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Nkuhuma Pride

Ngonya Offline

(03-04-2024, 12:53 AM)criollo2mil Wrote: Guys…it’s is uncertain if lions were even involved.    I’ve seen pictures of his carcass and have doubts. looks more like he was gored during a bad hunt.   His spine was broken.   There were small marks on his back but his face is pristine.    So it could be lions or those marks were post Mortem.  
Guides shared picture of his remains with you or you find it elsewhere?

Belgium criollo2mil Offline

(03-04-2024, 01:16 AM)Ngonya Wrote:
(03-04-2024, 12:53 AM)criollo2mil Wrote: Guys…it’s is uncertain if lions were even involved.    I’ve seen pictures of his carcass and have doubts. looks more like he was gored during a bad hunt.   His spine was broken.   There were small marks on his back but his face is pristine.    So it could be lions or those marks were post Mortem.  
Guides shared picture of his remains with you or you find it elsewhere?

Sent in private. W request not to share onward.
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United States T_Ferguson Offline
Senior Member

(03-04-2024, 01:07 AM)Ngonya Wrote:
(03-03-2024, 11:30 PM)T_Ferguson Wrote: I'd almost put this on the Mangheni girls before the BDM's but so be it.
Can't tell if this is a attempt of underestimating BDM or overestimating Mangheni, sounds like both lol.
Any coalition of adult males has more chances than a pride of lionesses of killing a young male of 4/5 years, whether they are Mangheni females or not.

I doubt we'll get confirmation but as i said, any coalition could do it in terms of strength, its more a matter of who was closer or if we'll get evidence of who did it. (IF he was killed by lions)

Yeah... I mean.  To this point the BDM's haven't shown this kind of aggression (not that they can't start).  Hell, the PCM's haven't even finished off Skorro or others when catching them.  It just would have surprised me that this would have been lions killing the poor boy, and if any lions would have done so, the only lions lately that have killed other lions are the girls in the area.

That was more the statement I was making.  It wasn't an indictment on anyone.
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Belgium criollo2mil Offline

(03-04-2024, 01:02 AM)Duco Ndona Wrote: I dont think the two are related. The wound on the lioness looks already pretty clean, meaning it already had time for the wound to close and the blood to be cleaned from her coat. 
The boy died reportedly today.

Buffallo also dont just break spines. Sure it can snap when a lion is being trampled by one, but I think that if that happened, it would be reported as being trampled with the spinal damage getting lost in that. Unless perhaps he was still alive at the time of the sighting and seen dragging his lower body or something. 

Its also a very lion thing to do, aking them a more likely culprid. And they were openly challenging other coalitions earlier.
Perhaps the BDMs reacted to it, found the guy alone and then retreated back to the spot they were in earlier before his brothers arived?

EDIT: With now information ariving that there was a lot more damage that was previously not mentioned. The buffelo theory is indeed a very realistic possibility. I hope we see some photos soon so we can see for ourselves rather and relying on third parties.

Ok, so let me add and say what I can say publicly without upsetting confidence.

The boy was found in Singita. The guide that found the carcass, sent images to other reserves in the hopes to get a goo ID become he was unfamiliar w the lion.

There is a group chat among guides and there, it was said he looked as if he was gored by buffalo (and the image I saw does hint to this). I think that photo and early suspicion led guides to believe it was a bad hunt

Now in the last few exchanges, the guide that found the carcass added more pictures and statements w indications it could have well have been other lions. The broken back was a factor. But also new images (which I have NOT seen) sort of make the guides lean more towards lions now.

So I apologize if the story changes…’s happening in real time.

Guides go back and forth like this all the time and it’s why we typically don’t get bad news released promptly.

In this case, they sort of got the word out fast because some fans were aware and wante permission to say something

so I won’t add to any more confusion and will just wait until more of an official definitive statement is made regarding possible reasons for his death
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United States T_Ferguson Offline
Senior Member

Thank you all for your knowledge and connections in the area, and for the professionalism we all seem to follow on these when most of us just want to find an answer.  The sad reality is the poor boy that is no longer with us.  The rest is just us humans attempting to cope with a creature we all wish to see better lives for.
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Ngonya Offline

(03-04-2024, 01:30 AM)T_Ferguson Wrote: the only lions lately that have killed other lions are the girls in the area.

That was more the statement I was making.  It wasn't an indictment on anyone.
any adult male lion could possibly take out a lioness on 1v1 if they really go for it, but that barely happens. 
The fact is that the Mangheni killing lionesses doesn't mean much. Any coalition could have killed the female Nkuhuma that the Manghenis killed recently and could do it with less individuals to overpower her.
Anyways i understand what you mean.
Tbh no coalition on Sabi Sand EXCEPT the PCM showed enough aggression to kill rival males. 
Even so, the PCM have already let Tumbela escape on different occasions, but i believe this is mostly because they do not see a lonely and weak lion like him being a threat at anytime soon.

I'm sure that any coalition that went for the kill would be able to fatally wound the young Nkuhuma LS, he was a very young lion, he had practically no mane and when side by side with other mature coalitions in the region, the least i can say is that he was weak.

But from what people are saying it seems like it was a unlike buffalo hunt that ended him(?)
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Belgium criollo2mil Offline

(03-04-2024, 12:11 AM)BA0701 Wrote:
(03-04-2024, 12:09 AM)Mapokser Wrote:

Lip Scar and brother, guide says it was the last time he saw them before they crossed to Ottawa where LS was killed, apparently it happened today.

I think PCM are still in Londolozi, not sure. BDM were in Djuma I think, chasing the pride. No idea on Kambulas, last seen on Chitwa Chitwa maybe?

Tough to watch that.

Yes it is…..I was extremely fond of this boy.    I had a very hard time watching this video again.

Here is his last sighting w his brother.    I think two days ago

Attached Files Image(s)
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Netherlands Duco Ndona Offline

Ultimately he was just a young kid, so none of the resident coalitions would have much issues killing him. Regardless of how much merci they showed earlier. 
Even the Manghenis would be capable of doing it.

Can those that have seen the photos, please post a discription on what exactly is on them. It may offer some clues

Ttimemarti Offline
Senior Member

Quick question so if the buffalo did kill him and correct me if I’m wrong but one of the Charleston males was found with a broken back/spine but it was not from other lions so was be injured by buffalos as well?
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United States T_Ferguson Offline
Senior Member
( This post was last modified: 03-04-2024, 02:41 AM by T_Ferguson Edit Reason: W/L )

(03-04-2024, 02:08 AM)Ttimemarti Wrote: Quick question so if the buffalo did kill him and correct me if I’m wrong but one of the Charleston males was found with a broken back/spine but it was not from other lions so was be injured by buffalos as well?

If you've ever suffered through watching Buffalo corner and go after a lion it's not pretty.  I made the mistake of watching Dark Mane.  Buffalo can break every bone in a lions body.  That said.. speculating on how these animals die is how we end up in a place we are now where we simply don't know how it happened and we are all throwing theories up against the wall.  I'll wait and hope we get some ideas from the people on the ground going through this.

Quick Edit... I just noticed my Profile has a W/L 0%... LOL.. Is this from the tilt we had earlier in the week where I told someone they won? LOL Just curious.. and if so. Outstanding!!!!

Ttimemarti Offline
Senior Member

(03-04-2024, 02:17 AM)T_Ferguson Wrote:
(03-04-2024, 02:08 AM)Ttimemarti Wrote: Quick question so if the buffalo did kill him and correct me if I’m wrong but one of the Charleston males was found with a broken back/spine but it was not from other lions so was be injured by buffalos as well?

If you've ever suffered through watching Buffalo corner and go after a lion it's not pretty.  I made the mistake of watching Dark Mane.  Buffalo can break every bone in a lions body.  That said.. speculating on how these animals die is how we end up in a place we are now where we simply don't know how it happened and we are all throwing theories up against the wall.  I'll wait and hope we get some ideas from the people on the ground going through this.
I’ve never watched that video I just can’t do it
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Croatia Tr1x24 Online
Top Contributor
( This post was last modified: 03-04-2024, 02:48 AM by Tr1x24 )

(03-04-2024, 01:39 AM)Ngonya Wrote: I'm sure that any coalition that went for the kill would be able to fatally wound the young Nkuhuma LS, he was a very young lion, he had practically no mane and when side by side with other mature coalitions in the region, the least i can say is that he was weak.
(03-04-2024, 02:05 AM)Duco Ndona Wrote: Ultimately he was just a young kid, so none of the resident coalitions would have much issues killing him. Regardless of how much merci they showed earlier. 
Even the Manghenis would be capable of doing it.

He was over 4 yrs old, already size od adult lion which we know as Mohawk is with them, 3 out of 4 boys (including LS) are same size or bigger then Mohawk.

Females definetly cant break his spine at this point, and even would have hard time killing him.

This also happen on property where Mhangenis are rarely seen (north Singita, prob close to EP/Simbambili), so i definetly dont think they are involved.

BDMs are today seen at Djuma without any new scratches, i doubt they chased them all the way to Singita, kill him, and then return back to Djuma for a nap. 1 of BDMs is limping aswell, so ability to catch him with limp is questionable.
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Ngonya Offline

(03-04-2024, 02:08 AM)Ttimemarti Wrote: Quick question so if the buffalo did kill him and correct me if I’m wrong but one of the Charleston males was found with a broken back/spine but it was not from other lions so was be injured by buffalos as well?
"The post-mortem results from the lion indicated that there was no bite mark and that ruled out a fight with another male. There was also no trauma detected on the spinal cord. The only conclusion was that a subluxation of a thoracic vertebrae or a disc prolapse could have led to acute lameness in the hind"
Statemente released by Park Rangers that put the Charleston male down, according to SCAR YT Channel
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Ttimemarti Offline
Senior Member

(03-04-2024, 02:39 AM)Ngonya Wrote:
(03-04-2024, 02:08 AM)Ttimemarti Wrote: Quick question so if the buffalo did kill him and correct me if I’m wrong but one of the Charleston males was found with a broken back/spine but it was not from other lions so was be injured by buffalos as well?
"The post-mortem results from the lion indicated that there was no bite mark and that ruled out a fight with another male. There was also no trauma detected on the spinal cord. The only conclusion was that a subluxation of a thoracic vertebrae or a disc prolapse could have led to acute lameness in the hind"
Statemente released by Park Rangers that put the Charleston male down, according to SCAR YT Channel

Ooooooh thank you for that
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Croatia Tr1x24 Online
Top Contributor

This guide yesterday posted sightings of both Kambulas and Nkuhumas in the area:

And already LS is missing with Nkuhumas.
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