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Nkuhuma Pride

Duco Ndona Offline

You never know how a cow catches a hare.

That a lion is limping when he is relaxed and not in a hurry does not mean he wont be able to fully use that leg in a fight.
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United States T_Ferguson Offline
Senior Member
( This post was last modified: 03-04-2024, 07:37 PM by T_Ferguson )

(03-04-2024, 07:10 PM)Duco Ndona Wrote: You never know how a cow catches a hare.

That a lion is limping when he is relaxed and not in a hurry does not mean he wont be able to fully use that leg in a fight.

I get that too, but I would expect at least a small amount of visible damage, even from a youngster like LS.

Painted Wolf has very close video of the BDM's this morning. The same limp for the smaller one, but no damage of any kind. Hard to think they'd shred a 4 year old male without a scratch.

Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

(03-04-2024, 07:32 PM)T_Ferguson Wrote: I get that too, but I would expect at least a small amount of visible damage, even from a youngster like LS.

Painted Wolf has very close video of the BDM's this morning.  The same limp for the smaller one, but no damage of any kind.  Hard to think they'd shred a 4 year old male without a scratch.

BDMs definetly didnt kill him.
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Panama Mapokser Offline

The PCM will probably show up in the Western Sector at any time now, then we might get some close-up photos on them that may show if they have any scratches or not.

Still, these were the males who killed Nhenha without sustaining any noticeable injury besides a very slightly limp on the smaller male so who knows.

Ttimemarti Offline
Senior Member

I don’t think he was killed by other males. Has Mohawk and the others been seen?

United States T_Ferguson Offline
Senior Member

(03-04-2024, 11:05 PM)Mapokser Wrote: The PCM will probably show up in the Western Sector at any time now, then we might get some close-up photos on them that may show if they have any scratches or not.

Still, these were the males who killed Nhenha without sustaining any noticeable injury besides a very slightly limp on the smaller male so who knows.

They didn't insta-kill Nhenha though... That's the part of this that seems so strange to me, and for whatever reason I can't get past it.  It's why the Buffalo theory right now makes more sense to me.  Yes, I know LS was smaller and too young, and Nhenha was Nhenha... I get that.  I mean... I would have expected Skorro to be dead too, but they didn't kill him either.

Duco Ndona Offline

I think its becouse the PCmales prefer to ambush their victims.
They strike fast and try to do as much damage as possible in the first few seconds, but once the element of surprise is gone, they dont follow up on the attack. 
Especially if the lion submits or reinforcements arrive. 

We really don't have much information on what happened. Just roughly where he was found and its guessed that his wounds may be due to a lion attack causing spinal damage.
I wonder how instant this death really was. It could be the spinal damage wasn't that severe and he managed to move quite some distance before succumbing.

United States afortich Offline

Wait a minute. Was any of the 4 Nkuhumas, son of Mohawk, killed??

United States T_Ferguson Offline
Senior Member

(03-05-2024, 12:53 AM)afortich Wrote: Wait a minute. Was any of the 4 Nkuhumas, son of Mohawk, killed??

I believe that Lip Scar was a son of Amber Eyes.  It was one of the boys with Mohawk, but not sure it was actually Mohawks son.
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Panama Mapokser Offline

Just because Nhenha survived a month after the fight and Tumbela is still kicking it doesn't mean the PCM are bad at killing lions.

Most lions survive such attacks. We don't know why most of the time the attackers won't finish the job but it may be because sometimes they don't want to burn energy against a lion they don't think it's a big threat.

Last time when Tumbela was caught he had been tolerated many times before, so the PCM don't consider him a threat and this may be why they allowed him to go.

Now Mohawk and sons are 5 roaring lions, they are a huge threat.

Nhenha was roaring with NK in Leopard Hills when the PCM, at the time trying to take over the Western Sector, heard them on Dulini and moved to the attack where they fatally injured Nhenha who had been a threat and a nuisance for half a year at that point.
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United States Sassy4Christ Offline
New Member

(03-05-2024, 01:03 AM)T_Ferguson Wrote:
(03-05-2024, 12:53 AM)afortich Wrote: Wait a minute. Was any of the 4 Nkuhumas, son of Mohawk, killed??

I believe that Lip Scar was a son of Amber Eyes.  It was one of the boys with Mohawk, but not sure it was actually Mohawks son.

Lip Scar was one of the remaining sons of Purple Eye and the N.Avoca Coalition (including Mohawk).
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Ttimemarti Offline
Senior Member

If I remember that video correctly it looked like skorro was about to pull a red road on makunga

United States T_Ferguson Offline
Senior Member

(03-05-2024, 03:39 AM)Sassy4Christ Wrote:
(03-05-2024, 01:03 AM)T_Ferguson Wrote:
(03-05-2024, 12:53 AM)afortich Wrote: Wait a minute. Was any of the 4 Nkuhumas, son of Mohawk, killed??

I believe that Lip Scar was a son of Amber Eyes.  It was one of the boys with Mohawk, but not sure it was actually Mohawks son.

Lip Scar was one of the remaining sons of Purple Eye and the N.Avoca Coalition (including Mohawk).

Thank you... Purple eye was what I was thinking, but it didn't sound right when I typed it.  Thank you for correcting me.
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Belgium criollo2mil Offline

(03-05-2024, 01:03 AM)T_Ferguson Wrote:
(03-05-2024, 12:53 AM)afortich Wrote: Wait a minute. Was any of the 4 Nkuhumas, son of Mohawk, killed??

I believe that Lip Scar was a son of Amber Eyes.  It was one of the boys with Mohawk, but not sure it was actually Mohawks son.

Lip Scar was 1/2 sons of Purple Eyes.

Amber eyes lost her son two years ago. But thankfully has two daughters in the core pride today.
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United States afortich Offline

R.I.P Lip Scar young boy  Disappointed

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