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Lion Predation

United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 01-15-2015, 11:09 PM by Pckts )

"called me out"
Really, what does this say below?

The Cape buffalo (S. c. caffer) is the most distinct race, as well as the most numerous and widespread. This is the largest of the African buffalo, with the largest horns. He is often described as “a ton of black fury” and such malarkey, but there’s some exaggeration there. Most references rate him as 1,400 to 1,800 pounds. I agree with this, and would add that I think it EXTREMELY UNLIKELY for a wild Cape buffalo bull to ever reach an ACTUAL TON, but he’s still big, with horns that can reach to very wide spreads, typically joined in the center by that wonderful helmet-like growth we call the “boss."
^You were wrong about them reaching a ton^

You have posted no link... Still!

And obviously there is still no account of a lion killing buffalo bull.... (which is what the debate between pantherinae and my self is about)

So what exactly are you correct about again?

Please be specific
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United States TheLioness Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 01-16-2015, 12:11 AM by TheLioness )

Okay guys you are never going to agree, just agree to disagree and stop messing up my topic please. I've seen many sights that say up to 900 kg, it doesn't matter really just move on, whats the big deal, trying to degrade them by a few 100 pounds or something? Make them look bad not being 2,000 lbs. they don't need it, they are the black death, I'm sure tigers would not tangle with a herd unless with a streak of tigers. But that's just my opinion [img]images/smilies/tongue.gif[/img]


United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 01-16-2015, 12:26 AM by Pckts )

(01-16-2015, 12:09 AM)'TheLioness' Wrote: Okay guys you are never going to agree, just agree to disagree and stop messing up my topic please. I've seen many sights that say up to 900 kg, it doesn't matter really just move on, whats the big deal, trying to degrade them by a few 100 pounds or something? Make them look bad not being 2,000 lbs. they don't need it, they are the black death, I'm sure tigers would not tangle with a herd unless with a streak of tigers. But that's just my opinion [img]images/smilies/tongue.gif[/img]


It was never about the size, only about whether a Lone male lion has successfully killed a lone adult bull buffalo. Our response of size was when Varty tried to claim a 800kg bull was taken down by a lone lion and Pantherinae and I both agreed that 800kg is the maximum for Bulls and no way a Lone lion is taking down a Prime Adult Bull that is the maximum size for the species and no way a human would know if a specific bull was the largest one ever recorded.
Tigers are confirmed killing adult bull Gaur (larger than a adult bull cape) so there is no doubt that they would give it a go. Lone male lions have tried lone bull buffalo as well, but neither is going to mess with a herd. Thats a suicide mission for either cat. Raja is seen preying on multiple buffalo while a herd defends but that domestic buffalo is not a wild Cape buffalo herd, that is for sure. But bulls of both bovine species live much of their life alone or on the outskirts of the herd till its time to mate.

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United States TheLioness Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Thats true, I am sure there are accounts of it happening, as there are unreported accounts of tigers doing it too, it has happened for tigers on guar, but only once have we seen a video, it would be nice to see a video on a bull attack. Like you said even when it is not a very sick animal, they attack still when its in their favor, ambush, at night, ect.

Do bull guar travel in small herds like the cape buffalo?

United States TheLioness Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 01-16-2015, 02:27 AM by TheLioness )

Here is three young, very thin hungry male lions, took down buffalo bull. WARNING, very graphic, and very sad too, i actually cried to be honest.


Pantherinae Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 01-16-2015, 05:36 AM by Pantherinae )

Haha people calm down, this was a discussion about if a male lion can bring down a buffalo bull or not. Not if they can weigh 800 or 900 kg. never the less cape buffalos are massive animals with an aggression not matched by no other wild bovines, and a animal which every carnivore it shares habitats with respects. 

I don't think a tiger would have a better chance against a cape buffalo bull to be honest. I've seen lone Lions take down buffalos bigger than the gaur Raja takes down with the same ease. And aswell has I've seen tigers have big respect for gaur's, even though The will take them down. I can agree with pckts on that tigers are a better hunter than male Lions, but only on some aspects. I think they're both in The same leauge when it comes to hunting buffalo, less stalking, just pure power. 
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Israel Amnon242 Offline
Tiger Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 01-16-2015, 07:57 PM by Amnon242 )

(01-16-2015, 03:36 AM)'Pantherinae' Wrote: Haha people calm down, this was a discussion about if a male lion can bring down a buffalo bull or not. Not if they can weigh 800 or 900 kg. never the less cape buffalos are massive animals with an aggression not matched by no other wild bovines, and a animal which every carnivore it shares habitats with respects. 

I don't think a tiger would have a better chance against a cape buffalo bull to be honest. I've seen lone Lions take down buffalos bigger than the gaur Raja takes down with the same ease. And aswell has I've seen tigers have big respect for gaur's, even though The will take them down. I can agree with pckts on that tigers are a better hunter than male Lions, but only on some aspects. I think they're both in The same leauge when it comes to hunting buffalo, less stalking, just pure power. 

I think tigers are better INDIVIDUAL hunters in every aspect except one - lions are better runners at longer distances.

Same league? Yes, I think so.  

...and ofc lions are better team hunters.
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chaos Offline
wildlife enthusiast

Its silly to assume a male lion has never killed a bull buffalo. In most vids of lions killing buffalo,
the victims gender is not visible. There are quite a few vids of single lions (and lionesses) taking
full grown buffalo. To say conclusively none were male when genetalia wasn't visible is simply
difficult to believe.  Anyhow, the matter is inconsequential. Pockets can claim what he wants.   

Pantherinae Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 01-17-2015, 01:36 AM by Pantherinae )


well I'm not fully sure lionesses can bring down adult buffalo (cow) alone, hunting zebra and wildebeest, quick and fast impala. So lions know's what they are doing by themselves.

But buffalo is less stalking and more sort out an induviduval animal and fight him down. And there's alot of speculation and discussion about what these two cat's can at maximum bring down (alone), but I'm quite sure it's bovines (waterbuffalo, cape buffalo and gaur) and for both and giraffe for lions, but more how big are The gaur's and cape buffalos, but I'm pretty sure a tiger can bring down a full grown bull gaur, and a lone male lion can do it with a cape buffalo bull, but they need luck. 

United States TheLioness Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

A quick search on youtube

Lionesses kills cow an calf

Lioness kill cow


Young male lion kills buffalo, looks as if a bull, by looking at horns.

Lioness takes down buffalo, dont know outcome

So the myth it takes a group of lions to kill a buffalo is not true, if one lion attacks alone, others will follow, however when the lion is alone, it can do it by itself. Bulls are taken too, I'm sure.


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United States Siegfried Offline
Wildanimal Enthusiast

(01-11-2015, 07:51 PM)'Siegfried' Wrote: Maybe this guy finished the job.  Maybe he didn't...

*This image is copyright of its original author


Seeing this guy trying makes me think that sometimes he is successful.

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chaos Offline
wildlife enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 01-17-2015, 11:01 AM by chaos )

I'm willing to bet Pockets life.

Just kidding

chaos Offline
wildlife enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 01-17-2015, 07:43 PM by chaos )

All buffalo are vulnerable to Leos method of suffocation

United States TheLioness Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Single lioness takes down bull and or two do, not sure, there is another photo in comments, she could have had it down when the other lion came in??

*This image is copyright of its original author

Great videoshowing how strong a lioness is, single take down.

I'll find more some other time, i think if a lioness can kill a cow alone and a young male can take down a bull, i dont see why a full grown male lion can't take down a rather healthy strong bull too.[img]images/smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]
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chaos Offline
wildlife enthusiast

All lions - likewise -  are vunerable to injury or death while attacking.

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