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Lion Predation

United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

(01-18-2015, 06:17 AM)'TheLioness' Wrote: pckts, most of every account of a tiger with a guar, is just a dead body with a tiger eating off of it, so those don't count or are you being a tad bias still. It would be easier if you would just stop being so against lions for doing what comes natural, just my opinion, but you're always making it seem like your putting lions down, i dont really recall you ever just saying wow, cool video, the lioness killed a huge cow, or wow that male lion killed that huge buffalo alone.

Would just make it nicer you know, kinda degrading the lion is getting annoying, if your not doing it on purpose, then please take a look at it.

I showed a bunch of videos of a SINGLE lioness killing a buffalo, ADULT buffalo, your comment on the picture is funny, "where is the pride you know its there" Who cares? The lioness can take it down alone, then they come into feed, I posted a good collection of them, I don't want to hear, difference between young, old, blah blah, its just excuses, you just dont want to accept it, I just dont understand why you HATE LIONS so much! [img]images/smilies/angry.gif[/img]


No you didn't, you claimed lone lion killing a bull buffalo yet its only a video of a buffalo carcass and a lion feeding. The carcass is obviously been eaten for at least a day or two.

"I hate lions"
Ok, yet I post many lion pictures and stories. Eye witness accounts and research them with the same fever I do tigers.
You are just biased to the point that you think a Lion and a tiger are the same. With many advantages going to a smaller cat that hunts in prides with multiple members. I am realistic, I use actual proof and data. I don't just make statements that have no validity behind them.

"most of every account of a tiger with a guar, is just a dead body with a tiger eating off of it"
There are 2 videos of a bull guar still moving while the tiger is choking it, there is another account of a bull gaur and tiger attack attempt, with eye witness quotes, images, etc.
There are other accounts of bull gaur predation from eye witness accounts with images. Lastly, finding any predation of a tiger is far harder than a lion, one lives in jungles where seeing them is hard enough let alone following a entire predation event and the other lives on open plains where seeing them is easy, watching hole events is also easy.
So being "realistic" the Fact that there is still not a single eye witness account of a easily viewable animal making a kill on a lone bull buffalo is more proof. Yes, I know male lions usually have multiple members or rarely hunt compared to females which make them harder to see by themselves, but still, events exist and I judge it based on the outcome of those events.
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

(01-19-2015, 12:35 AM)'TheLioness' Wrote: There has been a lot of good videos posted recently of lions vs buffalo. Very good job everyone, lets keep this topic clean, don't need to debate here, its just posting about lions hunting, thats it.
*This image is copyright of its original author

Eland are large animals, but they are no cape buffalo. There is a account of a lone male leopard taking down a adult eland.


chaos Offline
wildlife enthusiast

(01-19-2015, 10:34 PM)'Pckts' Wrote:
(01-18-2015, 09:42 PM)'chaos' Wrote:
(01-18-2015, 09:07 PM)'sanjay' Wrote: @Pantherinae , First of all this is for information section, We have made another section for discussion. So any long debate should be there.

As @chaos said majority of us have bitter experience on AVA. The result was loss of lot of valuable data and fallback of AVA. Other sincere and senior experts don't want to join a place where things like LvT keep going.

I am sure and all other are 100% sure that you can not convince Pckts with your data and Same with others. The result will be long post with only LvT discussion and this will bring back AVA 2.

Discussion is allowed, But the way discussion should be. Not teasing, trolling and hypothetical thoughts.
The Basic Rule of discussion is RESPECT for each other while agreeing or disagreeing with whom you are discussing.
2nd Important point is to NOT in race of putting your last word. You put your point convincing the opponent, 2 or 3 times, If you see he is not ready to agree with you, Its better to quit the debate (showing maturity). So a good poster know when to quit. You can not keep whole year convincing each other with same point.
We never stop you from posting your points , We only act when we see thing is going out of control. As you can see there is lot of discussion between you and pckts, But we entered here to stop when you guys made at least 6-7 posts and we find that this will not stop.

Let me know if you feel I am 100% wrong. Will try to improve myself. Our Aim is to provide clean and healthy environment but we can also make mistake as administrator, so please free to point out our bad decision


~~2nd Important point is to NOT in race of putting your last word.

This is of particular amusement. Pockets asolutely excels in this capacity. I'm no slouch myself.
Acknowledged Sanjay.



The use of the word "DATA" is what I am asking about.
Please feel free and provide any "DATA", I would love to see it. In fact, I have asked for it for some time.
There is a reason that @Pantherinae and I can discuss this with a more realistic debate while the likes of Chaos or Lioness use more of a personal attitude and resort to name calling or implications.


~~There is a reason that @Pantherinae and I can discuss this with a more realistic debate while the likes of Chaos or Lioness use more of a personal attitude and resort to name calling or implications.

Thats nonsense. The administration dont permit such behavior. Quite to the contrary. Since the inception of this forum, you've clearly made it a point
to challenge anything and everything I post. BTW, I do thank you for that. Pure entertainment. Keep it real Pockets.

United States TheLioness Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Can we get back on topic now guys we have all been warned, pckts will continue to deny the proof we have because it is not exactly what he wants to believe, even when we post things that are EXACTLY the same as a tiger predation. He will simply ignore it all and we have been through this many times, everyone here knows there is no winning this argument with him, because he will always think he is right, everytime no matter how much proof we have, he will simply say things that are false. [img]images/smilies/dodgy.gif[/img]
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United States TheLioness Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

You agree on pictures of remains of gaur without written witness, that it must be an adult male gaur buffalo, everyone here knows that your very ignorant when it comes to lions doing anything that shows them being capable like tigers, just kills you, dont know why.

I simply don't care if you debate with me, your never reasonable so there is no reason to continue with you, everyone hates the fact how stubborn you are when you've proven wrong, you'll never admit it, so your a waste of time. You have nothing nice to say about lions, no matter what it is, I've posted many videos of lone lionesses killing adult cow buffalo, all you can do is nit pick on ones, do you see us going into tiger predation and asking for the sex, age, health of every damn prey the killed, most is pictures, most dont even have eye witness accounts of what happened, we don't you come here and do it. So I'm done talking to you, you'll never quit being the way you are, thats fine, go ahead and have the last annoying word after me. [img]images/smilies/sleepy.gif[/img]
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Canada faess Offline
Wildanimal Lover

Bison's last stand against Yellowstone wolf

Tourists, scientists and a host of wildlife photographers got a rare front-row seat to a compelling wildlife drama this week at Yellowstone National Park.

On Sunday, a large male wolf from the Canyon Pack was seen stalking an injured or sick female bison. By Monday, the pair were locked in a deadly standoff in a meadow about 200 yards from one of the park's busy roads.

Dozens of people gathered to watch as the wolf patiently but repeatedly approached the bison, probing for weakness and looking for a response. The bison shook its head or snorted at the wolf, causing it to retreat to a nearby stand of trees.

After a time the bison would lower itself to the ground to rest, bringing out the wolf for another foray, with the intent to exhaust the bison. When successful, the bison was able to get to its feet and ward off the wolf.

By late Monday, the bison's ability to fend off the attacks was waning, and the wolf was able to attack the bison's hindquarters for brief moments. Ultimately, the wolf would satisfy himself that the bison was too weak to defend itself and likely will call in his pack. Although Yellowstone's wolf packs do predate bison, this attack was rare. Bison make up 5% of wolves' diet, the bulk of which is elk.

A large crowd was enthralled. Some were horrified at the inevitability of it all. One family ushered their children back to their car. Another man shrugged, "It's nature."

Yellowstone crowds witness wolf-bison standoff

The day-and-a-half struggle between an ailing bison and a wolf in Yellowstone National Park came to an end about dusk on Tuesday.

According to park rangers, the beta male of the Canyon Pack brought the bison down in a meadow about 200 yards from a main park road. During the night the entire pack fed on the dead bison.

The pack--the park's smallest, with three adults and three pups--returned Wednesday morning but left again. In the full expression of nature's democracy, an array of animals and birds came to the site to pick the at carcass.

By Wednesday afternoon, a pair of coyotes were defending their turf against incursion from a group of ravens.

The wolf, known to some as Limpy because of a slight limp from an old injury, is the beta or subordinate male in the Canyon Pack, but he is a large and bold animal.While his stalking drama played out over two days in front of dozens of tourists and an equal number of professional photographers--the traffic jam was tremendous--the wolf appeared unperturbed and focused.

Yellowstone's wolves will soon be moving to their winter ground, following the elk to higher elevations. But an unseasonal warmth has kept many of the park's big animals in the valleys and lowlands for tourists to enjoy.

"Despite their large size, adult moose can and are killed by mountain lions. Four out of seven radio collared moose
released on the Manti in 1995 were killed by mountain lions. Geist (1998) discussed the efficiency of moose in avoiding pursuing and pack hunting predators such as wolves. However, moose may not be as well adapted to ambush type predators such as the mountain lion."

And don't forget about the multiple accounts about komodos killing water buffalo.

Why is it for a surprise for one of the biggest cats to kill a big bovine? In the end,  buffalo just big brutes that  fight for defensive purposes.  This is nothing special
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sanjay Offline
Co-owner of Wildfact
( This post was last modified: 01-19-2015, 11:30 PM by sanjay )

One more unreal post, I will close this thread right now

United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

(01-19-2015, 11:24 PM)'faess' Wrote: Bison's last stand against Yellowstone wolf

Tourists, scientists and a host of wildlife photographers got a rare front-row seat to a compelling wildlife drama this week at Yellowstone National Park.

On Sunday, a large male wolf from the Canyon Pack was seen stalking an injured or sick female bison. By Monday, the pair were locked in a deadly standoff in a meadow about 200 yards from one of the park's busy roads.

Dozens of people gathered to watch as the wolf patiently but repeatedly approached the bison, probing for weakness and looking for a response. The bison shook its head or snorted at the wolf, causing it to retreat to a nearby stand of trees.

After a time the bison would lower itself to the ground to rest, bringing out the wolf for another foray, with the intent to exhaust the bison. When successful, the bison was able to get to its feet and ward off the wolf.

By late Monday, the bison's ability to fend off the attacks was waning, and the wolf was able to attack the bison's hindquarters for brief moments. Ultimately, the wolf would satisfy himself that the bison was too weak to defend itself and likely will call in his pack. Although Yellowstone's wolf packs do predate bison, this attack was rare. Bison make up 5% of wolves' diet, the bulk of which is elk.

A large crowd was enthralled. Some were horrified at the inevitability of it all. One family ushered their children back to their car. Another man shrugged, "It's nature."

Yellowstone crowds witness wolf-bison standoff

The day-and-a-half struggle between an ailing bison and a wolf in Yellowstone National Park came to an end about dusk on Tuesday.

According to park rangers, the beta male of the Canyon Pack brought the bison down in a meadow about 200 yards from a main park road. During the night the entire pack fed on the dead bison.

The pack--the park's smallest, with three adults and three pups--returned Wednesday morning but left again. In the full expression of nature's democracy, an array of animals and birds came to the site to pick the at carcass.

By Wednesday afternoon, a pair of coyotes were defending their turf against incursion from a group of ravens.

The wolf, known to some as Limpy because of a slight limp from an old injury, is the beta or subordinate male in the Canyon Pack, but he is a large and bold animal.While his stalking drama played out over two days in front of dozens of tourists and an equal number of professional photographers--the traffic jam was tremendous--the wolf appeared unperturbed and focused.

Yellowstone's wolves will soon be moving to their winter ground, following the elk to higher elevations. But an unseasonal warmth has kept many of the park's big animals in the valleys and lowlands for tourists to enjoy.

"Despite their large size, adult moose can and are killed by mountain lions. Four out of seven radio collared moose
released on the Manti in 1995 were killed by mountain lions. Geist (1998) discussed the efficiency of moose in avoiding pursuing and pack hunting predators such as wolves. However, moose may not be as well adapted to ambush type predators such as the mountain lion."

And don't forget about the multiple accounts about komodos killing water buffalo.

Why is it for a surprise for one of the biggest cats to kill a big bovine? In the end,  buffalo just big brutes that  fight for defensive purposes.  This is nothing special


None of this has anything to do with a lion killing a cape buffalo.
Komodo dragon kill by bacterial infection, wolves hunt in packs and a moose is not a buffalo.
This is also a Lion predation thread.
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 01-19-2015, 11:54 PM by Pckts )

(01-19-2015, 11:24 PM)'TheLioness' Wrote: You agree on pictures of remains of gaur without written witness, that it must be an adult male gaur buffalo, everyone here knows that your very ignorant when it comes to lions doing anything that shows them being capable like tigers, just kills you, dont know why.

I simply don't care if you debate with me, your never reasonable so there is no reason to continue with you, everyone hates the fact how stubborn you are when you've proven wrong, you'll never admit it, so your a waste of time. You have nothing nice to say about lions, no matter what it is, I've posted many videos of lone lionesses killing adult cow buffalo, all you can do is nit pick on ones, do you see us going into tiger predation and asking for the sex, age, health of every damn prey the killed, most is pictures, most dont even have eye witness accounts of what happened, we don't you come here and do it. So I'm done talking to you, you'll never quit being the way you are, thats fine, go ahead and have the last annoying word after me. [img]images/smilies/sleepy.gif[/img]


Like I said, there are videos of Gaur still moving being preyed upon as well as other eye witness accounts and images. I would also agree if there was a description of a event with a lone lion killing a lone bull buffalo from the eye witness with images as well.
The only one I don't agree with is Varty, for good reason. I don't believe most of the claims he makes as well as the fact that he has been lying to the Indian and african gov't for years and only desiring publicity to fund himself and his sanctuary. The fact that his claim also listed the weight of the bull being the largest a bull buffalo can even get, is also fishy and the fact that he ties up the prey animals to try and claim the cats as being successful also leads me to believe that he does the same to any of the animals he claims as being preyed upon. Also no visual evidence exists of any of his claims.

 "everyone hates the fact how stubborn you are when you've proven wrong,"
I am not here to make friends nor to I claim the opinions of "EVERYONE" as my own. Considering I am the one who has many conversations with actual animal experts and photographers and presents them here, I am also backed by quite a few with my opinions or claims. So I take their opinions much higher than somebody who is simply a fan. No offense intended, that is just the truth.
So once again, show me PROOF and I will admit that they have killed Bull buffalo on their own. Which of course I have already said is most likely possible but there still exists nothing to prove it so.
You are the one who tries to claim a carcass as being killed by a lone lion. I am not being "stubborn" here, you are. If our court system was as lackadaisical as your idea of proof, there would be many people locked up simply for hear say rather than actual proof.

United States TheLioness Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 01-19-2015, 11:48 PM by TheLioness )

Like this account too, such a feat for a young male, bulls can be 3,000 lbs.
~~We have seen lions bring down different prey species from A to Z – from aardvark, antelopes, elands ostrich, wildebeest to zebras.  But two days ago it was a different story.  A lone male lion jumped on the back of a mature male giraffe, devoured the tendons and was dragged on for over 500 meters before finally succeeding in bringing it down. This was an act that surprised us all and we were left speechless at how a lone lion could perform this amazing feat!

*This image is copyright of its original author
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

(01-19-2015, 11:45 PM)'TheLioness' Wrote: Like this account too, such a feat for a young male, bulls can be 3,000 lbs.
~~We have seen lions bring down different prey species from A to Z – from aardvark, antelopes, elands ostrich, wildebeest to zebras.  But two days ago it was a different story.  A lone male lion jumped on the back of a mature male giraffe, devoured the tendons and was dragged on for over 500 meters before finally succeeding in bringing it down. This was an act that surprised us all and we were left speechless at how a lone lion could perform this amazing feat!

*This image is copyright of its original author


I never said a lion can't take down a adult giraffe, did I?

Infact, Pantherinae and I both agree Giraffe are far easier prey, they are awkward, they become off balance easy and if they go down its almost impossibble for them to get back up. While a Buffalo is compact far more balanced and able to go down and get back up fairly easy. We say the same about Rhino compared to Elephant, and thats why you see far more elephant preyed upon compared to Rhino. A elephant is a far stronger adversary than a rhino but it is built differently and while elephant can defeat rhino easily that doesn't mean they are better equiped to deal with lion predation. In my opinion a rhino is the best built animal to defend against any predation.
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 01-19-2015, 11:59 PM by Pckts )

All I know is that komodo dragon nip at buffalo, the wounds never coagulate and they became weak from infection over time. Usually days, while the komodo take follow and bite them until they finally give in. While a lone wolf taking down a bison is extremely impressive, we still need to know many factors. Was the bison, old, young, wounded, sick etc.
I think we all know that a lone wolf is not taking down a full grown healthy bison. Just watch the predation of the wolf pack on the smaller bison, the entire pack is chasing the bison then all of a sudden a massive full grown bison comes and flips the smaller bison over and thats when you get a idea of what a full grown bison looks like.

"But to stay on topic Packer mentions that a  single lion taking down a male buffalo is unlikely "

And I would agree with Packer and considering he knows Lion better than anyone in the world, I think his word is pretty solid.


chaos Offline
wildlife enthusiast

I would appreciate your take on the single lion with the bull buffalo. Where are the other lions? Do you think they
would just leave a kill in the making? Also, if more than one lion was present on the attack, do you think it would
necessitate 22+ hours? Lions kill with a throat bite. That bull would logically have succumbed to just that fate if
multiple lions were present. Isn't it possible the narrator made a very simple mistake in pronunciation, which was    
reflected in the abstract of the description you quoted? It was one "s". Based on the video shown, there's a high
probability of that scenario. Thats what I mean by common sense and logic.   
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United States TheLioness Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

I appolgoize for how I talked to you pkcts, I've been rather sick for couple months, getting over flu right now, and some of the things you say and ho you respond to lion predation makes me irritated by how it seems you dislike giving them any credit.

A male lion killing a bull is able to be done, I've seen it, read it, ect. Throughout the years of debating, things get lost.

If a single smaller lioness can kill an adult cow, simply said a heavier stronger male can kill a heavier bull. Its simple logic.

United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

(01-20-2015, 12:15 AM)'chaos' Wrote:
(01-19-2015, 11:59 PM)'Pckts' Wrote: All I know is that komodo dragon nip at buffalo, the wounds never coagulate and they became weak from infection over time. Usually days, while the komodo take follow and bite them until they finally give in. While a lone wolf taking down a bison is extremely impressive, we still need to know many factors. Was the bison, old, young, wounded, sick etc.
I think we all know that a lone wolf is not taking down a full grown healthy bison. Just watch the predation of the wolf pack on the smaller bison, the entire pack is chasing the bison then all of a sudden a massive full grown bison comes and flips the smaller bison over and thats when you get a idea of what a full grown bison looks like.

"But to stay on topic Packer mentions that a  single lion taking down a male buffalo is unlikely "

And I would agree with Packer and considering he knows Lion better than anyone in the world, I think his word is pretty solid.



I'd like see proof of that.

Of what?
What packer said, I don't know, it wasn't me who posted it.
If you are talking about the bison predation by the wolf pack, its easily found on youtube and same with Komodo dragon predation on Buffalo. I will not post them here since they are not related to Lion predation but i will search for the packer statement.


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