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Nkuhuma Pride

United States BA0701 Offline
Super Moderator
( This post was last modified: 02-08-2025, 08:22 PM by BA0701 )

This thread is for posting Nkuhuma Pride specific posts. This will include breakaway prides (until they've re-established themselves and received a name of their own, as well as nomadic males who have left the pride until they have met the same criteria.

Our hope is for these pride specific threads to become a central repository for information pertaining to specific prides, both historical and current, in the same vane as the coalition specific threads.

Updating this post, to include the lineage map, created and shared by @FACR2212

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Croatia Tr1x24 Online
Top Contributor
( This post was last modified: 05-27-2022, 11:43 PM by Tr1x24 )

Short history of Nkuhuma pride :

Early origins of Nkuhuma pride is pretty much unknown.

They where named Nkuhuma pride around 2006 in northern Sabi Sands, they had 2 dominant males, known as Blondie and Dozie.

In 2007 they had many newborn cubs, but dark days where about to come, coalition of 6 males invaded from the south, known as Mapogo males, they attacked Nkuhumas and killed Blondie, few females took some surviving cubs and run away north, in company of remaining male, Dozie (its speculation that some of these females/cubs become Talamati pride), others stayed and accepted Mapogos.

But things where not bright, in 2008 Nkuhumas where divided in many groups. New, 2 Manyeleti males came from the north, and apperantly drive Dozie out from his group, killing few females in the process, they also clashed with Mapogos. In 2009, another 2 new males came to play, Gijima males. Manyeleti males where defeated, as 1 male was killed by Mapogos, another left this area.

Towards 2010, we had 3 coalitions battling for Nkuhuma groups, Mlowatis, Gijimas and new Majingilane males. Majingilanes defeated Mlowatis and took their territory further south, Gijima males stayed north. But not for long as in early 2011, 2 Gijima males and 1 Nkuhuma young males where shoot by people as they escaped reserve. 

Famous Nkuhuma female from that time was Snaggletooth, she disappeared in 2009.

From those "dark days" we have few surviving females, Nana and her sister (later be known as Junior's mom) where most famous later on, with their 2 brothers, Nkuhuma males, famous Sizanani and his limpy brother. 

With absence of Gijima males, in 2011, coalition of 6 young males came from the north, known as Matimba males. With that begins new area of Nkuhuma pride, who had 4 females at that point. 

In 2012 first Matimba cubs where born thru different litters, those cubs become backboone of Nkuhumas to this day. Purple Eyes, Ridge Nose, Amber Eyes and Chela where born, alongside their brother, legendary Junior Nkuhuma/Matimba. 

2 Matimbas split from their 4 brothers shortly after, and where in charge of southern portion of their teritory, they where Hairy Belly and Ginger, S. Matimbas. 

They did excellent job protecting these cubs/sub, until late 2015, when 5 young Bboys invaded from the north (their nephews). S. Matimbas had no choice then abandon this territory and Nkuhumas. 

Bboys takeover Nkuhumas, killing Junior's mom in the process and ousting Junior out. Luckly, young females where old enough for Bboys to see them as mating opportunities, so they didnt kill them. 

Nana and young Nkuhumas started mating with Bboys and first cubs where born around mid 2016. 

For more then 2 years Bboys where dominant of Nkuhumas, until early 2018 when they abandon them.

Later thru 2018, 3 N. Avocas become their dominant males, they accepted Bboys subadult offspring, which at the beginning of 2019 consist of 4 sub females, 1 sub male and 1 adopted Mhangeni young male. 

But then few months in 2019, old Nkuhuma female, Nana, passed away. She was very protective of 2 young boys from Avocas (some speculated that she even died protecting them), so with her gone, NK and Mhangeni males where ousted from Nkuhumas around mid 2019 (still occasionaly returning to the pride in months to come when there was no Avocas around). 

At that time, first Avoca offspring was born to older females from mid 2019 onwards. 

1 of the 4 younger females followed her brother, Nkuhuma male, in nomadic life, she disappeared in 2020. 

Other 3 younger females gave birth around mid 2021 to 7 cubs. 

After mid 2021, 2 older Nkuhuma females, Ridge Nose and Amber Eyes where back in estrus, they abandon their area and moved west in search for new males. In Singita they found young Plains Camp males and in early 2022 gave birth to 2 cubs. 

Currently, Nkuhuma are split in 2 - 3 groups. 

As i said, Ridge Nose and Amber Eyes who breakaway and are with PC boys, then we have subadults group ( Chela and Purple Eyes, 2 sub females and 5 males) and cubs group (3 younger females and 7 cubs), subadults and cubs group still occasionaly hang together, alongside 2 N. Avocas, Mohawk and Blondie.
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Canada Mdz123 Offline

Quote:After mid 2021, 2 older Nkuhuma females, Ridge Nose and Amber Eyes where back in estrus, they abandon their area and moved west in search for new males. In Singita they found young Plains Camp males and in early 2020 gave birth to 2 cubs. 

Early 2022*
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Tonpa Offline
( This post was last modified: 05-27-2022, 12:40 AM by Tonpa )

Last night 

this afternoon 

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United Kingdom Mabingilane Offline
Regular Member

Just some info to add about Nkuhumas from my notes. 

Nkuhuma Pride - 
5 Out of 7 (Amber & Ridge Nose BreakAway) Original Females.
7 out of 9 (5M:2F) Sub Adults sired by N.Avocas
7 Cubs From 3 Litters (3:2:2)  sired by  N.Avocas
Dominant Males: Mohawk & Blondie Avoca Males

- Purple Eye Lioness - April 2012 (Matimba daughter)
* Litter of 2/3 (M) Cubs - Late July/Early August 2019.

- Amber Eyes Lioness - December 2012 (Matimba Daughter)
* 3/4 Cubs (2F:1M)  - Late July 2019. (1 Female Killed by PCM's in 10/21. Now 2F:1M)

- Ridge Nose Lioness - December 2012 (Matimba Daughter)
* Eldest 1/2 Male Cub - Late May 2019
(One Male died in 2021) 

- "Chela" AKA - Hairy Chin Lioness - July 2013 (Matimba Daughter)
* Litter Of 1/4 (Male) Cub - Early December 2019

- Nick - Eared Lioness - May 2016 *Vanished

Nkuhuma 2016 Females Group: 

- Pale Eyes Lioness (Purple Eyes Daughter) - May 2016
* Litter of 2 Cubs - Late April 2021. N Avoca Offspring

- "Tattered Ears" Lioness (Sister of NK Male) - Late May/Early June 2016
* Litter Of 2 Cubs - Early May 2021. N Avoca Offspring

- Youngest Lioness (Ridge Nose Daughter) - Early July 2016
* Litter of 3 Cubs - April 17th 2021. N Avoca Offspring

Two Adult Females/Sisters. 
Two Cubs so far from 1 Litter.  
Dominant Males: Plains Camp Males

- Ridge Nose - December 2012 

* Litter of 2 (1M:1F) Cubs - Early February 2022 (Sired by Plains Camp Males)

- Amber Eyes - December 2012 
* Should be Pregnant now Mid 2022. 
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Croatia Tr1x24 Online
Top Contributor
( This post was last modified: 05-27-2022, 06:11 PM by Tr1x24 )

Nkuhuma subadults group (Purple Eyes&Chela with all 7 subs) :

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WildLeonis Away
Regular Member

@Mabingilane - So to be clear Tattered Ear, Pale Eyes and Ridgenose’s daughter are the three adult females with the Avocas and have cubs. While Purple Eye and Chela are tending to the subadults, sometimes joining up with the rest of the pride and the Avocas?

Thanks for the information on the Nkuhumas, especially DOBs. For some reason I thought Ridgenose was older than Amber Eyes but looks like they may been from the same litter and were definitely raised together.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Online
Top Contributor

So how many adult Nkuhuma females there was in 2012?? Based of those birth dates, it must have been atleast 3, i know only of 2, Nana and Junior's/Purple Eyes mom.
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United Kingdom Mabingilane Offline
Regular Member

(05-27-2022, 09:59 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote: So how many adult Nkuhuma females there was in 2012?? Based of those birth dates, it must have been atleast 3, i know only of 2, Nana and Junior's/Purple Eyes mom.
There were 4 in total in 2012.
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United Kingdom Mabingilane Offline
Regular Member

(05-27-2022, 09:27 PM)WildLeonis Wrote: So to be clear Tattered Ear, Pale Eyes and Ridgenose’s daughter are the three adult females with the Avocas and have cubs. While Purple Eye and Chela are tending to the subadults, sometimes joining up with the rest of the pride and the Avocas?
That is correct. 

The 3 youngest females, Ridge Nose's daughter, Pale Eyes & Tatty Ears are the mothers of the 7 cubs sired by Avocas. 

Purple eyes and Chela tend to be hanging with some of the subs. 

Ridge Nose & Amber Eyes are said to be alleged littermates. 

I hope this helps
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Croatia Tr1x24 Online
Top Contributor

(05-27-2022, 11:38 PM)Mabingilane Wrote: There were 4 in total in 2012.

Yea, i found that first of the 4 was killed by Koppies pride in Manyeleti, in early 2013. 

1 was killed by Bboys, i think it was Junior's mom. 

Nana died in 2019. 

Any info what happened to 4th female?
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Canada Maghreb Offline

(05-27-2022, 09:59 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote: So how many adult Nkuhuma females there was in 2012?? Based of those birth dates, it must have been atleast 3, i know only of 2, Nana and Junior's/Purple Eyes mom.

I would say at least 3 as well.  Bermingham males were purported to have killed 2 (including Jr.s mom)?

WildLeonis Away
Regular Member

Looking at the footage from today, Purple Eye is looking rough, but not at deaths door. She’s slow but keeping up with the pride, which is good. Does anyone know what happened to her? Attacked by hyenas? Injured in a hunt?

Ridgenose’s son almost looks like a full grown male. Hopefully he can hang around long enough for some of his younger male cousins to leave with him, forming a coalition, when he is inevitably ousted or abandoned when Purple Eye and Chela have new cubs.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Online
Top Contributor

(05-28-2022, 04:01 AM)WildLeonis Wrote: Looking at the footage from today, Purple Eye is looking rough, but not at deaths door. She’s slow but keeping up with the pride, which is good. Does anyone know what happened to her? Attacked by hyenas? Injured in a hunt?

Purple Eyes got injured on her leg, i believe it was during 2020, she was limping badly at that time, she never fully recover.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Online
Top Contributor

(05-28-2022, 02:03 AM)Maghreb Wrote: I would say at least 3 as well.  Bermingham males were purported to have killed 2 (including Jr.s mom)?

It was 4.
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