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Lions of Sabi Sands

Tonpa Offline
( This post was last modified: 02-02-2023, 05:27 PM by Tonpa )

Speaking of MalaMala, their January 2023 report will come out soon and as they only show two years of reports they'll be taking down all of the 2021 reports in the coming days, if you plan to save them now is the time!
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Tonpa Offline

Cedric one of the WildEarth guides mentioned they got info today that S8 Male was chasing the Black Dam Males in Simbambili
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Canada Mdz123 Offline

(02-02-2023, 10:15 PM)Tonpa Wrote: Cedric one of the WildEarth guides mentioned they got info today that S8 Male was chasing the Black Dam Males in Simbambili

He should be a bit careful considering he is out numbered. Although its kinda smart for him to chase them away from his territory before they can do more damage.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
( This post was last modified: 02-02-2023, 10:53 PM by Tr1x24 )

(02-02-2023, 10:15 PM)Tonpa Wrote: Cedric one of the WildEarth guides mentioned they got info today that S8 Male was chasing the Black Dam Males in Simbambili

Not suprising, S8 is very experienced as solo territorial male lion, he knows what he needs to do to stay that way, i remember him chasing 2 Skybed sons in early 2021 at Imbali, Skybeds where also around BDM's age then, or slightly younger (not sure when they are born, but prob early-mid 2016), photo from early 2021 :

*This image is copyright of its original author

But yea, he needs to be careful in this situation, even most experienced males can make a mistake. 

Mohawk on the other hand doesnt have experience in this situation, he lost his lifetime brother and partner just few months ago, and almost immiditately 2 nomadic males emerged in his territory, its understandable that he struggles in this situation.
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Panama Mapokser Offline

@Tonpa wow this is amazing, especially because BDM are 5yo already and therefore in perfect condition to not get intimidated by a single male.

Imbali is a beast.
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United States afortich Offline

S8 is tough but is playing a dangerous game because the minute BD boys don't run and confront him, S8 may regret it.
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United States SMK350 Offline

@Mapokser The Mapogos WERE dominant over the Styx pride. Just becasue they had a difficult relationship with the lionesses and failed to raise cubs doesn't mean they weren't territorial over the Styx pride.

This entire conversation started because someone crowed the Black Dam males rulers of the Northern Sabi Sands. Despite the fact that the Black Dams wander through terriorites of two dominant males - S8 and Mohawk - and have failed to fully claim any territory as of now. 

These Black Dams have already traversed the entire private reserve and done this exact same thing in multiple areas. Just September, the orange eyed male was chasing and being chased by Mapoza. Everyone predicted back in September that now that the Black Dams have reunited, the 6 would rule Thornybush and we have the next Mapogos! The Nkhulu males squirted a tree with urine and instantly a take-over was imminent! Nhenha Birmingham has been killed, resurrected from the dead, then dying, then immortal, and now just missing. I don't know what the rush is in forcing things to happen. Young males go through many up and downs and "journeys" before they find their place on the earth. 

The exciting thing about following the Black Dam two is that we never really know where they'll end up or what they'll get up to. So just let the lions dynamics play out as it's meant to. Of course they would be great for the many young females in this area but unless they can seal the deal and take a pride it's just the hype and drama recycled over again with ever young male that comes through this area.

Panama Mapokser Offline

@SMK350 Mlowathi were dominant over 2 breakaway Styx and 2 breakaway Eyrefield females late in their reign. Still as far as late 2009 the 2 females would be in a rush to sprint and flee the Mlowathi as soon as they were distracted.

According to you they'd only have been dominant for a few months of 2010 when they had "complete control" of these breakaway females when in fact they were the dominant males of Mala Mala since 2008.

United States SMK350 Offline

(02-03-2023, 01:30 AM)Mapokser Wrote: @SMK350 Mlowathi were dominant over 2 breakaway Styx and 2 breakaway Eyrefield females late in their reign. Still as far as late 2009 the 2 females would be in a rush to sprint and flee the Mlowathi as soon as they were distracted.

According to you they'd only have been dominant for a few months of 2010 when they had "complete control" of these breakaway females when in fact they were the dominant males of Mala Mala since 2008.

I don’t want to get into an off topic conversation about the Mapogos. The Mapogos were territorial males who had prides under their control so no, they weren’t nomads running around Mala Mala. 

This conversation was about the BDMs, and since everyone has said their piece, I think we can move on?

Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
( This post was last modified: 02-03-2023, 02:35 AM by Tr1x24 )

(02-03-2023, 01:43 AM)SMK350 Wrote: This conversation was about the BDMs, and since everyone has said their piece, I think we can move on?

Yes, BDM's are not territorial yet, currently they are getting upper hand against Mohawk, but takeover isnt complete yet, its too early to say that, i agree with that.

It was the other discussion, that males need to have pride to be considered territorial, which is definitely not the case in some scenarios, i disagree with that. 

Yea, lets move on.
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Hairy tummy Offline
Senior Member

S8 is certainly a impressive male, of course hes going to chase them, couldn't see him shying away
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Panama Mapokser Offline

Any male chasing two 5yo males is impressive. Normally they'll ran like Mohawk did because they know if it gets to an actual fight it's impossible to win.
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Australia Horizon Offline
Regular Member
( This post was last modified: 02-03-2023, 08:24 AM by Horizon )

(02-02-2023, 11:53 PM)Mapokser Wrote: Imbali is a beast.
Agreed. S8 is not easy to displace. If has to be a bigger coalition, a coalition that is battle hardened & that’s determined to takeover, and then he might find himself in trouble.
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Tonpa Offline

BDM slide 1, Kruger Male slide 2, then more BDM 

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United States afortich Offline

(02-03-2023, 03:53 PM)Tonpa Wrote: BDM slide 1, Kruger Male slide 2, then more BDM 

Good looking boys. How old is the Kruger male??
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