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Kambula/Ntsevu males

Belgium criollo2mil Offline

This isn’t the news I wanted to wake up to Sad

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South Africa Rabubi Offline
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(11-22-2024, 05:25 AM)Mapokser Wrote: Huh, you'd think K4 would spend a lot of time at the giraffe, or whoever may have chased him off.

Was nobody there?

Edit: the guide who shared Kambula mating with Nkuhuma yesterday, asking "are they strong enough to protect her and the cubs?" Now  Mantimahle mating with the lioness at the same spot, saying it shows the Kambula are not strong enough:

A whole lot of musical chairs going on in Northern SS. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if more males enter the mix from elsewhere.
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Philippines sunless Offline
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( This post was last modified: 11-22-2024, 03:05 PM by sunless )

K4 UPDATE: Seems like K4 injuries is not good but hoping he recovers good and fast.

*This image is copyright of its original author

Other Kambula Updates: Well its good for them that they are together and roaring in the place.
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Poland NLAL11 Offline
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I feel bad for K4 that his brothers seemingly have just abandoned him to his injuries. In my opinion, this is a little indicative of their lack of bonds, despite three of them being littermates. It's possibly a major factor in their lack of 'strength', or inability to compete with other, smaller coalitions. As individually they're all impressive males.

I've already said that they'd be a lot weaker without K4, but I'll add now that their lack of support for each other will also be a reason why, if K4 doesn't pull through, their chances of becoming successfully territorial will be greatly diminished. If they really try to take on the Mantimahtle males for the Nkuhuma pride, which with them all roaring together seems more and more likely, I see another of the boys getting caught by the two of them, and maybe suffering a swifter fate than K4. But I hope I'm wrong.
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Philippines sunless Offline
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( This post was last modified: 11-22-2024, 04:17 PM by sunless )

(11-22-2024, 03:25 PM)NLAL11 Wrote: I feel bad for K4 that his brothers seemingly have just abandoned him to his injuries. In my opinion, this is a little indicative of their lack of bonds, despite three of them being littermates. It's possibly a major factor in their lack of 'strength', or inability to compete with other, smaller coalitions. As individually they're all impressive males.

I've already said that they'd be a lot weaker without K4, but I'll add now that their lack of support for each other will also be a reason why, if K4 doesn't pull through, their chances of becoming successfully territorial will be greatly diminished. If they really try to take on the Mantimahtle males for the Nkuhuma pride, which with them all roaring together seems more and more likely, I see another of the boys getting caught by the two of them, and maybe suffering a swifter fate than K4. But I hope I'm wrong.

I would not say they abandon him when he was caught alone in Chitwa or more East of Chitwa while his brothers is in Londolozi mating with K6 Ntsevu. It seems more like that he is in the wrong place at the wrong time when his brothers are not near him.
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Duco Ndona Offline

Lions know that hanging around large sources of food will eventually atract otter predators and a lion in his condition isnt going to wait to find out who its going to be. So he likely got his fill and left before the others got there.

With his condition this bad I think the best case right now is a Limper sort of outcome.
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Poland NLAL11 Offline
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( This post was last modified: 11-22-2024, 04:50 PM by NLAL11 )

(11-22-2024, 04:10 PM)sunless Wrote:
(11-22-2024, 03:25 PM)NLAL11 Wrote: I feel bad for K4 that his brothers seemingly have just abandoned him to his injuries. In my opinion, this is a little indicative of their lack of bonds, despite three of them being littermates. It's possibly a major factor in their lack of 'strength', or inability to compete with other, smaller coalitions. As individually they're all impressive males.

I've already said that they'd be a lot weaker without K4, but I'll add now that their lack of support for each other will also be a reason why, if K4 doesn't pull through, their chances of becoming successfully territorial will be greatly diminished. If they really try to take on the Mantimahtle males for the Nkuhuma pride, which with them all roaring together seems more and more likely, I see another of the boys getting caught by the two of them, and maybe suffering a swifter fate than K4. But I hope I'm wrong.

I would not say they abandon him when he was caught alone in Chitwa or more East of Chitwa while his brothers is in Londolozi mating with K6 Ntsevu. It seems more like that he is in the wrong place at the wrong time when his brothers are not near him.

I'm not talking about when he was caught alone. I'm talking about the fact that they've all been back in the north for about a week now, and we've yet to see him with his brothers. He needs them. Lions are social animals, and (I would imagine) get depressed when they're on their own for too long, like other social animals do. I think that the companionship of his brothers would aid his recovery from a psychological standpoint, as well as safety, protection and the providing of food. He must be incredibly anxious and nervous in his vulnerable condition, which will be hindering his recovery, and the presence of his brothers would alleviate a lot of that.

But do they seem to be bothered by the absence of their brother? Have they looked for him? Of course we can't know the answer to those questions, but it seems, from observing their behaviour and movements over the last week, that they don't seem to be that concerned with the sudden absence of their brother. That's what I mean when I say that they have seemingly abandoned him, and their lack of bonds.
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Duco Ndona Offline

We havent got any indication they interacted yet. So they may not even be aware of his situation.

Nevertheless, as sad as it is for K4. If he cant move, then that is it for him. 
We cant really expect his brothers to stick with and starve with him. 

While we love the idea of the whole band of brothers in blood. The harsh realities of the bush often do not allow for such sentimentalities.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Online
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Lions in a coalition will not "babysitt" their almost immobille partner.

They might have meet as far as we know, but K4 simply cant follow them in this state and he prob doesnt want to, he needs rest and peace atm.

Also, him being in their company when they are openly roaring is prob not a good idea, if they got attract someone and went in a scrap with someone, he is done.

Brothers cant help K4 atm, being with him or no.
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Philippines sunless Offline
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( This post was last modified: 11-22-2024, 05:19 PM by sunless )

(11-22-2024, 04:47 PM)NLAL11 Wrote:
(11-22-2024, 04:10 PM)sunless Wrote:
(11-22-2024, 03:25 PM)NLAL11 Wrote: I feel bad for K4 that his brothers seemingly have just abandoned him to his injuries. In my opinion, this is a little indicative of their lack of bonds, despite three of them being littermates. It's possibly a major factor in their lack of 'strength', or inability to compete with other, smaller coalitions. As individually they're all impressive males.

I've already said that they'd be a lot weaker without K4, but I'll add now that their lack of support for each other will also be a reason why, if K4 doesn't pull through, their chances of becoming successfully territorial will be greatly diminished. If they really try to take on the Mantimahtle males for the Nkuhuma pride, which with them all roaring together seems more and more likely, I see another of the boys getting caught by the two of them, and maybe suffering a swifter fate than K4. But I hope I'm wrong.

I would not say they abandon him when he was caught alone in Chitwa or more East of Chitwa while his brothers is in Londolozi mating with K6 Ntsevu. It seems more like that he is in the wrong place at the wrong time when his brothers are not near him.

I'm not talking about when he was caught alone. I'm talking about the fact that they've all been back in the north for about a week now, and we've yet to see him with his brothers. He needs them. Lions are social animals, and (I would imagine) get depressed when they're on their own for too long, like other social animals do. I think that the companionship of his brothers would aid his recovery from a psychological standpoint, as well as safety, protection and the providing of food. He must be incredibly anxious and nervous in his vulnerable condition, which will be hindering his recovery, and the presence of his brothers would alleviate a lot of that.

But do they seem to be bothered by the absence of their brother? Have they looked for him? Of course we can't know the answer to those questions, but it seems, from observing their behaviour and movements over the last week, that they don't seem to be that concerned with the sudden absence of their brother. That's what I mean when I say that they have seemingly abandoned him, and their lack of bonds.

They may have been concerned where K4 is at and maybe that is also why they are roaring in the area to contact K4, but they will have a hard time if K4 do not respond, so their would be only encounter is to find him by chance or through smell or maybe they did already find him but K4 cannot keep up or may they have not still found him as the 3 Kambulas or 1 Kambula will stay with him as from observing them is they go by pairs.

Gavskrr Offline
Regular Member

It's strange that he found food and apparently was in a worse physical situation, I think the carcass was already too rotten or he was expelled in some way. The video of him lying down doesn't change much without us being able to get an idea of whether he can still move or not, with or without his brothers, what matters at the moment is his ability to move around.
The black dam male was seen in the area but I don't know if it would be a threat, he doesn't seem aggressive especially towards an opponent in that state.
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Poland NLAL11 Offline
Senior Member

(11-22-2024, 05:04 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote: @NLAL11 

Lions in a coalition will not "babysitt" their almost immobille partner.

They might have meet as far as we know, but K4 simply cant follow them in this state and he prob doesnt want to, he needs rest and peace atm.

Also, him being in their company when they are openly roaring is prob not a good idea, if they got attract someone and went in a scrap with someone, he is done.

Brothers cant help K4 atm, being with him or no.

The first point is a good one.

However, if he was with them, and they were roaring, and the Mantimahle males showed up, and the three of them left him to get killed (as with the other three of them there that is the only way he would be involved in the fight), then that just exemplifies my comment about them being cohesively weak as a group.

And I disagree on the last point, as I stand by my opinion that their presence and companionship would aid psychologically with his recovery, as psychological state does affect physical health. But you're right that we can't expect them to babysit him.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Online
Top Contributor
( This post was last modified: 11-22-2024, 09:02 PM by Tr1x24 )

(11-22-2024, 06:31 PM)NLAL11 Wrote: And I disagree on the last point, as I stand by my opinion that their presence and companionship would aid psychologically with his recovery, as psychological state does affect physical health. But you're right that we can't expect them to babysit him.

Yea but we dont see that in wild in 99% cases, even if lions are "sociable" predator, that goes as far as it goes.

K4 and his brothers didnt help K3, K5 and K6 when they where injured, they pull it thru themselves, obviously they where not severely injured as K4,  but still, in lions world thats how it is, if you cant follow your group, you are done..
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Philippines sunless Offline
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Kambula Update:
Location wise K4 is in Arathusa while the other 3 Kambulas is in Hoffmans, both property is adjacent to each other.
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Panama Mapokser Offline

With the latest updates I think K4's days are numbered.

A bit surprising, I didn't think he'd die, his father had a similar but worse looking injury, was 12yo, took a second beating and still survived for a month.

After he dies, I truly don't expect the other 3 to be successful, although it's a weird thought since we're talking about 3 prime brothers in an area of smaller coalitions.

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