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Lions of Sabi Sands

Croatia Tr1x24 Online
( This post was last modified: 03-23-2025, 12:01 AM by Tr1x24 )

(03-22-2025, 10:42 PM)BA0701 Wrote: The one most puzzling part of that entire situation, in my mind. Nhenha seemed to be more interested in flirting with some of the other lionesses, barely paying any mind to the chaos unfolding in front of him.

Idk, i rewatched that video, Tinyo looked agressive towards Tsalala at 1 point, attacking her in the grass, while Nhenha was putting effort in chasing Kambulas away.

I think both males did their part to calm down the situation.
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Germany Dangeroscos Offline

(03-22-2025, 10:01 PM)Ngonya Wrote:
(03-22-2025, 09:28 PM)Dangeroscos Wrote: What do u think is the next lion/coalition that will take over the nkuhuma pride?

Monwana males (4) 4,5y
Styx male (1) 4,5y
Kambula males (4) 6y
Nkuhuma 9y and khanya 7y
Manthimale males (2) 8y(guess)

Do u see one of them taking over or someone different?

My personal pick is are the Monwana males, as i c them surviving the next year to 5,5y. And if they have average confidence for lions in their age being 4 in a squad, I think they will attempt their take over around that time. As it seems to be unusual that a coalition of 4 that outnumbers their neighbors hesitates as much as kambulas. I think the probability of them being as passive and lacking drive like Kambulas seems low. The Kambulas i think have shown their temperamant and I dont see them changing their approach any time soon. The same goes for nkuhuma in my opinion. khanya cant count on nkuhumas full support in a takeover i think. Manthimales have their hands full with their territory i think and wont take on more responsibility. The same goes for the other duos of sabi sands in my opinion. Styx male is alone and i dont see him being a 1of1 lion like red road male, as the probability of a single lion reaching that level seems fairely low. So i c his best chances in teaming up with different nomads. If he manages to get a competent coalition partner though, I give him chances of taking over aswell. 

1 monwana
2 styx and coalition partner 
3 kambulas 
4 manthimales 
5 nkuhuma and khanya

thats how i would rank the likelihood of them taking over the nkuhuma pride.

Ages may be wrong. Please correct any mistakes u see.
Also add other potential lions or coalitions i may have missed.

Im lookig forward to hearing yall opinions

Bonus question.
Whos reign out of ndhzengas, PCMs and Gijimas do u c end first? Which coalition will have reigned the longest in the end?

Thanks in advance for reply:)
Monwanas would be the perfect match honestly. 
If the other 3 brothers come back to Sabi Sands and somehow join their younger brother with Nkuhumas, they could very likely make a name for themselves at the area. 4 young males have alot of potential to bring back stability in the north, even thought we sometimes forget it thanks to all instability and havoc 4 Kambulas managed to cause and prove that numbers dont matter if ur not strong or confident enough to stand your ground.

I would like alot if all 6 Monwanas managed to rejoin and take Nks, but thats highly unlikely. Regardless of that 4 could be a really good number to protect the area from all those confident duos around.

Yh for sure. I feel ur point. We see it similar.
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Germany Dangeroscos Offline

(03-22-2025, 10:40 PM)MrLoesoe Wrote: Kruger male is missing from your list. For what we know he is trying very hard to become territorial again and is currently mating with the females. Yeah he doesn't have the lifespan anymore of the other younger males but I can't rule out him succeeding in at least partly controlling the pride for some time. I think we tend to underestimate old but fit and experienced males like him.

Monwanas have a good chance, I agree. But they may need some more time before realizing what 'territorial' is vs nomad life

Styx male doesn't hang out in the north and first needs to find a partner. Don't see it happening

Khanya and Nkuhuma don't hang out in the north / Nkhuma territory either (I could be wrong though, happy to be corrected). So low probability, although I like this duo as a potential territorial coalition

Mantimahles seem to focus on other prides for now

Kambulas I don't really dare to say anything about lol, the potential is still there since they are with 4, but for now, K4 with injuries etc, no

Yh ur right I forgot Kruger male. Do u see him defending the pride from invasions of grown males? Wouldn’t u need to be a red road male caliber lion to pull something like this off? How big do u see his chances of raising offspring to independence with them? 

I feel u on the monwanas. I gave them 1 year before acting territorial. Do u think they need more time to get into territorial life mode?

Since I heard that nomads roam around a lot I thought any male lion around sabi sands could be the next nkuhuma king. I mean Kambulas where all over sabi sands as nomads. How limiting is location as a factor?So if giving Styx, nkuhuma and khanya only the chance to become king where they are actively chilling? (I know u doubt that Styx will even find an coalition partner and be king)

And yh I truly feel u on the kambulas. Potential is theirs but past experiences hasn’t shown, that they will make major moves in the future.
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Poland Potato Offline

(03-22-2025, 09:28 PM)Dangeroscos Wrote: What do u think is the next lion/coalition that will take over the nkuhuma pride?
My quess would be Mantimahle males. Monwanas are nomadic and will probably move further. I guess they will be dominan, but not necessarily over this arena and this pride. Kambula males lack balls to step up to dominant position. Kruger male could be a valid option, but if his partner does not show up, there is not much Kruger male could do just by himself.
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Portugal Rui Ferreira Offline
Regular Member

(03-22-2025, 09:28 PM)Dangeroscos Wrote: What do u think is the next lion/coalition that will take over the nkuhuma pride?

Monwana males (4) 4,5y
Styx male (1) 4,5y
Kambula males (4) 6y
Nkuhuma 9y and khanya 7y
Manthimale males (2) 8y(guess)

Do u see one of them taking over or someone different?

My personal pick is are the Monwana males, as i c them surviving the next year to 5,5y. And if they have average confidence for lions in their age being 4 in a squad, I think they will attempt their take over around that time. As it seems to be unusual that a coalition of 4 that outnumbers their neighbors hesitates as much as kambulas. I think the probability of them being as passive and lacking drive like Kambulas seems low. The Kambulas i think have shown their temperamant and I dont see them changing their approach any time soon. The same goes for nkuhuma in my opinion. khanya cant count on nkuhumas full support in a takeover i think. Manthimales have their hands full with their territory i think and wont take on more responsibility. The same goes for the other duos of sabi sands in my opinion. Styx male is alone and i dont see him being a 1of1 lion like red road male, as the probability of a single lion reaching that level seems fairely low. So i c his best chances in teaming up with different nomads. If he manages to get a competent coalition partner though, I give him chances of taking over aswell. 

1 monwana
2 styx and coalition partner 
3 kambulas 
4 manthimales 
5 nkuhuma and khanya

thats how i would rank the likelihood of them taking over the nkuhuma pride.

Ages may be wrong. Please correct any mistakes u see.
Also add other potential lions or coalitions i may have missed.

Im lookig forward to hearing yall opinions

Bonus question.
Whos reign out of ndhzengas, PCMs and Gijimas do u c end first? Which coalition will have reigned the longest in the end?

Thanks in advance for reply:)
About the last question:
It´s really hard to predict, in just one hunt things can go really bad really fast, Ndzhengas somewhat experienced that already with Gore 
If ( big if) nothing out of ordinary happends it should be the Ndhzengas, the other two dont have to worry about what comes from the west for example, and are younger 
Gijimas right now have their paws full, they have 3 prides with cubs and seems like lately everyone and than some wants to hang out in their territory, best case scenario is for the Nkuhlus stay where they are right now, if things stay like that and there is no desease or hunt accident they should be good for the next years
Plains Camp only need to worry about the east and right now only Khanya and NK016 are " annoying", those two might end up taking the Manghenis in Singita but I thats probably cuz PCM dont care about them
I doubt PCM will be happy with what they have right now and wouldn´t be suprised if the Ndzhengas go away they make a run for the Kambula and Ntsevu prides
About wich coalition will have reign the longest in the end it´s really impossible to know but with I´ll go with Ndzhengas since they already have quite some years and I don´t know the future
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United States BA0701 Online
Super Moderator

(03-22-2025, 11:54 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote:
(03-22-2025, 10:42 PM)BA0701 Wrote: The one most puzzling part of that entire situation, in my mind. Nhenha seemed to be more interested in flirting with some of the other lionesses, barely paying any mind to the chaos unfolding in front of him.

Idk, i rewatched that video, Tinyo looked agressive towards Tsalala at 1 point, attacking her in the grass, while Nhenha was putting effort in chasing Kambulas away.

I think both males did their part to calm down the situation.

I just rewatched it as well, so many questions arise. First question, for me, is, had Tinyo even been around Tsalala before this time? Obviously, Nhenha had been, I am just unsure about Tinyo. The flirting comment I mentioned, happened before they encountered Tsalala, I forgot about how long that video actually is, thinking it was all happening at the same time. I also wonder, the lioness seen at the very beginning, "covered in blood" where did that blood come from. No kill was mentioned, and she was the only one to seemingly have blood all over her, but it was well in advance of their meeting Tsalala.

I'm so thankful that she was not pushed off of that cliff, it likely would have been the end of the Tsalala/Marthly Pride. I remember being so concerned for the cub, at the time, she was not seen until the next day, and we didn't know if she was with them when the incident occurred.
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Friarfan619 Offline
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Germany Dangeroscos Offline

(03-23-2025, 01:06 AM)Potato Wrote:
(03-22-2025, 09:28 PM)Dangeroscos Wrote: What do u think is the next lion/coalition that will take over the nkuhuma pride?
My quess would be Mantimahle males. Monwanas are nomadic and will probably move further. I guess they will be dominan, but not necessarily over this arena and this pride. Kambula males lack balls to step up to dominant position. Kruger male could be a valid option, but if his partner does not show up, there is not much Kruger male could do just by himself.

Yh that’s my concern with Kruger male aswell. Defending alone from all the intruders is an extremely hard task.
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Germany Dangeroscos Offline

(03-23-2025, 02:17 AM)Rui Ferreira Wrote:
(03-22-2025, 09:28 PM)Dangeroscos Wrote: What do u think is the next lion/coalition that will take over the nkuhuma pride?

Monwana males (4) 4,5y
Styx male (1) 4,5y
Kambula males (4) 6y
Nkuhuma 9y and khanya 7y
Manthimale males (2) 8y(guess)

Do u see one of them taking over or someone different?

My personal pick is are the Monwana males, as i c them surviving the next year to 5,5y. And if they have average confidence for lions in their age being 4 in a squad, I think they will attempt their take over around that time. As it seems to be unusual that a coalition of 4 that outnumbers their neighbors hesitates as much as kambulas. I think the probability of them being as passive and lacking drive like Kambulas seems low. The Kambulas i think have shown their temperamant and I dont see them changing their approach any time soon. The same goes for nkuhuma in my opinion. khanya cant count on nkuhumas full support in a takeover i think. Manthimales have their hands full with their territory i think and wont take on more responsibility. The same goes for the other duos of sabi sands in my opinion. Styx male is alone and i dont see him being a 1of1 lion like red road male, as the probability of a single lion reaching that level seems fairely low. So i c his best chances in teaming up with different nomads. If he manages to get a competent coalition partner though, I give him chances of taking over aswell. 

1 monwana
2 styx and coalition partner 
3 kambulas 
4 manthimales 
5 nkuhuma and khanya

thats how i would rank the likelihood of them taking over the nkuhuma pride.

Ages may be wrong. Please correct any mistakes u see.
Also add other potential lions or coalitions i may have missed.

Im lookig forward to hearing yall opinions

Bonus question.
Whos reign out of ndhzengas, PCMs and Gijimas do u c end first? Which coalition will have reigned the longest in the end?

Thanks in advance for reply:)
About the last question:
It´s really hard to predict, in just one hunt things can go really bad really fast, Ndzhengas somewhat experienced that already with Gore 
If ( big if) nothing out of ordinary happends it should be the Ndhzengas, the other two dont have to worry about what comes from the west for example, and are younger 
Gijimas right now have their paws full, they have 3 prides with cubs and seems like lately everyone and than some wants to hang out in their territory, best case scenario is for the Nkuhlus stay where they are right now, if things stay like that and there is no desease or hunt accident they should be good for the next years
Plains Camp only need to worry about the east and right now only Khanya and NK016 are " annoying", those two might end up taking the Manghenis in Singita but I thats probably cuz PCM dont care about them
I doubt PCM will be happy with what they have right now and wouldn´t be suprised if the Ndzhengas go away they make a run for the Kambula and Ntsevu prides
About wich coalition will have reign the longest in the end it´s really impossible to know but with I´ll go with Ndzhengas since they already have quite some years and I don´t know the future

Thanks for ur insight. 

Why do u think the PCMs are unhappy with what they have right now? What is the concern?(size of prides, quality of females, survival rate of offspring, quality of territory in terms of food and water supply? Etc. )

Also are u positive Nkuhuma male and khanya have what it takes to take over manghenis? Would the PCMs really tolerate it? Wouldn’t that decrease the size of their territory extremely? 

And yh gijimas really have a lot to do. Styx,  southern and another pride. I have forgotten which one it was. What is the 3rd pride they controll? 

About the Ndhzengas I feel ur point. Lion life is extremely unpredictable so going with the coalition that already rules for so long (5y I think) is the safest bet. 

I think that gijimas and PCMs will hit 5y reign aswell. But catching ndhzengas in total time will really be hard, as they have to rule for another 2y after Ndhzengas stop ruling and Ndhzengas look strong and capable at the moment.
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United Kingdom KM600 Offline

(03-23-2025, 01:06 AM)Potato Wrote:
(03-22-2025, 09:28 PM)Dangeroscos Wrote: What do u think is the next lion/coalition that will take over the nkuhuma pride?
My quess would be Mantimahle males.

Mantimhales chances dropped significantly after claiming Imbali Pride, I mean they could mate with Nkuhumas and hang with them but the chance of them being full time dominant males of that pride is very unlikely, even if they were to stay seeing Torchwoods less. 

Nkuhuma Pride is too big for their primary coalition to be in and out of the area, will only be a matter of time before a capable coalition tries to take them, especially being as they are now the only pride in northern Sabi Sands. 

I think it would be great for Monwanas to eventually take Nkuhuma Pride and then control the Sabi Sands - Manyeleti border and claim Nharus too, would be much better for the lion population but very unfortunate for RRM.
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Poland Potato Offline

(03-23-2025, 02:03 PM)KM600 Wrote: Mantimhales chances dropped significantly after claiming Imbali Pride, I mean they could mate with Nkuhumas and hang with them but the chance of them being full time dominant males of that pride is very unlikely, even if they were to stay seeing Torchwoods less. 
Having 2 prides at once is definitelly duable for a duo so I dessagree with your point here. Also even if your point was true and they couldn't controll those two prides at once then still it could be they would pick Imbali breakaway pride over Nkuchumas and not other way around.

(03-23-2025, 02:03 PM)KM600 Wrote: I think it would be great for Monwanas to eventually take Nkuhuma Pride and then control the Sabi Sands - Manyeleti border and claim Nharus too, would be much better for the lion population but very unfortunate for RRM.
Agree that Monwanas would be great for Nkuchumas as well as for Nharus and I would add Mbiri pride to that as well, but so far they are not contesting any of those prides and who knows if they ever will or if they will insteed move to another arena and try their luck there. Also I don't know if they are strong enought yet to be able to keep Mantimahle males at bay or even Kambula males. I would bet it is too strong competition for them at this point. They could surely prove me wrong there. Being 4 years old they are force to recon with, but would be enough for two such a powerhouses in their prime as Mantimahle males?
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MrLoesoe Offline
Regular Member

Monwanas showed aggression and courage from a young age but they are not strong enough yet for a duo like Mantimahles. Also, take into account that they have been a bit scattered the last half year or so, now they are only with the three brothers, not 4+. 

They could take Nkuhumas but it won't be easy, with Kruger male around (they could defeat him yes), and also Mantimahle males who like to venture into northern Sabi Sands.

Something like the Mbiri pride would be easier for them and I personally hope they stay in Manyeleti. It would be good genetics wise for both Mbiri pride and Nharu pride to get a takeover. 

Taking over the Nharus, however, won't be an easy task, with Red Road there being very close to the pride lately - he will protect at all cost, I think - his son, who hasn't been tested yet but physically is quite a force now, and females who will protect their young offspring at a very high cost. Imo Mbiri pride would be their best bet, no cubs there currently, and would provide a good natural moment for Nzuri and his younger brother to become nomads.

All of this highly speculative of course, haven't seen an update on the three Monwana brothers in Manyeleti for a week or so, curious to know what they are up to...
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Philippines sunless Offline
Regular Member

(03-23-2025, 03:54 PM)Potato Wrote: Having 2 prides at once is definitelly duable for a duo so I dessagree with your point here. Also even if your point was true and they couldn't controll those two prides at once then still it could be they would pick Imbali breakaway pride over Nkuchumas and not other way around.
Are there still a breakaway for the Imbali Pride or have they rejoined as of now and if there are they east/northeast of the Imbali Pride?
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Germany Dangeroscos Offline

(03-23-2025, 04:06 PM)MrLoesoe Wrote: Monwanas showed aggression and courage from a young age but they are not strong enough yet for a duo like Mantimahles. Also, take into account that they have been a bit scattered the last half year or so, now they are only with the three brothers, not 4+. 

They could take Nkuhumas but it won't be easy, with Kruger male around (they could defeat him yes), and also Mantimahle males who like to venture into northern Sabi Sands.

Something like the Mbiri pride would be easier for them and I personally hope they stay in Manyeleti. It would be good genetics wise for both Mbiri pride and Nharu pride to get a takeover. 

Taking over the Nharus, however, won't be an easy task, with Red Road there being very close to the pride lately - he will protect at all cost, I think - his son, who hasn't been tested yet but physically is quite a force now, and females who will protect their young offspring at a very high cost. Imo Mbiri pride would be their best bet, no cubs there currently, and would provide a good natural moment for Nzuri and his younger brother to become nomads.

All of this highly speculative of course, haven't seen an update on the three Monwana brothers in Manyeleti for a week or so, curious to know what they are up to...

Wow interesting. When exactly did monwanas show aggression and courage and what did they exactly do?

Definitely agree with u genetic wise aswell.

Germany Dangeroscos Offline

(03-23-2025, 03:54 PM)Potato Wrote:
(03-23-2025, 02:03 PM)KM600 Wrote: Mantimhales chances dropped significantly after claiming Imbali Pride, I mean they could mate with Nkuhumas and hang with them but the chance of them being full time dominant males of that pride is very unlikely, even if they were to stay seeing Torchwoods less. 
Having 2 prides at once is definitelly duable for a duo so I dessagree with your point here. Also even if your point was true and they couldn't controll those two prides at once then still it could be they would pick Imbali breakaway pride over Nkuchumas and not other way around.

(03-23-2025, 02:03 PM)KM600 Wrote: I think it would be great for Monwanas to eventually take Nkuhuma Pride and then control the Sabi Sands - Manyeleti border and claim Nharus too, would be much better for the lion population but very unfortunate for RRM.
Agree that Monwanas would be great for Nkuchumas as well as for Nharus and I would add Mbiri pride to that as well, but so far they are not contesting any of those prides and who knows if they ever will or if they will insteed move to another arena and try their luck there. Also I don't know if they are strong enought yet to be able to keep Mantimahle males at bay or even Kambula males. I would bet it is too strong competition for them at this point. They could surely prove me wrong there. Being 4 years old they are force to recon with, but would be enough for two such a powerhouses in their prime as Mantimahle males?
I understand ur point. 
Do u think they will struggle against these coalitions even in 1y from now?

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