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Tigers of Central India

Ashutosh Offline
( This post was last modified: 05-22-2020, 10:24 AM by Ashutosh )

A census conducted in Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve and it’s outskirts have revealed that there are 115 tigers and 151 leopards in an area of about 1727 of core and buffer area.

So, in that line of thinking, ever wondered what tigers do at night time? Well, TATR has put up a night vigil video casing a waterhole of a resident tigress and it shows how active she is at night from coming to have a drink couple of times to her mate calling for her and then joins her when she comes to the waterhole again. Here is the video, start at the 10 minute mark.

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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast


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Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover

Kintoo Dhawan: " The sighting which I will never forget. "

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Spalea Offline
Wildanimal Lover

David Lloyd: " Star of India
Bandhavgarh 2019 "


United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

This male had killed cubs and was not letting this female out of his sights. Apparently the father later came and the two males began sizing each other up. I'm waiting to hear who the father is.
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United States Rage2277 Offline
animal enthusiast
( This post was last modified: 05-31-2020, 11:01 PM by Rage2277 )

mangu and spotty he fathered most if not all her litters mamu's nephew killed her last litter @Pckts
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

(05-31-2020, 11:00 PM)Rage2277 Wrote: mangu and spotty he fathered most if not all her litters mamu's nephew killed her last litter @Pckts

Would of like to see some shots of Mangu vs Mamu's nephew
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

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United States Pckts Offline
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United States Pckts Offline
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United States Pckts Offline
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Vinod Ayam

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United States Rage2277 Offline
animal enthusiast

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*This image is copyright of its original author
 Bandhavgarh has just added six new tiger cubs. Confirmed just in recent. Mothers taking care of both families. A boost for this charismatic species & good news for conservationists.  wow looks like two tabby cubs there 
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United States Pckts Offline
Bigcat Enthusiast

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Ashutosh Offline

Tadoba’s Maya(T12) has given birth to a litter of 5 cubs in March. There have been no sightings because of Coronavirus shutdown. The father is a bit tough to say, as her range overlaps or shares a boundary with 5-6 males and she has been seen mating with most of them to keep her cubs safe as a male tiger killed her second litter.

Probable father being Matkasur or T101 (Tala), a male from Kolsa range, brother of Rudra. She has got a tough juggling act on her hands if she has to raise all these cubs to maturity.
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Ashutosh Offline

Update from post #1468

Radha(N1), daughter of Nallawala Baaghin of Pench from her last litter grew up in an enclosure in Kanha since she was 8 months old after her mother and siblings were poisoned. Her partner, Kishan(N2) was relocated from Bandhavgarh. The first litter didn’t survive probably owing to the inexperience of the mother and how she was raised in isolation. Together with 3 cubs, the second litter are the first family in Nauradehi Sanctuary. A male tiger from Panna has also dispersed in this landscape (although I don’t have any updates on it).

There was also a call to add another tigress from Bandhavgarh to boost the recovery (no news on that front). But, this also marks the end of the Asiatic cheetah reintroduction programme in this landscape as Nauradehi was earmarked for this project. But, with tiger reclaiming lost habitat, it would be untenable to reintroduce cheetah here even though they would mostly occupy the dry grasslands.

This is a latest photo with cubs born in September, 2019.
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