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Kambula/Ntsevu Pride

Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

(06-01-2023, 05:21 AM)Mapokser Wrote: You're seeing some little footage here and there and coming to a drastic conclusion.

Ok, when you see footage of all 8 females together, let me know.

There is no footage of more then 4- 5 lionesses with those 8 cubs.
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lionuk Offline

Unfortunately, the two oldest Kambula young males killed a male subadult yesterday. It's not known yet which pride did he come from. It happened around Skukuza area in Kruger.
Vid credit: thelosttwo

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Panama Mapokser Offline

(06-01-2023, 01:58 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote:
(06-01-2023, 05:21 AM)Mapokser Wrote: You're seeing some little footage here and there and coming to a drastic conclusion.

Ok, when you see footage of all 8 females together, let me know.

There is no footage of more then 4- 5 lionesses with those 8 cubs.

K6 with her sister K5 who is part of the core pride of 5.
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criollo2mil Offline

(06-07-2023, 02:59 AM)Mapokser Wrote:
(06-01-2023, 01:58 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote:
(06-01-2023, 05:21 AM)Mapokser Wrote: You're seeing some little footage here and there and coming to a drastic conclusion.

Ok, when you see footage of all 8 females together, let me know.

There is no footage of more then 4- 5 lionesses with those 8 cubs.

K6 with her sister K5 who is part of the core pride of 5.

K2 has had cubs and has yet to introduce. Should be forthcoming. K3 is heavily pregnant and likely denning very soon.

If both these former breakaways do assimilate back into the core Pride, I trust things should normalize.

Or…..maybe the two remain apart but together and once again continue as a breakaway? Time will tell.
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Panama Mapokser Offline

@criollo2mil the Breakaways were seen with the pride I believe in march by Mala Mala, there's truly no reasons they'd get rejected if tried to join up again.

K6 is seen with them regularly despite her attempts to mate with any male available - which is something she has always done -.

K5 is always with the Birmingham Kambulas.

There's literally no evidence so far that the younger females are pushing their mothers away as it was suggested here and every fight we saw so far was with K6 who is infertile, has the scent of enemy males and is rough with cubs, reason why she gets attacked - we literally have footage of it, she was messing with a cub before the mother confronted her, the first ever of the IIRC 3 fights doumented -.

Maybe some of the older ones will breakaway eventually for whatever reason, but the narrative that daughters are trying to breakaway or oust their mothers has no basis as of now.
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criollo2mil Offline

(06-07-2023, 05:46 AM)Mapokser Wrote: @criollo2mil the Breakaways were seen with the pride I believe in march by Mala Mala, there's truly no reasons they'd get rejected if tried to join up again.

K6 is seen with them regularly despite her attempts to mate with any male available - which is something she has always done -.

K5 is always with the Birmingham Kambulas.

There's literally no evidence so far that the younger females are pushing their mothers away as it was suggested here and every fight we saw so far was with K6 who is infertile, has the scent of enemy males and is rough with cubs, reason why she gets attacked - we literally have footage of it, she was messing with a cub before the mother confronted her, the first ever of the IIRC 3 fights doumented -.

Maybe some of the older ones will breakaway eventually for whatever reason, but the narrative that daughters are trying to breakaway or oust their mothers has no basis as of now.

Yes. They have been back. But I can’t dismiss that it’s not possible there’s tensions going on.

One of the recent fighting incidents was 4 daughters attacking a very pregnant K3 that was simply resting alongside.

I do hope this is just their way to make her earn her keep and status within the hiarchy after her long separation from the pride and things will settle down.

K6 is and has always been the Alpha, but it’s been Quite a while (ever since N’waswitshaka took control) that she’s been steadily challenged for that top status. The daughters aren’t exactly displaying subordinate behavior. Especially with Big Auntie
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WildRev Offline
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Panama Mapokser Offline

K2 and K6 together seen with the core pride recently and as many as 10 cubs with them.

As I've always said, people were making a storm in a teacup and there's still no evidence the pride was breaking up or the younger females were trying to oust their mothers. This is just normal dynamics in such a big pride as the Kambulas.
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Ttimemarti Offline
Senior Member

So I am still a bit confused on the kambula females I know 2 died but from k1-k12 who is alive who is dead and who has cubs and who doesn’t do we know? k12 is with the 4 kambula males right?

criollo2mil Offline
( This post was last modified: 06-20-2023, 12:21 AM by criollo2mil )

(06-20-2023, 12:09 AM)Ttimemarti Wrote: So I am still a bit confused on the kambula females I know 2 died but from k1-k12 who is alive who is dead and who has cubs and who doesn’t do we know? k12 is with the 4 kambula males right?

There’s actually still some differing opinions on the third lioness.    But definitely K1 and K4 are gone.    Nothing of the, since the losses.  

The third loss however has been rumored at frost to be K11.    But some say she’s been seen.

Some I know definitely alive are K2, K5 , and K6

Plus 4 daughters ( I am not clear on their known designations ) not counting K12 that’s w the Boys.

My last tracker of Cubs as of 20 May 2023

3 of k5
3 of k7
2 of k8
2 of k9
3 of k10
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Ttimemarti Offline
Senior Member

(06-20-2023, 12:19 AM)criollo2mil Wrote:
(06-20-2023, 12:09 AM)Ttimemarti Wrote: So I am still a bit confused on the kambula females I know 2 died but from k1-k12 who is alive who is dead and who has cubs and who doesn’t do we know? k12 is with the 4 kambula males right?

There’s actually still some differing opinions on the third lioness.    But definitely K1 and K4 are gone.    Nothing of the, since the losses.  

The third loss however has been rumored at frost to be K11.    But some say she’s been seen.

Some I know definitely alive are K2, K5 , and K6

Plus 4 daughters ( I am not clear on their known designations ) not counting K12 that’s w the Boys.

My last tracker of Cubs as of 20 May 2023

3 of k5
3 of k7
2 of k8
2 of k9
3 of k10
Thank you! And I believe one girl just ave birth recently

criollo2mil Offline

(06-20-2023, 12:33 AM)Ttimemarti Wrote: Thank you! And I believe one girl just ave birth recently

K2 has the youngest litter and has just introduced them according to this post

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Australia Horizon Offline
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Tonpa Offline

Kambula Pride

We enjoyed 61 sightings of this pride this month. The lionesses continue to keep their cubs on the Western Bank, with all the sightings of the cubs being in this stretch of the property. Infighting amongst the pride and between lionesses and the Ndhzenga males was at an all-time high this month with several sightings of these lions fighting, the most noteworthy one being on the Airstrip at sunrise on the 11th. One lioness was a bit too rough with a cub and the other four lionesses laid into her with two of the Ndhzenga males roaring amongst them. After almost two years the lioness with the two cubs of the Gowrie Males has lost the fight to keep them safe. The first cub disappeared a few months ago and we received reports this month that the Ndhzenga males caught up with the second cub this month.

Noteworthy sightings:
  • Three lionesses and eight cubs shared an impala ram carcass with the Ndhzenga males north of Princess Alice Pans on the 1st.
  • From the 2nd – 7th the lionesses kept the cubs around Princess Alice Pans. One lioness with two cubs kept her cubs more secluded but was seen introducing them to the rest of the litters at various points.
  • On the 9th , one lioness with three very young cubs were south of West Street, she was seen in this area in the days that followed.
  • On the 10th, a lioness killed an impala ewe at West Street Crossing.
  • On the 11th , five lionesses, seven cubs and three Ndhzenga males were on the southern parts of the Airstrip. It is unclear what prompted it, but a fight broke out between the lions. None of the lions sustained any substantial injuries.
  • Four lionesses and seven cubs fed on a male waterbuck kill at the old Kikilezihash Breakfast Spot on the 17th .
  • One lioness enjoyed the company of the Black Dam males between the 23rd and 24th and was seen mating with them over the course of this time. She was with them again on the27th.
  • A lioness attempted to steal a hoisted impala ram carcass from a Tamboti tree on the 28th, east of Piccadilly Triangle. She was out witted, and the Flat Rock male returned to the carcass the next morning.
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Mwk85 Offline
Senior Member
( This post was last modified: 07-02-2023, 01:34 AM by Mwk85 Edit Reason: Corrected information )

Kambula Breakaways on a buffalo calf kill. Apparently at some point during all the commotion the Nkuhuma Pride showed up and there was said to have been an encounter between the two which ended up with them (NK's) moving off instead of fighting it out. A commenter on the post stated that one of the daughters of Amber Eyes joined the KB's on the kill afterwards, but I haven't seen footage of that so I'm not sure if that's legitimate or not.

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