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Lion Predation

United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

(08-13-2014, 08:32 PM)'Pantherinae' Wrote:
'GuateGojira dateline='' Wrote: That lioness is surely death, how can she survive such a terrible attack?


So would I think, but as You can see in The comments The uploader says The ranger told her that The lioness was seen alive! If that's true Lions must be durable as few, a zebra or wildebeest would have been thorn to pices.. But you can see gang attack on male Lions they take some time to tear up.  Must have a very thick skinn.. 



Can't see the vid any more.
Big cats have been quoted by many as being extremely durable. Plus the injuries they sustain in the wild yet still survive, they are extremely resilent. Those claws rip huge gashes in human flesh and big cats take multiple swipes without even showing a cut at times.
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Pantherinae Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Hyenas aswell extreamly durable! Surviving attacks from several lionesses, and sometimes Even from male Lions! 
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chaos Offline
wildlife enthusiast

See this spectacular lioness leap~~

sanjay Offline
Co-owner of Wildfact

The Shishangaan pride consisting of two lioness and six cubs caught a young giraffe alongside the N'Wanetsi river. The following morning we followed up on the sighting and to our amazement the giraffe carcass was finished however a male lion was in the area feeding on the remains of a large crocodile. It was evident that crocodiles had ventured out the water during the night and attempted to pull the remains of the giraffe carcass into the N'Wanetsi river, unfortunately one of the crocodiles did not make it back into the river.

During the evening the male lion would have overpowered the lionesses and cubs and was not willing to share the carcass remains. The male lion would have protected the carcass and any crocodile that ventured too close, this would have been its demise. The male lion fed on the crocodile carcass for three days.

(Nick Du Plessis, Field Guide @ Singita Kruger National Park)

Below is the images of Male lion kill a crocodile

*This image is copyright of its original author

This is second image

*This image is copyright of its original author

And last image, Lion dragging the carcass of corcodile

*This image is copyright of its original author

All copyright to Singita

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Pantherinae Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 12-31-2014, 02:47 AM by Pantherinae )

This is just awfull to watch.. But this reminds us how powerfull Lions can be. 

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sanjay Offline
Co-owner of Wildfact


*This image is copyright of its original author

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Pantherinae Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 12-30-2014, 11:34 PM by Pantherinae )

Male lion kills a brown hyena, have not heard of many observations of this spicies beeing killed before just a few pictures so very appriciated to find new photo's of this, so now I share these with you guy's. Happy new year everyone!
*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

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Pantherinae Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

Male Lions are just awsome animals! Two males kills a massive buffalo bull! The males appares to be somewhat young probably around 3,5-4 years, by looking at The manes and face of male Lions from The Masai Mara. 

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Pantherinae Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 01-01-2015, 07:04 AM by Pantherinae )

Another male lion with an impressive buffalo bull kill. 

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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

(01-01-2015, 06:59 AM)'Pantherinae' Wrote: Male Lions are just awsome animals! Two males kills a massive buffalo bull! The males appares to be somewhat young probably around 3,5-4 years, by looking at The manes and face of male Lions from The Masai Mara. 


Those definitely seem to be full grown male lions but still impressive to see two male able to take down a bull buffalo. 
Buffalo seems to be a bit slow so it could also be injured or old. But not sure, either way its a solid kill for those males. 


Pantherinae Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 01-10-2015, 09:09 PM by Pantherinae )

@Pckts masai mara Lions can adapt quite large manes at the age of 3-4 years, But it's the quite young looking face I'm using to estimate the age of these lions, It's like telling a 4 year old tiger to a fully mature 6+ years male! But the video is not clear so it's hard to be sure. But look at notch boys and compare the  face to these two young and you would see some some difference

When it comes to The buffalo, the rumble could have been going on for quite some time, and the buffalo is already been injuried by The lions. Or it can be The situations You mention. Great seeing You on The forum again.

chaos Offline
wildlife enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 01-10-2015, 08:51 PM by chaos )

(01-01-2015, 07:03 AM)'Pantherinae' Wrote: Another male lion with an impressive buffalo bull kill. 


This guy's built like a tank. Impressive forequarters.

Pantherinae Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 01-10-2015, 10:15 PM by Pantherinae )

Just as an example this is Notch boys in 2007-early 2008, maximum 3,5 years old and look at notch2 at The left side a massive mane. 
*This image is copyright of its original author

United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

(01-10-2015, 08:15 PM)'Pantherinae' Wrote: @Pckts masai mara Lions can adapt quite large manes at the age of 3-4 years, But it's the quite young looking face I'm using to estimate the age of these lions, It's like telling a 4 year old tiger to a fully mature 6+ years male! But the video is not clear so it's hard to be sure. But look at notch boys and compare the  face to these two young and you would see some some difference

When it comes to The buffalo, the rumble could have been going on for quite some time, and the buffalo is already been injuried by The lions. Or it can be The situations You mention. Great seeing You on The forum again.


They look plenty mature to me. Their face, mane and body morphology all look to be fully mature adults. 


United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

(01-10-2015, 09:23 PM)'Pantherinae' Wrote: Just as an example this is Notch boys in 2007-early 2008, maximum 3,5 years old and look at notch2 at The left side a massive mane. 
*This image is copyright of its original author

Perfect example, unfinished mane, thinner body, not like the lions shown against the bull. 


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