage Skorro Jr defeated Nhenha in a 1v1 fight as reported by rangers and later tracks showed him chasing both Nhenha and NK male. Western Sector is fenced and small, they had nowhere to go, only way out was through Singita, PCM's territory, he couldn't run away with them. When Sassy got close to Singita at some point the PCM killed some cubs.

Most males will leave as soon as they realize they are outnumbered or after the first clash, studies shows that lions will not reply or even get outright ousted when scientists would simulate roars from more lions than those from the local coalition. Skorro Jr did more than most would.
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