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The Birmingham Males

United States sik94 Offline

(01-11-2023, 01:07 AM)Mapokser Wrote: it doesn't matter if he can't defeat PCM, killing Nhenha is in his best interest even if he may not realize that.

He has no business getting in an unnecessary fight with a male with nothing to lose, with the adrenaline going that injury won't hold back Nhena that much against a single male. He can't afford unnecessary injuries as a lone male.
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United States afortich Offline
( This post was last modified: 01-11-2023, 10:45 AM by afortich )

(01-11-2023, 04:40 AM)sik94 Wrote:
(01-11-2023, 01:07 AM)Mapokser Wrote: it doesn't matter if he can't defeat PCM, killing Nhenha is in his best interest even if he may not realize that.

He has no business getting in an unnecessary fight with a male with nothing to lose, with the adrenaline going that injury won't hold back Nhena that much against a single male. He can't afford unnecessary injuries as a lone male.

Exactly, there is a tendency to avoid unnecessary injuries in wildlife between two animals that could hurt each other. 
For example, a fox would rather avoid fighting a racoon or feral-cat, despite the fact that the fox could kill them, because the fox will end up very injured. 
I believe Skorro Jr. would avoid fighting Nhenha for the same reason.
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Panama Mapokser Offline

(01-11-2023, 02:34 AM)Tr1x24 Wrote:
(01-11-2023, 01:27 AM)Mapokser Wrote: If he knows there's 2 stronger coalitions it's even more of a reason for him to kill Nhenha, it'll be only one left then.

Did he fight NK male recently, it was 1vs1 opportunity? No he didn’t, they slept together lol. 

Why would he then kill Nhenha? Because he has  injured leg? lol. Injured leg doesnt guarantee that he would kill him. 

(01-11-2023, 01:27 AM)Mapokser Wrote: Besides are you serious about his chances against Nhenha? He fought a healthy and stronger Nhenha before, beat him and left without any serious injuries. He got attacked 2v1 by Nhenha and NK and left with a light limp, some days later he was 100%.

If he were to seriously attack Nhenha in this condition he would quite easily finish him off and leave without injuries. He doesn't need to fight to the death, grapple him down and bite his back, neck or whatever, he just needs to kick his ass and leave.

Injured animal is most dangerous animal, if Nhenha is still in decent condition, and still has strenght to fight, theres very low chance that any male would kill him in a 1vs1 (even if he try and succeeds, would sustain hard injuries back, Nhenha still has teeth and both claws, and its not 2vs1 so 1 male can lock him so he cant do anything, Nhenha can bite and scratch just as him) because he has injured 1 back leg.

But if Nhenha is in bad condition, barely walking and on death door, ofc he is easy pray, but at that point, rival make would not even bother to kill him, just like Nhenha/NK did with Limper.

I didn't say he will attack Nhenha if they met, I said it'd be in his best interest to do so, but if he realizes this or not I'm not sure, I said earlier that I think it's likely he'd ignore Nhenha. But with NK it isn't exactly the same scenario, he was a healthy prime male, do you think if it was a hyena or leopard Skorro Jr wouldn't have charged? It's a natural instinct for a lion to get rid of competition, why do you think Nhenha and NK killed the third Othawa subadult? Surely it wasn't to force any females to estrus.

Panama Mapokser Offline

(01-11-2023, 04:40 AM)sik94 Wrote:
(01-11-2023, 01:07 AM)Mapokser Wrote: it doesn't matter if he can't defeat PCM, killing Nhenha is in his best interest even if he may not realize that.

He has no business getting in an unnecessary fight with a male with nothing to lose, with the adrenaline going that injury won't hold back Nhena that much against a single male. He can't afford unnecessary injuries as a lone male.

I agree that it's more likely he wouldn't attack, I just think there's a chance of that happening and it would be in his best interest to do so. This is the lion who got 1v2 by Nhenha and NK and left with just a light limp, taking on a seriously injured Nhenha to add more injuries and make it more likely he won't recover would hardly be a risk he'd be taking.

Australia Horizon Offline
Regular Member

(01-11-2023, 01:26 AM)Duco Ndona Wrote: If he sees a rival limping in front of him and feels he can take him. Why wouldn't he attack? 
@Duco Ndona, there are zero examples of a nomad “finishing” of another nomad on internet. But you might be right as we don’t know that much.

In Mara, we there is Jesse, who at times sneaks in, mates and goes away when the dominant males appear (accepting their dominance).
What if two Jessies arrive on the scene same time at the female they prefer? We don’t know, there are no recent examples of that to my knowledge. 

It could be a new territory. And Nhenha in this condition, if alone and confronted by Skorro, would be chased out very likely. As you say, it would be attacked (and chased out) I believe.
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Netherlands Duco Ndona Online

Ultimately there is no natural law that forces Skorro to back down should he decide to attack. No lightning will come down from the gods. No lion police will arrest him. Nhenha wont suddenly develop a magical force field or something.
Its just conjecture based on very generalised animal behavoir. Which Skorro is under no obligation to follow

We have to remember that the two got their asses kicked in an equal 2v2 fight. So that lions avoid those is also not set in law.

Nhenhas health is of big concern. He is in a weakened state and if he cant secure food thats only going to be worse. 
It may force him to take risks he shouldn't take. 
Like not surrendering food to Skorro. Should he decide to take it. 

Ultimately. Its just not safe for him to be around the guy. 
Too much motives to fight. Too much opportunities to die.

Australia Horizon Offline
Regular Member

(01-11-2023, 11:08 AM)Duco Ndona Wrote: Its just conjecture based on very generalised animal behavoir. Which Skorro is under no obligation to follow
@Duco Ndona lol man why are you saying gods lion police etc? I know there are no lions in SS wearing badges and screaming, “freeze”

What I was trying to say is, there are no recorded examples in recent times of a nomad “finishing/eliminating” another nomad, that’s even when competing for food. That is the reason for conjecture. You will need to tell why only Skorro would be an exception to that behaviour.
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Netherlands Duco Ndona Online
( This post was last modified: 01-11-2023, 02:39 PM by Duco Ndona )

My point is. There is nothing forcing Skorro into not attacking Nhenha. 

Our records only go back a few decades. As does the serious study of animal behavoir. 
Especially the lives males live when they are not with a pride are not yet fully understood. Not to mention what happens in weird situations like these. 

Beyond the broad strokes like that they hunt and live in prides and such. Most of the stuff we know about lion behavoir is just that, conjecture. Derived from sightings that span just 2 percent of their lives.

Its very unlikely we already saw everything. And I would not just blatenly rule out any conflict on it. For everything is a first.



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Netherlands Duco Ndona Online

Been waiting for that one too. I guess he was waiting on some more info on the various reports first.

United States afortich Offline
( This post was last modified: 01-12-2023, 01:56 AM by afortich )

Quote:My point is. There is nothing forcing Skorro into not attacking Nhenha. 

I'm one among some of the people that I agree with you @Duco Ndona that there is no force/rule/God impeding an attack upon Nhenha. Being said that, I agree that it is unpredictable whether an attack will occur or not.
However, by following some common behaviors that are not rules, it could be inferred that there has to be a good incentive (food, mate, territory) to attack Nhenha. Therefore, there seems to be no good incentive. 
The only apparent incentive could be eliminating competition, which animals evaluate, in a way we don't understand yet, whether it's worth the risk of injuries for the possibility of eliminating competition in a 1 vs. 1 fight.
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Australia Horizon Offline
Regular Member

(01-11-2023, 02:37 PM)Duco Ndona Wrote: Its very unlikely we already saw everything.

@Duco Ndona agree with this part.  There are threads here like Othawa Pride thread, we don’t know how that would go.

Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
Top Contributor

"lions_sabisands" instagram page story :

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Belgium criollo2mil Offline

(01-12-2023, 06:32 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote: "lions_sabisands" instagram page story :

*This image is copyright of its original author

He has apparently not moved from the same spot in two days.   Without the help of Nkuhuma it doesn’t sound good
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United States afortich Offline

Any news of NYM?? is he close to Nhenha's location??
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