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Zoos, Circuses, Safaris: A Gallery of Captivity

Brazil Dark Jaguar Offline
Jaguar Enthusiast

@"OncaAtrox"  Maybe you haven't seen this one yet, Check out at 4:23 min and 4:58 min. Tufão cerrado male's sudden explossivness over the fence on a problematic first meeting/interaction with Kyra amazonic female.

I really like this video because of those parts Grin

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Canada Balam Offline
Jaguar Enthusiast

@Dark Jaguar absolutely powerful, reminded me of the video of Richard charging at the fence and bending it with all his force after being captured. Jaguars are incredibly powerful, I was worried for the dog who kept teasing Tufão but thankfully he was more interested in the female.
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Brazil Dark Jaguar Offline
Jaguar Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 06-03-2020, 03:37 PM by Dark Jaguar )

@"OncaAtrox"  Yes it resembles Richard wild cerrado male but much less aggressive haha.

Regarding the dog, Zabelê is the one who monitores the skirmishes there, most of jaguars in the sanctuary respect her, she's like ''a boss'' for most jags there.

By the way in the video bellow you'll see There's a Melanistic Cerrado male in IOP named Zulu he is very unpredictable, Leandro doesn't trust him at all, Zulu bites and use his claws, he stays with an even more aggressive female (at -2:19m) she's orphan and arrived all the way from Mato Grosso ( but yes she's a cerrado female), he says its important to really understand each animals personalities, each jaguar has their own and they gotta know which jaguar to trust, even the trustworthy ones are still powerful wild animals by nature that can easily hurt, Zulu is a very agitaded jaguar and Leandro said he would never stay alone with him much less with the aggresive female, he says if she has the chance she'll attack anyone, so Leandro only meets them accompanied by Zabelê.

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Netherlands peter Offline
Co-owner of Wildfact
( This post was last modified: 06-03-2020, 06:59 PM by peter )


The dog seems to 'educate' the orphaned young jaguars. They definitely respect her. Can you tell us a bit more about her background? Nice videos.
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Sanju Offline
Senior member

Many animal interactions inc. lion vs american black bear


Finland Shadow Offline
( This post was last modified: 06-03-2020, 07:53 PM by Shadow )

(06-03-2020, 07:17 PM)Sanju Wrote: Many animal interactions inc. lion vs american black bear

This person who uploads and edits these videos is quite obviously some lion fan. While accusing other channels of false information in this video is for instance first aggressive tiger and right after it a scene in which tiger flees from aggressive lion. Problem is, that it´s suggested, that the same tiger. While in reality those are two different tigers. That first tiger is no joke and I doubt, that it would give up just like that. Anyway I have seen both of those clips as longer versions and face pattern can be seen and it´s 100% certain, that different tigers. And this video is otherwise too a lot of short glimpses from here and there etc.

 I don´t think, that this kind of videos have anything to offer really. Some videos from these lion and tiger fans are good, when there is a longer video clip from one incident and less text. I would recommend to seek that kind of videos, which aren´t edited so much. The less text and "explanations" from those people, the better. What do you guys thing @peter, @sanjay, @Rishi, @Lycaon etc.?
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Oman Lycaon Offline
أسد الأطلس


Indeed we should avoid posting these videos with a clear agenda to fanboyism.

Netherlands peter Offline
Co-owner of Wildfact
( This post was last modified: 06-03-2020, 08:57 PM by peter )


As a general rule, discussions about interactions between captive big cats and bears on forums are dominated by posters guided by preference. One result is sound observations and conclusions often are lacking. Another is most, if not all, debates affect the climate sooner or later. This is the main reason we decided against them. 

If we want to discuss interactions between big cats and bears at Wildfact, severe moderation is the only option. Mods not only need to be capable (able to read and understand body language). They also need to be willing to invest time, as debates on big cats and bears usually draw a crowd. 

We could discuss the options in the mod thread, but I don't think we need an outcome to remove crap videos and posts. Wildfact is about good information and respect. That will never ever change.
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Brazil Dark Jaguar Offline
Jaguar Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 06-03-2020, 08:57 PM by Dark Jaguar )

(06-03-2020, 06:57 PM)peter Wrote: DARK JAGUAR

The dog seems to 'educate' the orphaned young jaguars. They definitely respect her. Can you tell us a bit more about her background? Nice videos.


If I am not misken I recall Leandro saying she's an Australian loyal breed. Zabelê is fundamental in many ways, by imposing authority all the time with no fear she calms down stressed animals it could be either jaguar or maned wolf, the animals there feel embraced with her, they even spare many sedatings that without Zabelê could be used on moving one animal from one enclosure to the other but with her Leandro can take the animal ''awake'' anywhere with no problems cause the animals follow her thus he takes her to the other enclosure ( or elsewhere ) and the animals also comes along haha.

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Finland Shadow Offline
( This post was last modified: 06-03-2020, 09:36 PM by Shadow )

(06-03-2020, 08:52 PM)peter Wrote: SHADOW

As a general rule, discussions about interactions between captive big cats and bears on forums are dominated by posters guided by preference. One result is sound observations and conclusions often are lacking. Another is most, if not all, debates affect the climate sooner or later. This is the main reason we decided against them. 

If we want to discuss interactions between big cats and bears at Wildfact, severe moderation is the only option. Mods not only need to be capable (able to read and understand body language). They also need to be willing to invest time, as debates on big cats and bears usually draw a crowd. 

We could discuss the options in the mod thread, but I don't think we need an outcome to remove crap videos and posts. Wildfact is about good information and respect. That will never ever change.

Here was now some kind of misunderstanding. I wasn´t writing about bears and big cats. My point was in it, that should we have some kind of idea in it, that what kind of videos here are shared. There are fanboys.... and fanboys, creating more or less edited videos with more or less all kind of explanations. 

To take examples, Adam Jeeves is obvious lion fan and he doesn´t hide it. Not at all. But his videos often have decent length so, that people can see more than 1-2 seconds of some interaction. He too edits time to time off things he doesn´t want people to see, but usally there is quite ok clip and not too much unnecessary propaganda in the middle of video. Then there is for instance this Wang Chooyang (or something like it) who prefers tigers. He likes to talk a lot, but in the middle of his videos there is also a moment, when some incident is there with no talking etc. So people can easily watch only relevant part and pass parts, in which he tells his opinion. My opinion is, that these videos are quite ok to share since propaganda parts are easy to ignore.

Then again there are these posters, who edit really heavily videos with 1-5 second glimpses from here and there if that is needed to make some incident to show what uplader/editor wants to make people to see. This video to which I now reacted is in that category. 

This is a bit a line drawn in the water in some cases, but I would prefer to see more videos, with more clear contain. Not so much "hardcore fan" videos with as much one sided propaganda as there is other content.

Debates are another thing then again.

Finland Shadow Offline
( This post was last modified: 06-03-2020, 09:49 PM by Shadow )

(06-03-2020, 08:56 PM)Dark Jaguar Wrote:
(06-03-2020, 06:57 PM)peter Wrote: DARK JAGUAR

The dog seems to 'educate' the orphaned young jaguars. They definitely respect her. Can you tell us a bit more about her background? Nice videos.


If I am not misken I recall Leandro saying she's an Australian loyal breed. Zabelê is fundamental in many ways, by imposing authority all the time with no fear she calms down stressed animals it could be either jaguar or maned wolf, the animals there feel embraced with her, they even spare many sedatings that without Zabelê could be used on moving one animal from one enclosure to the other but with her Leandro can take the animal ''awake'' anywhere with no problems cause the animals follow her thus he takes her to the other enclosure ( or elsewhere ) and the animals also comes along haha.

Amazing dog. And also amazing to see how even in middle of the brawl that one jaguar (another video) was so careful, that he didn´t hurt Zabelê even by mistake. That kind of affection is always fascinating to see between animals.
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Canada Balam Offline
Jaguar Enthusiast

From Brazilian zoo

*This image is copyright of its original author

By Paulo Pereira
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

(06-03-2020, 09:51 PM)OncaAtrox Wrote: From Brazilian zoo

*This image is copyright of its original author

By Paulo Pereira

A nice example of their girth, Jaguars are such tanks.
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Sanju Offline
Senior member

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Brazil Dark Jaguar Offline
Jaguar Enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 06-04-2020, 02:39 PM by Dark Jaguar )

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