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Lions of Sabi Sands

lionuk Offline

The Nkuhumas are back at their core territory. Blondie and Mohawk Avoca are with them.
They all look like they could use a proper meal soon. A herd of Buffalo is also not too far from them. 

Chitwa Chitwa / Djuma Private Game Reserve.
Photo credit: Michael Wildenauer/WildEarth

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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lionuk Offline

Two Plains Camp males at Singita.
Photo credit: Singita 

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Canada Mdz123 Offline

(12-03-2021, 03:28 AM)Tonpa Wrote: They sure it was him? That's 32km from Little Gowrie & 20km from Rhino post safari lodge area

My guess is that a few lionesses from the SS followed them all the way to Tshokwane. Or maybe it is a different pride
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lionuk Offline

The Nkuhumas are back and this time Blondie and Mohawk are with them. The subadults and Mom's of the littlest cubs are here right now. The seven tiniest cubs must be stashed away so that these can go and hunt. Blondie is limping probably a result of the encounter 2 Avocas with a coalition of 4 other Males. Like his brother Dark Mane the more he walks his limp improves. 

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lionuk Offline
( This post was last modified: 12-04-2021, 01:35 AM by lionuk )

(12-02-2021, 11:45 PM)Mdz123 Wrote: Probably one of the Torchwoods
 Yeah, the males may have possibly been receiving pressure from Fourways/Torchwood coalition at Rhino Post Safari Lodge, which is where they are normally seen and could be the reason for their move to the Northern Sabi Sands. Hopefully we will get a confirmation soon that the 2nd son is alive and well. 
We need to find where are the The Fifth Mantimahle male and son currently at. Are they STILL in Sabi Sands or have they moved away? 
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lionuk Offline

There's a good chance Dark Mane will get a good meal this evening! Not only are the Talamatis here in force but so are the Buffaloes!  We don't know how successful they will be -let's hope we see them all at the dinner table tomorrow.

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WildRev Offline
Regular Member

PC males

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lionuk Offline

A cool picture of the two N Avoca males, Nkuhuma Pride's subadult males, and Purple Eye (sitting next to Blondie) on a Buffalo kill. 
30 November 2021
Credit: MalaMala

*This image is copyright of its original author
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T I N O Offline

One of the Northern Avoca males 'Blondie' and the Nkuhuma pride 
Photo credits: Deon Wessel 

*This image is copyright of its original author
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lionuk Offline

Late in the morning the lions begin to wake up. Dark Mane is with some of the Talamatis while two subadult males are still sleeping a bit farther away.
Hopefully there will be more activity and a good meal this evening.

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lionuk Offline

Finally a sighting of the Southern Pride after a while. It's wonderful to see these cubs are looking fantastic. 
Photo credit: Marynes Colon Stroy

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Poland Potato Offline

The Nkuhuma Young Male, now also known as the Nwalungu Male, roaming around as a solo, nomadic male, has not yet managed to establish a territory yet and appears to have got into some conflict with other lions, as is evidenced by the multiple puncture wounds between his back legs.

Not sure whether they were inflicted by another male or possibly a pride of females. As the Mhangeni Pride were found not too far away. We then leave the very full-bellied male to go and see what the Mhangeni Pride were up to.

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Duco Ndona Offline

The poor guy is camping between two hostile camps. The Mhangeni. Which is probably hoping to join, but in reality have no interest in male companionship and constantly attack him when he gets to close. And the PC males, which are far more aggressive and likely wont hesitate to kill him if given an opportunity.

If he insists on staying there. One of them one of those two will eventually succeed in getting rid of him permanently.
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Spain Calvitoo Offline
( This post was last modified: 12-05-2021, 08:23 PM by Calvitoo )

Two of the Nw's attacking part of the Kambula pride in Mala Mala.
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Cath2020 Offline
Regular Member

(12-05-2021, 08:15 PM)Duco Ndona Wrote: The poor guy is camping between two hostile camps. The Mhangeni. Which is probably hoping to join, but in reality have no interest in male companionship and constantly attack him when he gets to close. And the PC males, which are far more aggressive and likely wont hesitate to kill him if given an opportunity.

If he insists on staying there. One of them one of those two will eventually succeed in getting rid of him permanently.

The guide just mentioned that he wasn't sure if the Mhangeni were responsible.  So, we cannot assume it's the pride that did that to his back legs.  It's more than likely male lions, judging by the fact that this happens more often between rival males.   It was also mentioned that it doesn't appear that the Nkuhuma Male stole anything from them because he's looking quite full while they are decidedly not!  Just look at the youngest cubs.  As a result of this, I'm making the call that the Mhangheni had probably nothing to do with his injuries over a kill or otherwise.  He's also not of the character to be a threat to them as he so far has not tried to invade or kill their youngest cubs.  One male trying to be aggressive and get attacked by the whole pride is unusual, and it certainly wasn't over food recently.  Plus, his injuries were recent.  I'd bet it's all the rival coalitions around SS.  He got caught as lone males often do.  Thankfully, it wasn't fatal this time.....
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