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The Tumbela Coalition

Mwk85 Offline
Senior Member
( This post was last modified: 07-20-2023, 07:24 AM by Mwk85 Edit Reason: Added additional information )

Following the Ximhungwes. Still has the noticeable limp.

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Belgium criollo2mil Offline

The Last Tumbela Chillin’

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Mwk85 Offline
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Tonpa Offline

Tumbela hobbling
by Alexander Stone

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Croatia Tr1x24 Online
Top Contributor

(07-29-2023, 12:54 AM)Tonpa Wrote: Tumbela hobbling

That leg doesnt look better.

I hope im wrong, but with his skinny appearence in recent months + limping, that looks very familiar to condition of his 2 brothers..

Its posible he was also infected with them, but disease just didnt show (good genes and imune system), and now with lack of regular meals + stress, imune system is low, so disease came out on surface..

As lone nomad, this is not looking good.
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Cath2020 Offline
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I don't think it necessarily has anything to do with disease.  Like the caption read, he was attacked and disabled.  Therefore, his days are numbered.  I keep reminding myself that he did not leave, like the lone Nkuhuma Male, so he paid the price....very unfortunate.  Looks a lot worse now.  I'm wondering if the wounds on one of the PC Male's muzzle reflected the fact that he attacked the Tumbela Male.  He was playing with fire for months and month now.  I knew it would come to this.  

He refused to leave their territory, which wasn't his anymore.  In the lion world, 'Might Makes Right.'  

Hope he can recover somewhat and then LEAVE.

Duco Ndona Offline

He is in a terrible position right now. Alone, limping and hiding away in enemy territory. Unlikely to be properly able to hunt for himself. Unable to gain enough nutrients with what he can catch to get better.
Part of it is due to his own decisions. He refuses to leave a pride where he isnt welcome, stays in a territory of lions out to kill him. He allienated the only viable partner he could get when he was still healthy and now looks far to weak to join another coalition as anything other than the punching bag.

The Tumbella coalition is unlikely to go down as one of the succes stories of sabi sands, but rather as a coalition plagued by illness, misery and bad luck. But atleast he and Limper had a few good years with the Othawas.
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Canada Mdz123 Offline

(07-29-2023, 01:26 AM)Tr1x24 Wrote:
(07-29-2023, 12:54 AM)Tonpa Wrote: Tumbela hobbling

That leg doesnt look better.

I hope im wrong, but with his skinny appearence in recent months + limping, that looks very familiar to condition of his 2 brothers..

Its posible he was also infected with them, but disease just didnt show (good genes and imune system), and now with lack of regular meals + stress, imune system is low, so disease came out on surface..

As lone nomad, this is not looking good.

Imo i dont think its the disease, if it was the same disease as his brothers, he wouldve died long ago, even if his immune system might be stronger then his brothers. The more likely cause is likely repeated beatings from rivals as he refuses to leave his old territory. I dont think he wouldve looked like this had he left and found and empty area.
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Mwk85 Offline
Senior Member

(07-29-2023, 12:54 AM)Tonpa Wrote: Tumbela hobbling
by Alexander Stone

Hopefully more information will come to light as to what exactly happened. I know, the clip had a caption with it but after looking the credited individual up it appears that he's a tourist on a safari vacation and no offense to him or other tourists, but I'm hesitant to take information from them at complete face value, to be honest.
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Panama Mapokser Offline

I'm still of the opinion that his brothers died like they did because they had their father TB. There was mention of TB being passed from father to son and it's too much of a coincidence that all those sired by Sizanani suffer the exact same fate while the ones sired by Skorro are healthy.

If it was a disease he got from a carcass he'd be a dead a long time ago.

Croatia Tr1x24 Online
Top Contributor
( This post was last modified: 07-29-2023, 11:20 AM by Tr1x24 )

(07-29-2023, 09:43 AM)Mapokser Wrote: I'm still of the opinion that his brothers died like they did because they had their father TB. There was mention of TB being passed from father to son and it's too much of a coincidence that all those sired by Sizanani suffer the exact same fate while the ones sired by Skorro are healthy.

If it was a disease he got from a carcass he'd be a dead a long time ago.

Neither of these things we know for certain.

We dont know for certain who sired who, also, what, only lions which fathers where ill can develop disease? Nonsense..

80,90% of lions in Kruger are infected with some kind of bacteria disease, it only depends on their genes, immune system and type of disease (is i agressive or not) when they will start to show symptoms.

And why would disese affect him the same way as his brothers? Sizanani sons might have weaker immune system based of genetics, while Skorros stronger, but that doesnt mean they are immune to disease completly.. Same disease doesnt affect every living organism the same, thats well known fact.

As for "he got that in a fight", first of all, no scars/wounds on that leg, and 2nd, that leg should be getting better if injured, not worse.

It feels like i read every week how Tumbela or NK where in a fight with PC males, if 2 PC males ever caught any of them, ever, they would be dead long ago..
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Duco Ndona Offline

Its just an coincidence. 

Tuberculosis spreads though the air and not genetically. At best you can get some genetic immunity, but even that is iffy and only protects you that much.
Besides, if the coalition contracted it during cubhood. Their harsh nomadic life would have taken them out.

Most likely the Tumbellas ate a infected kill before reaching the Othawas. And Skorro either was absent at that specific kill, (Like being seperated during the hunt). Or if he does have it, just happened to be lucky enough to keep his immune system up long enough until now. 

Assuming his current ailment is the illness and not due to a fight or accident. 
A scar is easy to heal and does so easily on its own even in the most dire lifestyles, assuming it doesnt get infected. 
A bust leg however, requires rest. Which Skorro with his constant fleeing and hunting for himself wouldn't get. So it is possible that leg troubles continue long after the scars are gone and sets off trouble later.

Panama Mapokser Offline
( This post was last modified: 07-29-2023, 11:26 PM by Mapokser )

@Tr1x24 That's why I said "I'm of th opinion", not "the fact is..."

And can you point out when, exactly, I said only lions with ill fathers ccan get ill?

I also said "probably" got in a fight, as you know, how it was reported "he was probably attacked".

PCM HAVE caught them before, this is no speculation, but facts, it was reported by rangers previously, Tumbela in fact has been caught twice already, first when Nhenha was injured in Ulusaba, PCM attacked him and we saw him with a puncture on his back. Then before he disappeared he was last seen chased by PCM ( reported by rangers, IIRC around the time Ximhungwes supposedly lost their cubs ), and when he reappeared in northern Singita he had a badly scarred back.

Lions survive 1v2 all the time, Amahle barely got any damage from BDM, Tumbela barely got any injuries from Nhenha and NK, DeLaporte is fully recovered from the Avocas, the list goes on. You can even take the strongest duos ever and see them failing to kill or even do meaningful damage 2v1. Mbiris caught a young Nharu male and left him go without any serious damage after a beating. 2 Mlowathi Mapogos caught old Rollercoaster and did no meaningful damage, also caught remaining Manyeleti male and he escaped and outlived both Mapogos by at least 2 years.

Lions survive even 1v3 ( hell some males have survived 1v4 and recovery, like one of the Selatis ), we are tired of seeing it, even a crippled old Nhenha survived a second PCM attack and died weeks later of starvation due to his limp from the first attack stopping him from hunting. So no, they wouldn't be dead necessarily if caught by PCM, and from an entirely statistical point of view, chances are much higher for them to survive a 1v2 than die in one.

So I've no idea where you got the idea of getting caught by PCM equals death.
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Tylermartin! Offline
Regular Member

(07-29-2023, 11:21 PM)Mapokser Wrote: @Tr1x24 That's why I said "I'm of th opinion", not "the fact is..."

And can you point out when, exactly, I said only lions with ill fathers ccan get ill?

I also said "probably" got in a fight, as you know, how it was reported "he was probably attacked".

PCM HAVE caught them before, this is no speculation, but facts, it was reported by rangers previously, Tumbela in fact has been caught twice already, first when Nhenha was injured in Ulusaba, PCM attacked him and we saw him with a puncture on his back. Then before he disappeared he was last seen chased by PCM ( reported by rangers, IIRC around the time Ximhungwes supposedly lost their cubs ), and when he reappeared in northern Singita he had a badly scarred back.

Lions survive 1v2 all the time, Amahle barely got any damage from BDM, Tumbela barely got any injuries from Nhenha and NK, DeLaporte is fully recovered from the Avocas, the list goes on. You can even take the strongest duos ever and see them failing to kill or even do meaningful damage 2v1. Mbiris caught a young Nharu male and left him go without any serious damage after a beating. 2 Mlowathi Mapogos caught old Rollercoaster and did no meaningful damage, also caught remaining Manyeleti male and he escaped and outlived both Mapogos by at least 2 years.

Lions survive even 1v3 ( hell some males have survived 1v4 and recovery, like one of the Selatis ), we are tired of seeing it, even a crippled old Nhenha survived a second PCM attack and died weeks later of starvation due to his limp from the first attack stopping him from hunting. So no, they wouldn't be dead necessarily if caught by PCM, and from an entirely statistical point of view, chances are much higher for them to survive a 1v2 than die in one.

So I've no idea where you got the idea of getting caught by PCM equals death.

It just depends 2v1 against a strong single male they might not be able to finish the job plus we don’t see many of these fights the southern avocas vs dreadlocks that looked very bad but they didn’t finish him off they didn’t break is spine so he could recover until the spine is broke then I think ALMOST any male can survive an attack but they might have life changing injuries afterwards or might not but yeah the plains camp males haven’t broken any males spine so they can’t move and are left for dead they basically just beat the intruder up badly and for nhenha he got beating up very badly they basically killed him same with uboso he got beaten pretty badly if he hadn’t gotten beaten up he’d be alive If nhenha hadn’t gotten attack twice he’d be alive

Duco Ndona Offline

Its probably more that it is very difficult for another lion to safely catch and kill another adult lion without risk. So a lot of time lions just manage to escape or are left off the hook by what the attackers believe is decisive damage. If this lion then has a support network to care for him during his recovery or is not hurt enough to prevent hunting, he then stands a chance of survival.

Dreadlocks was very lucky. Uboso was simply to far gone to survive. Despite the care of prides and his brothers, he still succombed to his wounds months later. Nhenha was a goner the moment he got grabbed. It just took a few weeks for him to expire. But every lion there already wrote him off the days after the fight.

As for Skorro. He is all alone there and insist on going after the Ximhungwes. Once the PCmales grab him good, its going to be either over. Or he will survive and become even more dependent on the Ximhungwes. Making it more likely the PCmales finish him off later.

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