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The Birmingham Males

Spain Calvitoo Offline

(09-20-2021, 08:54 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote: Bboys on a patrol this morning, Tinyo looking good:

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
Glad to see that this gladiator has recovered, hopefully he and Nhenha are still in good shape to protect the new cubs
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South Africa Slayerd Offline
Regular Member

Nhenha, still the beast of Sabi Sands
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lionuk Offline

The 2 remaining Birmingham/Gowrie males Nhenha and Tinyo patrolling and looking good with a full belly at Mala Mala Game Reserve (Sable Camp), September 19.

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Poland Potato Offline

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Poland Potato Offline

Mala Mala July:

In contrast to last month when the two Gowrie males spent the bulk of their time together, we saw the opposite this month. Only in five of the 17 sightings were these two males seen together. In just under half of the sightings (7), one of both males were with members of the Kambula Pride. While their territory historically would have stretched as far north as Matumi Rocks, the steady shift south by the Northern Avoca males has resulted in the ageing Gowrie males shifting. Their focus further south and in what appears to be a retreat but alternatively is to consolidate territory and defend what is possible without stretching themselves too thin. In only three of the 17 sightings were the Gowrie males north of West Street and with a Northern Avoca male killing cubs at West Street. Therefore, for the time being, West Street is, in all likelihood, now the northern boundary for the Gowrie males and the southern limits of the Northern Avoca males. 

• The two PLAINS CAMP MALES were on the Airstrip on the 26th, Old Airstrip on the 27th , and on the 31st , they had a buffalo kill northeast of the bridge. A Gowrie male joined them, and the males took it in turns feeding while maintaining a safe distance.
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T I N O Offline

The two Birmingham/Gowrie males with 11 cubs of the Ntsevu/Kambula pride
Photo credits: Zaaher Ali,posted: 27.09.2021

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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lionuk Offline

The Warrior Tinyo yesterday at MalaMala. It's great to see him in aa great condition, and that he has recovered well.

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Poland Potato Offline

Mala Mala August:

Kambula pride:

The Kambula pride remains the most prolific pride seen on MalaMala and dominates most of the length of the Sand River. This month, a total of 56 sightings were recorded of members of this pride. As has become the norm, in none of the sightings was the entire pride together. Instead, the pride appears to have split into three fragments. The bulk of sightings this month were of three lionesses and seven cubs in the vicinity of Elephant Slide Crossing. The lionesses have moved all their cubs deeper into Gowrie male territory after losing cubs at West Street last month. The second fragment includes one lioness, the sub-adults. However, not all the sub-adults are always together. The third fragment is two lionesses in the northern parts of the prides territory who are spending their time with the Northern Avoca males.


The two Gowrie males were only seen together in seven of the 22 sightings this month. In the other 15 sightings of these males, they were either alone or in the company of members of the Kambula pride. The month started with both males together at Drum Crossing on the 1st and at Elephant Slide Crossing on the 2nd. The next time the males were seen together was at the old Flockfield Boma Crossing, where they spent the 12th and 13th. From here, they moved north together and were north of White Cloth Open Area on the 14th. The last sighting of both males together was on the 29th and 30th when they were together in the Sand River in front of Rattray's Camp. In the remaining 15 sightings, these males moved between the area of West Street and CharlestonNorth Crossing. With the events of last month around West Street and these males not being seen north of that area this month, it would appear the Gowrie males have yielded the northern half of MalaMala to the Northern Avoca males.
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United States silly girl Offline

Sure looks like Tinyo's left hip injured has plateau'd out, his trunk looks awesome but is that a new injury to his left front foot and wrist?
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Poland Potato Offline

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Spain Calvitoo Offline

(10-02-2021, 10:45 AM)silly girl Wrote: Sure looks like Tinyo's left hip injured has plateau'd out, his trunk looks awesome but is that a new injury to his left front foot and wrist?

He does not appear to have a wrist injury and Tinyo's left leg walks well in the video. I don't see him limping.
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T I N O Offline

(10-02-2021, 10:45 AM)silly girl Wrote: Sure looks like Tinyo's left hip injured has plateau'd out, his trunk looks awesome but is that a new injury to his left front foot and wrist?

Looks like a slight limp, He had a nasty limp a few months ago on his front paw. But has healed pretty well it seems.

BTW, Welcome to the forum.
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T I N O Offline

One of the Birmingham/Gowrie males at MalaMala Game Reserve 
Screenshot from: MalaMala Game Reserve 

*This image is copyright of its original author

*This image is copyright of its original author
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Hairy tummy Offline
Senior Member

It seems that the bboys v n.Avoca fued has calmed down recently. Both coalitions happy with what they have? Or do you think the avoca will make another push soon for more bboy territory?
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Duco Ndona Offline

The Avocas have gained what they wanted in the form of better hunting and mating opportunities.
There is no reason for them to push further at the moment just to drive out the BBoys and they may just as easily decide to go after another pride instead.
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