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Lions of Sabi Sands

Canada Mdz123 Offline

It was a rare case of a pride of females managing to kill a male lion, they were doing this to protect their cubs, guess Manghenis are really tough to take over especially if you are only 1 male like NK male right now
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United States BA0701 Online
Super Moderator
( This post was last modified: 10-04-2021, 11:54 PM by BA0701 )

(10-04-2021, 11:33 PM)Mdz123 Wrote: It was a rare case of a pride of females managing to kill a male lion, they were doing this to protect their cubs, guess Manghenis are really tough to take over especially if you are only 1 male like NK male right now

I thought the assumption was the NK male was who caused Styx male's death. Did I miss something? Been out of the loop for a minute.

Croatia Tr1x24 Offline

(10-04-2021, 11:54 PM)BA0701 Wrote: I thought the assumption was the NK male was who caused Styx male's death. Did I miss something? Been out of the loop for a minute.

Its not known what happened, its most likely Mhangenis from which they steal a kill, althrough hyenas and NK where also there, NK male is the least optimal option in my opinion out of 3.
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Netherlands Duco Ndona Offline

A big enough pride of 4 lionesses can outright kill a male lion. They probably need less to wound him to die later or when the target is still young an unexperienced like we saw with Sym.
The Mhangeni definitely have the numbers to pull it off. Probably with even more ease than Nym. But the stakes would have to be higher than just a squabble over a kill. 

I think the mysterious part is what role Nym had in the whole affair. 

The two should have been strong enough to take the pride if they had each others back. But ultimately, they didn't.
Perhaps Sym insisted in going after a cub and Nym was the wiser one to stay out of a bad fight. Or Nym just abandoned him when things got heated. 
It does not help his reputation that he also refused to form a coalition with Big Boy Mhangeni a few years prior. But then again, he may have had a good reason back then too.
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Tonpa Offline
( This post was last modified: 10-05-2021, 01:23 AM by Tonpa )

I don't think it was anything like that. The Mhangenis had a kill and the Nwalungu males wanted it. They successfully took the kill and in that confrontation the styx male sustained a bite to his rear that seems to have nicked an artery, I don't think there were any other wounds on him that would indicate he was attacked by multiple lionesses
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline

(10-05-2021, 01:08 AM)Duco Ndona Wrote: A big enough pride of 4 lionesses can outright kill a male lion. They probably need less to wound him to die later or when the target is still young an unexperienced like we saw with Sym.
The Mhangeni definitely have the numbers to pull it off. Probably with even more ease than Nym. But the stakes would have to be higher than just a squabble over a kill. 

I think the mysterious part is what role Nym had in the whole affair. 

The two should have been strong enough to take the pride if they had each others back. But ultimately, they didn't.
Perhaps Sym insisted in going after a cub and Nym was the wiser one to stay out of a bad fight. Or Nym just abandoned him when things got heated. 
It does not help his reputation that he also refused to form a coalition with Big Boy Mhangeni a few years prior. But then again, he may have had a good reason back then too

I think you are looking too much into it, as @Tonpa said, it was just unlucky bite, lions have scraps like that over kills on daily basis.

This was prob similar situation to this, but unfortunetly he got bitten from behind which was fatal:

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Argentina T I N O Offline

(10-05-2021, 01:42 AM)Tr1x24 Wrote:
(10-05-2021, 01:08 AM)Duco Ndona Wrote: A big enough pride of 4 lionesses can outright kill a male lion. They probably need less to wound him to die later or when the target is still young an unexperienced like we saw with Sym.
The Mhangeni definitely have the numbers to pull it off. Probably with even more ease than Nym. But the stakes would have to be higher than just a squabble over a kill. 

I think the mysterious part is what role Nym had in the whole affair. 

The two should have been strong enough to take the pride if they had each others back. But ultimately, they didn't.
Perhaps Sym insisted in going after a cub and Nym was the wiser one to stay out of a bad fight. Or Nym just abandoned him when things got heated. 
It does not help his reputation that he also refused to form a coalition with Big Boy Mhangeni a few years prior. But then again, he may have had a good reason back then too

I think you are looking too much into it, as @Tonpa said, it was just unlucky bite, lions have scraps like that over kills on daily basis.

This was prob similar situation to this, but unfortunetly he got bitten from behind which was fatal:

The measure of a lioness claw has a size of 1,6 up to 1,8 m. Thus, If the Mangheni females have reacted in the way of protect their cubs, A claw of 1,6 to 1,8 could nicked an artery without a problems.
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RookiePundit Offline
Regular Member

(10-04-2021, 11:30 PM)Duco Ndona Wrote: It may just be some lionesses that gotten into estrus and broke away from the pride for a bit to mate. 

I would not say that they have accepted him until he is seen hanging out with the core pride. 
Keep in mind that this is the same pride that killed Sym not that long ago.

Well, Mhagenis seems to be gone from the kill before Styx got the fatal injury. They are the least likely culprits, based on that picture posted here at the time, we can probably rule them out, hyenas or Nkuhuma did it most likely.
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United Kingdom Mabingilane Offline
Regular Member

(10-05-2021, 01:08 AM)Duco Ndona Wrote: It does not help his reputation that he also refused to form a coalition with Big Boy Mhangeni a few years prior. But then again, he may have had a good reason back then too.
In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with NYM's reputation as a potential coalition partner for any young male. Especially not for any past circumstances. 
He and big boy were forming a nice bond with one another and were often seen together, grooming & reaffirming. They even had one another's back at a time. I definitely do not think he refused to join big boy or rejected him as a partner.  NyM was still spending time with his natal pride and his Mother at the time too. 
If Big Boy did not tragically die when he did, they both very likely would have departed the area together and started their journey as a nomadic coalition.  

As per Styx male, that is clouded in mystery. But the wigns point to a freak incident. Caught in the wrong place and severed an artery. 

I think our boy's good in the coalition partner field. He's just had very bad luck thus far.
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South Africa Slayerd Offline
Regular Member
( This post was last modified: 10-05-2021, 11:41 AM by Slayerd )

I don't think it was anything more than just unfortunate. The Styx male severed an artery and bled out. Such an unfortunate and unlucky death but it was nature. We have seen lions brutally attack and injure each other and they mostly heal from their wounds. This was just a simple attack that led to an unfortunate death. The Styx and the Nkuhuma male seemed very bonded and close to each other compared to Nk and the Mhangeni male. Its just really unlucky for him that things turned out the way it did. Hopefully a good future awaits him.
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lionuk Offline
( This post was last modified: 10-05-2021, 12:16 PM by lionuk )

1/2 Plains Camp young males, Lighter maned, at Nkorho Bush Lodge. 
No date given, but I've messaged the photographer and am waiting for the reply.
Photo credit: Raddall

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Netherlands Duco Ndona Offline

If I recall correctly, Nym and Big Boy Mhangeni split up very soon after going nomadic though. They werent a coalition anymore at the time of his death.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline
( This post was last modified: 10-05-2021, 04:37 PM by Tr1x24 )

(10-05-2021, 02:03 PM)Duco Ndona Wrote: If I recall correctly, Nym and Big Boy Mhangeni split up very soon after going nomadic though. They werent a coalition anymore at the time of his death.

They where subadults, they where still roaming their natal area, sometimes together, sometimes separated, towards the dead of Big Boy they where seen more separated as Big Boy was following Nkuhumas while Nkuhuma didn't care about that and was hanging with his sister around Simbambili area..

But as somebody said, if Big Boy didn't die, 99% they would stick together and form a coalition.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Offline

Talamatis, finally dark maned young male showed up, he was not seen since Imbali incident :

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United States criollo2mil Offline
( This post was last modified: 10-05-2021, 08:23 PM by criollo2mil )

(10-05-2021, 07:32 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote: Talamatis, finally dark maned young male showed up, he was not seen since Imbali incident :

Yes, this is the split with Silvereye who was there laying down on far right.  still looking thin and recovering from that previous hyena attack.  Hope she gets a few meals in her.   At her age, things are slower to get better.

Correction: Not Silvereye in this group. I just saw she was seen alone separate from this sighting and looking better. Wound still recovering but she has had some good meals in comparison to last sighting.
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