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The Tumbela Coalition

Duco Ndona Offline

We never got a good picture of how sickly Limper was exactly. But it couldnt have been too bad as he was able to go on little adventures on his own in which he climbed trees and interacted with new prides.
Even if he was limping, he may have given enough of a impression to be healthy to scare of rival coalitions.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Online
Top Contributor
( This post was last modified: 08-22-2022, 02:36 PM by Tr1x24 )

(08-22-2022, 01:43 PM)Duco Ndona Wrote: We never got a good picture of how sickly Limper was exactly. But it couldnt have been too bad as he was able to go on little adventures on his own in which he climbed trees and interacted with new prides.
Even if he was limping, he may have given enough of a impression to be healthy to scare of rival coalitions.

That was before, then he was still roaring and patroling with Skorro Jr.,  but lately, since around the beginning of this year,  he deterioated even more, he stopped roaring and patroling, only following pride for food.
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Duco Ndona Offline

Didnt he take that trip to Singita on his own shortly before his death?
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United States BA0701 Offline
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( This post was last modified: 08-22-2022, 04:36 PM by BA0701 )

(08-22-2022, 03:47 PM)Duco Ndona Wrote: Didnt he take that trip to Singita on his own shortly before his death?

Was that trip to Singita after his run in with Nhenha and NYM?
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Croatia Tr1x24 Online
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(08-22-2022, 04:32 PM)BA0701 Wrote: Was that trip to Singita after his run in with Nhenha and NYM?

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United States BA0701 Offline
Super Moderator

(08-22-2022, 05:34 PM)Tr1x24 Wrote:
(08-22-2022, 04:32 PM)BA0701 Wrote: Was that trip to Singita after his run in with Nhenha and NYM?


That's is what I thought, so he had a reason to go there since he came very close to dying himself.
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Duco Ndona Offline

That he made it there is a sign however that his health wasnt that bad. 
He was seen in good health and even shared a kill with other lions that otherwise would have chased him off.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Online
Top Contributor
( This post was last modified: 08-22-2022, 07:56 PM by Tr1x24 )

(08-22-2022, 07:43 PM)Duco Ndona Wrote: That he made it there is a sign however that his health wasnt that bad. 
He was seen in good health and even shared a kill with other lions that otherwise would have chased him off.

He was in bad state, he litteraly died ~ 2 weeks after.

Even before that Nhenha and NK even didn't bother to kill him, seeing him as no threat.
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Duco Ndona Offline

There are plenty of animals that lions kill despite being no threat to them. I think its more likely they caught him on the way back.
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BigLion39 Offline
Senior Member

Well yes, of course on deaths door, a sickly lion who ends up succumbing to sickness within 2 weeks is of no help. But the majority of Limpers life he was atleast a deterrent to other coalitions and Scorro Jr and the Othawas could atleast have a feeling of security juat by his presence. It was enough to keep out the threats, that was until, like you say, he was so sick he couldn't do anything.
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Gavskrr Offline
Regular Member

Following the comments on the post by pride othawa I decided to post it here for being specific, I don't want to generate a debate on the subject.

I know this has already been discussed, particularly around the time OM was killed, but judging by the last few meetings where it was reported that Skorro "won" if it's possible to use that term a dispute with Nhenha, I find it very unlikely that he was killed without have marks on potential aggressors, it is worth remembering that Tinyo and Nhenha were a much more experienced duo and even so there were signs of a struggle with one of them limping for a certain time, it would have to be a very specific situation for Skorro jr to end up dead without a trace, it is much more likely that he has  runaway again, in the dream world he would find a new mate, but judging that even though manyeleti have several solo males, they would hardly accept a mate as they are already dominant.
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1ofCourage Offline
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Skorro Jr came back to the lionesses and his cubs.  He made a decision with terrible odds, and knowing this he appeared to be intently waiting for the attacks from either the PC boys or N and H. He knew it would be too much to handle, so it really was amazing to me that he even returned at all.  Maybe he thought things would "blow over" and all would go back to normal, at least for a while.  

Now I believe and hope he left, though I may be wrong and he could be dead.  I think he will come back at least one more time if he's alive.  Why?  Because I think that's why he went to the Xinghungwe lioness, so that he could look for his brother there.  Skorro Jr was gone when Limper left, but he would have known where he was heading.  I think he just had to check and see if Limper was there and just weak, but alive.  He was his partner after all and he had to see even with great danger.  Lions do investigate things when they want to know.

Maybe Nhenha or the Nkuhuma male caught him visiting, or they followed him when he was heading back to the pride.  Nevertheless I think that Skorro will return to check on the pride if he is alive and he can even with terrible odds again.
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sik94 Offline

(08-27-2022, 03:10 AM)1ofCourage Wrote: Skorro Jr came back to the lionesses and his cubs.  He made a decision with terrible odds, and knowing this he appeared to be intently waiting for the attacks from either the PC boys or N and H. He knew it would be too much to handle, so it really was amazing to me that he even returned at all.  Maybe he thought things would "blow over" and all would go back to normal, at least for a while.  

Now I believe and hope he left, though I may be wrong and he could be dead.  I think he will come back at least one more time if he's alive.  Why?  Because I think that's why he went to the Xinghungwe lioness, so that he could look for his brother there.  Skorro Jr was gone when Limper left, but he would have known where he was heading.  I think he just had to check and see if Limper was there and just weak, but alive.  He was his partner after all and he had to see even with great danger.  Lions do investigate things when they want to know.

Maybe Nhenha or the Nkuhuma male caught him visiting, or they followed him when he was heading back to the pride.  Nevertheless I think that Skorro will return to check on the pride if he is alive and he can even with terrible odds again. 

I think Skorro knows the situation he is in and would have been on high alert from either the PC boys or Nhena/NYM. Probably just made a run for it and high tailed it back north.
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Duco Ndona Offline

Its a very weid situation.

On one side he must have been scared out of his mind, being besieged by a much stronger coalition knowing darn well whats going to happen. He already lost his cool and ran once. 

But he also deliberately went down straight into the heart of enemy territory just to sniff out his chances with the Ximhungwes. So it appears he wasnt as scared of them at all.

And then there are the Birminghams, which all of a sudden decided to attack and kill  twoOthawa lionesses in just a week time. As if they knew for sure the pride is defenseless.

I think Skorro, for some reason or not made a huge mistake by vising the Ximhungwes and that a fight occured which he lost. Either due to death or being ran off.
Which in turn embolded the Birminghams to pick foghts with the Othawas.
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Croatia Tr1x24 Online
Top Contributor

Skorro Jr.  is nomad since he run off first time in Manyeleti (even before that he kept low profile) , he returned back just to steal few kills from Othawas (as he knows that this pride will get him easy meal) , he didn’t roar or anything else, he knew this isnt his territory anymore.

As for Ximhungwe, he prob just bumped into her, and he knows her from before.

He was definitely on high alert, as he knows this is not his land anymore,  its really hard to catch nomadic male like that. 

He prob just run away on first sight or near by roar from Nhenha and NK.

Also,  Nhenha and NK would have visiable injuries from that clash, as Skorro Jr. is big, strong prime male,  that wouldn't be an "easy" fight for them.

Lets just wait and see if he pops up again somewhere, as he did before, when also people where saying he is dead.
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