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Lions of Sabi Sands

Czech Republic Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover

Lioness resting with eyes wide open...

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Poland Potato Offline

Nkuhuma pride

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*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Poland Potato Offline

Styx pride

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Poland Potato Offline

Update on Sparta pride

And then there was one.
Unfortunately in unknown circumstances, the Eyrefield Pride has been reduced to just one youngster.
In a large established pride of lions, the loss of a cub would hardly influence the future success of the pride. However with only one female cub left, it seems that the two lionesses of the Eyrefield Pride have once again fallen on tricky times.

Poland Potato Offline

Singita reports

  • The Mhangene Pride continues to amaze us with the amount that this pride moves through the Sabi Sand area. The movements are not consistent with a pride that is stable in a territorial area.
  • The Othawa Pride has also made an appearance this month. The single Matimba male lion continues to move with the pride and has shown a vast improvement to his condition as an older lion. This would be due to no longer having the competition with the other coalition member that accompanied the pride.
  • The Othawa male lion has continued to separate himself from the Mhangene Pride and move on his own. This could be due to brief interactions that have occurred with other male lions that are resident to the north and east of his current range.
  • Many water sources have now dried up, including a large part of the Sand River. The sound of water flowing is minimal and the pools and dams of valuable water sources have become invaluable. We’ve watched predators such as lions taking full advantage of these places. The Ottawa pride in particular have used the shade of the reeds and bushwillows to lie in during the day, waiting for the inevitable arrival of water dependant antelope and buffalo to arrive. The one Matimba male has been seen with the pride on almost every occasion. A sighting on the northern bank saw one female member of the Ottawa pride stalk and kill an unsuspecting female nyala antelope.
  • The Mhangene pride have spent the majority of October in the south-eastern part of the Sabi Sand, opening up opportunities for other lion prides to exploit our reserve.
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Poland Potato Offline

Mhangeni male on Londolozi
A young male lion lies on a termite mound in the shade of a Saffron tree. On our way back to camp one morning, we stumbled upon this young male. He is probably around three years of age and may have been pressurised to leave his pride early by older, more dominant males. The beauty of being in a system of about 3,5 million hectares (~8,4 million acres) is that sometimes we find animals that we have never seen before whose history we do not know. This individual was very relaxed with the vehicle so no doubt dispersed from another area in which safaris operate.

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Birmingham Tinyo and Kambula cub
Father and son share a bonding moment. The young males of the Ntsevu pride are starting to show clear mane growth. With the genetic line of the Birmingham males, I have no doubt that this one will grow a very impressive mane should he survive.

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Othawa male chassing lone Southern pride female off her Kudu kill
The lone Southern Pride lioness has been around quite a bit this week.  We assume she made a kudu kill, which she was later chased off by the Othawa male lion, who has also been alone for a few days, calling for his pride.  At one stage, these two lions were within 50 meters of the Mhangeni Pride.

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Mhangeni females on kill

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Poland Potato Offline

Nkuhuma pride

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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor
( This post was last modified: 11-16-2019, 07:16 PM by Tr1x24 )

2 mini Matimbas vs their uncle Othawa Junior. 

Western sector is the safest place in Sabi Sands rn, with no threats on sight atm, so those guys have a high chances of reaching adulthood.
A strong coalition in the making!
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Czech Republic Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover

Male on patrol...

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Poland Potato Offline

Sabi Sabi
Early this morning we found a pride of lions near an open area as they were on the move trying to hunt some impala that were feeding close by. We followed them for a while when we noticed a Tawny Eagle sitting on a termite mound. One of the females took off and ran towards the eagle and to our surprise, we saw the eagle trying to fly but with something in its claws. As we got closer, we noticed the eagle had killed a newborn impala and it could not fly away with it since it was too heavy. The lioness picked the young impala up and ran away while a male lion was chasing her. She eventually gave up and dropped the kill and the big male who ate the meal alone.

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It looks like Mhangni pride with Othawa male are settling for good in Sabi Sabi. I hope Styx pride could fill vacum in Singita as nomadic life deffinitelly does not serve them well. Time will tell.
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Poland Potato Offline

The Nkuhuma Pride, with 9 cubs, returning to a giraffe kill north of our boundary after getting some water.

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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor
( This post was last modified: 11-18-2019, 12:52 AM by Tr1x24 )


Another recent sighting of this coalition in Lion Sands

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*This image is copyright of its original author

This males where first seen around 3 months ago in Sabi Sabi following heard of buffalo, they where very recognizable because the youngest one had a nasty injury from buffalo on his stomach, and as wee see in the first picture he is still alive and doing well, unbelievable. Then they disappeared into Kruger, but not for long, they returned into Sabi Sands and are now seen regulary around Lion Sands.

Its yet to bee seen what the next move will be from them, they are close to S. Avocas and Othawa male teritory.

Here are some picture from coalition members:

Leader and the biggest male 

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*This image is copyright of its original author

Dark maned male

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*This image is copyright of its original author

Blonded male

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*This image is copyright of its original author

Youngest, injured male

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*This image is copyright of its original author

Here are some videos of them:

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Poland Potato Offline
( This post was last modified: 11-17-2019, 06:40 PM by Potato )

I do not think they will go for Sparta pride. It is pretty low reward, just two lionesses plus those lionesses won't be willing to submit due to already having cub with other coalition. I bet they will go for Mhangeni pride and possibly after that for Kambula pride. One think is for suure anyway - that if they stick around (it seems they will) then with their numbers they will cause some changes for that pride or  another.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

(11-17-2019, 06:37 PM)Potato Wrote: I do not think they will go for Sparta pride. It is pretty low reward, just two lionesses plus those lionesses won't be willing to submit due to already having cub with other coalition. I bet they will go for Mhangeni pride and possibly after that for Kambula pride. One think is for suure anyway - that if they stick around (it seems they will) then with their numbers they will cause some changes for that pride or  another.

Another recent video of them:

It seems that on this recent sightings, they are only 3 of them, Blonde one is missing. So if they are down to 3, and with 1 beign injured, that could be huge loss for them and for their ambition. 

I dont think they can beat S. Avocas and BBoys yet ( especially if they are down to 3,with 1 injured) ,unless they caught 1 of them off guard on a patrol, they might challenge Othawa male if he stays south, but yesterday report is that he and Mangheni pride where seen in central Londolozi,  close to his former territory.
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Poland Potato Offline
( This post was last modified: 11-17-2019, 10:33 PM by Potato )

They look ready. If they are indeed down to 3 (one could just split from the rest for a moment and coult reunite later) then indeed it would be harder for them to take on Avocas and BBoys, but still they have numerical advantage and I think the odds would be on their side in open confrontation with mentioned duos. Central Londolozi is as close to his former lands (Singita) as to his new (Umkumbe and Sabi Sabi).
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