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Lions of Timbavati

T I N O Offline

(04-22-2021, 06:35 PM)Potato Wrote:
(04-22-2021, 08:00 AM)Timbavati Wrote:
*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

After some speculation about the Hercules and Sumatra males, it looks like they are with some of the Giraffe pride lionesses. The Hercules male is definitely more dominant of the 2 as he kept the older male away from 1 lionesses. The Sumatra walked after the remaining 2 lionesses that was visible to me.
credit: Ziggi Hugo
It will be very intresting to see their competition with the two Monwana males. My bet would be on Monwanas despite one of them being injured. Monwanas so far were proving to be strong and bold duo. They stand up to fight Xikukutsus with Mapoza even through they were outnumbered and right away after starting their nomadic life challanged and ousted Black Dam male (compare it for example with how much time Tumbelas needed to oust very old HB). Chassing out Sumatra/Hercules duo will be of course much bigger challange than ousting lone Black Dam male, but still I bet Monwanas will handle this competition as well.

At the moment one Monwana was seen during the last past week. The healthy one wasn't seen since early April. The Hercules and Sumatra males are really big males.
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T I N O Offline

Story of the Sohobele males 
Lions of the past - Legends of Timbavati
Throwback Thursday with the old Sohobele male known as Pretty boy with the Sohobele pride including the two young males within this pride (Duma the legend of Balule and his brother). The Sohobele coalition were originally a coalition of four/five males that arrived to Timbavati in 1997 or even a few years before and ruled the Northern half of the reserve, in late 1998 the fourth Sohobele male was being killed by a pride from Kruger. 4 became 3 and then 2. The last two Sohobele males were still dominant in the Northern Timbavati, Unfortunately, Dribbler (the second last Sohobele male) was poached when he ventured out of the reserve into an adjoining area, The last Sohobele male had to hold his territory on his own, the territory of the Sohobele males shrunk and he ended up sticking with only the Sohebele Pride (Although he would still mate with Voel Dam pride and the Jacaranda females) however, He didn't spend time anymore in the south with the Machaton pride. It was in 2009 when the last Sohobele male passed away from old age! Such a legend!
Photo credits goes to: @andi.on.tour
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T I N O Offline
( This post was last modified: 04-22-2021, 09:08 PM by T I N O )

old River pride males - The legends of Klaserie 
The old River pride males - A breathtaking sighting of the two old River pride males known as Hondo, ,, The dark-maned one "and Xantshema, ,, The warlord". We have introduced to these two males last year, they make their first appearance in Klaserie around 2014 onwards, they sired a lot of cubs within the reserve. They left the Klaserie area and went into Umbabat / Northern Timbavati and Ingwelala around 4 years back, back in December 2019 they were sighted crossing over from Kruger into Ntsiri, near Hardekoolpan and in the early months of 2020 they were trying to establish as dominant males with the Western pride, Unfortunately, they didn't sired any cubs with this pride and they moved to the north-eastern corner of Klaserie where they dominate a pride of 20 lions including lionesses, sub-adults and cubs. Recently they were seen on Umbabat with some lionesses, At the age of 13 or even 14 years old are in prime condition and thriving so far. When writing of successful coalition, the old River Pride males are at the top! What Legends of Klaserie
Photo credits goes to: Albie Morkel.
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Poland Potato Offline

(04-22-2021, 07:51 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote: Then idk how you favoring Monwanas, because Hercules/Sumatra are there for what, around 2 weeks without respond of Monwanas.. 
We do not know for how long they are with Giraffe females.

(04-22-2021, 07:51 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote: With injured leg of that Monwana they are much weaker now as injured male will prob avoid any clashes in that state (facing open chase back and forth with leg injury might be fatal for him, as he would be sitting duck for 2 males), only if they can intimidated Hercules/Sumatra with roars, but it doesnt look succesfull so far.
We will see. Kruger male Limper was doing fine with similar injury.
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T I N O Offline

(04-22-2021, 08:51 PM)Potato Wrote:
(04-22-2021, 07:51 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote: Then idk how you favoring Monwanas, because Hercules/Sumatra are there for what, around 2 weeks without respond of Monwanas.. 
We do not know for how long they are with Giraffe females.

(04-22-2021, 07:51 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote: With injured leg of that Monwana they are much weaker now as injured male will prob avoid any clashes in that state (facing open chase back and forth with leg injury might be fatal for him, as he would be sitting duck for 2 males), only if they can intimidated Hercules/Sumatra with roars, but it doesnt look succesfull so far.
We will see. Kruger male Limper was doing fine with similar injury.

Ziggi saw them cross into the area of the Giraffe pride between 7 and 9 April and they were very cautious crossing over, so, It was around that date when they meet the Giraffe lionesses.
The "Monwana males" aren't on his best conditions considering that perhaps the healthy one is dead
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T I N O Offline
( This post was last modified: 04-22-2021, 09:17 PM by T I N O )

Update from a couple of days ago provide by Rudi Hulshof: The 6 Blackdam Males are still living in Sandringham. They were seen on our entrance road, the boundary between sandringham and Thornybush about a week ago. They are scared to return because of the larger Xikukutsu and Mapoza males.
Also, The three Thornybush/Monwana Males (sons of the Trilogy male) are in the South-Western Corner on a property called Waterbuck most of the time. They have been there about 3 months now.
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Poland Potato Offline

(04-22-2021, 09:11 PM)Timbavati Wrote:
(04-22-2021, 08:51 PM)Potato Wrote:
(04-22-2021, 07:51 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote: Then idk how you favoring Monwanas, because Hercules/Sumatra are there for what, around 2 weeks without respond of Monwanas.. 
We do not know for how long they are with Giraffe females.

(04-22-2021, 07:51 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote: With injured leg of that Monwana they are much weaker now as injured male will prob avoid any clashes in that state (facing open chase back and forth with leg injury might be fatal for him, as he would be sitting duck for 2 males), only if they can intimidated Hercules/Sumatra with roars, but it doesnt look succesfull so far.
We will see. Kruger male Limper was doing fine with similar injury.

Ziggi saw them cross into the area of the Giraffe pride between 7 and 9 April and they were very cautious crossing over, so, It was around that date when they meet the Giraffe lionesses.
The "Monwana males" aren't on his best conditions considering that perhaps the healthy one is dead
If one of the Monwanas is dead indeed then of course this changes everythink. I find that really hard to believe. He was dominant male in prime age, always seen in the top condition, one of the least males in the arena I would expect to pass away. Also that he wasn't seen for a 3 weeks is not any evidence. Updates on Monwanas are rather rare anyway so alive or not it shouldn't be any suprise that he wasn't seen for the 3 weeks.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Online
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(04-22-2021, 08:51 PM)Potato Wrote: We will see. Kruger male Limper was doing fine with similar injury.

Well he was doing fine, but in their first serious clash he got killed by 2 Mapogos..
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Croatia Tr1x24 Online
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( This post was last modified: 04-22-2021, 09:34 PM by Tr1x24 )

(04-22-2021, 09:29 PM)Potato Wrote: If one of the Monwanas is dead indeed then of course this changes everythink. I find that really hard to believe. He was dominant male in prime age, always seen in the top condition, one of the least males in the arena I would expect to pass away. Also that he wasn't seen for a 3 weeks is not any evidence. Updates on Monwanas are rather rare anyway so alive or not it shouldn't be any suprise that he wasn't seen for the 3 weeks.

Well obiviously we dont know about healthy Monwana, i think he is alive.. But if hes dead, it doesn't mean he died from natural cause, he might got killed by either lions or buffalo etc.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Online
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(04-22-2021, 09:17 PM)Timbavati Wrote: Update from a couple of days ago provide by Rudi Hulshof: The 6 Blackdam Males are still living in Sandringham. They were seen on our entrance road, the boundary between sandringham and Thornybush about a week ago. They are scared to return because of the larger Xikukutsu and Mapoza males.
Also, The three Thornybush/Monwana Males (sons of the Trilogy male) are in the South-Western Corner on a property called Waterbuck most of the time. They have been there about 3 months now.

Really concerned about 6 Bdm's and 3 Monwana males that they move in Sandringham and "disappear" like Giraffe male..

Why are they having open fences with Sandrigham?
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T I N O Offline

(04-22-2021, 09:53 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote:
(04-22-2021, 09:17 PM)Timbavati Wrote: Update from a couple of days ago provide by Rudi Hulshof: The 6 Blackdam Males are still living in Sandringham. They were seen on our entrance road, the boundary between sandringham and Thornybush about a week ago. They are scared to return because of the larger Xikukutsu and Mapoza males.
Also, The three Thornybush/Monwana Males (sons of the Trilogy male) are in the South-Western Corner on a property called Waterbuck most of the time. They have been there about 3 months now.

Really concerned about 6 Bdm's and 3 Monwana males that they move in Sandringham and "disappear" like Giraffe male..

Why are they having open fences with Sandrigham?

About the Thornybush males, I don't know if the are on Sandringham dam area, In fact, are the Black dam males that are still there.
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Poland Potato Offline

(04-22-2021, 09:31 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote: Well he was doing fine, but in their first serious clash he got killed by 2 Mapogos..
That Limper was killed by the Mapogos is an assumption not a fact. Alos KNP males dominated 2 old Mapogos in their encounters before Limper's death.
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United States BA0701 Online
Super Moderator

(04-22-2021, 09:55 PM)Timbavati Wrote:
(04-22-2021, 09:53 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote:
(04-22-2021, 09:17 PM)Timbavati Wrote: Update from a couple of days ago provide by Rudi Hulshof: The 6 Blackdam Males are still living in Sandringham. They were seen on our entrance road, the boundary between sandringham and Thornybush about a week ago. They are scared to return because of the larger Xikukutsu and Mapoza males.
Also, The three Thornybush/Monwana Males (sons of the Trilogy male) are in the South-Western Corner on a property called Waterbuck most of the time. They have been there about 3 months now.

Really concerned about 6 Bdm's and 3 Monwana males that they move in Sandringham and "disappear" like Giraffe male..

Why are they having open fences with Sandrigham?

About the Thornybush males, I don't know if the are on Sandringham dam area, In fact, are the Black dam males that are still there.

I thought, after Giraffe Male and some females slipped through "a hole in the fence", that they were going to repair the fence. Do you know if there is indeed a "hole", and if so how could they allow this again? The fact that this is being permitted is more a concern about the reserve, than it is about the private property of Sandrigham, in my opinion. We are aware that people associated with Sandrigham are known poachers, so is expected for those people to have poor ethical standards, but for a reserve to again permit their animals to freely cross into such a place is troubling in my mind.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Online
Top Contributor

(04-22-2021, 11:39 PM)BA0701 Wrote: I thought, after Giraffe Male and some females slipped through "a hole in the fence", that they were going to repair the fence. Do you know if there is indeed a "hole", and if so how could they allow this again? The fact that this is being permitted is more a concern about the reserve, than it is about the private property of Sandrigham, in my opinion. We are aware that people associated with Sandrigham are known poachers, so is expected for those people to have poor ethical standards, but for a reserve to again permit their animals to freely cross into such a place is troubling in my mind

I dont think its a hole, i think its open..
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United States BA0701 Online
Super Moderator

(04-22-2021, 11:41 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote:
(04-22-2021, 11:39 PM)BA0701 Wrote: I thought, after Giraffe Male and some females slipped through "a hole in the fence", that they were going to repair the fence. Do you know if there is indeed a "hole", and if so how could they allow this again? The fact that this is being permitted is more a concern about the reserve, than it is about the private property of Sandrigham, in my opinion. We are aware that people associated with Sandrigham are known poachers, so is expected for those people to have poor ethical standards, but for a reserve to again permit their animals to freely cross into such a place is troubling in my mind

I dont think its a hole, i think its open..

Ok, well, that would explain things certainly, but that is now how I understood it when GM went over there.

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